Any opinions before the interview?
I think Bret Bair is one of the few on Fox that are close to being fair.
We all know his bias but he’s nothing like the insane far right propaganda miesters that come after him in the evening.
High risk for Harris but it could pay off if she holds her own. If that happens, it shows that she can take the heat and is unafraid to confront challenging environments.
Almost all the Fox regular viewers have decided that she flopped before watching OR that Fox rigged the debate to make her look good if she does look good.
Seriously, that’s how delusional these people are. They will even accuse one of their own of betrayal in order to have an excuse to deny any reality that contradicts what they want to believe.
I have no idea of how it will go.
Other than each side, watching the same interview and same responses will spin it to line up with their political affiliation.
Considering the environment and low expectations, I think the chances of Harris doing BETTER than expected are decent.
She does get credit for doing this very tough interview which contradicts the Rs rhetoric about her never doing tough interviews.
Nobody can claim that any more.
That last paragraph, by itself may be what pays the most dividends for the Harris campaign with this tough interview!
Full interview:
I don’t think the interview made a big difference for most people.
It was a wonderful idea for Harris to show the courage to go into the lions den of politics.
The Rs can no longer accuse her of avoiding tough interviews.
Brett asked some great questions and tried to keep her accountable for giving answers.
Its pretty tough when youre record is poor(the border crisis) and past leadership is lacking to give solid, honest answers but she did a good job of being a politician and saying things to deflect and mislead.
She spent a great deal of time hammering home the Donald Trump issue. The only way for her to win and a smart tactic. Trumps demeanor and completely delusional and hate filled, divisive personality should be enough to,disqualify him. In addition, what he did after the 2020 election, by itself should legally disqualify him.
Brett made the most profound point of all related to this a couple of times. If Trump is so bad, why does half the country support him???
There are several reasons that she could not be honest about.
1. She is not offering them a good alternative.
2. The far right, MAGA sector of the R party is in a cult that, instead of recognizing Trump as a mentally ill, deranged person Pathological,thinking and communication, has elevated him and cheers for him most when he is saying the craziest things.
Bret tried to get her to say #2 but she was smart enough to not go,there and instead, put all the blame on Trump, when the reality is the people worshipping Trump and nominating him as their person are at fault.
Clinton made the grave mistake of calling them all deplorables in 2016, which I thought was very offensive at that time.
In 2024, with Trump being so much worse than he was 8 years ago….and I mean REALLY WORSE, you can’t be honest and not call these people out for nominating Trump in a landslide instead of DeSantis and Halley.
They have wrecked the R party for clear thinking people that care about a minimal standard for behavior that should apply to our presidents!
people with courage, honesty and integrity that speak the authentic truth…like Liz cheney…are shunned and despised by the majority, far right Rs.
im an extraordinarily proud member of that shunned group at this ANTI echo chamber!
This has wrecked the R party.
So for another presidential election, we have Donald Trump running against NOT Donald Trump.
its not as if other countries don’t have really, really messed up leaders too.
Netanyahu from Israel, Putin from Russia and Zelensky from Ukraine are some of the worst leaders for their country in history……wrecking their country for self serving political agenda, but still ruling with an iron fist….they are gifted orators with charisma while being professional charlatans.
Again, I was/am shocked to see Trump come back to this position, with regards to betting after seemingly being hopelessly behind after his awful debate performance Not vouching for reliability. Volume has picked up slightly this month, which makes sense with the election getting so close.
Here's a view from a Harris cheerleader:
Bret Baier's performance seemed to be for an audience of one. Can you imagine him repeatedly interrupting Trump to get his points across? Of course not. But of course FoxNews lost their reputation a long time ago (if they ever had one). I think she did the right thing by going into the Lion's den. She would not earn any new voters going on MSNBC. If she sways 1-2% of Fox viewers that might make the difference.
Trump's team is wisely keeping him away from debates, 60 minutes interviews or real town halls. In addition to Trump being an unhinged fascist (Jan 6th) he also has dimentia. Maybe not as far around the bend as Biden, but he's in decline for sure. You will only see him performing in front of his cult from here on in my opinion.
I'm expecting the GOP to attempt to steal this election (they tried in 2020) with voter suppression/intimidation, purging votes due to "questionable signatures", sending in fake electors and other bogus measures that I can only imagine.
No need to be a specialist in psychiatric disorders to be absolutely certain as in 100.00% certain that Donald Trump has this disorder. This will greatly interfere with his ability to serve as effectively as president. He has some good agenda and can still get much of it passed but his UNTREATED mental illness and cognitive losses are going to make it more and more challenging.
Sadly, going to rallies and saying insane things that cause his MAGA crowd to cheer loudly are exactly what somebody with this disorder loves the most AND ITS THE WORST THING POSSIBLE. THESE RALLIES FEED HIS MENTAL ILLNESS IN A WAY THAT NOTHING ELSE CAN.
To get better, he would first need to HAVE A DESIRE to get better and seek treatment.
Then, he would need a trained professional to help him to understand the difference between what he thinks and says and the real world.
Instead, the people in his world for the past XX years have been feeding this mental illness and making it progressively worse. That includes the MAGA crowds and far right Rs and the R politicians that are afraid to speak out and instead seek his approval by constantly giving him positive reinforcement to benefit their own political career. This especially includes Fox News and people like Shaun Hannity that have elevated him as their infallible cult leader. It's working to generate block buster ratings. Make up things to tell people what they want to hear for an hour (or wish were true) every night and in 2024, you have the blueprint for the highest rated evening show.
so now you guys enjoy just throwing out words like deranged, arrogant and rude. Nice. So Bret Bair asks policy questions. This is after the arrogant and rude guest showed up 30 minutes late demanded the interview be cut by 15 minutes and then had the audacity to not answer a single policy question. Fair and balanced. That is my new names for MM and joj, fair and balanced.
