The worst president in history continues to wreck his legacy.
He should have retired after being VP when people still respected him and liked him........and he wasn't suffering from severe cognitive issues from degenerative frontal lobe/brain disease that has resulted in 100s of embarrassing moments and bad judgment.
Trying his best to get us into WW3 and sabotage Trumps effort to bring peace to the people of Ukraine that have been pleading for peace with Russia (NOT NATO) for years.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Biden/Zelensky WW-3
By metmike - Nov. 29, 2024, 4:34 p.m.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Biden/Zelensky WW-3
For my entire career I have followed a simple principle: just tell the American people the truth.
The facts tell a completely different story!
What the Bidens did in Ukraine to enrich the family would .have put them in prison for life if there was justice.
What Joe has done to Ukrainians the past 3 years has earned him a place in the hottest section of hell, if there is such a place.
Joe pardoning his own son is understandable whether warranted or not. Many others regardless of party in a similar position would probably do the same. But I wish he hadn’t previously said he wouldn’t do it as it means he went against his own word, which I never like to see, and also gives ammunition to the other side which I’d rather them not have.
Thanks much, Larry!
If Biden or Harris had won as expected, then Biden could have met his promise not to pardon Hunter.
However, what he did was more related to pardoning him preemptively from the REAL crimes that he committed with his father, while his father was VP.
These gun and tax charges are a complete joke and would have resulted in fines or probation. They are totally meant to mislead everybody so we don't see the REAL crimes of the Biden family while Joe was VP and operating as "The Big Guy".
Hunter was practicing illegally as an unregistered foreign lobbyist that was selling Joe Biden's influence to Ukraine and other countries. Extorting them, with millions going into the Biden family bank accounts, using fake/shell companies that existed to hide the money and numerous transfers to make it too complicated to follow.
Now that Hunter has been pardoned in advance for those crimes it will make it more difficult to hold Joe accountable.
However, make no mistake about it. Joe did not pardon Hunter because of the nothing crimes he's currently charged with.
He protected him from the MAJOR crimes the Rs were likely to find because of the mountain of evidence which JOE BIDEN KNOWS IS THERE AND JOE BIDEN, PRETTY MUCH ACKNOWLEDGED THIS BY BREAKING HIS PROMISE ABOUT PARDONING HUNTER.
Think about it. Why would Biden wreck his legacy and break his emphatic promise NOT to protect Hunter from a likely probation sentence/fine(first time offender with solid legal representation)?
Answer: Because that's NOT what the pardon was about. I compiled the massive authentic evidence below. With Trump as president and the Rs controlling both houses, it seemed inevitable that they would open a new investigation.
Biden corruption/coverup 10+ times worse than Watergate
Started by metmike - June 9, 2023, 8 p.m.
Press Conference on Biden Investigation 5-10-23
53 responses
Started by metmike - May 9, 2023, 12:27 a.m.
Biden's speech 6-2-23
6 responses |
Started by metmike - June 2, 2023, 8:36 p.m.
‘Just Brutal for President Biden!’
12 responses |
Started by metmike - May 7, 2023, 2:53 p.m.
Biden cover ups
34 responses |
Started by metmike - April 23, 2023, 1:25 p.m.
Previous threads related to this:
Trouble ahead for Biden
20 responses |
Started by metmike - Jan. 13, 2023, 7:25 p.m.
Previous threads about Hunter and Biden family corruption/crimes:
Hunter Biden's numerous crimes being investigated
Started by metmike - April 7, 2022, 9:56 p.m.
Hunter back in the news
Started by metmike - July 3, 2021, 3:25 a.m.
More smoking gun evidence on Bidens
78 responses | 1046 likes
Started by metmike - Oct. 14, 2020, 7:39 p.m.
Hey Mike,
Regardless of what else Hunter might have done criminally, Joe’s pardon of him pales in comparison imho to Trump wanting to pardon the Jan 6th insurrection participants. Actually, anything the Bidens may have done to take advantage of Joe being VP financially pales in comparison imho to Trump’s efforts to steal the 2020 election as well as instigate the insurrection. Trump is imho among the worst Presidents ever, if not THE worst. It isn’t just because of 2020. It is also because of how nauseatingly divisive he has been.
