Harris interview on Fox
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Started by metmike - Oct. 16, 2024, 12:52 p.m.

Any opinions before the interview?

I think Bret Bair is one of the few on Fox that are close to being fair.

We all know his bias but he’s nothing like the insane far right propaganda miesters that come after him in the evening.

High risk for Harris but it could pay off if she holds her own. If that  happens, it shows that she can take the heat and is unafraid to confront challenging environments.

Almost all the Fox regular viewers have decided that she flopped before watching OR that Fox rigged the debate to make her look good if she does look good.

Seriously, that’s how delusional these people are. They will even accuse one of their own of betrayal in order to have an excuse to deny any reality that contradicts what they want to believe.

I have no idea of how it will go.

Other than each side, watching the same interview and same responses will spin it to line up with their political affiliation.  

Considering the environment and low expectations, I think the chances of Harris doing BETTER than expected are decent.

She does get credit for doing this very tough interview which contradicts the Rs rhetoric about her never doing tough interviews.
Nobody can claim that any more.

That last paragraph, by itself may be what pays the most dividends for the Harris campaign with this tough interview!

By metmike - Oct. 16, 2024, 9:39 p.m.
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By metmike - Oct. 17, 2024, 7:14 a.m.
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I don’t think the interview made a big difference for most people.

It was a wonderful idea for Harris to show the courage to go into the lions den of politics.

The Rs can no longer accuse her of avoiding tough interviews.
Brett asked some great questions and tried to keep her accountable for giving answers.
Its pretty tough when youre record is poor(the border crisis) and past leadership is lacking to give solid, honest answers but she did a good job of being a politician and saying things to deflect and mislead.

She spent  a great deal of time hammering home the Donald Trump issue. The only  way for her to win and a smart tactic. Trumps demeanor and completely delusional and hate filled, divisive personality should be enough to,disqualify him. In addition, what he did after the 2020 election, by itself should legally disqualify him.

Brett made the most profound point of all related to this a couple of times. If Trump is so bad, why does half the country support him???

There are several reasons that she could not be honest about.

1. She is not offering them a good alternative.

2. The far right, MAGA sector of the R party is in a cult that, instead of recognizing Trump as a mentally ill, deranged person  Pathological,thinking and communication, has elevated him and cheers for him most when he is saying the craziest things.

Bret tried to get her to say #2 but she was smart enough to not go,there and instead, put all the blame on Trump, when the reality is the people worshipping Trump and nominating him as their person are at fault.

Clinton made the grave  mistake of calling them all deplorables  in 2016, which I thought was very offensive at that time.

In 2024, with Trump being so much worse than he was 8 years ago….and I mean REALLY WORSE, you can’t  be honest and not call these people out for nominating Trump in a landslide instead of DeSantis and Halley.

They have wrecked the R party for clear thinking people that care about a minimal standard for behavior  that should apply to our presidents!


people with courage, honesty and integrity that speak the authentic truth…like Liz cheney…are shunned and despised by the majority, far right Rs.

im an extraordinarily proud member of that shunned group at this ANTI echo chamber!

This has wrecked the  R party.

So for another presidential election, we have Donald  Trump running against NOT Donald Trump.

its not as if other countries don’t have really, really messed up leaders too.

Netanyahu from Israel, Putin  from Russia and Zelensky from Ukraine are some of the worst leaders for their country in history……wrecking their country for self serving political agenda, but still ruling with an iron fist….they are gifted orators with charisma while being  professional charlatans.

By metmike - Oct. 17, 2024, 2:22 p.m.
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The moment Kamala Harris staff intervened to end Fox News interview


By metmike - Oct. 17, 2024, 2:29 p.m.
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Again, I was/am shocked to see Trump come back to this position, with regards to betting after seemingly being hopelessly behind after his awful debate performance Not vouching for reliability. Volume has picked up slightly this month, which makes sense with the election getting so close.


By metmike - Oct. 17, 2024, 3:11 p.m.
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Here's a view from a Harris cheerleader:

Fox News’s interview of Kamala Harris was grievance theater, not political journalism


By joj - Oct. 17, 2024, 4:51 p.m.
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Bret Baier's performance seemed to be for an audience of one.  Can you imagine him repeatedly interrupting Trump to get his points across?  Of course not.  But of course FoxNews lost their reputation a long time ago (if they ever had one).   I think she did the right thing by going into the Lion's den.   She would not earn any new voters going on MSNBC.  If she sways 1-2% of Fox viewers that might make the difference.

Trump's team is wisely keeping him away from debates, 60 minutes interviews or real town halls.  In addition to Trump being an unhinged fascist (Jan 6th) he also has dimentia.  Maybe not as far around the bend as Biden, but he's in decline for sure.  You will only see him performing in front of his cult from here on in my opinion.

I'm expecting the GOP to attempt to steal this election (they tried in 2020) with voter suppression/intimidation, purging votes due to "questionable signatures", sending in fake electors and other bogus measures that I can only imagine.

By metmike - Oct. 17, 2024, 8:44 p.m.
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Grandiose Delusions



No need to be a specialist in psychiatric disorders to be absolutely certain as in 100.00% certain that Donald Trump has this disorder. This will greatly interfere with his ability to serve as effectively as president. He has some good agenda and can still get much of it passed but his UNTREATED mental illness and cognitive losses are going to make it more and more challenging.

Sadly, going to rallies and saying insane things that cause his MAGA crowd to cheer loudly are exactly what somebody with this disorder loves the most AND ITS THE WORST THING POSSIBLE. THESE RALLIES FEED HIS MENTAL ILLNESS IN  A WAY THAT NOTHING ELSE CAN.  

To get better, he would first need to HAVE A DESIRE to get better and seek treatment.

Then, he would need a trained professional to help him to understand the difference between what he thinks and says and the real world.

Instead, the people in his world for the past XX years have been feeding this mental illness and making it progressively worse. That includes the MAGA crowds and far right Rs and the R politicians that are afraid to speak out and instead seek his approval by constantly giving him positive reinforcement to benefit their own political career. This especially includes Fox News and people like Shaun Hannity that have elevated him as their infallible cult leader. It's working to generate block buster ratings. Make up things to tell people what they want to hear for an hour (or wish were true) every night and in 2024, you have the blueprint for the highest rated evening show.