King Trump
10 responses | 0 likes
Started by joj - Feb. 21, 2025, 9:52 a.m.

3 branches of government and a free press only works if everyone is on board.

Trump has essentially neutered the legislative branch.   Republicans are basically rubber stamping his unqualified cabinet picks.  They fear being primaried.  His unlawful usurpation of the power of the purse (DOGE) which is enshrined in the constitution, does not get a single protest from the GOP congress.

The press is already bending.  Jeff Bezos, who owns the Washington Post which had previously been critical of Trump takes an unprecedented step of declining to endorse a candidate.  Facebook CEO Zuckerberg reversed a company policy by announcing that they would no longer fact check.

The judiciary is teetering.  It saved us in 2020 by striking down 60 of Trumps legal appeals to overturn the election.  Then he tried to violently do so.  But now he has a MAGA Supreme Court as evidenced by their first stalling on the Jan 6th case and then ruling broadly on presidential immunity instead of specifically his coup attempt.

Add to that, Kash Patel, recently confirmed by the spineless GOP as head of the FBI, said the following 2 things.  He said that Democrats are not just political opponents we disagree with.  "They are the enemy trying to destroy our country".  That was before he was confirmed.  After he was confirmed he announced that "All judges, legislators and media that don't support Trump will be investigated."  (I wonder if I will get in trouble for my posting this).

Trump recently quoted Napoleon.  "A leader who saves his country cannot be found to have violated any law."    Trump in 2028 !!  (Constitution?  What constitution?)

Re: King Trump
By metmike - Feb. 21, 2025, 11:08 a.m.
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Thanks, Joj!

I agree with much of that although maybe not with the same reactions.

(I wonder if I will get in trouble for my posting this).


If you get in trouble for posting this, then I'm in 10 times the trouble for my posts on Trump (which I stand by). These are just a few:

 Trump  7-26-24    


           Trumps pardons            

                            Started by metmike - Jan. 22, 2025, 7:41 a.m.    


around 200 trancripts released from jan 6th            

                            11 responses |           

                Started by mcfarm - June 17, 2023, 4:52 p.m.  


  Hidden Jan. 6 Transcript Revealed, Undermining House Committee’s Claim            

                            18 responses |          

         Started by cutworm - March 11, 2024, 2:47 p.m.

By metmike - Feb. 23, 2025, 4:54 p.m.
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Former NOAA Officials Warn That Job Cuts Could Risk Lives and Livelihoods

"Spinrad said widespread cuts to NOAA could have ripple effects on many sectors of the economy.

"I believe it compromises the security of property around the country," he said."

"Sure, these organizations have inefficiencies, but this is like doing surgery with a chainsaw instead of a scalpel, without bothering to look at the X-rays beforehand," Masters said.

A scientist within NOAA who spoke with Newsweek on condition of anonymity described a tense atmosphere among colleagues awaiting word on their employment while being tasked with carrying out some of President Donald Trump's executive orders.

"Mostly we are busy scrubbing DEI and Gulf of Mexico references," the researcher said, referencing Trump's orders to end work related to diversity, equity and inclusion and to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the "Gulf of America."

The researcher said they and colleagues have offered ideas to improve efficiency without arbitrary job cuts, "but nobody from DOGE asked," they said. "They think they know better."


Trump changing the name of the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America was one of the dumbest, COUNTER productive  actions ever. And it costs money that need not be spent to make that dumb change. 

With regards to these cuts causing an increase in property damage. I racked my brain to imagine how, being an operational weather forecasting meteorologist for over 4 decades. We will NEVER be able to move our house to keep it out of the path of a tornado or forecast the path of a tornado more than minutes in advance..........and BTW, violent tornadoes that kill the most people are DOWN 50% BECAUSE OF  beneficial climate change.

Hurricane models are not going to change, nor is the ability to pass that information on to people in the path so they can GET OUT OF THE WAY. 

My job as an operational meteorologist is very dependent on NWS products but I'm having an impossible time imagining how cuts will impact those products.

Do you have any thoughts, Larry?

The opposing side MIGHT have a valid argument but if they give us bs, that I know is bs, it makes me think they must not have a good argument or they would present that one instead of the bs.