Biden is nowhere near the worst imho. I know you think he’s the worst. These are opinions. There’s no right or wrong answer.
Thanks, Larry!
I respect your opinion a great deal.
Take out the 1 million real human being casualties in Ukraine (most of them deaths and permanently disabling injuries) BECAUSE OF JOE BIDEN and I would agree with you.
Or look only at certain parts of our own country......and you have an excellent case but I care about other people outside the US and things in addition to Trumps crimes related to the 2020 election(and his off the charts divisiveness and bombastic temperament).
As you might remember, I wasn't going to vote this year, then searched for a legit reason to vote for 1 of them.
Looks like voting for the person that would end the war in Ukraine is turning out to be a good reason, for me at least though I can't stand Trump.
I am NOT making the case for Trump to be a good president. In my book, he would easily be the worst........except for what Biden has done.
And your opinion is very legit with me in agreement with your reasoning.
I really don't like this idea at all. Biden protecting his friends because he's worried the evidence will convict them and/or the criminal justice system that he swore worked........won't work.
Regardless of whether Trump targets them or not, it's the evidence or lack of evidence that matters in the end.....if the criminal justice system works.
I would not be surprised at all if he also pardons his brother, Jim Biden that was in cahoots with him and Hunter when they were using his position to commit fraud during Bidens 2nd term as VP as well as other members of the Biden crime family that were benefiting.
Bill Clinton pardoned his brother but this is in another galaxy compared to that pardon.
What do you think, Larry?
New York Times reporter and CNBC host Andrew Ross Sorkin asked him to respond to a piece in Politico that read, "It is a rich gift to those who want to blow up the justice system as we know it, and who claim the government is a self-dealing club for hypocritical elites. It is a promise-breaking act that subjects Biden’s allies to yet another humiliation in a year packed with Biden-inflicted injuries."
It is also because of how nauseatingly divisive he has been.
IMHO there has been much more nauseatingly divisiveness from the media, and the false attacks on trump.
I think that Trumps agenda puts the prosecution of Biden far down the list of things to be done.
Hey Mike,
I would definitely consider a pardon for Liz Cheney because the delusional Trump is saying she committed treason and wants to go after her. Wtf is Trump talking about?
Hey cutworm,
I think Trump has brought a lot of that on himself. Ironically, I feel CNN unintentionally helped him get elected in 2016 by giving him tons of airtime! Do you remember all of those evening appearances with Don Lemon and others?
Thanks, Larry,
Trump can say all he wants about Cheney and investigate her but if she didn’t do anything wrong then they won’t have evidence. I highly doubt they would waste their time on her.
shes squeaky clean.
Schiff is shady and impeached Trump on bogus evidence. Ironically, when Trump was trying to uncover the very REAL fraud by the Bidens in Ukraine that Joe Biden is trying to preemptively pardon away right now. That’s why I think he’ll pardon )Jim Biden too.
Fauci lied and was part of some stuff that might get him in trouble and the pardon would help him.
With regards to CNN unintentionally getting Trump elected in 2016.
Anytime you have a very close election, people will be pointing to this or that as being a key factor that made the difference.
The bottom line is that the Ds ran a horrible race and picked a horrible, not likeable candidate. If Obama had been running for a 3rd term, it would have been a landslide, for instance(or Bill Clinton). Joe Biden would have likely beat Trump in 2016. Hillary, though EXTREMELY qualified and deserving of being the first woman president was lacking in charisma/charm and likeability.
The Ds REALLY blew it again in 2024. Only this time they picked somebody that was NOT qualified to be president. Somebody NOT chosen by the people, after the person they voted for to represent the party in November turned out to be fraudulently represented as cognitively capable.
Exposed in the catastrophic debate with Trump when the REAL Joe Biden came out. This exposed the "joe Biden is still capable of being the president scam being perpetrated on democrats and others they were trying to trick to vote for him based on the ludicrous assumption that he could actually do another 4 year term.
