I think this is being profoundly under reported.
let’s list a few of the huge problems.
1. Citrus Greening disease in oranges. It’s wiped out almost 90% of floridas production the past 2+ decades and is now attacking orange groves in #1 producing Sao Paulo, Brazil. There is no cure, except to destroy trees impacted. As a result, recent prices have soared to all time highs. https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/109062/#109086
2. Cocoa prices to record highs because of a shoot disease in Africa cutting 50% from some yields. https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/109062/#109194
3. Coffee prices at record smashing highs, partly from a disease.
4. Record high egg prices from bird flu which is starting to spread to cattle.
There is no effective treatment for these pathogens(other than the coffee disease). They must destroy the trees or animals.
This seems to have greatly exceeded the threshold for what’s considered to be a major crisis in several markets at the same time and only getting worse!
What’s next?
There doesn't seem to be a cure or effective treatment in the works.
Extremely harmful pathogens seem to be morphing and multiplying faster than our science can adapt and manage them.
This is literally causing trillions in cost/damages to the industry and consumers when you add up the totals from all the markets globally.
Did you see the article that said that the average person has a plastic spoon worth of nano plastic in their brain? Our declining natural food is being replaced with indestructible materials
A rule of getting funded for a study by the government is to list CLIMATE CHANGE as part of it and the money gushes out.
The global warming or climate change, mirrored by mean temperature changes, decrease of annual rainfall, uneven distribution of rainfall and prolonged periods of drought, could alter the quality or growth of plants, and possibly result into mortality of crops
Yeah, right, just look at the crops dying from climate change:
Death by GREENING!
Climate change and especially the increase in CO2 has been greatly beneficial to the planet and especially crops.
Stop flushing trillions of dollars down the toilet, vilifying a beneficial gas and use all of it to go after the REAL problems.
In this case, the pathogens/diseases.
Thanks, Jim!
Do you have a link to that study?
Therealenvironmental crisis's
I found it, thanks!
Thanks, Jim!!
2025 version:
A Spoonful of sugar
plastics helps the medicine your brain go downThe medicine
Your brain go down-wownThe medicine Your brain go down
Just a spoonful of sugar
plastics helps the medicine
your brain go down
In a most delightful
destructive way
IMO, the way we farm is a recipe for pathogens and diseases. Clustered plants covering 100’s to thousands of acres. Highly fertilized. One problem and it just spreads like wild fire because everything is so tightly packed together. It gets carried in the wind and things get wiped out. I know I sound like a fatalist, but sooner or later it’s going to happen to humans. I see pictures of some of these beaches and I can’t help but think what disaster is lurking in all that filth. And that is not to mention some of the third world countries or even in inner cities in the US. Too many people, the world can’t cope
Thanks, Jim!
Tightly packed row crops have a brief growing season. Then they die and the source for pathogens to multiply is eliminated. Some of the pathogen can get into the soil and be dormant, waiting for next years crop but that crop too, will not live long enough to serve the pathogens optimal spreading dynamic.
Some of the fungicides to treat that type of pathogen is pretty effective too.
The problem with OJ, Cocao and Coffee is that they are TREES that live for decades. When a tenacious pathogen attacks these plants that live 365 days a year, for years they have a perfect environment to continue to spread without an interruption in their life cycle.
That's why, in many cases the only way to get rid of these type of pathogens is to destroy the trees and plant new ones.
Also, the pathogens mutate and adjust so that chemicals that are effective initially can become less effective with time.
What happens is that a very small % of a disease may survive the treatment because of a tiny DNA difference than the rest of the disease which makes it resilient (the treatment can CAUSE the DNA change by the replicating organism which is trying to impart changes for its offspring to survive).
Then, its those SURVIVING organisms that are the ones that pass THEIR DNA, mutations and all on, while the rest die. Over the course of numerous generations, it causes a slightly NEW AND IMPROVED BREED of organism using "survival of the fittest" biological mechanisms to evolve from small variations in DNA being passed on.