Thanks, mcfam!
If Harris wins, will you acknowledge her as the fair winner?
sure Mr Fair. Right after you finally acknowledge that election interference by our so called protectors {fbi, cia ss, dept ot treas, doj etc had a huge and cheating impact on out last several elections. Mr balanced you are welcome to chime in also.
And you all can also admit that mail ballots, except for rare instances, is a total and diabolical abomination that leads to only one destination. Cheating.
Thanks, mcfarm!
I'll repeat something again about this imaginary cheating at the ballot box that cost Trump the election in 2020.
If he loses, THAT will be the biggest reason.
His delusional state, COMPLETELY IMAGINING that he won but cheating caused him to lose from illegal voting has been imparted into tens of millions of his supporters that have the same opinion.
You guys are taking Trump's word (and those who pass on Trump's words) over 100% of the authentic evidence that proved there was no significant fraud.
I'm not telling you something you haven't been told before but only emphasizing that this delusional position, by itself has, with near 100% confidence cost President Trump several million votes.
Just think of how much several million votes are worth in this very tight, 2024 presidential election.
You can disagree with whether there was fraud related to COUNTING VOTES based on no proof that you or anybody else has ever shown, just because "Trump says there was cheating that caused him to lose" but you still have to admit that many millions disagree with that vehemently enough to use as the MAIN reason to reject voting for Trump in 2 weeks.
All things being equal, the same Donald Trump, the same everything............EXCEPT THAT HE ACKNOWLEDGED LOSING VIA GETTING LESS VOTES IN 2020 TO JOE BIDEN .......and Trump would be coasting to a victory in November.
You see, mcfarm there are many things that politicians lie about and people accept it because they are politicians. Embellishment. Spinning facts. Attacks on their opponents.. Manufactured realities. False narratives. Fake news. Disinformation. Conspiracy theories. It's all part of and mostly accepted by both sides in politics as part of the slime ball game tactics.
But in the end, after the tough battle between 2 people using these "anything to win" strategies is over, somebody wins and somebody loses based on elections DETERMINED BY COUNTING THE VOTES that have been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be secure and trusted using every reasonable and tested standard.
And this is where Trumps followers diverge from the rest of what is accepted in politics.
Everybody agrees that no matter how much you hate the opponent. No matter how tough the battle. No matter how close the election results. No matter how underhanded or corrupt the opponents tactics. No matter what the consequences of losing are...........the loser acknowledges the results OF THE COUNTED VOTES.
You guys vehemently rejecting that 1, most important principle of all, that even the most intensely competitive but ethical politicians accept as the core principle of a democracy IS KILLING YOUR VOTES TO THE TUNE OF MILLIONS!
There is no invisible boogey man, using a yet to be shown, magical mystery method of stealing R votes and adding D votes which alters the final count.
And the Ds ARE NOT BLAMELESS EITHER! Insisting the Rs are suppressing votes and especially in 2016, we know now with 100% certainty that Trump did not collude with Russia and Russian interference was not what caused Hillary to lose. The extremely corrupt Mueller investigation for 2.5 years was entirely from the justice/intel department, media and Ds colluding to discredit Trumps election win in 2016. So Ds did a similar thing but had much more power to abuse the system. So mcfarm, you are correct about this aspect.
But again, even though the Ds used a different DIABOLICAL method than Trump's to discredit an election they lost, they were not questioning the foundation of our democracy which is based on COUNTING THE VOTES, THEN ACKNOWLEDGING THE RESULT.
No matter all the other impactful elements related to an election, crooked, unethical or not, VOTE COUNTING is done in a way that is scrutinized and proven secure by every reasonable standard and in any democracy MUST BE HONORED.
There is NO DENYING THIS and I was shocked to see this massive flip from Harris to Trump in such a short time without significant news in recent weeks, other than, maybe JD Vance's award winning debate performance.
With such little time before the election, this is starting to look ominous for Harris/Waltz.
Again, I can't vouch for this being a reliable indicator, having only followed it since the Summer. Volume is picking up.
Maybe this is the reaction to Harris and Obama campaigning with mostly attacks on Trump instead of telling people why Harris would be good for the country.
People already know who Trump is. It could be counterproductive to focus on a message that rings true to people that already hate Trump.
Harris already has the TDS vote. Using a TDS message and calling Trump names like SLEEPY DON could be backfiring. This is something right out of the book of campaigning for Donald Trump.
name calling Trump, especially a really dumb one like this is playing trumps game.
wrestling a pig in the mud. It’s home and the pigs huge advantage.
Telling People that she has more character and doesn’t act like Trump……then campaigning like him and making her message about hating Trump is pretty hypocritical and makes her look even more fake.
To me at least.
Character is the one thing that she crushes Trump on. Why wouldn’t she exploit that instead of her and Obama thinking they can beat Trump in a name calling shist fight as we go down to the wire?
Big mistake in my opinion.
Biden is noticeably absent from the campaign trail.
Thats because he and this administrations leadership has the vast majority of Americans, 79% thinking our country is in the wrong path.
Harris and Obama don’t appear to be giving a clear message on how she will suddenly change the path after 3.5 years of the wrong path.
Maybe it's just me but this type of campaigning seems to be backfiring on Harris and makes her LESS likeable.
This angry, not likeable look focusing on stopping Donald Trump instead of positive messages and agenda is why Hillary lost in 2016.
CNN had Obamas entire Kamala Harris rally on so I watched for almost an hour. this is double how long I can stand to watch a Trump rally.