The Rs ran the worst R candidate in history, in my opinion. Yet he won by a landslide. That tells you how bad the D candidate was and how bad the D strategy was. Focusing on Harris being NOT Donald Trump because thats how they won in 2020. Assuming that she could win like Biden did. However, at least Biden was VP for 8 years under a very popular President Obama, with a long history suggesting that he was more than qualified.
What qualified Harris to be president?
The Ds suddenly elevating a very unpopular VP, with an F grade as VP to a super woman?
It was never going to happen.
Who is to blame when a 1 term president loses the White House by a landslide to the other party's horrible candidate (after bowing out of the race in the most embarrassing way in US history)?
Biden was getting clobbered in the polls after the debate with Trump and would have lost by an even WIDER margin than Harris had he not been FORCED to withdraw.
That tells you what the American people think about who is the worst president in history between Trump and Biden.
They definitively were picking Biden as WORSE than Trump, which is why Biden had to withdraw or get clobbered in November.
The Biden administration hang over, using Joe Biden's F grade performance pick for VP resulted in the Ds losing the presidency AND both houses in the 2024.
Americans spoke out loud and clear at the ballet box........WHERE IS COUNTS!. They too think that Joe Biden was much worse than Donald Trump.
The distorted polls and so called intellectual commentators can wax philosophically with their bs on why Trump was the worst president in history during his 1st term.
Americans just resoundingly stated otherwise in the ONLY realm that matters, which is why he just got promoted back to president based on his performance as president during his 1st term(and compared to Biden/Harris that they just rejected by a landslide).
After the January 6th Insurrection, I thought the chances for Trump to be president again were less than 1%.
We can all thank president Joe Biden, the Ds and the justice department (in NY) for weaponizing the criminal justice department for Trump's LEGAL 2nd term.
Millions of Americans that know what he did after the 2020 election and how he caused the January 6, 2021 insurrection.......VOTED FOR HIM in 2024 THAT DID NOT VOTE FOR HIM IN 2020!
That had to be the case since millions of Liz Cheney Rs refused to support/vote for him after the 2020 election.
metmike had the Liz Cheney mentality and even now I still have it.
But on election day, we were given choices. This year, the choices were:
1. The 2nd worse president ever
2. Unqualified VP in the failed Biden administration of the worst president ever.
The worst president in history is doing everything possible in his waning days as a desperate, embarrassed, vindictive, cognitively impaired, judgment lacking, self serving lame duck to ensure that no matter how bad Trump's 2nd term ends up being, the title: "Worst President in History" will be his until eternity.
There’s a chance that Biden will pardon himself. Likely that he will Pardon Jim Biden.
Rather than focusing on any particular crimes, as is usual in a presidential pardon, Biden issued a blanket pardon dating back to all federal crimes Hunter "committed or may have committed" since January 1, 2014, the first day of the year in which he joined the board of Burisma, a Ukrainian energy company widely suspected of corruption that could potentially implicate both Bidens (AND JIM BIDEN).
metmike: The Ds and MSM that have continued to insist there's no evidence that Hunter or the Bidens did anything wrong are as credible with that disinformation as they have been in telling us that Ukraine is winning or can win the war with Russia or the Rs telling us that Trump didn't do anything wrong after the 2020 election (that was stolen from him). Or that the COVID vaccination is more dangerous than getting COVID.
It's just mind boggling how people, even smart people that think they are objective will use cognitive and political bias to believe in disinformation because they want it to be true.
By metmike - Nov. 27, 2024, 4:02 p.m.
By metmike - Oct. 10, 2024, 9:05 p.m.
One of the defining elements to belief in disinformation or a conspiracy theory is that people can readily recognize it...........when the OTHER party has the captured brains. When it's THEIR party capturing brains....... they buy into it entirely!
That's because its based on the fact that people WANT THINGS TO BE TRUE THAT LINE UP WITH THEIR BELIEF SYSTEM. They give those things a free pass. However, they will fact check and not believe in things they don't want to be true.
The gatekeepers of information, sell things for self serving and political objectives with propaganda/lies and nefarious tactics..... politicians, government, commercial advertisers, media, scam artists, telemarketers, used car salesmen and so on that maximize exploitation of this human cognitive bias as an indisputable flaw in human psychological behavior to enrich themselves.
