Here we go again.
This, coming from one of the least credible sources on the planet, the US Justice department.
After spending 2.5 years lying to us about Russian interference and Trump colluding with Russia to discredit his election win in 2016, with the blatantly corrupt, Mueller Witch Hunt.
Re: Re: More election fraud nonsense
By metmike - June 3, 2024, 3 p.m.
Make NO mistake. Trump was not the first person and the Rs were not the first party to take this position of a FAKE election steal:
12 Minutes of Democrats Denying Election Results
We know what Trump did after the 2020 election loss but completely lost in the discussion was what the Ds and justice department did after the 2016 election........insisting that Trump's presidency was illegitimate because of "Russian Interference!"
Special Counsel Durham Testifies
Started by metmike - June 21, 2023, 11:24 a.m.
Durham's final report.........Muellers corrupt investigation
9 responses |
Started by wglassfo - June 1, 2022, 11:21 a.m.
would our little Hillary does this?
5 responses |
Started by mcfarm - May 20, 2022, 3:52 p.m.
More Mueller corruption!
Started by metmike - Sept. 11, 2020, 6:44 p.m.
FISA report: DOJ watchdog releases findings on Russia probe surveillance Started by metmike - Dec. 9, 2019, 1:12 p.m.
IG testimony today
Started by wglassfo - Dec. 11, 2019, 5:09 p.m.
Alan Dershowitz: Stone indictment follows concerning Mueller pattern
Re: Re: Pardon for Michael Flynn
Reviewing Muellers corruption with facts:
Just to add this about Horowitz's covering up for the FBI with his interpretation of their unethical behavior(calling it just a bunch of double digit, unintentional errors):
March 31, 2020
new stone video
36 responses |
Started by mcfarm - Feb. 9, 2019, 11:20 a.m.
Then lying to us 4 years later in 2020, that Hunter Biden's laptop didn't exist. They claimed it was made up by Russia to try to interfere in the election to get Trump elected.
Re: The US is a very corrupt country
By metmike - June 27, 2023, 4:55 p.m.
This example below, defines who they are!
"Despite the FBI’s internal corroboration, 51 former US intelligence agency leaders signed a pre-election letter saying that the laptop had “all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.”
Most news outlets ignored the laptop’s contents until well after Biden won the 2020 election, with the Washington Post and New York Times saying only in March 2022 that they had confirmed the authenticity of files.
We get 100 times more propaganda and lies from our justice department, government and media than what Russia puts out.
This new story, is just another case of it.
Trying to convince us that if we read/hear negative stories about Harris and/or positive ones about Trump......it could be that Russian interference that keeps popping up every 4 years.
200 countries in the world but it's always Russia that's the main threat and its always Russia trying to get Trump elected each time.
They used 25 million of our tax dollars and 2.5 years to tell lies about the 2016 election to try to discredit Trumps win. Then, they used 51 DOJ experts in 2020 and the MSM to blatantly lie about it before that election.........telling us that Russia was trying to get Trump elected again, this time by using a fake laptop that actually DID BELONG TO HUNTER.
4 years later, same tactic, same corrupt people.
Crazy that one of the worlds leaders in propaganda and lies, the DOJ, working in cahoots with the other leaders in propaganda and lies, our government and the media keep USING PROPAGANDA AND LIES TO TELL US RUSSIA IS DOING WHAT THEY DO!!!!
The question comes to mind, can lying be a form theft? Is it a form of theft to lie about important information that people may use to decide how to vote?
yes I agree Cutworm. Totally collusion between big gov and big lib media for the purpose of theft. And again not just the voting and counting fraud like some like to harp about
This is a wonderful point, cutworm.
I've often referred to this as "stealing our intelligence"
One of the worst things about it is that these corrupt people WORK FOR US. Our tax dollars pay their salaries!
The media on the other hand is a "for profit" enterprise. They do things to generate ratings and sales which increase their profits. It would be good for them to practice honest journalism but I can tell you from being chief meteorologist at WEHT-TV in Evansville IN for 11 years, what is usually most important to management and always to the owner.......RATINGS. I was reminded of this almost monthly.
The Neilson and Arbitron ratings were done every Feb-May-July-November. Vacations by main anchors were not allowed during those 4 months. Our station did special programs and spent extra money advertising during those months, including using billboards. They will do things and say things that boost ratings that are NOT OBJECTIVE.
added: We even used a contest one year, 1985, where I called people at the end of the 6pm and 10pm news(from post cards mailed in) and if they knew "the word" that we had scrolled across the screen earlier in the newscast, they got $500. At the end of the month, everybody that got called got a car key when they came out to Washington Square Mall. Only 1 of them started the brand new car we gave away.
Politicians running for office have a similar mentality ahead of elections but on steroids. They say and do things that are self serving to get elected. That is their main objective. However, we pay their salaries, so they work for us and should be serving us not their personal agenda's.
The DOJ on the other hand is composed of appointed bureaucrats. There are no important ratings or elections. They are not supposed to be affiliated with either party. They are supposed to work for us.