This was good to see to understand their desparation last ditch strategy to beat Donald Trump.
the fiirst 25 minutes were not about Harris but instead were about stop Trump messaging.
Finally, he brought up Harris and Waltz. Talked about them for a total of 5 minutes, then resumed going after Trump. The last 20 minutes before I went to bed, he was still just going after Trump.
Obama talked more about himself than he did Harris.
Comparing his health care plan to Trumps.
Telling us that it was the Obama economy that made the first 2 years under Trump so good and why it was so bad at the end was entirely trumps fault.
very Few mentions of what Harris brings to the table. Just 95% reasons, some made up or lies about why we should not vote for Donald Trump.
He mentioned Donald trumps name at least 60 times in,less than an hour. Could have been 100 times!,
This is negative campaigning and lies about the opponent on steroids. Worse even than anything I’ve ever seen coming from trump(which I thought nobody else would ever want to do).
A lot of what Obama said was true…..but some of it was not true.
but people already know who Trump is. Repeating obsessive TDS messaging is NOT giving people new information to vote for Harris.
The entire tactic is to get Harris over the finish line by getting more people to hate Trump enough to vote for her……NOT because shes Qualified or has a good agenda but because she isn’t donald Trump.
The entire world isn’t Donald .trump.!!!
This should be a time to sell a message about why this person (Harris)qualifies to lead this country down the right path.
They are telling us: the main thing that matters is to prevent trump from winning. Never mind the track record of the other person or her agenda, she must be elected to stop Donald Trump from being elected.
Anybody that reads here, knows that I have made many dozens of posts, loaded with legit, very objective facts about how bad Trump is.
So I get using that strategy. But I’m not running against Trump which automatically, makeS THEIR negative posts about him SUBJECTIVE AND LESS CREDIBLE.
Maybe this will work but it’s a crystal clear admission that Harris’s attributes ARE NOT strong enough to get top billing for their campaign to stop donald Trump from being elected.
I’ll look at it this way.
if Trump wins, at least the war in Ukraine will finally end .
If Harris wins, at least we won’t have a president that’s mentally ill.
Probably, they see how bad Trump is and think “if people just come to understand how really, really bad he is, no way will they vote for him”
thats probably true but the D party and MSM and unelected bureaucrats screaming that message to us for 9 years now has mostly maxed out its ability to use TDS messaging to recruit new Trump haters.
a strong bull market thats way overbought and at record highs will need increasingly more bullish news to keep going higher and higher or the market eventually runs out of new buyers.
Obama and Harris and the Ds are just repackaging old AND BIASED TDS NEWS TO GENERATE NEW TDS, RECORD HIGHS FROM HATRED OF TRUMP and HOPE this causes a reaction of voting for Harris.
I think Trump is being smart , backing off from some interviews and another debate because it would give them NEW NEWS TO SELL TDS WITH.
His advisors must know that Donald Trumps mouth is his own mortal enemy and minimizing opportunities for him to reveal how deranged his is make good sense.
This is similar to the hiding Joe Biden in his basement in 2020, while Trump as president was using his mouth to generate a massive new record of NOT DONALD TRUMP votes........only the R party could be applying that to certain venues.
Harris accusing Trump of not having enough energy to be president is extremely counter productive to her credibility. Let me explain why.
Harris' campaign posted a video of Trump's eyes closing and head appearing to bob while a voter spoke at the Auburn Hills event.
Being president of the United States is probably one of the hardest jobs in the world," Harris said to reporters in Grand Rapids, Michigan on Friday, after referencing the Politico report. "And so, we really do need to ask if he’s exhausted being on the campaign trail, is he fit to do the job?"
It's good to tell the truth that Trump is deranged and delusional but part of his mental illness features constant MANIA!!!
This results in long periods of TOO MUCH ENERGY!!!!
Mania, also known as manic syndrome, is a psychiatricbehavioralsyndrome[1][2] defined as a state of abnormally elevated arousal, affect, and energy level.[3] During a manic episode, an individual will experience rapidly changing emotions and moods, highly influenced by surrounding stimuli. Although mania is often conceived of as a "mirror image" to depression, the heightened mood can be dysphoric as well as euphoric.[4] As the mania intensifies, irritability can be more pronounced and result in anxiety or anger.
1. Donald Trump has experienced cognitive decline and is delusional and mentally ill= TRUE
2. Donald Trump doesn't have enough energy to be president = EXTREMELY FALSE
Stating something extremely false, as in #2, wrecks your credibility for telling the truth ABOUT EVERYTHING because we know that you are just making attacks on the opponent, regardless of whether they are true or not. If you bust somebody telling a big lie, they can no longer be trusted as a credible source for information on that same topic. This is human psychology 101. Trump violates this every time he opens his mouth but Harris wants to convince us she's not like that. When her politics and what she says doesn't back up how she describes's called hypocrisy.
If it were me running her campaign, I would have advised her and Obama to cut out all the bs, exaggerated or made up stuff to vilify Trump and stick to the truth while conforming to a more respectful standard. Lord knows there is plenty for them to use.
Instead, they're apparently desperate and wresting with a pig in the mud, which maximizes the pig's advantages. BIG MISTAKE BY HARRIS!!
This is actually very mean to the poor REAL pig in these videos.
For those of us that like to read commodity, stock and other charts to use for predictive tools, this one is pretty compelling. Again, I can't vouch for this sources reliability. Maybe there are more Rs with money to bet and having wishful thinking as we get closer?
Regardless its STILL very compelling how quickly Harris has lost her lead and is now behind. If this is anywhere close to being accurate, her campaign tactics the past month have been completely counter productive and COST her more than when she did nothing and just let the MSM conjure up their version of what they wanted us to think.