Re: King Trump
By WxFollower - Feb. 23, 2025, 5:15 p.m.
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"Sure, these organizations have inefficiencies, but this is like doing surgery with a chainsaw instead of a scalpel, without bothering to look at the X-rays beforehand," Masters said.

Hey Mike,

1. I agree with the above statement by Masters. I don’t see the need to do massive cuts to the NWS when it already is efficiently run and has a relatively low budget in relation to how much good it has done. The NWS evolved from the Wx Bureau, which goes back to 1890 and from the US Army’s Signal Service that started in 1870.

2. Regarding property damage, what about storm preps like sandbags and boarding windows for hurricanes? Or bringing cars into garages ahead of a severe thunderstorm, especially for storms with hail or cars parked outside near trees? Or not getting caught on the roads by a winter storm and thus leading to traffic accidents that damage autos?

3. The bigger benefit from the NWS is for saving lives and reducing injuries.

By metmike - Feb. 23, 2025, 7:38 p.m.
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"Sure, these organizations have inefficiencies, but this is like doing surgery with a chainsaw instead of a scalpel, without bothering to look at the X-rays beforehand," Masters said."

Thanks, Larry!

I actually went to school with Jeff at the University of Michigan. He and 3 other guys, including me would often get together when we had a high threat of severe storms that afternoon, standing in front of this massive, 2 story long window in the Space Research building, facing southwest. Watching the cloud formations and severe storms(if they developed) and hoping to see a funnel cloud or tornado. Never happened.

Interestingly, this would be the exact WORST spot anywhere to be during a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning. 

Jeff and I had another commonality. I flew into hurricane Gloria in September 1985 with the meteorologists from the Hurricane Center in one of their hurricane hunter airplanes, when I was a tv meteorologist at WEHT in Evansville IN.

However, Jeff flew into dozens of hurricanes, including Hugo in 1989

A flight through Hurricane Hugo, remembered 20 years later



With regards to the things people can do before a hurricane to prepare. I get that already. My point is not about that but what I can't see is any of the products, watches and warnings changing substantially with cuts that would change that.

I use all these products from the NWS more than anybody, anywhere except for fellow meteorologists. If I thought it was going to greatly impact those products we use, I would be strongly objecting. 

The models are the models. They are run ON COMPUTERS that are automated. 

Interpretations of the models and data don't get better by much if you have 10 people compared to 1 good person doing the job. 

I don't see them cutting back on expert analysis from the Storm Forecast Center or Hurricane Center. 

Think about it. I'm just one person and look at all the information that I can show here, including interpretations without being paid and maybe a couple of hours a day.

The computer models and computer generated products do most of the work. Sort of like the dishwasher and clothes washer do all the washing/work. We just load and unload it

Probably the NWS is already run efficiently with no need for cuts, like you stated, Larry. But we shouldn't just assume that without scrutinizing. 

Of any cuts, I would be the last person wanting them to be in this field. I'm just trying to be objective about a field here I'm extremely subjective.


On your other comments. I already understand what people can do ahead of severe weather. The question/point is how cutting people will cause them to be unable to do the exact same things, the same way.

Let's be specific about HOW THE CUTTING will result in lost lives and property. What is the lost product or service that will cause people to not know to board up homes and put up sand bags or evacuate ahead of a hurricane if the same models are used to make the same forecasts with the same watch/warning criteria.

I use these models all day every day. 

If it meant something like, no more hurricane hunters flying into hurricanes, then I would be squawking but I'm not seeing any evidence of that.


The sort of waste that I would like to see eliminated from NOAA is their crazy bias supporting a fake climate crisis and fake green energy. Especially wind energy. They've been providing, biased, junk science regarding the hundreds of right whale deaths off the East Coast from the wind turbine industry, for instance.

Maybe they will straighten their act out, at the very least and we can stop treating CO2 as pollution instead of the beneficial gas that it is.

US Government Grants Wind Industry Licence to Kill Thousands of Whales, Dolphins, Porpoises & Seals

As Constance Gee explains below the US government is complicit in what, once upon a time, would have been treated as an environmental outrage.

