Welcome to Springfield, OH
23 responses | 0 likes
Started by metmike - Sept. 14, 2024, 8:04 a.m.

I apologize for stating Springfield, IL earlier this week.

Just a reminder, metmike is for increasing LEGAL immigration. The vast majority of people coming here are good people but there needs to be a legal system that allows those good people in THE RIGHT WAY, while rejecting the bad ones, some coming here to hurt the United States..........and there were, potentially 10,000(possibly much more) with that nefarious objective that got in under Biden.

You don't think so?

Let's do the math.  If, let's say that 999 out of 1,000 people coming in are NOT here to hurt us, that's a pretty extremely lopsided statistic in favor of letting them ALL in, right? Only 1 out of 1,000 here to hurt the US. That might even be better than our general population? 

Fact is that when you multiply a small number by a big enough number it becomes significant. Out of 10 million migrants, that ratio adds up to 10,000 bad people coming here to hurt our country. If the ratio is 990 out of 1,000 people getting in are good people, which is 99% good, that means 100,000 are NOT.  That's a serious problem.

 The reason this is totally unacceptable, even if its a small % of the enormous total is pretty no brainer. We have the option to  use a system that vets legal immigrants. Identifies most of the ones we absolutely do NOT want in our country. Why would we not apply it?? Why did we NOT apply it the past 3.5 years? The sad fact is, that the reason was an intentional political, D policy agenda that is COUNTERproductive to the best interests of our country moving forward.

Previous threads:

                Let'em In                       

                Started by joj - Aug. 16, 2024, 11:26 a.m.  


                Southern border CRISIS                        

                Started by metmike - Aug. 24, 2024, 8:33 a.m.       



Springfield, Ohio


Springfield is a city in and the county seat of Clark County, Ohio, United States.[5] The municipality is located in southwestern Ohio and is situated on the Mad River, Buck Creek, and Beaver Creek, approximately 45 miles (72 km) west of Columbus and 25 miles (40 km) northeast of Dayton. As of the 2020 census, the city had a total population of 58,662, while the Springfield metropolitan area had a population of 136,001 residents.

During the 2024 presidential debate between former president Donald Trump and vice president Kamala Harris, Trump made unsubstantiated claims that immigrants in Springfield were stealing and eating people's pets.

By metmike - Sept. 14, 2024, 8:13 a.m.
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Springfield is Emblematic of America's Immigration Death Spiral | Opinion


But today, a new threat is endangering the livelihood of Springfield's citizens: Employers are actively displacing the domestic workforce by hiring newly-arrived immigrants from Haiti. All this at a time when 7 million American men between the ages of 25 and 55 are unemployed, and almost three quarters of the U.S.'s employment growth has come from immigrants since 2019.

And not everyone is embarrassed to admit it.


"I wish I had 30 more [he currently employs 30 Haitian workers," CEO Jamie McGregor of Springfield-based McGregor Metal, explained it this way during his PBS News Hour interview. "Our Haitian associates come to work every day. They don't have a drug problem. They'll stay at their machine; they'll achieve their numbers. They're here to work. And so, in general, that's a stark difference from what we're used to in our community."

How did Springfield get here? Simple: Mass immigration and chain migration during the Biden administration, as a direct result of Biden's immigration policy.

In Springfield, Migrants Are Taking a Toll on the City's Most Vulnerable | Opinion


Instead of working with the residents to gradually integrate Haitian refugees into a new country, the federal government, together with a host of immigration nonprofits, dropped 20,000 immigrants into a city of 60,000 in a little over three years time, while basically telling the residents to "figure it out."

The influx of refugees is straining the social safety net, overwhelming medical centers and schools, and raising housing costs, as unscrupulous landlords take advantage of Haitians while displacing residents in a city that already had a 22 percent poverty rate.

Residents are frustrated with the lack of support and angry at the unnecessary chaos. As Setys Kelly, a Springfield area resident, told me, "Many of the homes have been condemned previously and now [the refugees] are living in them. They have no water sometimes, no sanitation system, no heat. They've been seen publicly nude in Buck Creek, bathing."

She also explained how the influx is impacting the school system. "The school systems are overloaded. The first week of school we had 300 new Haitian students that had never attended school here before. Last year, they were getting about 40 new kids per week at the school system, and it was costing approximately $10,000 per student, per year, to educate them." Many of these students can't speak English, which causes issues between them and their teachers while also costing the district tens of thousands of dollars in new accommodations.

By metmike - Sept. 14, 2024, 8:49 a.m.
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Even the biggest pro immigration cheerleaders, if they are honest and even slightly objective can see some extremely serious problems as a result of the last 3.5 years with these policies. 