I'm not showing this because I want it to happen. It's just objective information that pertains to the topic.
Finally, the bonus, a positive reason to vote Harris. She’s not only among the most experienced applicants for the job ever, but also: She’s not Trump.
I'm becoming increasingly confident that the Ds are blowing it the past month and in the next 2 weeks by focusing all their campaigning AGAINST Donald Trump instead of for Kamala Harris.
Their main reason to vote for Kamala Harris is that she isn't Donald Trump.
Even President Obama, their most powerful voice spends much more time telling us about how HE was so much better than Trump and the rest of it telling us how bad Trump is...........almost none of it giving us reasons to vote for Harris, except that she's not Trump.
I'm not Trump. You're not Trump. The rest of the country is not Donald Trump. Give us additional reasons to vote for Harris than not being Donald Trump! It's crystal clear that THEY CAN'T DO THIS OR ELSE THEY WOULD!!!
After Biden resigned, Harris soared much higher with a massive lead over Trump. NOT based on her NOT being Donald Trump but the MSM portrayed her as the savior of the D party. Young and cognitively sharp.
Remember, when Biden was running against Trump?
The strategy was to portray him as NOT Donald Trump and he was getting beat badly.
There's no question that most of what they state about Trump is true(some is made up) but its proving to be a losing strategy. People already know these things about Trump. Tell us positive things about Harris. She's young and cognitively sharp. Make up POSITIVE things, like everybody does about politicians from their party. Go back to the successful, over the top promoting of her, similar to after Biden resigned.
Thinking that they just must not be attacking him enough in falling behind and doubling, tripling down on A LOSING STRATEGY is just making it worse.
Trump should be the easiest to beat candidate in the history of presidential elections.......if they would just give us reasons that Harris would be a good choice for president, in addition to reasons why Trump would be a bad president!!
At THIS source, things continue to look better for Trump. Again, I can't vouch for how accurate this is as an indicator but the change/momentum is unmistakable.
Trump is 1c from his high on this graph, 90 days ago, when he was still benefiting from the June debate and 1st assassination attempt. Harris is the lowest since she passed Trump up at the end of July.
There is no way that Harris is not totally locked in as the D candidate but apparently, a few betters are seeing her as such a poor candidate, that Gavin Newsom has ticked up 1c as an extreme long shot that is costing almost nothing to gamble on. It doesn't make any rationale sense, other than possibly indicating the mindset of the betters.
Trump is blue, Harris is purple.
In Pennsylvania, Harris and Cheney worked sway Republican voters.
I honestly understand what they are thinking but it appears to be part of their catastrophic campaigning blunder as we get close to 2 weeks before the election.
Everybody knows that Cheney is a staunch R with a lifetime of being an R and father that was VP as an R. The only reason that she stands out in 2024 is for having the guts to confront Trump after his diabolical behavior, following the attempt to overturn the 2020 election.
Having an R politician campaign with you that was basically kicked out of the R party and seeks vengeance against Donald Trump for doing it is NOT campaigning on the D ATTRIBUTES OF KAMALA HARRIS. This is a mistake in my opinion. It's the WRONG TDS MESSAGE(regardless of how much I respect Liz Cheney personally)!
Unless something unexpected happens in the next 2 weeks(and there have been plenty of those) we have been watching the D party implode and blow a lead/advantage because they decided to campaign exclusively on a TDS message. Stop Donald Trump and the main reason to vote for Harris is because she isn't Donald Trump.
Of course we can't ignore the fact that Harris is so extraordinarily weak that she doesn't give the Ds alot to work with. In that case, it also goes back to when they decided to replace Biden with Harris, instead of several more talented Ds (Buttegieg/Newsom to name 2 that were much better choices).
We can't forget the fact that when we see Harris out there, she is most known for her role as part of the BIDEN administration and with the majority of Americans thinking we are headed in the wrong direction, you really are going to have a hard time selling the idea of promoting the VP of that wrong direction to President, when in most venues THEY GET FIRED!
Key Insights from New Opinion Poll
Most believe the world is becoming less stable and the United States is also moving in the wrong direction.
From the outset, 8 in 10 voters say the U.S. should play a leading (41%) or major role (40%) on the global stage.
I strongly DISAGREE specifically with the role of the US on the global stage, which has almost always messed things up to benefit the Military-Industrial-Political complex. If that group didn't control our politicians and our messages were for peace and not interventionism to benefit us..........then that would be an honest, altruistic objective that I could support.
Regardless, most Americans are telling us in this poll that they are NOT happy with Biden/Harris. Promoting a failed VP to President is a very hard thing even running against the worst person in the history of our country by a Grand Canyon wide margin.
So they've decided to just chuck the FOR Harris messages in favor of the AGAINST Trump and NOT Donald Trump messages.
I should add too on Cheney.
i have done nothing but admire and compliment her for standing up to Trump. The Rs did her very wrong.
however, I have mixed feelings for her campaigning against Trump.
In this case, she may actually be mostly driven by vengeance to get back at the R party for what they did to her.
Harris represents the epitimy of a politician that is The complete opposite of all the political positions that she stood clearly for her entire life.
Everybody that knows this, sees this with the interpretation that is causing the D campaigning to , apparently catastrophically fail.
That interpretation is this:
Hi, I’m Liz Cheney. I think every thing about Kamala Harris and her agenda stinks based on my entire career in politics. There are 10,000 other people that I would prefer as President!
Despite that, I want to prevent Trump from being president so vote for somebody that you know, that,I think is a horrible candidate.
Again, it fails to give people the qualifications, policy, agenda, good for america reasons to vote for Harris and serves as the quintessential, extreme example of “vote for anybody on the planet that isn’t Donald Trump”
Even if you agree that anybody on the planet would be better than Trump…….the messaging is taking away from Harris being authentically qualified and even if you disagree with that, the numbers right now don’t lie about the impact on,people.