The REAL world profoundly proves to be the polar opposite of that. They affiliate with political parties, then use their powerful influence to put their fingers on the scale to impact our views and to impact the results of elections.
They strongly lean towards the left/Ds but can often lean towards strongly favoring individuals in elections.
It's not just isolated but defines the DOJ at times.
3 more quintessential examples of this were the 3 galactically corrupt Trump trials in NY, using manufactured crimes and blatantly absurd interpretations.
Since the people in NY hate Trump, one might say that the tax payers there are getting their money's worth but what does that say about the ability of our justice departments to weaponize their TREMENDOUS POWER to target people based on politics???
Get Trump-Hush Money Hullabaloo
Started by metmike - April 17, 2024, 4:57 p.m.
Trump civil fraud trial-nonsense
Started by metmike - Nov. 12, 2023, 2:43 a.m.
Trump rape case
Started by metmike - May 3, 2023, 9:33 p.m.
Readers here know what my personal position is on Donald Trump:
Trump 7-26-24
Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.
As a private citizen, I have a right to express that and use it to determine how to vote in elections. But the justice system constantly violates their oath to the American people that pays them (to be impartial) and who they are supposed to serve. Violates their oath to the Constitution. Violates their oath to ethical standards when they conduct themselves this way.......and they do it with reckless abandon to impose their will on the people/country.
good to hear from you again Jean
Yes, it's great to read you Jean!
“We urge every ally, every partner, to start by treating RT’s activities as they do other intelligence activities by Russia within their borders,” he added, welcoming such an initiative being undertaken jointly by the US, Britain and Canada.
RT, a news organ launched in 2005, is widely considered abroad to be a vehicle for Kremlin propaganda. Over the years they have actively engaged pro-Russian voices in the US, such as Tucker Carlson and Scott Ritter.
U.S. hits Russian state media with new sanctions
This summer, intelligence officials warned that Russia was using unwitting Americans to spread its propaganda by disguising it in English on sites popular with Americans. Officials say Russia seeks to divide Americans ahead of the election as a way of reducing support for Ukraine.
Russia's influence operations also appear designed to support former President Donald Trump, who has criticized Ukraine and the NATO alliance while praising Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Blinken to the world: You must censor sources and information that contradicts all of our lies and propaganda about Ukraine and Russia!
Who controls the memes, controls the Universe
Propaganda is communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda, which may not be objective and may be selectively presenting facts to encourage a particular synthesis or perception, or using loaded language to produce an emotional rather than a rational response to the information that is being presented.[1] Propaganda can be found in a wide variety of different contexts.[2]
Beginning in the twentieth century, the English term propaganda became associated with a manipulative approach, but historically, propaganda had been a neutral descriptive term of any material that promotes certain opinions or ideologies.[1][3]
A wide range of materials and media are used for conveying propaganda messages, which changed as new technologies were invented, including paintings, cartoons, posters, pamphlets, films, radio shows, TV shows, and websites. More recently, the digital age has given rise to new ways of disseminating propaganda, for example, bots and algorithms are currently being used to create computational propaganda and fake or biased news and spread it on social media.
L. Ron Hubbard, Operation Midnight Climax, and stochastic terrorism—the race for mind control changed America forever.
April 12, 2024
By metmike - Feb. 27, 2023, 10:04 p.m.
The Basic Principles of War Propaganda
The basic principles of war propaganda (Principes élémentaires de propagande de guerre) is a monograph by Anne Morelli published in 2001. It has not been translated into English. The subtitle recommends its "usability in case of cold, hot or lukewarm war" (Utilisables en cas de guerre froide, chaude ou tiède).
The ten "commandments" of propaganda which Anne Morelli elaborates in this work are, above all, an analytical framework for pedagogical purposes and for media analysis. Morelli does not want to take sides or defend "dictators", but show the regularity of use of the ten principles in the media and in society:
2-27-23: Unless you've been living in a cave, you know well that the above defines the propaganda from the West/NATO/US. In 2023, the technology allows for it to be much more powerful/widespread and effective than at times in the past, like the Vietnam war.
You would think that advanced communications would better reflect more facts, evidence and truth. Lies, distortions and false narratives would all be exposed.
NOPE. Just the opposite.
Governments have agenda's.
The gatekeepers of messages/media have biased agenda's. One of them is to make money. Another one is to convince people to believe things which support their political agenda's.......maximizing the use of the powerful communication tools of this age.
9-14-24: So the question is............am I a source of Russian propaganda as Blinken would have you believe or am I EXPOSING HIS propaganda by showing the truth?
There's no denying that Russia has often used propaganda(like we do). The point is.........IN THIS CASE, what is propaganda about the war in Ukraine and what is the truth?
When you believe in the propaganda, like most Americans do, that IS YOUR TRUTH!
How ironic, hypocritical BUT TYPICAL for Blinken to accuse Russia of doing exactly what we have the franchise on doing…..bamboozling Americans with Ukrainian war propaganda.