Unfortunately for the cognitively impaired, mentally ill Donald Trump,  he was not only  unable to communicate the crystal clear, profound major problems that a city like Springfield, OH is facing IN THE REAL WORLD, he turned his position into a complete joke by insisting that "migrants are eating people's pets".

Trump, sadly is the wrong person to be a spokesperson FOR ANYTHING. Making an effective case to be president, requires basic communication skills that Trump, at this stage in his life, just does not have. PERIOD!

The case that Trump wanted to make during the debate but failed miserably at could have been communicated using rock solid facts from the previous pages. But it needed an effective communicator. 

People for Trump want us to ignore Trump's inability to communicate basic ideas effectively and his galactically pathological personality. Just vote for his policies and agenda, not the person.  Or vote AGAINST Harris by voting for him(which is the only way he gets my vote).

A key role of the president is to effectively communicate. Trump, during this debate, on the most important stage with 10s of millions of people watching, turned his strongest point(illegal immigration crisis) into a right wing conspiracy theory joke that belongs in the presidential debate soundbite "Hall of Shame".

So what are we supposed to do if we want the badly broken immigration system fixed, when the key spokesperson to do it is broken MUCH worse than the immigration system?

Welcome to the United States in 2024!

Where citizens have 1 of 2 choices for leaders of our country this November.

1. Really bad

2. Really, REALLY bad


Your party affiliation will determine which is which more than the actual objective facts. The MANUFACTURED facts and false narratives telling people what they want to hear/read and wish were true matter the most. 

Regardless, Trump's debate problems are not quite the knock out punch that Biden delivered to himself by revealing the REAL Joe Biden. But we got to see some of the REAL Donald Trump. Other than the MAGA loyalists that see a cult leader, it wasn't good!

The question is, in less than 2 months, will he be the really bad or the really REALLY bad person on the ballot?

Whoever gets elected will be faced with the most tumultuous 4 years in our lifetime with regards to political division.

The winner, will be disliked more than liked by Americans.

Let's try to explain this better with the graphs on the next page.

By metmike - Sept. 14, 2024, 9:31 a.m.
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Harris had a very LOW favorable rating before the Ds and MSM anointed her as something she isn't with round the clock positive, biased cheerleading type coverage.

Very importantly, BEFORE she ran against Trump, we viewed her in a pure ABSOLUTE sense  based on her agenda, effectiveness and likeability as our VP during this administration. The graph below clearly shows how badly she did and it was getting worse and worse based ON HER.

Now, the comparison is a RELATIVE one.

Compared to Trump, she suddenly looks MUCH, MUCH better.



When people cast their votes in November, they won't be voting for the Harris of January, 2024, they will be voting for the reinvented Harris of November 2024 compared to Trump. For many people, the NOT Donald Trump candidate.

If/when she wins the presidential election, she takes office in January 2025. The fake honeymoon stuff and marketing  scheme cheerleading by the MSM is over. Then its back to the OLD Kamala Harris that everybody viewed based on her time as VP BEFORE she was anointed.

Her favor-ability rating will PLUNGE. When she goes back to the failed Biden policies that Trump has been unable to capitalize on..........the plunge could be even lower.

The Rs in Congress and R sourced information will spend much of their time, attacking and vilifying her with a ramped up outrage that she is our president. R people that voted for Trump will be obsessed with disdain for her, and amped up by the sources feeding their disdain. 

There is no question that this will happen. If Trump should win, the other side will behave the same way.

The next president will likely have the lowest rating for a newly elected president in history for so early in their term.

But its not just the "general" unfavorable category.  A huge % of the ones that feel that way will hate her guts, 10s of millions, in fact. Even worse for Trump because they already exist.

Not a good dynamic to have in your country when you need to unite in order to move forward positively on many issues.  

Sorry to project this negative reality/outlook in our political future.

All we can do is try to focus on the MANY positive  things in our lives that we CAN control and enjoy the best time as human beings to enjoy the technology, medicine and comforts in human history! Despite the worst politics here in our lifetime and the current COLD Civil war in our country. 

Enjoy our family and friends and personal interactions with the wonderful people around us. 

It's not easy. Not for me either but please realize that its not just possible but LIKELY if you just have the right mindset. Mindset is everything!1

                Use this tomake yourself a better person-guaranteed            

                            Started by metmike - Feb. 28, 2022, 7:24 p.m.     



                4 Ways to Not Let Politics Ruin Our Friendships | HuffPost null

By metmike - Sept. 17, 2024, 6:37 a.m.
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It’s crazy in Springfield because of the immigration issue.