The strategy has been crystal clear……….the impact has been too.
Weve learned to be skeptical of polls and assumptions going into elections and I’m still flabbergasted at the magnitude of the change in favor of Trump and against Harris the past month.
The correlation between that and how the Ds are rigorously campaigning seems to also be a strong direct causation.
We are living in strange, unprecedented times!
Fascinating for people that love to do analysis.
They are doing their best to hide the fact that our war in Ukraine has been one of the most blunderous foreign,policy positions in history and this administration gets 100% blame.
This administration has been made to look like incompetent and impotent fools when dealing with Israel, allowing Netanyahu to completely own them and constantly do the opposite of what they state is their Objective.
Bit it looks like Netanyahu will get his wish and have “Islamophobia Don“ for president.
If Trump wins, I'm getting a vibe that many Ds will do like in 2016 and blame Russia and election interference, voter suppression.
Again, I can't vouch for this source as a reliable indicator but its probably better than polls which have all sorts of bias. The millions placing the bets will lose money if they're wrong. There could be a reason for people with alot of money to distort the betting(at their potential loss) to mislead but that doesn't seem likely.
The number below does not need to add up to 100. It's just based on all the bids and offers. The bids must be more aggressive than the offers because they add up to $1.05. I'm assuming that if they were completely balanced, they would be $1. In other words, more people want to BUY who they think will win vs SELLING who they think will lose. Do you agree with that, Larry?
The graph below is looking pretty ominous for Harris.
I would block these emails but I want to understand what they are doing and stating. I may have blocked the Trump emails many months ago but I don’t get any. Not even in junk mail.
![]() |
Here is where we're at: FIRST: We explained that Vice President Harris is getting hit with relentless attack ads in battleground states across the country. In some cases, our campaign is being outspent by wide margins. THEN: We told you that we set our final fundraising goals of the election, and that we're using them as markers to make some final spending decisions. Win-or-lose decisions. NOW: We're truly in an all-hands-on-deck situation. The response lately hasn't been what we hoped for, and we need everyone who cares about the outcome of this race to contribute today: So: Can Kamala Harris count on you to make your first contribution to her campaign for president today? The amount isn't as important as the number of donations we receive because it all adds up. |
6 separate emails asking for money just since 5 am this morning is very excessive. I'm not sure what the protocol or justification for sending that many in the same day is but, for me, if I didn't want to read them to study their tactics it would be a huge turn off/harassment.
Not sure if that's what they do to people that never gave and if I gave money, they would be less frequent but we'll never find out. Not even sure where they got my email from but most people would consider this number in a day to be AN INTRUSION!
I will guess that they have sent around 100 to me in the last month........and none of them resulted in me giving money. Who keeps asking after being ignored 100 times in a row???
I'm sure that it's some sort of program with millions of emails on it, where their computer can be set to send out emails to the frequency that they want.
This is a mistake in my opinion because its crossed over into harassment-land and counter productive.
Not sure why Trump stopped sending emails a very long time ago. Is the information about me that they have suggesting that I'm a D that might donate to that side??
I just discovered that if you hit the logo above on this page, it sends you to the link to donate money for Harris/Waltz:
The Vice President needs your support today. Be part of the movement that is fighting to defeat Trump and chart a new way forward for America. Donate now.
Your contribution will benefit Kamala Harris.
Recurring contributions help us create budgets, hire staff, and plan ahead.
There's that theme again: Be part of the movement that is fighting to defeat Trump.
Seems to be backfiring when it lacks solid messaging for why Harris would be a great president and people are getting sick and tired of the negative messaging.
Trump does it in the biggest way but the Harris campaign is hypocritical in attacking Trump for doing it.
This is from the previous email:
Right now, polling shows this race statistically tied. The MAGA Right is attacking the Vice President with baseless lies, misinformation, and clickbait -- and there’s no question that’ll continue to ramp up.
To top it all off, Trump and his allies are outspending us in battlegrounds across the country.
What they are stating is a big lie!
My message would be: Don't donate to organizations that blatantly lie to get your money!
Incredibly and NOT coincidentally, CNN/Anderson Cooper just had a story about deceptive campaign fund raising that is ripping off the elderly of much of their life savings.
But guess who is doing it in their story?
The Trump campaign!
Bernie Sanders is up next to tell us why Trump is like Hitler. Seriously, that was the tease going into the commercial.
After the commercial, they also made up reasons for why Trump hates the military and other complete nonsense to go with the truth about him.
After Cooper, came Kaitlyn Collins. Her entire show so far is about Trump being a fascist who admired Hitler. Treating it like it's breaking news that everybody needs to know.
This is getting pretty nuts......nothing about why Kamala Harris would be a good president.
they never told us why Harris would be a good President? Holy crap MM. Welcome to reality. Even CNN cannot think of a reason and you think you could do an hour long show about this incompetent dei hire for life. Well I want to hear that, Imagine it would draw way up into the tens of people.
Told you guys weeks ago this election is about men. All men, black, white, latino, even muslims have turned away from the fraud of the progressive lies.
And just to add Biden is adding even more corruption to his legacy. 27 billion handed out yesterday to start ups just formed last April with incomes, some of 100 dollars total since inception. this corrupt money raided from the corrupt inflation screw America act was just another gift for Biden's corrupt friends. And where is our AG again? Well, sleeping or on the beach with Biden.
Thanks, mcfarm.
