Arrived in my mailbox just now
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Started by metmike - Jan. 28, 2025, 12:13 p.m.

Great message of unity below that came to my mailbox 

We don’t intend on sending a million fundraising emails, but Kamala Harris is hoping you’ll respond to this one with a well-timed donation to the Democratic National Committee today. Please give us a chance to explain why this request is so important.

Here is the truth:

In less than seventy-two hours, the DNC closes the books on its first official FEC fundraising deadline since Trump and the Republican Congress took office.

When it ends, they are legally required to report how much they have raised, and the number of donations they receive will be public as well.

Everyone will be looking.

They'll be looking to see if Democrats have the will and the resources to fight back against an extreme Republican agenda.

Republicans will want to know how hard they can push without facing consequences.

Friends - it has NEVER been more important that we have a strong Democratic Party that can fight back politically and electorally. When Trump and the Republicans try things like repealing the Affordable Care Act or cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid — we must stop them, and then we must defeat them. We must stop Trump and the Republicans no matter what it takes. We need you right now.

So here is the part where we ask:

Can Kamala Harris count on you to contribute $5 to the Democratic National Committee before their official FEC fundraising deadline comes to a close? We would not ask if it were not so important.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Donate $3
Donate $25
Donate $50
Donate $100
Donate $250
Other Amount

Thank you in advance for chipping in today. Especially today.

Team Kamala


metmike: After thinking about this for 0.001 seconds, I've decided to make a contribution of $0.00!  

Why don't I block these messages?

I would like to see for myself, everything that can be known about both sides, regardless of whether I agree or not! Both sides have good things to offer, both sides have plenty of bad things too. 

Neither side will get a penny of our money!

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