From both sides, related to the crazy pet  eating comment by Trump. 

rhe MSM is going overboard  to exploit this issue to give everybody the impression that we have no immigration problems his country…..just a bunch of extreme xenophobic, far right Rs that believe in conspiracy theories and are dangerous.

while part of that is true, it completely flips the iillegal immigration crisis narratives and culprits and reasons  from REAL factors that make it a serious problem in our country to a crazy dynamic in 1 town which has become the epicenter for a vicious battle nationally between 2 sides that hate each other.

The media, as usual is loving every second because it boosts ratings and allows for activists on each side to twist  facts and interpretations to generate the propaganda that lines up with their ideologies.

with the citizens of Springfield being the victims.

By metmike - Sept. 17, 2024, 6:50 a.m.
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While the Haitians coming to Springfield came to work and are probably vast majority very good people,

  the MSM is using a gag me with a spoon portrayal of them as  hero’s that rescued the  city  from the brink of economic collapse …. completely ignores the  serious, REAL issues for a 60k population to suddenly absorb an additional 20k  of people that mostly can’t even speak the same language .

and people that speak out about the real problems…..are  part,of a cult that thinks the Haitians are eating pets. And just hate them because of racism.

What does cat and dog taste like, anyway?

seriously, the bomb threats and extremism and hate being  directed at the people of this town all started iwith donald trumps moronic statement about eating pets during the National presidential debate.

Everywhere he goes, everything he says invites controversy and extreme political division which often results in hate filled battles between the 2  diametrically opposed sided, justifies outrage and rejection from both sides. 

His supporters like to blame TDS for this reaction.

but this ignores the realities defined by objective truths.

Did Trump do or say something extreme that justifies outrage?
If so, that’s not TDS. That’s called using common sense and rejecting delusional thinking and lies and the person selling them.

Trump also has some great agenda too.

sadly, his much greater catastrophically damaging, flawed personality trumps that.

By metmike - Sept. 17, 2024, 12:08 p.m.
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More Than Half of Trump Voters Believe Haitians Are Eating Pets: Poll


BUT WAIT, we were just told this:

Most Republicans Think Trump's 'Eating the Pets' Debate Remarks Are 'Weird'


By metmike - Sept. 17, 2024, 12:25 p.m.
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Extra patrols to conduct daily sweeps at Springfield schools after 33 bomb threats



Trump made the original, really dumb comment but I TOTALLY BLAME THE SENSATIONALIZING, RATINGS SEEKING, FAKE JOURNALIST, ACTIVIST MEDIA FOR BLOWING THIS UP to use for their political and other agenda's, especially exploiting it to vilify Trump and Rs. Using it as a smokescreen for THE REAL IMMIGRATION PROBLEM IN THIS COUNTRY.

The villains have been cast as they twist all the interpretations to make the Rs evil and victims are the illegal immigrants and the Biden/Harris regime (that created the REAL AS HECK immigration crisis). 

They've dishonestly twisted an entirely D caused REAL ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION/SOUTHERN BORDER CRISIS into an R caused problem.

By metmike - Sept. 17, 2024, 12:50 p.m.
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Ohio residents plead for help amid migrant crisis: 'I want out of this town'

by JACKSON WALKER | The National Desk

Mon, September 9th 2024 at 9:28 AM



Ohio is sending troopers and $2.5 million to a city that has seen an influx of Haitian migrants


COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — The governor of Ohio will send law enforcement and millions of dollars in healthcare resources to the city of Springfield as it faces a surge in temporary Haitian migrants that has landed it in the national spotlight.

Republican Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Tuesday he doesn’t oppose the Temporary Protected Status program under which some 15,000 Haitians have arrived in the city of about 59,000 people since 2020, but said the federal government must do more to help impacted communities.

His news conference was held just hours before the presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former Republican President Donald Trump, where the divide over immigration policy was sure to be an issue.

On Monday, Republican Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost also drew attention to the crisis when he directed his office to research legal avenues — including filing a lawsuit — to stop the federal government from sending “an unlimited number of migrants to Ohio communities.”

    Thousands of temporary Haitian migrants have landed in the city in recent years, as longstanding unrest in their home country has given way to violent gangs ruling the streets.


Suddenly, Trump's ridiculous comment is making this reality above completely vanish. Now replaced with a new mainstream media narrative twisting the facts for their blatantly biased agenda.

Use our heads, people!  Does it makes sense that dumping 15,000 Haitians, many that can't speak English on a town of 59,000 that didn't want this,  is not only creating extremely serious problems but its insane to create the impression that they are rescuing the town from an economic downturn.

Again, I am for MORE LEGAL IMMIGRATION, using channels that allow our country to avoid the crisis happening in Springfield, OH..........and in 100 other places, some worse than others.