In understanding this with crystal clarity, I could go into several business's and make a million $$$ taking advantage of people using extremely effective selling tactics for self enriching gains.
Instead, I chose to acquire ownership in a forum and turn it into the 100% opposite. An ANTI echo chamber that busts the lies of BOTH SIDES. Challenges both sides WITH GUSTO, using authentic facts and truth.
PEOPLE DO NOT WANT THAT!!!!! That's why people all go to places that tell them what they want to believe. What they wish was true.
Ds don't watch Fox news for that reason. Rs don't listen to NPR for that reason. Both those sources (and hundreds like it) interpret the news INTENTIONALLY biased and employ people that deliver the news that way to capture brains that lean to 1 political side because it maximizes their ratings and profits.
At MarketForum, we continually bust the bs of both sides equally here. However, nobody wants THEIR bs to be busted when they can go to a dozen other places that tell them what they want to believe in almost 100% of the time.
This sets a precedent for Trump to justify pardons for those that committed REAL CRIMES in the January 6th Insurrection, because they were loyal to him and not our country or Constitution. VERY, VERY bad!
I'll list his 1 "main failure"
1. Clear loss of cognitive abilities that compromised his performance as the president, at times being an embarrassment to the United States.
1. Worst immigration crisis in history that was INTENTIONALLY caused by his policies.
1. War in Ukraine that he INTENTIONALLY caused by refusing to negotiate with Putin and constantly provoking him and personally recruiting Zelensky to be a NATO puppet. Causing 1 million casualties. Even after losing REALLY BAD and A VERY LONG TIME AGO, he continues to double, triple and quadruple down with the worst military leadership in the history of the world........sending hundred of thousands of soldiers on suicide missions, with Ukraine having almost no army left and losing more land every he resorts to sending powerful, US long range missiles, deeply into Russia to try to trigger WW3 with Russia. NEVER negotiating for peace or trying to end the war.
1. Fake climate crisis agenda. Fake inflation reduction act that was actually the inflation CAUSING act. Pretending to be anti fossil fuel, while producing the most natural gas and crude oil in history...........because the reality is that "net zero" is just a bs narrative with manufactured justifications and complete nonsense projections that defy the laws of physics, science and economics which will ALWAYS TRUMP the crap-ola being used to trick people for political agenda and crony capitalism.
1. Month after month, lying to us about being on the verge of an agreement with Israel to end the war in Gaza.................while he shipped thousands of massive bombs to Israel for them to obliterate Gaza, and innocent people with the world's worst genocide since WW2.
1. Lying to us about inflation for months and months, well past when all Americans knew it was a lie........BECAUSE WE BUY STUFF AT THE STORE AND COULD VERIFY THIS BLATANT LIE.
1. Botched the 2024 election, causing the Ds to get crushed in a landslide to the worst R candidate in history. His administrations performance was the biggest reason but he continued to run in cahoots with his party and the MSM covering up his loss of skills that qualified him to be president for months and months.......resulting in unpopular, unqualified Harris being the pick(the worst VP of the worst president in history), NOT who the people voted for.
Other than that 1 main failure, he was a wonderful president
Afghanistan pull out? This didn't even make the top 7 of his 1 main failure above
I’m obviously trying to inject some humor into this farcical position but keep in mind that I’m not a republican. Just an independent, objective observer., using authentic facts and the scientific method.
Former Biden officials reflect on the US president’s legacy
The Biden administration provided at least $17.9bn in military aid to Israel in the first year of the war — a record sum for the Middle East country. Additionally, earlier this year, the US deployed about 100 troops to assist in operating an advanced missile defence system it sent to Israel.
Hassanein was one of about a dozen Biden officials who resigned as a result of these policies. She blames Biden for helping to create a culture of acceptance towards anti-Palestinian violence.
“His policies caused immense harm to Palestinians, not just in Palestine but also here in the US, where hate crimes against Palestinians have surged,” Hassanein said.
We should note too, that his policies that supported Israel's genocide in Gaza, were simultaneously escalating antisemitism to record smashing hate levels!