Yes, this really started when they decided that Biden would be the next president, despite impossible to hide, massive cognitive losses that ensured he COULDN'T be the president for 4 more years, struggling to be the president now, in fact. The tactic was to Just repeat, that "its all made up by the Rs, who are cherry picking every small stumble and exaggerating it, because Biden is still the sharpest guy in the room".
Then the debate debacle and Biden having a really bad night that blatantly exposed the truth. Then, Biden refusing to withdraw for weeks, even in the face of the obvious. If Biden and the Ds were honest, they never would have ran him. Americans/Ds then could have picked THE BEST candidate, starting over a year ago using the process designed to do exactly that. Would it have been Harris? Newsom? Buttigieg? I'll bet it WOULDN'T have been Harris!!!!
Where would we be now with Buttigieg running? He wouldn't be pulled down like Harris is from being part of the Biden administration. He would have been THE candidate from the get go. Ds were enthusiastically supporting Harris after Biden withdrew but it was more of a "thank God, we got Biden out" type enthusiasm that has suddenly lost all the momentum because the focus has shifted away from Harris being qualified to a panic driven "Trump can never be president again, no matter what and Harris is NOT DONALD TRUMP. No matter what else she is, the most important thing is that she is NOT Donald Trump and anybody who is NOT Donald Trump should be the next president.
The interview on CNN tonight will be interesting. Based on CNN's shift to EXTREMELY partisan broadcasting recently, especially , like last night when 2 shows in a row focused on a message of "Donald Trump is another Hitler" theme, which is an abhorrent, offensive mischaracterization of anybody, I totally expect them to bend over backwards to make it a "Harris for president" hour long show.
With less than 2 weeks to go, things are looking pretty ominous for Harris. Just to repeat, I can't vouch for this source as an accurate predictor of elections.
It's possible, that Ds could have a very late surge similar to 2020, when they came out in record smashing numbers to vote NOT Donald Trump.
Seems like the D campaigning is based on that assumption. That is still possible.
My personal preference, which is for ANYBODY BUT THESE 2 will likely cause a no vote on Nov. 6. In the future, I don't want to think that I voted for either one, after that person became the biggest presidential disaster in history. I can tell you crystal clearly why I voted for each candidate in each election thru 2016.
In 2020, I ended up sitting in the parking lot contemplating, just before the polls closed. Still not sure who to vote for, then walked in 1 minute too late and the poll workers feeling so bad for me. However, to this day, I can only guess that I PROBABLY WOULD HAVE VOTED FOR TRUMP in 2020. After his reaction to losing, I am so glad to have NOT voted for Trump and been forever embarrassed to think that I actually voted for him.
I have to chuckle at this thread, which makes me especially appreciate NOT voting for Trump in 2020!
I will vote for Biden
5 responses |
Started by metmike - Nov. 1, 2020, 12:26 p.m.
MSM: Breaking news everybody!!!! After a decade+ of thinking that we knew everything about Trump, we've just uncovered the fact that he has always admired Adolf Hitler and wants to be just like the most evil man in history!
Also, that he hates our military
Yellow journalism
Trump is not expected to win the popular vote. Pollster Nate Silver's forecast shows that he has a 27 percent chance of winning the popular vote, while Harris has a 72 percent chance. Meanwhile, FiveThirtyEight's poll tracker shows that Harris is ahead by 1.7 points nationally, while Silver's tracker puts her ahead by 1.6 points.
In 2016, Trump lost the popular vote by 4.5 points but won the presidency because of strength in the battleground states. At the time, most polls overestimated support for Democrat Hillary Clinton.
If Harris wins the popular vote by this amount, Trump will likely win the electoral votes he needs to be president.
I just noticed something on the graph below. The volume at the bottom is spiking higher and higher!
The latest bar, is the highest yet, other than when Harris crushed Trump in the debate. This makes sense now that the election has less than 2 weeks to go.
Using technical analysis, high volume bars usually imply much more significance to the market reaction/direction at those times. Again, I don't know how reliable this betting site is at predicting and I absolutely am not expressing a personal favorite between Trump and Harris.
6 more emails from the Harris team today. 4 of them went to junk email and 2 got thru. A slight difference in the email that they are coming from but I haven't made any attempts to block any of them that I remember.
This latest message makes a bit more sense to me. NOT asking for money anymore so they can spend it on negative ads that tick people off but instead, encouraging people to volunteer to help get out the vote.
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This is going to be a very close election. Let me be clear: We are the underdogs in this race. There are a handful of states where the polling shows the race between a point or two. These are states, and critical electoral votes, that could come down to just a few thousand people deciding to stay home or get out and vote. The stakes are too high in this election to sit back, watch, and wait for the outcome. If we want to win -- if we are going to defeat Donald Trump -- we all have a role to play. We have to make sure Democrats who don't turn out in every election vote this time. It could be the difference. This week, we are going to make calls into battleground states and turn folks out to vote before it's too late. We're talking about states that were decided by less than 1% last time. Use this link to find a volunteer opportunity happening near you. RSVP, and we'll be in touch.
If I was getting emails from Trump, I would analyze them too. Maybe I sent them something earlier in the year to be taken off the list???? Or maybe I didn't go to the right sites that put my email on a list???
Or, maybe this is part of why Ds raise more money than Rs???
Every segment on CNN today that I watched had a story with this theme:
"Donald Trump is a fascist that greatly admires Adolph Hitler and if elected will be just like him" The ABC Nightly New's lead/top story: Donald Trump is a fascist that greatly admires Adolph Hitler and if elected, will be just like him.
To me, this is even more pathetic and offensive than any of the thousands of delusional things that Trump has stated and should be condemned for.