‘Take’ authorizations prove NOAA is lying about whale deaths".



Utterly Pointless Slaughter: Offshore Wind Industry’s Whale Carcass Count Mounts

‘Absolutely, 100 percent, offshore wind kills whales,’ he says.

Early in 2023, Gerasoulis began researching whale deaths. That summer he started building a software system to identify any relationship between the dead whales and offshore wind survey vessels, which use loud blasts of sonar to map the seabed for the installation of offshore wind turbines and high-voltage cables.

He named the system Luna.

But the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), which is responsible for protecting marine animals and their habitats insists there is no connection.

‘To date, no whale mortality has been attributed to offshore wind activities,’ said Lauren Gaches, NOAA Fisheries public affairs director shortly after Luna’s body was found.

Whale deaths had started increasing several years earlier. NOAA declared ‘unusual mortality events’ for humpback whales in 2016, minke whales in 2017, and North Atlantic right whales also in 2017.

The death count is now up to 534 for these species.

Wind farm developers started sending out sonar vessels to blast the ocean floor with high-intensity sound waves to map it for offshore wind farms in 2016.

But NOAA still denies any connection.

‘At this point, there is no scientific evidence that noise resulting from offshore wind site characterization surveys or pile driving could potentially cause whale deaths,’ Katie Wagner, NOAA public affairs specialist, told

‘There are no known links between large whale deaths and ongoing offshore wind activities.’

By metmike - Feb. 23, 2025, 9:54 p.m.
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Speaking of  the fake climate crisis, this REALLY, REALLY, REALLY needs to be overturned:

Trump Gives EPA One Week to Decide on Abandoning Climate Pollution Regulation

If Zeldin attempts to upend the 2009 scientific finding that underpins all greenhouse gas rules — known as the endangerment finding — he would risk being rebuked by the courts. But if judges upheld EPA’s move to reverse the finding, it would accelerate Trump’s efforts to dismantle a host of climate rules enacted under President Joe Biden, while erecting legal hurdles for future administrations that want to curb climate pollution.


"2009 scientific finding?

No chance, no way, no how was it a scientific finding. It was a purely POLITICAL finding and travesty for ALL authentic science. 




Their fake/junk science, intentionally disregarded the massive evidence that indisputably proves we are in a climate optimum. For humans and for almost all life on this planet! 

All one needs is the graph below but we have hundreds of  times more powerful  evidence to prove that this is a climate OPTIMUM not a climate CRISIS for almost all life.  And its not even close.

    Death by GREENING!            

                            Started by metmike - May 11, 2021, 2:31 p.m.   


  National Climate Emergency??????????!!!!!!!!!!!            

                            37 responses |      

                Started by 12345 - April 24, 2024, 8:25 p.m.    


Until climate science was hijacked for political agenda and crony capitalism, AUTHENTIC climate science referred to a recent period WARMER than this that lasted hundreds of years as the Holocene Climate Optimum.  NOAA, instead of using their power to communicate this and legit science has played a key role in stealing people's intelligence about climate change using junk/biased science and disinformation that censors the truth about the massive benefits. 

Holocene climatic optimum


We should note that the information at the link above has been edited in the last 5 years to add things that were never in there to claim that we are warmer now than during that period. This was never the finding for 100 years based on the data and science which stood rock solid about this climate OPTIMUM. Suddenly, it's not so any more!!!

Suddenly, in 2020/2021, the IPCC manufactured a study that claims we are a tad warmer now than the Holocene climate OPTIMUM.

"The HCO was approximately 4.9 °C warmer than the Last Glacial Maximum.[5] A study in 2020 estimated that the average global temperature during the warmest 200 year period of the HCO, around 6,500 years ago, was around 0.7 °C warmer than the mean for nineteenth century AD, immediately before the Industrial Revolution, and 0.3 °C cooler than the average for 2011-2019.[6] The 2021 IPCC report expressed medium confidence that temperatures in the last decade are higher than they were in the Mid-Holocene Warm Period."



They want us to believe that .3 Deg C in the temperature of planet earth is the difference between a climate OPTIMUM, during the Holocene Optimum and the the current climate CRISIS. 

