Trumps pardons
15 responses | 0 likes
Started by metmike - Jan. 22, 2025, 7:41 a.m.

Trump has bizarre 4-word response to reporter who asked why he pardoned someone who assaulted a police officer

US President Donald Trump pardoned around 1,500 criminals charged in the January 6 Capitol attack within 24 hours of being sworn in


This is insane.  A promised insanity and people voted for the man based on a platform that included a promise for this insanity but that doesn't make it right.

Better at least and more upfront than Biden that promised he would NOT pardon his son...........then he went on to not just pardon his son from the current charges but issued an unprecedented preemptive pardoning for ANY AND ALL of the extremely serious crimes that Joe knows he committed, that Joe was the key (Big Guy) participating constantly in and then he preemptively pardoned the entire Biden crime family, that participated in those crimes,  with minutes left in his term and claiming its to protect them from Trump's unfair attacks for things they didn't do.

That is a galactically absurd lie with most of the MSM continuing to insist that Joe did nothing wrong as they ignore, censor and cover up all of this from during Joe's time as VP.

                Biden pardons Hunter despite previous pledges not to           

                            By metmike - Jan. 21, 2025, 1:25 a.m.           


Anyways, back to Trump's pardons. After what Trump did following the 2020 election, especially including the insurrection that he was 100% responsible for in every way, shape and form, Trump should not only not have been eligible for a political office, he should have received a lengthy time in prison for it.

The justice department completely botched this with a Mt. Everest sized pile of evidence they sat on for years. Either this was intentional, corrupt or incompetence. Even while he was charged and convicted of completely manufactured crimes using the galactically corrupted justice of NY.

By metmike - Jan. 22, 2025, 7:55 a.m.
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Anybody not in Trump's far right cult knows clearly that these pardons, while they fall under the power of the president are a major ABUSE of that power and they  are endorsing serious criminal activity if it's in the name of Donald J Trump.

The saddest thing of all is that Joe Biden was so, so, so bad, cognitively damaged and corrupt that he caused Trump to win by a near landslide, DESPITE Trump's blatantly violating the Constitution and his vows to defend it. Now, he condones everybody else  participating in this attempt to overthrow the government and makes them out to be martyrs and even hero's because they committed crimes in the name of Donald J Trump.

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trump off ballot in Colorado            

                By metmike - Dec. 20, 2023, 6:26 p.m.            

                            Re: Re: around 200 trancripts released from jan 6th            

                           By metmike - June 17, 2023, 6:11 p.m.            


Tenets of the Donald J. Trump cult

1. Though shalt not criticize Donald Trump

2. Though shalt not disobey Donald Trump's orders

3. Donald Trump is ALWAYS a victim

4. Those that attack Donald Trump are evil and the enemy

5. The only way to defeat evil and "drain the swamp" is thru Donald Trump

6. The only way to salvation is thru Donald Trump

7. The 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump

8. When Republicans lose elections, the swamp and Democrats were cheating

New: 9.  On Jan. 6th 10s of thousands of  peaceful protesters came out to support President Trump. They were incited to riot by an FBI plant, Ray Epps. President Trump told them to be peaceful and even called thousands from  the National Guard that day for additional security but Nancy Pelosi called them off in order to frame Trump.

10. The violent/deadly riots in the Summer of 2020 that let most of the crimes go unprosecuted is evidence that people that committed crimes during the Insurrection attempt are innocent and being singled out because they support Donald Trump(victim narrative).

11.  The January 6th Committee made up all the facts that were presented, even though the vast majority of their witnesses  were Republicans with accurate, verified evidence, none that were contradicted with credible information outside of the hearings.  

12. The judges are all biased against Trump.

13. Tucker Carlson holds one of the most esteemed, high priest positions in the cult and is considered to be another infallible source of information. This far right charlatan has built his own cult by using the same technique's and lies that Trump uses to capture far right brains...... even though his emails told  us how he really feels.......the truth that Tucker knows contradicts what he states for ratings so that he can lure the far right into tuning into his shows.  There are many others in the media especially at Fox,  like Mark the Charlatan Levin, Shaun Hannity, Jesse Watters and more. His far right R politicians are afraid to confront him and especially know that his enforcement means 10s of millions of votes. They all serve as his high priests to impose and enforce these tenets of his cult on tens of millions of Rs that tune in to hear their wishes come true every time they manufacture a fictional   world which always features the Rs and their agendas as the infallible heros trying to defeat the diabolically evil Ds and swamp that are trying to destroy our country and destroy Trump.              