She then noted recent reporting by the Wall Street Journalthat detailed how White House aides covered up Biden’s mental decline over the past four years.
The explosive report says staffers formed a tight circle around the 82-year-old Democrat to limit his in-person interactions.
“And yet he insisted that he could still run for president. We should have much more forcefully questioned whether he was fit for office for another four years, which could have led to a primary for the Democrats,” Crawford said.
Yet we still have some in the MSM making a case for Biden to be one of the greatest presidents, deserving of a great legacy.
Legacy in the hall of shame!!!!
1. I forgot to mention on the list above, his unprecedented corruption in Ukraine while serving as VP and the US gatekeeper of our transactions with them, including the person authorizing foreign aid to Ukraine. With his corrupt son acting as an unregistered and illegal foreign lobbyist, the Biden family EXTORTED MANY MILLIONS from Ukraine, and China to name 2 that was transferred into shell companies that produced NOTHING in order to hide the money, which went to Biden family members.
While this was going on, Joe remarked at the time that "Hunter is the smartest man that I know" because he did all the dirty work and thought up how to exploit these countries with his brilliant, corrupt schemes.
Joe was just "the big guy" who provided the corrupt power to back up the selling behind Hunter's brilliant influence peddling schemes.
No play by Hunter's extortion rules??? Then, no get any US foreign aid or favorable treatments that are controlled by "THE BIG GUY"!!!
Let's not forget what started this thread!!
Nixon looks like an Einstein in his prime compared to Biden!!!!
If you look at the poll, Biden got the most points, higher than anybody for the lowest rating "poor". Regardless, this is just a poll. Ds will defend him and pretend he was great because he's from their party.
Nixon may have been crooked(Biden was much more crooked but never held accountable) but at least he was competent and for sure could do the job of president, which Biden's cognitive losses made impossible for him.
His decisions in Ukraine, without a shred of doubt, have resulted in the worst military leadership in the history of the world!
You can't get worse than the worst in the history of the world!!!!
This demonstrates my point exactly as to the thinking of this cognitively impaired, self serving man that lives in a delusional/imaginary world of denial that has made him extraordinary dangerous and resulted in over 1 million casualties in the war in Ukraine.
Joe Biden was the one that told the Zelensky to stop the negotiations with Russia(in 2021) because the United States would help Ukraine to defeat Russia and get Ukraine into NATO as I have reported dozens of times.
After Ukraine was decimated and lost most of its army its JOE BIDEN that won't negotiate for peace and blatantly abuses his dangerous power as president to send billions in additional weapons to Ukraine, including sending long range missiles deeply into Russia with his delusional, imaginary world thinking that Ukraine can still defeat Russia.........even as it escalates and maximizes the punishment to the people that he insists he is supporting. The same people crying out for peace...........Biden sends their soldiers(hundreds of thousands that desert the army because they don't wan this war) on suicide missions.
He calls this a fight for democracy............but he steals democracy away from Ukrainians by supporting dictator Zelensky that banned elections after his term expired. Ukrainians want this Biden/NATO puppet out ASAP and Zelensky would lose in a landslide but they can't because Biden stole their democracy away and calls that "fighting for democracy".
This is just 1 of a dozen threads here on this topic the past 3 years with many hundreds of posts. During that time, how many smart decisions did Joe Biden make for Ukraine out of the 35 months of his decision making?
Has there ever been a worse military leader in history? No, because usually after the repeated catastrophic decisions, they are removed from that position. Biden has been allowed to do this to Ukraine for 3 years because the morally bankrupt, self serving US Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex benefits greatly from wars and have had his back!
This is not about the opinion of a nobody moderator at a forum, it's about the tremendous cost to precious human lives and their families. Millions of human beings have had their lives, either ended or ruined because they lost their dad or husband or son because of Joe Biden's corruption in Ukraine and him using them as pawns for his agenda.
Russians are human beings too. Why is the MSM propaganda cheering for dead Russian fathers, sons and husbands?
Morally bankrupt thinking being imposed on people who go to those sources to get the news.