10,000,000 is alot of people in such a  short period!

I am for the media telling the truth but that's not realistic based on who they are.

As taxpayers and US citizens, however we have a right to expect SANE immigration policies!!

By metmike - Sept. 17, 2024, 1:13 p.m.
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Even far left source, illegal immigration cheerleader NPR couldn't ignore the many serious issues in Springfield, a month ago:

How Springfield, Ohio, took center stage in the election immigration debate                                              


Vance defends spreading claims that Haitian migrants are eating pets                                              


By metmike - Sept. 18, 2024, 1:23 p.m.
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After false pet claims, Springfield mayor says Trump visit would be 'an extreme strain' on resources

The Ohio city has responded to dozens of bomb threats that have led to closings and evacuations of schools and city buildings.



Trump said something really dumb during the debate.........what's new. This happens 100+ times during every rally.

What is different THIS TIME, is what the media has INTENTIONALLY  turned it into in order to make it appear as if Springfield, OH doesn't  have ENORMOUS problems because of 15-20,000 mostly non English speaking Haitians got dumped on their city of less than 60,000. Those 15-20K people have basic needs. Health care, food, living, jobs and so on. So you suddenly have 80,000 people living in a city designed to serve 60K people. 

Main stream media and D's to Americans: There's really no southern border crisis and illegal immigrant crisis in this country because of Biden/Harris. It's just a bunch of unfounded conspiracy theories by the Rs. We can prove it. Trump said the illegal immigrants are eating pets in Springfield, OH and they aren't doing that. See, there's no crisis! just a bunch of lunatics making things up that aren't true. We know that our readers/viewers will believe this horse manure because we all collude with the same false narratives and people come to us to find out what to think! If the entire MSM is repeating the same rhetoric.........it must be true!

I'm not blaming any of this on the Haitians. The VAST majority are probably great people that only came here for a better life. Biden/Harris and the Ds get the VAST majority of the blame.

And the mainstream media gets ALL the blame for their blatantly dishonest, zealot/activist anti journalism interpretations. 

By metmike - Sept. 19, 2024, 12:07 a.m.
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This is just an anecdotal report but it's based on solid, objective evidence over the course of the last decade.

I shop at 3 different grocery stores, almost always late in the evening.

1 of them is on the north side of Evansville in a community of medium/high income people. Schucks Grocery.

1 of them is closer to the center of Evansville. Meijers.

1 of them is on the far southeast side, closer to the lower income areas. Walmart. I do the vast majority of our shopping at Walmart, mainly because they have the cheapest prices on most items.

The clientele shopping at Schnucks has not changed a bit in recent years. Almost all white people. 

At Meijers, there's been a huge increase in Hispanics at the store, maybe 15-20%. 

At Walmart, however it seems like I've just entered a different country every time I shop there. On most late evenings, it's 60-80% Hispanics. 5 years ago, it was probably less than 10%.

The people that stock the shelves and clean are almost all Hispanic too. 

I know this because I'm Mr. Friendly at the store and love to say hi and  will often strike up conversations. Half the people don't understand what I'm saying. Some will just smile back or say something in Spanish back. 

Again, if this bothered me, I wouldn't be smiling and saying hi to all the Hispanics. They seem like nice people.

My question is.............where did they all suddenly come from the past 2+ years?

And they are almost all shopping at the Walmart on the Southeast side of Evansville. Why is that?

Not just SOME late evenings but EVERY one of them

The numbers might be as low as 30-40% some of the time but the  majority of people shopping there MOST of the time are Hispanic. 

By metmike - Sept. 19, 2024, 12:29 a.m.
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This story was from just over a year ago:

Evansville, IN Population


Neilsberg Research Avatar

 By Neilsberg Research

 Updated Jun 23, 2023

By ethnicity, 3,812 is Hispanic or Latino (of any race), and 113,372 (96.75% of the total population) is Non-Hispanic.


Something isn't making sense here unless almost every Hispanic, recently started shopping, only at the Southeast Walmart late in the evening.

How are they 60%+ of shoppers almost every late evening if the are only 3% of the population?

I am the opposite of a Xenophobe and have eyes and ears.

Where did they all suddenly come from????

I will take a wild guess that there has been a massive influx of Hispanics, MUCH greater than what people in Evansville are told about and these new, non citizens are being housed close to the Walmart and/ OR they do actually choose Walmart because its such a global chain and they may even have them in the country they came from.



