Dangerous expert
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Started by metmike - Oct. 7, 2024, 8:22 p.m.

Opinion: The imagined national debt crisis: A long-running distraction


Listen to Shakespeare. If the U.S. mobilizes to take care of its immediate problems, “horrible imaginings” about a future debt catastrophe will be dealt with if and when they need to be.  

Paul A. London, PhD., was a senior policy adviser and deputy undersecretary of Commerce for Economics and Statistics in the 1990s, a deputy assistant administrator at the Federal Energy Administration and Energy Department, and a visiting fellow at the American Enterprise Institute


More powerful evidence that all people need to do in 2024  is manufacture convincing sounding realities  and people have become so dependent on their biased sources telling them what they want to hear and wish were true and are too lazy to use their brains and critical/logical thinking that.............THEY BELIEVE IT!

More evidence that people claiming to be really smart and giving advice..........are often  the most lacking in common sense and objective discernment of authentic facts.

His concluding statement insists on waiting until the catastrophe happens..... THEN deal with it.

Almost everything that he stated is the complete opposite of what needs to be done to help our country to prosper in the future. And he uses it to bash the Rs that have an agenda of fiscal responsibility. 

‘A slow fiscal death’ awaits some countries in this ‘decade of debt,’ says economist


The world is sitting on a $91 trillion problem. ‘Hard choices’ are coming    


metmike: Let's just pretend that none of this is happening and in LESS THAN 10 years, when our economy collapses under the growing burdens, then WHAT WILL WE DO? What options will there be at that point?

I know!

Invent a time machine that can take us back 10 years to the time when we could have done a ton of things to prevent it  

Politicians hate balanced budgets because a balanced budget means they can't promise to spend as much FREE money to get elected. And they don't have to raise taxes to pay for stuff.

This guy is right, that nobody can say the exact date the debt crisis will collapse the economy but we don't need to.


Just the interest on the debt is now $1,000,000,000,000!

Let's pretend this is no problem and keep making it worse???

This guy would be like your oncologist, after diagnosing you with precancerous lesions on your lungs....... telling you to continue to enjoy smoking as long as you want. Wait until you actually have lung cancer.......then we'll decide what the treatment options are!


The treatment options for cancer, the national debt crisis and most things in life become more limited and get less and less effective, the longer you wait to implement them!


U.S. debt is so massive, interest costs alone are now $3 billion a day



When the interest  rates were near 0, the interest on the debt wasn’t as huge.
But the interest  on the  debt has  almost doubled in just  4 years.

Now, just the interest on the debt is greater than any other expense except for social security and health insurance. What planet are these people on that insist this isn’t a problem now and insanely advise staying on the same path??


Our Debt Clock 

US Published National Debt


The Truth


Each Taxpayer's Share: $980,000


By metmike - Oct. 8, 2024, 6:17 a.m.
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The  social security trust fund reserves will run out of money in 2034. At that point, tax revenues will need to fund a big portion of that system.

That means even less tax revenues to pay for everything else that we can’t  fully pay for right now as we grow, instead of shrink the deficit, while increasing new debt burdens/obligarions. 

It’s a slow  motion train wreck, with politicians and others telling us that because the train is still  barely on the tracks, to speed up and ignore all the sharp turns ahead.

Since nothing really, really bad has happened after years of warnings, nothing bad will ever happen. 

Thats already wrong from the  current, massive interest money siphoning out 1 trillion to give us…..NOTHING!
With time it’s more and more burden for the same or even less benefits.

The solution is to spend less and or increase revenues  by either increasing taxes by changing the tax code or by increasing GDP and tax revenue  from people making more money.

The longer we wait, the bigger the train wreck at the end.

and what would happen if /when we have another economic crisis from a severe recession or COVID that needs the fed to stimulate the economy…….which means suddenly ADDING A LOT TO THE DEBT?

Weve used up much of our fed intervention ammo, leaving us much more vulnerable to adverse economic conditions when they happen in the future. Not a guess. 

The laws that define economic principles can’t just be banished by waving a magic wand.

By metmike - Oct. 9, 2024, 1:14 p.m.
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US budget deficit hits $1.8 trillion for fiscal 2024, per CBO    



Ruinous path!

What is the national debt?

The national debt ($35.68 T) is the total amount of outstanding borrowing by the U.S. Federal Government accumulated over the nation’s history.



Most politicians are driven by this:

Powerful special interest groups and industries along with coalitions bribe and support them with millions of dollars, so those entities can get billions from the politicians that control spending.

It's all about self serving interests on both sides, with the best interests of the American people taking a back seat........other than when more spending will fetch the politicians more votes.

Defense Contractors Are Bilking the American People



Lobbying in the United States is paid activity in which special interest groups hire well-connected professional advocates, often lawyers, to argue for specific legislation in decision-making bodies such as the United States Congress. It is often perceived negatively by journalists and the American public; critics consider it to be a form of bribery, influence peddling, and/or extortion


They spend tens of billions to bribe our Congress, which controls spending and get hundreds of billions+ in benefits from spending for their special interests groups......while the deficit grows massively, already hurting the American people and a time bomb that WILL go off at some point. When that happens, everybody will look back at this age of excessive spending and say: "dang, why didn't we do something about it BEFORE it caused this disaster"

The reason we continue on this ruinous path and the fuse on the time bomb gets shorter and shorter?

The message gatekeepers in 2024, like this educated expert at the top of the thread keep telling us that there is nothing to worry about and we can wait until the crisis happens then fix it.

By Jim_M - Oct. 13, 2024, 12:05 p.m.
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To your point, it’s rare politicians talk about the debt anymore.  And while the drum beat of people need to pay more taxes, cut government spending is something else you don’t hear much talk about.

By metmike - Oct. 13, 2024, 5:53 p.m.
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Politicians only care about self serving agenda RIGHT NOW. Fiscal responsibility is counterproductive to that. 


We WILL pay an increasingly bigger price for this with time and reach a point of no return in X number of years.              


When Does Federal Debt Reach Unsustainable Levels?


When Does Federal Debt Reach Unsustainable Levels?


It is generally not well understood outside tight academic and DC modeling circles that these models effectively crash when trying to project future macroeconomic variables under current fiscal policy. The reason is that current fiscal policy is not sustainable and forward-looking financial markets know it, leading to the economy “unraveling” through “backward induction”.