Instead of using their powerful influence to force our politicians to get peace, they do everything in their power to push war. Many thousands of brain dead stories like this one below to glorify and justify the war....pretending that we are the good guys and are winning enough to keep fighting until the long, long ago lost war is won by Ukraine.
Sadly, the United States under Joe Biden's worst military leadership in the history of mankind have been the bad guys!!
It looks like Ukraine forces have given Russian forces in Kursk a real hammering over the last few days and it’s possible the Russian 801 Marine Brigade has been so badly hit that it has now withdrawn from the Kursk Salient. According to Ukraine estimates, hundreds of North Koreans sent to bolster the brigade have been lost. Ukraine has reported striking and destroying a significant Russian command and control centre in the Kursk region. The Russian front in Kursk is looking very shaky and Ukraine, rather than just hold on, could make gains
Now for the truth for the 1,000th time:
Where on these maps would any clear thinking, honest person get the idea that Ukraine can win? Refusing to negotiate and insisting they will join NATO is causing all of this, thanks to Joe Biden. Every single day is worse than the previous one because of him.
Added; the massive areas of red on these maps keeps expanding , week after week. The MSM, Joe Biden and the entire military-industrial-political*media complex are behaving like they are color blind but the truth is that they are morally bankrupted humanity blind, self serving, agenda driven crud’s, turning millions of greatly suffering people into their political pawns. As if they are just,plastic pieces on a chess board that can all be lost.
however, they are playing the worst game of chess ever played against much superior thinking, Putin and after being crushed, all theses dead human beings, unlike chess, won’t be coming back to life for the next round.
they are dead forever!
“My biggest concern is that Ukraine will be pressured to accept a bad deal with Russia, as Donald Trump will be keen to deliver on his promise to stop the war,” according to one expert.
This is galactical nonsense. The deal that Putin offered in 2021 was "Ukraine not joining NATO or Russia will invade" That was it, man.
Joe Biden jumped in and turned Zelensky into his NATO puppet and came back with stopping all negotiations with Putin/Russia and assuring Zelensky that he would help them to defeat Russia.
So the bad deal was the one over the past 3 years that JOE BIDEN gave Ukraine and Russia.
Now, Ukraine has almost no army left. They've lost massive amounts of land and they aren't in NATO and its getting worse and worse ever single day with Joe Biden calling the shots.
How could any deal be a bad deal compared to the worst imaginable deal they got from Joe Biden as the worst military leader(via his Zelensky puppet) in the history of humanity?
All they had to do 3 years ago was agree to NOT let NATO expand into Ukraine. Seriously, that's what this has been about. Biden saw this as an opportunity, thanks to his corrupt connections in Ukraine as VP to exploit that into a war with Russia. A war that he knew would happen when he told Putin to shove his negotiations, that Ukraine was joining NATO whether he invaded Ukraine or not.
NATO(the fake defensive pact) has been surrounding Russia with massive powerful weapons in their countries aimed at Russia (breaking their agreements/promises from decades ago to NOT expand) NATO's objective is to destroy Russia, their arch enemy.
Right, it just seems like Russia is winning based on 100% of the authentic realities but don't be fooled by the truth. Believe in our fairy tales about Ukraine, with no viable army left just waiting for the right time and their dead and deserted soldiers will suddlenly all resurrect from the dead, just like Jesus and crush Russia.
And the fact that North Korea has sent troops to help Russia is a sure sign that Russia is really losing the war, even though 100% of the authentic facts prove otherwise.
The only thing that proves is that Putin, who already won the war by alot a very long time ago but Ukraine won't stop fighting..... is going to maximize the punishment to Ukraine by ramping up his advantages to exploit in crushing Ukraine more and more to force them to surrender.
Adding soldiers from North Korea is spun into a weakness of Russia by our dishonest sources. No, Putin is a diabolical man for sure but he's a smart military leader that knows how to win wars.
Are the North Korean troops hurting Russia or helping Russia?
The MSM's answer is that they got drunk on New Year's Eve and thats a reason for them to be a liability for Russia.
This is all so absurd and the many millions of people, REAL HUMAN BEINGS, not just numbers on our computer screens, living in Ukraine AND Russia who have had their lives destroyed are paying the ultimate price because of Joe Biden's leadership.