By metmike - Sept. 19, 2024, 2:15 a.m.
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This actually makes sense if we realize something like 10 million people came in at our southern border the last 3.5 years(thats probably too high) They had to go somewhere.

for example, if we split them all up into 200 cities, that would be 5,000 for each city.

but of course the bigger cities would get more than that and small ones less.

evansville is in the middle and has a population of around 100,000, so maybe 5,000 illegal immigrants coming here is close to the number they’ve sent.


1 How are they determining who/where from and where to send them and how many go?

2.  Who decides where they go and who decides to take them?  Certainly not you and me.

3. They are NOT being transparent for a reason. People that live in my city have read ZERO about these immigrants in our city.  I am ok with X,XXX number of LEGAL immigrants in our city. But not more than that at one time and NOT unvetted illegal immigrants.

4. Once in a  new community, what is being done with our taxpayer funding to provide MANY services/assistance To them.

5. Where did all the jobs pop up from to employ them.   Do they pay taxes.

6.  Why did Springfield get such an overwhelming number of immigrants from one place? A huge city of over 1 million people can absorb 15-20,000 people that don't speak English with no skills but NOT a city of 60,000!! The mayor and other elected officials have to be in on it! 

7. What is that process and why all the secrecy and lies to hide it from Americans??? In a democracy, why aren't the people in these cities being given a choice and told about where their tax dollars are being spent to support ALL OF THIS agenda? Who's agenda is it and why?

I can answer that last one with certainty, despite the cover up:

                Just a matter of time                       

                Started by metmike - April 20, 2024, 9:49 a.m.     


                Re: Re: Re: Re: ELECTORAL COLLEGE GOIN' BY THE WAYSIDE?      

                By metmike - April 21, 2024, 3:19 p.m.            

                Re: Re: Let'em In                       

                By metmike - Aug. 16, 2024, 3:12 p.m.            

By metmike - Sept. 20, 2024, 9:50 p.m.
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Immigration FAQs



‘Why Springfield?’ How a small Ohio city became home for thousands of Haitians


 In January 2023, the Biden administration announced Haitians would be among a new group of nationalities eligible for a program officials hoped would create more lawful pathways into the US and decrease pressure at the border. Under the program, applicants are vetted and must have a sponsor in the United States. Approved participants are granted travel authorization and permission, known as parole, that allows them to enter the United States legally.

More than 210,000 Haitians have been paroled into the US through the program, according to data released this week by US Customs and Border Protection. And Haitians make up the largest share of participants in the program, which also provides pathways for Cubans, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans


Some of their explanations don't make sense/add up:

Q: Was any government entity – local, state or federal – involved in bringing the Haitian refugees to Springfield?
A: No government entity is responsible for the influx of Haitians into Clark County. Once a person with Temporary Protected Status enters the country, they are free to locate wherever they choose


metmike: So 210,000 Haitians came to our country in just a few years and somehow, they all knew which cities they were all going to based on, what?  They all contacted numerous cities to see which ones had the most jobs open?  And our government lets them go where they want? CNN tells us about the INTENTIONAL BIDEN PROGRAM paroling them in. I don't believe it that the program let them in and after they crossed the border said "you ‘re on your own, go wherever you want! Of course the the government DID PLAY  A ROLE IN ASSISTING THEM  TO WHERE THEY WENT.

So in 2023 with a major border crisis from the massive influx of illegal immigrants, and Biden claiming there's nothing he can do(after insisting early in his term that there is no crisis)............he paroles AN ADDITIONAL 210,000 Haitians.........TO MAKE IT WORSE!

Q: How many traffic stops have been unlicensed people?
A: This data is not currently available.

metmike: REAL answer: The data is available but it doesn't line up with their attempt to mislead. 

Q: What are the challenges we face as a community based on this population increase?
The primary challenges that Springfield faces includes:
• the rapid rise in our population
• lack of resources to provide for the increased population, including: public safety, healthcare, housing and adequate school resources
• language barriers
• intolerance and racism
• Driving Rules and Regulations

Q: What are we doing about the challenges we’re facing?
Community leaders and agencies are working collaboratively to provide programs and solutions to acclimate our new immigrant community and to protect our entire population of Springfield. Some initiatives already executed include: English language classes, driving courses, cultural awareness, banking and home ownership, work opportunities and healthcare.

City leaders are also working with state and federal legislators in an effort to get the increased funding necessary to ensure continued public and sustainable for all of our citizens in our community.

metmike: Those are some pretty extreme challenges caused by a sudden influx of 15,000 people in a city of 60,000 people. And they conveniently left out JOBS! As if there were many thousands of  unfilled jobs just waiting for Haitians when they got there.

Instead of reading about these LEGIT issues, the past 10 days, I've seen hundreds of stories that focus on Trump stating the Haitians are eating the cats and dogs and completely ignoring what matters.