This latest scheme is meant to be additional protection for that franchise. Emphasizing to us targets of his propaganda, that when we read/hear what I’ve been posting for 2+ years (the truth) HE WANTS US TO INTERPRET THAT AS RUSSIAN PROPAGANDA.
As mentioned previously. After seeing what the government did to Scott Ritter for speaking the truth about this war, if MarketForum suddenly goes away …..THIS IS THE REASON!
If I plan to retire, I’ll let you know well in advance But our government may decide to silence me first.
NO, I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, I bust them and I’m dead serious about this threat.
I had a reader contact me to find out more about Scott Ritter, since I mentioned him in the previous thread.
Just to elaborate, I am NOT anti government(just anti government corruption and anti war). I'm absolutely NOT pro Russia..........just PRO Ukraine and PRO Ukrainian people and FOR the path that REALLY supports them and what they REALLY want.
I'm also been PRO Israel almost my entire life (but anti Israel corruption and genocide) and for the path that is best for its survival, while being EXTREMELY PRO PALESTINIAN because they are being decimated by Israel's corruption and ethnic superiority mentality that allows them to exploit their military superiority to dehumanize and crush a race of people like they are just pesky flies.
Ritter has a very complicated, long lived, adverse relationship with our government.
His reach and influence are several orders of magnitude greater than mine.
I'm just an atmospheric scientist/chess coach/moderator/blog writer trying to make the world a better, MUCH more honest place, that includes exposing fraud and lies from BOTH political sides.y
Experts weigh in on FBI raid of Scott Ritter’s Home
Let me add too, that the government and other gatekeepers, absolutely have the technical power to take MarketForum off the internet.
Would they do it?
Probably not ......but its very conceivable.
If they did it, I would have no way to explain what happened, so I'm telling you BEFORE if might happen, so you'll know that if it does, it wasn't from me bailing. I could cut back on time spent here, like when chess starts at our 5 schools later this year and if I get busy helping my wife with her new business but I would never leave without telling you many weeks in advance. If that happens, it was from another entity taking us out.........or me dying from a medical reason.
The dying part, might be the greatest threat to my posting here.
Jean has had Scott Ritter video's on here before.
This is a very recent example. He nails almost all the reality points.......again!
He is at extreme odds with the US government and NATO on our insane Ukraine policy and actually lines up very well with common sense/critical thinking and my posts. This is likely why the FBI raided his house.
They want to find something to use against him to silence him.
The person that interviewed him has 282,000 subscribers........so his reach/audience is several orders of magnitude greater than MarketForum. He also does interviews like this at over a dozen other places.
Scott Ritter knows MUCH more than me about the nuclear weapons issue. In fact, much more than almost everybody. He's been right on almost everything related to the Ukraine war for 2.5 years. We should take it seriously when he talks about this issue. He insists that right now, we are at the highest risk of a nuclear war that would obliterate us than at any point in our history. Much higher risk than the Cuban Missile Crisis.
I already believed the same thing, very strongly but he would REALLY know better than anybody. The insane thing about this is that WE ARE PROVOKING THIS INTENTIONALLY!!!!
If Americans knew the entire truth about the war in Ukraine, including the REAL risks of nuclear devastation because of it, I feel that at least 95% would be against it, regardless of party.
The 5% for it, would have to have some sort of pathological thinking. There are no good reasons for us to be doing this. Plenty of bad ones and plenty of manufactured ones but NO GOOD REASONS! NONE!
I don't count enriching the military-industrial-political-media complex that controls the decision making, propaganda and disinformation messaging as a good reason.
Ritter does have a pro Russian slant on some of his views that I don't always agree with.
Interview with Scott Ritter on the FBI raid of his house
Why would they choose this violent approach? Even though I'm not dead, my house isn't destroyed, it's violent to have 40 people who are not invited into your house to tear it upside down, looking for things that don't exist.
Why did they choose this? And why did they do it in such a public way? I think it's designed to discredit me, intimidate me and silence me. But you can't discredit me because I've done nothing wrong. I'm a former Marine, so I don't get intimidated. And I'm not going to be silenced on issues that I feel strongly about, especially issues that I believe impact the US as a whole.
Ritter: The FBI agents came to my house, and they said people have concerns about things that you've been writing and things that you've been saying. I said, really? The FBI is coming to me about that, what happened to free speech in America? They said, no, we believe in free speech, we support free speech, just not yours, because we think your free speech violates the FARA, and that's when they gave me the search warrant.
I guess I should be somewhat proud of the fact that they've singled me out. It means that my voice is being heard, that my voice is having an impact. And it's being heard and having an impact at a time when US policy is falling apart because of the very things that I've said about.
I continue to highlight the fact that the policy that the US government has undertaken in regard to Russia is a policy that leads to a nuclear arms race and the possibility, indeed probability, of a nuclear war that would end life on the planet. That's what motivates me.
I don't want us all to die in a nuclear conflict, especially when that conflict can be avoided because the predicate of the issues that are leading us is premised on lies, distortions and misunderstandings. The fact that somebody in the Department of Justice, somebody in the State Department, somebody in the White House sees fit to silence me only means that I'm doing a good job.