By metmike - Jan. 22, 2025, 8:13 a.m.
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Here's a compilation of something like 1,000 posts chronicling the crimes of Donald Trump after he lost the 2020 election, then controlled the minds of millions of far right, brainwashed but sincere Americans that inspired the Jan. 6th Insurrection.

This pardoning of those following his orders/directions to do this is just the conclusion to one of the ugliest, Constitution violating , most embarrassing events in our countries history.

                Re: around 200 trancripts released from jan 6th           

                            By metmike - June 17, 2023, 5:54 p.m.            



The Ds can hardly speak out and not be hypocrites after their corrupt, unqualified guy in the office of the president, just got done pardoning his entire crime family(in a more sneaky/deceptive way).

The insanity of this is to realize that at least Trump is honest about his blatant corruption. Selling it to the people who elected him while he promised this.

One has to recognize that the people elected Trump, knowing everything about this, which included what just happened.

Biden totally lied the entire time and the MSM, justice department and Ds are still covering up the crimes that he pardoned his family for.........after he insisted he would not pardon Hunter, then not only does he pardon Hunter, he pardons him for anything and everything he did, then he surprises his biggest supporters by pardoning the entire Biden crime family for anything and everything they did..........which is about the most blatant admission that THEY WERE in fact part of his corrupt schemes to us his position as VP to extort tens of millions of dollars from foreign countries to get huge pay days in Biden family members bank accounts.


Both these presidents should not be and should have never been president after Trump lost in 2020.  They are easily the worst 2 in history and we will go 12 years(with Trump finishing his 2nd term)  with these 2 guys as president. 

The most mind boggling thing is when tens of millions of people insist how Jimmy Carter was such a horrible president and how he lost in 1980 by being honest and making some good decisions that failed for reasons that he didn't have much control over...........then, Rs like to rewrite history to invent a story about how bad he was.

                RIP President Jimmy Carter                       

               Started by metmike - Dec. 29, 2024, 5:31 p.m.    

Greatest FORMER President in history/J. Carter            

                            29 responses |     

                Started by metmike - Feb. 18, 2023, 7:49 p.m.    


I don't affiliate with either party(as you should be able to tell).

With 300+ million people in this country, there are definitely some extremely talented, sharp, honest and qualified men and women that would make much better presidents and especially, light years better human beings, examples, leaders and role models for the people and especially our children. 

Do you want your child, grandchildren to grow up to be like:

1. Donald Trump?

2. Joe Biden?

3. Jimmy Carter?

The top 2, for me would make the list for exactly who I DON'T want them to be like when they are adults!!!!!!!!!


Justifying a presidency because they have good policies is an important factor but doing it for Trump is like condoning the lifestyle of somebody because they exercise every day, while smoking 2 packs of cigarettes/day, drink and use drugs excessively and eat junk food.

Having SOME great attributes is something that is great (being a cult leader is not one of them) but a president of the United States should have almost ALL great attributes because he or she should be held to the highest standards.

By metmike - Jan. 22, 2025, 8:49 a.m.
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Despite my personal feelings for President Trump, I will spend the next 4 years objectively attacking AND defending him based on whatever the situation calls for. 

  DOJ-more Russia election interference            

                            Started by metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 9:20 p.m.    


                Trump is Toast-2020 election case            

                            34 responses |                

                Started by metmike - Oct. 2, 2024, 5:39 p.m.    

                Trump  7-26-24                        

                23 responses |                

                                            Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.    

It almost feels like we are living in this world:

The Outer Limits (1995) Intro


By metmike - Jan. 23, 2025, 10:22 p.m.
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One Hard Truth Democrats Must Face to Navigate Trump 2.0 | Opinion


This thread is discussing some negatives about Trump.

At the same time, we have a thread CELEBRATING the heck out of some positives:

                Fake climate crisis/anti environmental charade/Trump            

                            Started by metmike - Jan. 21, 2025, 11:21 p.m.    


4 Ways to Not Let Politics Ruin Our Friendships | HuffPost null

By metmike - Jan. 24, 2025, 10:02 a.m.
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In today's world, most people that affiliate strongly with 1 party go mainly to sites that feature their side and NOT both sides.

Its the biggest reason for the increasing division in this country.  People go to places that tell them what they want to read/hear and completely avoid places that tell them the other side.