Intentionally doing it in fact so they can blame Trump and Xenophobia while completely ignoring/covering up a MAJOR immigration crisis caused by Biden/Harris.


Q: Why Springfield?
A: Springfield is an appealing place for many reasons including lower cost of living and available work. These conditions are thought to be the primary reasons for immigrants to choose Springfield. Now that there are numerous immigrant families residing in our community, word of mouth is adding to our population, as this communal culture is sharing their positive experiences about living in our community with family and friends who are also seeking to leave the impoverished and dangerous living conditions of their home country.
But it’s not just Clark County. Other Ohio counties that are experiencing similar population increases due to immigration include, Allen County, Hancock County and the Columbus and Cleveland metro areas.

metmike: You bet this is happening in many, many dozens of  other US cities, maybe 100 cities?  When this many immigrants gush in way too fast, most not vetted, many illegal and some dangerous....they are overwhelming cities across our country with exactly the problems that Springfield is dealing with.

Do the math!

There isn't a magical immigrant black hole swallowing them up after they arrive.  

For sure the vast majority of them are good people but its MANY too many at once.

No doubt there are a billion+ more great people in poor countries  that would love to live here.

We have to limit the amount to something that doesn't create serious problems to our country and people.  And use a legal process that leads to vetting and citizenship. It couldn't be more obvious to anybody that wasn't using these people for a political agenda.

By joj - Sept. 21, 2024, 10:41 a.m.
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I agree with much of what you posted.

But I would like to push back on one line of thinking that I believe is flawed.


You say they are taking jobs from US citizens.  But that is coming from a view that the pie does not grow.  But the economic pie DOES grow.  At the end of WWII the consensus opinion of all the "experts" was that another depression was imminent because there were not enough jobs for the millions of soldiers returning home.  Instead, we had an economic boom that lasted 15-20 years.

Immigrants work hard.  They buy things (which requires businesses to hire).  They start businesses themselves which requires yet more hiring.

This is a very conservative pro-free market view of mine that lines up with the Republican party for my entire lifetime. That is until Trump transformed it into a populist, xenophobic, conspiratorial cult party.

As Ronald Reagan said in his last speech as president; "After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home."

Ronald Reagan would be disgusted with Trump if he were alive to see what has become of his party.

By metmike - Sept. 21, 2024, 2:21 p.m.
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I agree with most of that, joj!

Especially that immigrants work HARDER and for MUCH LESS than most Americans.

When you have nothing, you will be much more motivated to get little things because those little things represent something MUCH BETTER than what you currently have. 

When you already have alot, you take it for granted because that's all you know. Little things that immigrants cherish and will bust their butts for, are seen in a relative way to be of lesser value to people growing up in our country. A person is not motivated to acquire things that are of lesser value than what they are accustomed to. 

Regardless of that, it's impossible to imagine scenario's where the vast majority of these people had jobs waiting for them or even found jobs immediately.

So at the very least, there's a period of numerous months with many of them NOT having an income. They need to eat, find shelter and support their families during that period.

That's not a huge problem if we let in a measured number that can be managed. We did the complete opposite. 

I find it impossible to believe that a town like Springfield had jobs for all those people. As asked earlier, where did all these jobs come from? 15,000 non English speaking people suddenly coming to a town of 60,000 people, no matter how one side wants to spin it(I'm not referring to you)  was and is a very problematic situation for numerous legit reasons.

That's what should be 99% of where the discussion about this focus's on. Not over and over and over repeating what a moron stated about them eating cats and dogs. 

How can we best serve EVERYBODY with policies that are good for EVERYBODY.  They exist.

Only allow in X number/year. Maybe that's 1 million/year? 

 KNOW WHO IS COMING IN. This is paramount, regardless of how many you let in.

Know where they are going and manage it so that they don't all go to 1 city that can't handle way too many at the same time. 

Give them a path to citizenship.  We SHOULD WANT these people living here to be citizens. It makes them more likely to assimilate if they can fully participate in ALL the privileges of a citizen of the United States. It makes them much more likely to be patriotic to the United States if they are part of it. 

It makes them more likely to pay taxes and not get paid under the table. Easier to track. LESS likely to be taken advantage of.  So many, many wonderful benefits to both sides when they become full citizens. 

Will most of them, initially as citizens be lower income and more likely to vote D in elections?


Should our laws be imposed in a way that only lets in people that are 50% Rs and 50% Ds?


With that being the case, maybe the Rs should adjust their agenda/policies to accommodate this potentially positive dynamic(when immigration is done right) instead of trying to have policies that serve the R party. This is with regards to a future America. 