To be clear for new readers: metmike does not affiliate with either political party. I'm an independent, objective scientist with an open mind that uses the scientific method to help discern the truth based on authentic facts.
Humanity comes first, political party comes last.
I speak out against bad people and bad policies. This thread, focusing on one of them and his dirty work, is likely to offend Ds.
Nothing personal! We should always speak out against what's wrong and never let a persons opinions (unless they are intentionally causing harm) impact our friendships. Disagree respectfully, without personal attacks, ESPECIALLY on issues that feature impossible to resolve differences.
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Back on topic:
This Oversight Committee investigation exposed Biden’s repeated lies, abuse of public office, and direct involvement in influence-peddling schemes that enriched the Biden family to the tune of tens of millions of dollars. Here’s how:
Corruption: Bank records don’t lie.
Thousands of pages of financial records related to the Biden family, their companies, and associates’ business schemes were subpoenaed by the House Oversight Committee. The bank records we reviewed uncovered 20 shell companies formed by the Bidens – most of which were created when Joe Biden was Vice President.
The Bidens and their associates then raked in over $27 million through these shell companies from China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Romania.
At least 10 members of the Biden family benefited or participated in these schemes and the Bidens layered these payments through their bank accounts to hide the sources of the money.
Obstruction: The Biden Administration sought to obstruct this investigation every step of the way.
The White House refused to permit the National Archives to release all documents requested after they identified that Joe Biden emailed the Biden family and their businesses over 29,000 times.
This much is certain: Joe Biden knew of, benefited from, and participated in his family’s influence-peddling schemes. This president will be remembered for tarnishing his positions of public trust by allowing his family to put his power, protection, and influence up for sale.
Biden's speech last night was a trip!
Echoing Dwight Eisenhower’s warnings about the dangers of the military-industrial complex, Biden cautioned against the dangers of a “tech industrial complex”.
From the man that was bought and paid for by the military industrial complex most of his life.
The reason for the 1 million casualties in Ukraine BECAUSE OF JOE BIDEN and the military industrial complex.
The reason for thousands of huge bombs made in the US by the military industrial complex to obliterate Gaza and authorized BY JOE BIDEN, who now absurdly is bragging about how he is responsible for a cease fire and that Palestinians should be honoring him for what he did in Gaza.
I guess he didn't understand the message from his party that kicked him off the D ticket because he was on his way to losing by a landslide or by Americans that voted by a near landslide AGAINST his administration in November.
I guess the D party, the R party and Americans all got it wrong and Joe Biden had it right the past 4 years.
According to him last night.
Biden leaves having done ‘enormous damage to the country’ after refusal to step down
I find that Biden constantly bragging about his completely misnamed, Inflation Reduction Act" using a fairy tale, manufactured interpretation that ignores all the real damage that it did......including to the environment and especially to the budget as the biggest realm that benefited were those participating in crony capitalism to bilk the government out of hundreds of billions at the expense of tax payers.
Told ya dozens of times that this was the most corrupt presidential family in history!
NO WAY do you issue pre emptive pardons to numerous family members if they are innocent. It's because you know what they did. No other reason.
Who would seriously think "gee, my family has not done anything wrong but I'm going to pardon them ahead of time for crimes that they never committed and claim its because a bunch of crimes that don't exist will be manufactured that they had nothing to do with.
Of course they did that to Trump but did they make up a bunch of crimes that his entire family committed?
It's to protect them from the REAL, MAJOR CRIMES they committed , with Joe as "The Big Guy" abusing his powers as VP for the personal enrichment of his Biden crime family to the tune of tens of millions of dollars.
What an historical disgrace this is to the office of the president and embarrassment in front of the world, where the United States is supposed to be a democracy with high standards and accountability for corruption by those in political office.
I have posted on this, probably 100+ times the past 4 years, along with the mountain of evidence to go with it. Biden just vindicated that position with all of his unprecedented Biden family pardons.
The MSM, Ds and justice department have been doing everything in their power to cover it up, censor the mountain of evidence and repeat over and over that Joe Biden did nothing wrong the past few years.