Godwin's law (or Godwin's rule), short for Godwin's law of Nazi analogies,[1] is an Internet adage asserting: "As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches 1
Apparently it's working:
Such reckless verbiage is, of course, not just grossly disproportionate and non-analogous to the real thing, it’s historically illiterate. The Anti-Defamation League has frequently had to issue reproaches such as, “Glib comparisons to Nazi Germany are offensive and a trivialization of the Holocaust.”
Just when we thought that Trump and MAGA owned the franchise for being the most extreme.........the Ds and MSM will do and say ANYTHING to keep Trump from being elected. ANYTHING!
nazi an facists they say? And as I road the combine today I kept wondering which party staged a coup within the last few months and inserted a real commy? I am not sure but I think I remember
More on Harris and plagiarism. Seems in runs in the Biden WH. She not only copied several things for her book but seems she coped word for word including misspelled words and punctuations when she testified before congress. Gee what a class act she is. Even worked at McDonalds. Whoops not she did not. Owns a gun just like the dip running with her but neither knows how to load the damn thing. And also if you live in Ca she tried to stop you from doing the same. Again commy class act.
It just hit me even more why Harris has been falling the fastest while Obama was campaigning for her. Obama has tons of influence and this should not be happening.
As mentioned previously, I watched him for an hour and he spent almost all the time bashing Trump and the 2nd most time bragging about how great his administration was compared to Trump NOT how great Harris would be.
Hes hurting Harris because they are wishing HE WAS PRESIDENT NOT HARRIS. He needs to campaign for Harris NOT THE OBAMA LEGACY.
you might want to mention we all so damn tired of being lectured by this bought and paid for fraud Obama. Have you hot heard the reaction from male blacks who actually said on cnn no less....Obama pointed his figure at us {black men} and said "N word , you best get in line" with that usual uppity tone of his. This guys have had enough, finally..... and its all coming home to the dems as they have allowed the radicals to fully take over their party. And I mean radicals in the fully worst definiton possible
I thought Harris did ok last night on CNN.
Around 50% of the time, she sounded great with mostly a positive, uplifting message, even if the agenda was not spelled out clearly.
Less than 20% of the time she stumbled badly, like with answers to questions on Israel and ESPECIALLY the border crisis that SHE CAUSED (Anderson Cooper did a great job confronting her on this).
At least 25% of the time she went into her rant on Trump.
No questions on Ukraine????
What the heck, there were also no questions on Ukraine at the VP debate?
No questions on climate change????
Was this intentional?
Her response about fracking is that she is FOR fracking now as well as for clean energy.
But the problem is that her version of clean energy, defines CO2 as pollution that must be completely eliminated. Fracking is entirely about natural gas and oil production. Those are fossil fuels that emit CO2 when we burn them.
Which one is she lying about? You can't be for eliminating fossil fuels and for fracking. If she is for some sort of phasing out of fossil fuel nonsense, she is spending 0 time explaining how that would work.
The reason she has this disingenuous position is to create the illusion that she is for both in order maximize the votes from the fake climate crisis, far left AS WELL AS the energy sane, pro fossil fuel the same time.
How low can you go???
Even LOWER than Trump!
Breaking news everybody!
After a decade of constant information about everything that has to do with anything related to Donald Trump, we suddenly found out, 2 weeks before the 2024 presidential election, that he's an Adolf Hitler fan and hates our military. And if we elect him, he will ban the Constitution and turn the US into a fascist country.
Gee, I wonder why he didn't try to do any of that when he was president for 4 years previously?
We also know what Kamala Harris has done(not done) while being VP for almost 4 years!
Regardless, Harris can no longer claim to be taking the high ground and while being critical of Trump for attacking his opponents. This was the quintessential LOW GROUND/DESPICABLE attack on a political opponent......... invoking Hitler, the most evil human being in history!
During the interview on CNN yesterday on the question of Israel, Harris suggested that Trump would be bad for Israel because of his admiration of Hitler.
Fact: It’s the,polar opposite of this. Trump is extremely pro Israel and has shown blatant Islamophobia in the past.
Williams, a model in the 1990s, detailed the allegations during a call on Monday organized by Survivors for Kamala.
"that is why I am here tonight. I figured it was time to share this and I am ready to win this election."
This happened 1,612 weeks ago and suddenly, 2 weeks before the 2024 presidential election, she tells the story that includes the connecting it, with her own words "to win the election" for Harris.
And suddenly, we have another brand new, breaking news story from the past(over 3 decades ago in this case) that just happens to show up right before election day that all the MSM uses as their top story.
This is a tiny sample:
This desperation tactic appears to be backfiring:
In my mailbox just now(along with all the other ones from Harris/Waltz):
I thought the Harris people were supposed to be the honest ones???
They just lie about different things than MAGA/Trump!!!!
While Harris has not announced September fundraising totals, Harris and the Democratic Party are projected to have raised about $1 billion or more from July through September, based on information provided by the Harris campaign documenting weekend fundraising totals, and what they reported for July and August.
Trump and the Republican Party raised $430 million over the same period, including fundraising totals announced by the campaign and party committee for the month of September as well as what was reported to the FEC in prior months. If fundraising trends continue, this will likely result in Harris exceeding the Biden campaign’s 2020 receipts, while Trump may struggle to match what his campaign reported in 2020.
Sure Trump's a criminal indicted on multiple crimes.
Yes he's a liar.
Yes he is an insecure narcissist who craves loyalty above all else (even the constitution).
True he been accused of raping 20 or so women.
Yes, nearly every general who ever served under him thinks he is dangerous and unfit to serve.
OK, I admit that he should be in jail already for insurrection. (fascist)
BUT did you see the meandering answer Harris gave on the FOX news interview? ... I'm not sure who to vote for. I think I won't vote. .... (good grief)
I wonder where all this is coming from..........NOT!!!!