However, despite that last sentence, it's 100% crystal clear that RIGHT NOW,  its the Ds who have intentionally created a southern border crisis to exploit THEIR political agenda. And we need to manage that crisis ASAP and in a just world, we would be holding Kamala Harris responsible for causing it.............not deflecting all the blame, using  a complete nonsense conversation/debate about eating pets.

Every news organization that continues to mention that in their stories causes me to immediately recognize them as YELLOW journalists.

Yellow Journalism



By metmike - Sept. 24, 2024, 6:16 a.m.
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Fed Chairman Concedes Border Crisis Is Boosting Unemployment


Let me translate: The number of new jobs being created has declined, but that’s only an issue from an unemployment standpoint provided the number of willing workers remains reasonably commensurate to current job growth.

The government can estimate the number of native-born and legal-immigrant workers (collectively “U.S. workers”) who will be entering the job force to a reasonable degree, but the wild card is the “volatility of people coming into the country” — the rate of new illegal-alien workers showing up each month — who are looking for jobs.

When there’s “an influx across the borders” of new illegal-alien workers that exceeds the number of jobs being created, the unemployment rate rises. That cools inflation, but again inflation means little to U.S. workers in search of jobs or pay increases when the labor market is swamped with new alien workers.


Spin it however you want but there are 100 other Springfield OH's in our country where the huge surge of too many immigrants at once-INTENTIONALLY LET IN BY THE BIDEN/HARRIS ADMINISTRATION-have resulted in more people than jobs by a wide enough margin to cause serious problems that will only get worse in a recession.

Legal immigration is a REALLY GOOD THING, done right! But this administration did it in an excessive manner that did more damage than good!!!

By metmike - Sept. 24, 2024, 3:08 p.m.
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CNN’s Abby Phillip criticizes Kamala Harris over immigration: ‘Trying to float above it all’



The Employment Situation of Immigrants and the U.S.-Born in the Fourth Quarter of 2022

Immigrant workers up two million since 2019; U.S.-born workers down 1.9 million



Harris continues to try spin it to convince us that  the worst southern border policy in history(that caused an ongoing major crisis)........was great!

By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 7:50 a.m.
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As somebody that has volunteered at local schools…..the past 3 decades as chess coach, currently at 5 schools(and a dozen other endeavors in the past) I get to see some wonderful things happening with great teachers and administrators dedicating their lives to educating our youth.

The job is not always easy because each child and family are different and sometimes they require extra attention.
The schools are set up to try to serve the needs of EVERY CHILD the best they can based on their resources.

We do a great job of it in my opinion at the 5 schools I go to every week as a volunteer during chess season.

But the adults at these schools are almost maxed out doing their best to serve the children that each school has. When the number of children grows and grows, but the same number of adults have to serve them. it means those adults are swamped and overloaded and those schools can’t serve each student quite as well as they did when the number of children attending classes was manageable.

The school district where I volunteer, in recognizing that has gone from 1 elementary school to 3 elementary  schools for just the same area. This almost entirely from the tremendous growth on our north side and the fact that the 1 school, 3 decades ago had insanely doubled its students over 20 years time and was using numerous mobile homes converted into classrooms outside of the building.

it was nuts but now, with 3 schools, it’s manageable.

But it takes many years to adjust and become manageable.

At first, they built a new junior high and high school and converted the old middle school to a 2nd elementary  school. Then, THAT STILL WASN"T ENOUGH. So they built a 3rd elementary school.
They had to adjust the boundaries for each school so each one had a manageable number of children.

It took numerous years to get it right and that’s still an ongoing process.

With that being the case, when 15,000 immigrants suddenly showed up in a small city, the size of Springfield, many of them school aged children that can’t speak English, the amount of stress that put on the local schools is hard to imagine.

It must have caused tremendous problems that reduced the ability of these schools to be able to serve each students needs.

Haitians that don’t speak English are probably great people but their needs in a school that teaches in English are much higher than those that already speak English. This is fine with a manageable/controlled amount of students.

That was absolutely NOT the case in Springfield. This HAD TO BE A NIGHTMARE FOR THE SCHOOLS IN SPRINGFIELD! 

NOT MAYBE BUT HAD TO BE if you know anything about schools.

Why are there hundreds of MSM stories about Trump falsely claiming Haitians are eating pets in Springfield but none about this REALITY??? Multiply this by  more than 100X across America and yet.............nothing from the MSM except repeating something really dumb that Trump said during a debate related to it.

The distribution of these Haitians was NOT even. For sure, there were some schools that got many more than others. Overwhelming numbers of non English speaking children. Try to imagine yourself as an administrator or teacher at the schools which have to suddenly make this work???