And they are WRONG about that temperature difference in the high latitudes by a wide margin!

They still left some items that were there before BASED ON THE AUTHENTIC MEASUREMENTS:

Of 140 sites across the western Arctic, there is clear evidence for conditions that were warmer than now at 120 sites. At 16 sites for which quantitative estimates have been obtained, local temperatures were on average 1.6±0.8 °C higher during the optimum than now. Northwestern North America reached peak warmth first, from 11,000 to 9,000 years ago, but the Laurentide Ice Sheet still chilled eastern Canada. Northeastern North America experienced peak warming 4,000 years later. Along the Arctic Coastal Plain in Alaska, there are indications of summer temperatures 2–3 °C warmer than now.[11] Research indicates that the Arctic had less sea ice than now.[12] The Greenland Ice Sheet thinned, particularly at its margins.[13] In addition to being warmer, Arctic Alaska also became wetter

By metmike - Feb. 24, 2025, 11 a.m.
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                Hate and LOVE                                                   

                By metmike - Feb. 24, 2025, 10:06 a.m.          


Consciously avoid being sucked into black holes of impossible to resolve, emotionally charged,  strong political disagreements that are upsetting.

Respectfully discussing politics with somebody that you disagree is cool even if neither of you will ever agree and you are wasting your time trying to convince each other of your belief system, instead of  trying to understand theirs. 

Actually hearing people with a contrasting opinion and trying to see their point of view means that you stand out as a great example for others and leave conversations feeling good and proud about your behavior. 

They feel respected! You earn respect from them! 

Re: King Trump
By WxFollower - March 2, 2025, 2:35 a.m.
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Trump's DHS is pushing for the IRS to produce taxpayer information to assist with deportations. IRS officials are pointing to federal law saying taxpayer data can only be used for tax purposes

By metmike - March 2, 2025, 8:16 a.m.
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We haven't seen anything yet when it comes to the reaction to Trumps VERY EXTREME actions.

With the MSM and Ds egging people on, to feed anger/outrage and hate. Once temperatures warm up, we will see mass protesting. 

Severe cuts in government spending are very likely to cause an economic slowdown. Just like OVER spending by the government, has been intentional to act as a permanent economic stimulus strategy that is threatening to bankrupt the United States.

Add that, along with lingering inflation and you have the recipe for outrage to ramp up and provide the fuel for the protesting to quickly turn into rioting.

Riot instigators will be in heaven as they travel around the country, especially in the big cities and inflame the emotions of protestors and turn them into crazy mobs.

During the Summer of 2020, with COVID raging and people really upset the rioting escalated. The MSM and Ds did their best to FEED the rage of the people. We are setting up for the same thing to happen this Summer, worst case scenario. The MSM and Ds will exploit this situation and turn it into a united movement to destroy and stop Donald Trump and especially to generate additional hate for him, setting the stage for another win in the next presidential party via the NOT candidate.

In 2016, NOT Hillary Clinton won.

In 2020, NOT Donald Trump won

In 2024, NOT Biden/Harris won

In 2028? NOT Trump/Vance(if Vance wins) and NOT the R party if he doesn't

It will likely work.

On the riots this Summer. I hope strongly that it doesn't happen. Mass protesting WILL happen and that would be ok with people expressing their rights and views in our democracy. 

By mcfarm - March 2, 2025, 2:18 p.m.
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in the King post you say{mm} we should give peace a chance. Of course we should. Trump has been in office for a month. An argument could easily be made he has answered more media questions, made more progress on several fronts than Biden did in 4 years so why not give his agenda a chance to not only be passed by congress but be enacted. Who is to say his tax cuts and finding billions in fraud waste and abuse will not bring record gov income combined with an improved economy and less spending will open who knows what in improvements in all other areas. Wow who would want to have peace and prosperity versus the summer MM described? Well who but the crazed libs that is.

By metmike - March 2, 2025, 4:12 p.m.
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in the King post you say{mm} we should give peace a chance. Of course we should.

GIVE PEACE A CHANCE. (Ultimate Mix, 2020) - Plastic Ono Band (official music video HD)