Unlike Jimmy Carter, who's integrity, honestly and strong leadership as president was underrated until recently, when history objectively looks at Joe Biden's legacy down the road....... it won't be pretty!
With regards to pardoning Fauci.
I have mixed feelings. Fauci lied alot to cover up the origin of COVID and on several other things and committed some crimes but he also did a wonderful job communicating authentic science and vaccination science that I think caused alot of good. I'm convinced that Anthony Fauci saved many thousands of lives AFTER COVID happened just by the way that he handled it and communicated the science so well.
We can make a case for going after him in his cover up of the origins of COVID and how much his role played in it existing and escaping(or at least how much he knew and lied about) in the first place but AFTER COVID, he was almost a hero.
What good did criminal Hunter Biden do for the United States or world??? Nothing but really bad and harmful, damaging, self serving actions to enrich him and his family/dad.
How does a person like that deserve a pardon for a life of making the world a worse place??? Or the rest of the Biden's that were accessories to Hunter/Joe/Jims crimes and just got pardons because of it?
Anybody that still seriously believes that the Biden's didn't do what they are accused of is in complete denial.
This is, maybe the most blatant pardoning abuse in history by a president of the United States.
Show me another example thats worse than this, please?
This will make it extremely tough to go after the Biden crime family. He issued a blanket pardon to all of the ones that participated. Maybe he saved tax payers a bunch of money by preventing all the investigations into their crimes?
He also covered up his own arse because all his Biden family partners in crime have been pardoned and cant testify against him. Personally, I wish he could be held accountable for the serious crimes he committed as VP, abusing his power to bribe foreign countries to get 10s of millions for the Bidens.
How can we justify letting somebody abuse their power as vice president to do this and get away with no accountability?
Going after him would be extremely divisive.
Not to mention he pardoned the Jan 6 committee. Who destroyed all their evidence about Jan 6? Destroying evidence like this is a crime. And now it looks like there was something there.
At least the warmonger Cheney's don't have any more power.
Thanks, cutworm!
Our difference on the insurrection is pretty wide and never going to be resolved.
However, we do agree on Cheney's being war mongers!
For those that have repeated that there's no evidence that Joe Biden did anything wrong for years now.........despite the contrary.
Read this SMOKING MACHINE GUN evidence.
This makes Joe Biden the most corrupt VP in history, (by a wide margin) with regards to known evidence.
This is absolutely why he had to pardon so many Biden family members.
The evidence is likely there to convict them FOR PLAYING THEIR ACTIVE ROLE IN THE BIG GUY'S INFLUENCE PEDDLING SCHEMES. What role did they play in the complex wiring schemes, transferring the money from shell company to shell company to hide the ILLEGAL money from authorities, with them at the receiving end?
At the very least, they accepted the money and had to know where it was coming from and who was sending it(Hunter/Jim) and that Joe's influence was a factor.
If somebody is showering me with millions of dollars of corrupt money they obtained from committing crimes and I take it, I'm part of the crime!!!
So how does NPR respond to Biden pardoning his entire crime family?
this afternoon, at least they had people on there talking about how Trump is using his position to get wealthy And how wrong it is.
i don't listen to NPR so what facts did they provide to assert their position?
They were talking about how he created his crypto currency using his office to make billions of dollars.
I'll start a new thread on this because its not related to the worst president and most corrupt president in history, Joe Biden.
Evidence???? Cutworm we know that would require journalism. You know... facts. That died years ago with the progressive agenda.
Good example yesterday. Media calls Hegseths x wife and asks her if she was abused. What, she says, are you talking about. Never happened , not a single time. So they tell her a relative reported it and with not 1 actual source it will be reported nationwide., Hence all the so called "new" and "explosive" new allegations. Right there is what journalism has been for decades. Evidence? sure.
Again yesterday nation wide. Jan 6th "convicts" released. Imagine how untrue that short sentence is in bold black headlines all over cnn. Do they eve know no one was released and many have not even been adjudicated. Remember that silly thing called innocent until proven guilty. It does not even cross their minds to be accurate.