A school where they are most concentrated, suddenly going from, lets say 600 students to 800 students, for instance and most of the last 200 can't speak English and you have to use the same resources for 600 students to accommodate the needs and teach the new numbers of much more challenging students in addition to the ones you already had which had maxed out your resources, based on budgets, teachers and other things that must be planned years in advance!!!

Teachers/school administrators are adults dedicated to serve the needs of ALL students in their school but are not magicians. Resources needed to help them don't magically appear at the same rate that the students increase.

The enormously increasing rate of immigrants in Springfield  happened so fast, that its impossible to adjust and still best serve the needs of all the children.

Please understand how the schools operate and do the math, man. You don't have to be there to witness it to know that this has been a crisis for the last few years for Springfield! I've gained a tremendous understanding of it the last 3 decades by being PART OF THE SYSTEM!!!

How did we do it??

It takes a ton of money and alot of time and alot of hard work and planning by talented and caring adults!!!!

We spent over 100 million dollars(built an awesome new elementary school, junior high and high school).

And that money came from tax payers and had to be approved, while taking almost a  decade to finally get it right by matching it with the needs of an increasing population on our North Side.

Scrimping, saving, schooling: Paying cash for McCutchanville Elementary


EVSC officials have estimated the school will cost between $26 and $28 million.



North Jr. High & High School


COST  $73,000,000


We should call this one of the golden rules for operating a school to effectively educate students.

"When the rate of increase of students GREATLY exceeds the resources to serve them,  EVERYBODY SUFFERS!!!"


Just to repeat. I am PRO immigration and believe that ALL immigrants should be given a path to citizenship if they quality.  But 2+2 = 4, in math will never change,

A much better math equation analogy for what Biden/Harris are trying to sell us would actually be 8+8=4. We can’t take what is 16 of something in reality and pretend that it fits into containers designed to hold 4

The immigration rate must not greatly exceed our ability to provide resources.

By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 8:51 a.m.
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Instead of speaking out about this serious REAL problem, that is happening across the country at hundreds of schools, as well as a host of other problems from too many immigrants too fast in too many places, so that we can do things to help fix it to make things better for Americans AND THE IMMIGRANTS...........this is what we get:

Haitian group in Ohio files criminal complaint against Trump, Vance


A grassroots immigrant advocacy group filed a complaint seeking criminal charges in Springfield, Ohio, against former President Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance (R), over their role in elevating false allegations about Haitian immigrants abducting and eating local pets.


Haitian Group Files Criminal Charges Against Trump And Vance—Urges Arrest Warrants For Spreading False Claims



More weaponizing of the criminal justice system!!!!!

Sometimes, it feels like we are living in the Twilight Zone  

Twilight Zone Opening THEME MUSIC 1962 Rod Serling


I think that will be the new theme here on the NTR forum because so many topics in America today are just manufactured realities by message gatekeepers (created to manipulate us) that don't actually exist.


      The Twilight Zone Main Theme  



I think the verbiage of the opening on this one is even better!

The Outer Limits (1995) Intro



By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 10:13 a.m.
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I just went from thinking there’s no way I can vote for Trump (again} to thinking I have to vote for him to protest this!

By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 4:20 p.m.
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I updated the previous post that was made away from my office:



To help minimize the emotional/political impact that people can't help but feel when reading an article that contradicts what they think they know or what they want to believe or that slams their party or their favorite politician, let me remind you of the mindset that I try to use while communicating here and keep in mind that I affiliate with neither party.

Just a scientist/chess coach that uses objective,  authentic facts/truths and the scientific method, that  fact checks ones own work and looks for reasons for why opposing views might be right!

Use this tomake yourself a better person-guaranteed            

                            Started by metmike - Feb. 28, 2022, 7:24 p.m.     



                4 Ways to Not Let Politics Ruin Our Friendships | HuffPost null


For evidence that I don't affiliate with either party and upset BOTH sides:

                Trump  7-26-24                                                   

                Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.            




By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 6:59 p.m.
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Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s (Last?) American Campaign

The Ukrainian president is pitching his plan for victory against Russia ahead of a U.S. presidential election that could shape his country's fate.


It’ll be Harris’ seventh meeting with Zelenskyy. This year, they have met in June and February. In 2023, they met in December and September. In 2022, they met in December and February, five days before Russian President Vladimir Putin dramatically expanded Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014


As Bidens key border person during her vice presidency, during the 3.5 year United States major southern border crisis,  how many times has Harris been to the own southern border???


How many times has she met with border patrol?


As migrants pour into United States — Harris ad promises border crackdown: ‘How dumb do they think we are?’


Tougher | Harris-Walz 2024



Harris has shown by her actions and track record who she is and who she represents.