This made me laugh
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Started by WxFollower - Feb. 15, 2025, 8:45 p.m.

 I had no other place to put this. Politics aside, I hope to make some viewers laugh!

If instead of Trump/Don Jr it were Joe/Hunter, Id laugh, too, but it wouldn’t have made much sense here.

By metmike - Feb. 15, 2025, 11:01 p.m.
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It was very funny indeed and is an unusually blatant and unusual example of how a charlatan genius creates persona’s of himself and what he represents to sell it to people.

The image of himself that he wants people to have is pretty obvious.

Down to earth dad that takes his young children to work with him 

Extremely disarming image to the man eating press sharks that are  there to eat him alive………because it would seem to be much less appropriate behavior to viciously attack a dad there with his young children.

Extraordinarily brilliant way for him to completely handle all the questions, seemingly  like he’s just having fun with his son, being open and transparent and informal and sabotaging the environment which the press was hoping to create(a group interrogation  that holds him accountable).

He pretty much neutralized much of that that with this brilliant STUNT, his demeanor and responses.

The most amazing thing for me was how well behaved his kid was for so long at that age.

By WxFollower - Feb. 15, 2025, 11:55 p.m.
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Hey Mike,

1. I want to make sure you could see the entire photo. Were you able to see Donald Trump with Don, Jr. riding piggyback on his dad on the right side of the pic?

2. Was Elon’s son really all that well-behaved? During that news conference, he was picking his nose and wiping his “boogers” on Trump’s desk. Also, he apparently whispered to Trump to take a hike! That wasn’t nice. He sounds like he may be kind of spoiled.

By metmike - Feb. 16, 2025, 12:56 a.m.
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Thanks Larry for tuning me in.

i actually only watched clips on the news covering this event.

maybe i should have listened to the entire thing before commenting!


OK, NOW I can finally see what you‘re talking about after you changed the image.

Originally, it only had Musk and his kid.

The image with the trumps wasn’t there earlier.

I was on a different planet earlier.  
that image really is funny, now that you showed the Trumps!

I still think the same things in my first post.