Conspiracy theories
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Started by metmike - Oct. 10, 2024, 8:26 p.m.

There are so many that its impossible for me to keep track of half of them and I've literally, made 10,000+ posts here the past 6 years busting them. 

Here are just a few of them, along with manufactured, fake realities being perpetrated using propaganda,  usually on one or the other political side for agenda's.

1. Election fraud in 2020. Biden stole the election with a yet to be discovered trick. 

2. Reasons for January 6th. Ray Eps was a plant for the FBI that incited the riot to frame Trump. Nancy Pelosi called off the National Guard. 

3. Israel is defending itself in Gaza.

3. We are supporting and saving Ukraine,  a bastion of democracy that isn't really corrupt and Zelensky the self appointed dictator is a great hero, not a NATO/BIden puppet that got his country decimated and more than half his army killed, permanently disabled or deserted.  Ukraine is winning or can win a war, when the battlefield maps show that Russia is in control of 99% of the battlefields. And the Ukrainians won't really vote Zelensky the heck out, the first chance they get.

4. The greening planet with the best weather/climate and CO2 levels for life since humans have having a climate crisis.
5. Trump colluded with Russia and interfered in the 2016 election, causing Clinton to lose. This one was sponsored by the Ds, Intel and Justice Department, using the corrupt Mueller investigation for 2.5 years. 

6. Trumps 3 fake crimes in NY

7. Hunter Bidens laptop was a Russian created conspiracy theory to hurt Joe before the election.............50+ top intel officials even signed a document claiming this.

8. Joe Biden did nothing wrong in Ukraine. The pile of  overwhelming  and real evidence showing his key role in Hunters years long business of extorting money from foreign officials so they would have access to the Joe Biden White House via millions to Biden family members  is just a mirage.

9. The COVID vaccine was killing more people than COVID

10. George Floyd wasn't really killed by a cop kneeling on his throat for 9 minutes. The fentanyl did it.

11.  There are many, many, many more!

12. One of my favorites on the next page!

If I wanted to make a million dollars I could participate in a scam(s) using this gullibility because i know it so well.

Instead, I call MarketForum an ANTI echo chamber...............busting all the bull crap that both sides love to repeat at their favorite echo chambers.

That's why MarketForum posters have dwindled to a trickle. Because I bust/debunk BOTH SIDES EQUALLY.

People don't want to go to a place that busts their bs half the time.........even when it busts the bs from the other side too.  That's 100% fine with me. I'm not here to make money from likes or ads or subscriptions that motivate people at most other places. Or to persuade people to vote or align with my political side (which is neutral/independent/objective).

Just the authentic truths based on the scientific method, facts and solid evidence. ..........and very encouraging to others to chime in to correct me or teach me things. While trying to interact respectfully to posters, especially when they disagree!!!

By metmike - Oct. 10, 2024, 9:05 p.m.
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This is actually one of my favorites because its SO ABSURD and SO MANY PEOPLE BELIEVE IT and it relates to my fields of expertise.........atmospheric and oceanic science.

Only 43% of the people in this country actually know it's complete bunk???? That's science illiteracy!!!

There are no such things as jet CHEMtrails.

They are all jet CONtrails. Water vapor in the jet exhaust, condensing out in the much cooler air in the high atmosphere that is unable to hold much moisture. 

If the air is super dry aloft = no jet CONtrails.

If the air is very humid aloft = very long jet CONtrails. 

The longer they last, the more humid the air, which takes more time to absorb the additional moisture. 


We had a couple of discussions on this one awhile back:



                Started by metmike - Dec. 7, 2018, 3:15 p.m.    

                Directed Energy Weapons in the news again            

                            Started by GunterK - Sept. 21, 2020, 11:37 a.m. 


    Cognitive Bias/Conspiracy Theories          

                            Started by metmike - Nov. 6, 2021, 1:19 p.m.  

                Major DISinformation source                        

                Started by metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 8:05 p.m.    

                Captured Brains            

                Started by joj - Aug. 18, 2023, 8:30 a.m.   

    Cognitive biases            

              Started by metmike - April 24, 2022, 11:34 a.m.    

                Captured brains            

                       Started by metmike - April 10, 2021, 12:32 a.m.    

By metmike - Oct. 10, 2024, 9:18 p.m.
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What brought this topic to my attention this week was another wacko conspiracy theory. I've heard this one several times before but here we go again with people that will believe anything their "go to" sources tell them to believe:

We know who one of the biggest sources was this time: The divisive, diabolical, delusional congresswoman from Georgia!

Greene takes fire for remarks about weather


When people like this are making our laws, spending our money and brain washing far right Rs with complete nonsense to get attention and steal their intelligence, no wonder our country can't get along and can't figure out and agree on what the authentic truth is together.

Florida Republican suggests Greene have ‘head examined’ over hurricane claims


This is how the mind of this devious lady works. Since most of the hurricane victims and states are in RED states, she decided to make up something that her brainwashed base would completely buy into.

Is there a correlation? Yes, because both are IN THE SOUTH, WHERE MOST HURRICANES HIT. However, there is 0 CAUSATION!

I used this map to show the maximum amount of red in order to embellish on the point.

Blue states rarely have hurricanes and red states have almost all of them because of the natural, physical laws of the atmosphere and its been that way since humans have recorded hurricanes.

Maybe in future decades we WILL be able to impact the strength of hurricanes, at which time we will exploit the technological advances TO WEAKEN THEM!!!!!

A person like this should be censored by her colleagues when they state such counterproductive rubbish!

By metmike - Oct. 10, 2024, 11:44 p.m.
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Yes, We Really Are Glued to Our Phones

          Smartphones are proof that you can have too much of a good thing.

I love this video!

Steve Cutts Mobile world (Animated)

YouTube · Vikram M582.6K+ views  ·  7 years ago


I totally admit to being one of these people when it comes to posting excessively here and researching and learning things online. MANY hours spent each day on it. Obsessive and addictive. 

However, I'm not just  exchanging messages on social media with like minded people or reading stuff at echo chambers.

I try to SHARE positive and enlightening things. Educate myself and share that with readers. 

Stimulate interest in a wide variety of topics, including trading, weather, climate, science, agronomy, economics, human behavior, positive thinking/acting and politics to name just a few.

By WxFollower - Oct. 11, 2024, 1:39 p.m.
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The amount of stupidity in the US is both mind boggling and dangerous:

“Katie Nickolaou, a Michigan-based meteorologist, said that she and her colleagues have borne the brunt of much of these conspiracies, having received messages claiming there are category 6 hurricanes (there aren’t), that meteorologists or the government are creating and directing hurricanes (they aren’t) and even that scientists should be killed and radar equipment be demolished.”

By metmike - Oct. 12, 2024, 12:02 a.m.
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Thanks much, Larry!

The divisiveness, tribalism and constant manufacturing of realities to manipulate people and get them to hate other people, who they describe as dangers to the United States/world in order for us to shun them.

In some cases, try to convince us that they are dangerous enemies that must be eliminated.