It grows disparity and fuels tribalism, while making it tougher and tougher for people that strongly disagree to see the other sides view. 

MarketForum is an ANTI echo chamber.  We will always have some very strong agreements and strong disagreements with one side, while at the same time strongly disagreeing and agreeing with the other side. This will always change, depending on the topic. 

If you're objective and don't affiliate with either's inevitable in the year 2025!!

I enjoy seeing the news and opinions offered from a host of sources with a range in bias. I can say with certainty that Fox News, that I've watched for decades and still do on many to most nights,  defines my farthest right source. 

On the left, I listen to NPR on my radio every time that I'm in the car.

I DO NOT listen to find out what I should believe in, rather to find out how each side is spinning the facts. 

Fox, for instance has been fatally flawed with absurd reasoning for why Trump was not responsible for January 6, 2021 and why Israel is just defending itself in Gaza. If I was using sources  that lined up with my views on just those topics to be told what I want to be true, Fox would have gone bye bye a very long time ago.

NPR, on the other hand is in the Outer Limits on the fake climate crisis. I've laughed out loud listening to the donkey dung from their scientific experts(80% of scientists affiliate with the D party). If this is REALLY science, why are all the R scientists and independent scientists the ones who question the fake climate crisis?

Answer: Even scientists are very political, especially on this topic.

By metmike - Jan. 24, 2025, 10:12 a.m.
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                Climate Insights            

      The definitive American public opinion surveys on climate change and the environment

BTW, both the Rs and the Ds are wrong above.  In the first question, anybody that isn't extremely sure the temperature has been going up the past 100 years is delusional or ignorant about climate science.


Below, pertains to actual scientists. Most people have no clue that they are vast majority democrats and I can tell you with 100% certainty that many of them vote and their scientific views line up, in a biased fashion with their political party because they are all human beings with cognitive bias. The scientific method will always trump cognitive/ confirmation bias but many to most scientists don't actually apply the scientific method in its purest form. They let their biased political affiliation lead them on some issues, especially climate change.

Section 4: Scientists, Politics and Religion

My assessment above, is more than just an opinion. I've been part of the scientific community for well over 4 decades. I know many scientists, have read 10s of thousands of scientific papers, subscribed to Scientific American for over 3 decades. Was a member of the American Meteorological Society for half my life. Getting the seal of approval for broadcast television from the AMS and also from the American Weather Association.

In general, the field of science is massively dominated by scientists that affiliate with the D party and express their political bias in their scientific work/views. Indisputable, authentic fact!

By metmike - Jan. 24, 2025, 6:59 p.m.
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I am strongly against these pardons by Trump. However, CNN decided to take it to a pathetic, new divisive level late last night.

They had a young man on that was objecting to his dad getting out of prison after receiving 7 years for what he did on January 6th.

He was also the one that turned his dad in, reporting to the FBI that his dad was part of the January 6 activities. 

Last night, he claims that his dad deserved all 7 years and that was the only way his dad would be getting treatment for his mental illness of belonging to the Donald Trump cult, so he was upset that his dad was getting out of prison.

His family, has apparently disowned the son for being this way(though his dad still says he loves his son, even after doing this and feeling this way).

CNN, however portrayed the son as a hero for blowing the whistle on his dad and CNN intentionally exploited this family's  horrific political split taken to an extreme level and actually, strongly endorsed it as an acceptable way to feel and act if your dad or other family member disagrees with your politics.

CNN is one of my favorite sources for legit news but TDS is taking over their programming  again and last nights interview was one of the worst there in recently memory. Fox in the evening, on the other hand has people like this on all the time. It defines their off the charts, extremely divisive, hateful and tribalistic programming. 

I couldn't disagree more strongly. If you disagree with a family member on politics, you don't do everything in your power to get them put in prison based on your political difference........then get upset and speak out on national tv when they are released early because you want them to stay in prison for every day of the sentence. 

Maybe the dad could benefit from professional counseling, maybe not.

Listening to the son last night, I'm convinced that HE IS THE ONE that  needs it to deal with his hatred and disdain for his dad based on a difference in political views. 

Shame on you, CNN for making this out to be a good thing because of TDS!!!


Date Posted & Author
                            4 Ways to Not Let Politics Ruin Our Friendships | HuffPost null


If CNN had intended to have a semblence of objectivity/credibility on this, they would have had the dad or somebody else in that family that represented the very compelling  other side of the story, instead of portraying the son as a hero that is now under a threat on his life, whether its imagined or not.