The study included other findings that covered various topics in the journalism workplace, including educational levels, workplace satisfaction, shrinking newsrooms, median ages of reporters, women, minorities, sought-after training and social media.
According to the survey, 22% of the respondents said journalism in the U.S. was headed in the right direction, while 60.1% said otherwise. Similar numbers of respondents said the same a decade ago.
When asked about the “most important problem facing journalism today,” the journalists mentioned these issues most often: declining public trust in the news media, shrinking local and community news coverage, perceived bias and opinion journalism, fake news and disrupted business models.
I feel your pain, joj,
Really, I do even though I'm an independent.
I respect your opinions here a great deal too!
Know that if YOU were running for president against Trump, I would not hesitate to vote for you because I feel that we can trust you.
You also didn't cause a major border crisis that can't be cleaned up, no matter what the next policy is. I am FOR controlled LEGAL immigration that results in those immigrants becoming citizens. This was a disaster. Trump would have prevented that with certainty.
You also were not part of an administration that has caused almost 1 million casualties in the Ukraine war. Trump would have prevented that with certainty.
So its much more complicated than just looking at Trumps Mt. Everest flaws and using that to vote for whoever the other person is. At least for me.
Regardless, I still can't vote for Trump because of those flaws..............but neither can I vote for Harris for the sole reason that she isn't Donald Trump. I would like MORE THAN THAT!
And we should note, many millions of other people feel exactly the same way. Trump wouldn't have a chance if only MAGA, far right people voted for him.
We must ask, why is Trump getting millions of votes from NON MAGA people.
The worst R candidate in history by a Grand Canyon wide margin...........and he is beating the D?
How can this be?
The reason is that the D candidate is the worst in history too! And the process to pick her, shut out the voters. What if she ran against other Ds to give voters the option to pick who they wanted to be on the D ticket? 98% chance she would NOT be the person on the ballet right now. Remember how low her ratings were all the way up to when Biden withdrew. Hard to imagine somebody that disliked would have earned this spot.
And now, the MSM and D party are stuck using tactics that focus on attacking Trump not showcasing the attributes of Kamala Harris.
Don't you think that B. Clinton, Obama and a younger Biden would be CRUSHING Trump??
Jimmy Carter would actually be talking the talk and walking the walk, using his own behavior and examples to DEMONSTRATE the difference between him and Trump. Would he be speaking to the American people about how Trump admires Hitler? Dragging up a far left activist from out of nowhere to claim Trump touched her inappropriately over 3 decades ago?
I contend that a D candidate chosen by the people would be winning easily. We shouldn't forget that Harris is part of the Biden administration that tried to bamboozle the country into thinking Joe had 4 more years in him as being our president. She vouched for how sharp he was the entire time.............knowing better the entire time.
She can't escape that.
If Trump is elected, it will be a very sad day for America. Instead of putting all the blame on far right Rs and Independents and even some Ds for voting for him, we should look at the failure of the Ds to provide a better choice than they did.
Just a note for new readers, what my opinion is of Donald Trump:
Trump 7-26-24
23 responses |
Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.
Trump is Toast-2020 election case
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Started by metmike - Oct. 2, 2024, 5:39 p.m.
I am so NOT looking forward to the chaos after this election, especially if Trump wins.
We wonder why gold is soaring to new highs? This is part of it.
The gold market sees enormous geopolitical tensions and US presidency chaos ahead.
What administration has been in the White House the past 3.5+ years?
Trump=Maximum Chaos for sure but Biden/Harris is 100% responsible for Ukraine and border chaos and now, voters are only being given a choice of the VP in that same administration, instead of the one THEY PICKED.
A huge part of the chaos, if Trump wins will not be from Trump or Rs but the reaction of the Ds, MSM and other gatekeepers.
We can expect 4 years of them doing everything in their power to vilify, block, discredit and destroy our elected president.
It won't be as bad if Harris wins because only 4% of the media are Rs. Fox news will do their usual delusional lying to engage their viewers but the VAST, VAST majority of the message gatekeepers favor the D side.
Trump will say many thousands of retarded things and lies while president and that will create thousands of headlines, often based purely on "yellow journalism"
Some will be complete mischaracterizations of Trump. Some will be right on the money. One side will believe ALL of it, the other side will believe NONE of it.
This will greatly amplify the incredible political divide and make it even more clear that our country is having a cold civil war. I have searched for every possible reason to see an outcome that could be different than this. If the Rs win both houses, it might be more productive from them having the power to impose their agenda.
If Ds have some control, they will use it to block Trump..........and likely start impeachment proceedings right away.
Other than Donald Trump being assassinated, there is a 99%+ chance of it going this way.
1. I am not advocating for a Trump assassination
2. If somebody has another idea, please chime in
With the 99% chance comes a wide range of outcomes. The least bad may allow us to limp thru the next 4 years, hating each other more and Ds looking forward to the 2028 election. However, JD Vance might be a pretty formidable candidate and Donald Trump will be gone forever.
The worst scenario goes into the land of speculation that has no limits. There are other unhealthy things, like our crushing National Debt that could add to any crisis and cause it to be greatly amplified.
joj, just know that whatever happens we should remain friends that respect each other.
I truly hope I'm wrong and that believers in the Liz Cheney Magic Republican strategy get to triumphantly tweet this article back at me a thousand times on the night of Nov. 5, but from where I sit Harris has lost the plot and we may all pay a very steep price for that miscalculation.
This is exactly what much of this thread has been about! This post exactly:
The Ds are giving us a demonstration of how to lose an election to the worst R candidate in American history. Note that my comments above are an objective analysis NOT biased by a desire for Trump to be president. I am NOT going to vote for Trump.