By metmike - Jan. 26, 2025, 9:45 a.m.
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The Cold Civil War Is Over. We Won. | Opinion


Dear Josh Hammer: If you were trading futures and used this for a large position, you would be about to lose all your money and OWE your broker a lot of money from the position going so drastically against you!

All this OVER celebrating by the Trump supporters, is justified in the sense that their guy won and is doing what he promised to do with his platform that got him elected. However, its actually  COUNTER productive and is going to add massive fuel to the Cold Civil War with 1,000% certainty.

1. The MSM is dominated massively by left leaning to far left political activists. They didn't suddenly decide to lie down and fall in line with the Trump cult mentality. They have already come out swinging with gusto and for the next 4 years, they will unite and collude, doing everything in their power to vilify, attack and discredit Trump. Their case of  severe TDS just escalated to a tunnel visioned of DTS (Destroy Trump Syndrome).

2. They have incredible power in controlling what people read and hear. They can almost saturate the mainstream media messaging with DTS. 

3. The more the right celebrates, the more upset its making the left, the more divisive this is and the more it is FUELING the cold civil war.  Josh Hammer's mindset is completely blind to this and completely the oppsite of the reality.  The only mindset that will END the escalating Civil War is one where both sides come together. 

4. It's actually pretty absurd and delusional to think that, because Trump won the election that the other side is going to magically go away or stop rebelling. Trumps win was based on a reaction to how bad the worse president in history was-if Obama had run again, Obama would have won by a landslide.

5. Let's repeat that. If Obama had run again, he would have beat Trump. Trumps win was the reaction to the Ds giving us the worst president in history and his horrible, cognitively damaged leadership, with a few especially bad policies. Harris was part of that administration and she is not capable of being a good president. Good at many thing, not at being a capable president. So the Obama supporting people are STILL OUT THERE, DUDE!

6. With that being the case, the MSM and left will unite and provide an historic rejection to Trumpism the next 4 years. Chances of that happening? Near 100%!  That is the diametrically opposed, polar opposite of the Cold Civil War being over!

7. The Cold Civil War will only end when the 2 opposing sides come together.........NOT when they are growing even FARTHER and FARTHER apart.

8. That likely includes the fake climate crisis bs too. Trump's dealing crushing blows to that industry and fraud is not changing peoples mindsets.  It likely is just infuriating the other side to the point of becoming even MORE motivated to push their political, fake climate crisis agenda.  Once you become convinced of something, its almost impossible to change that persons mind. Those 10s of millions of fake climate crisis believers, that include ignorant and/or corrupt fake climate crisis prophets and charlatans that have served as message gatekeepers, didn't just suddenly get banished by Trump signing documents. They are still there. They will fight even harder, even if their biggest cheerleader and financial supporter of the crony capitalism, anti science, anti environmental projects is taking a 4 year hiatus. 

                Fake climate crisis/anti environmental charade/Trump            

                            Started by metmike - Jan. 21, 2025, 11:21 p.m.    

By metmike - Jan. 30, 2025, 11:05 a.m.
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Donald Trump Pardon Recipients Are Being Charged With New Crimes

What Happens Next

Republican Senator Lindsey Graham has warned of more violence from released Capitol rioters, including members of the Proud Boys, Three Percenters, and Oath Keepers militia groups.

The Three Percenters has seen a rise in recruitment following January 6, per reporting from Pro Publica.

One released rioter said he plans on buying "some m**************** guns" now that he has been freed from prison.

The son of a rioter who testified against his father has said he is "terrified" over his release and has moved to protect himself.


On that last item, the MSM is turning this son into a hero and victim on a huge colluding type scale (he was on CNN, then NPR while I was watching/listening) for turning his dad in and spinning a distorted, 1 sided story with nobody from the other side to tell their side. Embellishing on facts and promoting family's destroying themselves over political differences if a member of the family is in the Trump cult...... instead of the opposite. 

The lesson the MSM is teaching is that if somebody in your family is a brainwashed supporter of Trump, do everything in your power to stop them and have no relationship with them.

While most people will not have the same circumstances as him, this is the clear message the MSM is sending:

By metmike - Jan. 30, 2025, 12:51 p.m.
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Every administration for the past XX number of years has caused increasing political divide instead of healing.

Each time, it seems like it can’t get much worse but it does.

This current administration is on a,path to make all previous administrations look like marriage counselors!

The coming insanity has the potential to do things that we can’t even imagine right now.

Think about this. We haven’t been voting for presidents based on merit or qualifications for a long time.

The reaction  to Obama/Clinton gave us Trump-1.

The reaction to Trump was Biden.

The reaction to Biden as Trump-2.

Americans are not voting FOR candidates as much as they are strongly reacting to reject what the other side just did.

After each election, we have almost half the country that is even more opposed to the person that got elected than the opposition was 4 years earlier.

It’s easily the worst ever and getting worse. There is a near 0 chance of it improving under this president. I would say that the only minuscule chance of us coming together would ne if

1. Trump was assassinated. This is NOT in any way, shape or form endorsing such a thing.

2. A catastrophic calamity hits that isn’t trumps fault.this could actually make it much worse if 1 side blames Trump for the response Or the cause. If a large asteroid hit, for instance and caused a REAL climate crisis, global cooling and massive crop failures, with 1 billion people starv8ng, food prices unaffordable and so on.  People could wake up and suddenly change priorities. …..or they would become so desperate to survive that politics didn’t  matter anymore.

By cutworm - Jan. 30, 2025, 11:31 p.m.
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During and after the American Civil War, Presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson issued pardons to Confederate citizens. These pardons restored rights, privileges, and immunities to those who participated in the rebellion. 

By metmike - Jan. 31, 2025, 1:48 p.m.
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Thanks, cutworm!

The pardons after the Civil War were intended to help unite the South and the North.

Trumps pardons have done the polar opposite of that and are just rewarding individuals that broke the law and Constitution in his name.

They were trying to overturn the results of an indisputably proven secure election in the name of the loser, against the Constitution and our Democracy and that person has gained power again, so he just rewarded them and this encourages  others to behave that way.

The Civil War was about the South separating from the North so that slavery would remain legal.

They weren’t trying to overthrow and overturn the democratically elected Lincoln to put in a pro slavery president.

Youre comparing apples and oranges and insinuating They are the same because they are both round and fruits.

Trying growing oranges next to an apple orchard in Indiana and see what happens!

By metmike - Feb. 4, 2025, 10:58 a.m.
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50501 Protests Update as anti-Trump March in 50 States Expands

Additional threads:

                Tariffs 2-3-25            

                7 responses |               

                Started by metmike - Feb. 3, 2025, 10:23 a.m.    


                            13 responses |           

                Started by metmike - Jan. 26, 2025, 5:04 p.m.    

                Plane crash            

                            8 responses |           

                Started by metmike - Jan. 30, 2025, 8:17 p.m.  

                Trumps digital currency            

                            Started by metmike - Jan. 21, 2025, 11:17 p.m.   


                Fake climate crisis/anti environmental charade/Trump            

                            Started by metmike - Jan. 21, 2025, 11:21 p.m.  


And this is only after 2 weeks............egads!  This will be going on for nearly 4 years with Trump as president! Chance of that?

Nearly 100%!

By metmike - Feb. 5, 2025, 11:04 a.m.
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Protests Against Trump and Project 2025 Are Planned in Cities Across the U.S.


You ain't seen nothin yet!!!!

Just wait until the weather warms up. This has the potential to be  similar to the rioting that happened during the George Floyd protesting in the Summer of 2020.

The same people are just as, if not MORE upset right now. Why would we expect them to act differently this time, since they were not held accountable last time??

It will be interesting to see how Trump attempts to stifle the protesting/rioting.

This could actually set off an even stronger reaction as they reject his efforts to suppress them!!!

Why would anybody tracking the dynamics and direction using authentic facts,  expect differently???

Cold Civil War?

We're already in it! Now we wait for the new battles and escalation during the next 4 years!

George Floyd protests

By metmike - Feb. 5, 2025, 11:22 a.m.
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Rs, especially Trump are living in blissful ignorance right now.

As if they won the political cold civil war and the Ds capitulated.

Half the country just suddenly gave up on their hopes, dreams and agenda?

No way!

Actually, it will turn out to be the complete opposite in short order!

Who is the most,upset and who do we always hear the most from for the 4 years after a presidential  election?

Trump is providing even more fuel and more incentive than I imagined possible…….even for him!


the media loves it. Great for ratings/sales!