keeping relegion out of government
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Started by mcfarm - Feb. 27, 2025, 6:15 a.m.

or the truth most do not hear. Keeping big government out of religion, the way the founders intended. Including out latest greatest example. Biden  putting spies into the Catholic church. So odd to read post after silly post here how Trump is the dictator. And of course thanks to another great Lyndon Johnson and the great society.

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2025, 6:52 a.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm! Good point.

Do you have a link to,that source, please?  If you shrink the graph size, it will show up better. If I have the link, I can do that for you,

My sources show violent crime peaked at the end of the 1980s. More stats when back in the office.

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2025, 11:46 a.m.
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As near that I can tell, your source is a book that was published in 1988, 37 years ago.

That's why the violent crime statistics don't jibe with the reality in 2025..

Your source above,  cherry picked this book and time frame to mislead people with graphs that ended in the late 1980's, having no data from the 1990's forward.

Let's shed some light on this!

Here's a source that only picks the time frame that starts exactly AFTER the crime peak( after when your source ends) that shows exactly the opposite. They could claim that less praying is causing a drop in crime!


Now here's the entire data set.

Choosing the time frames  at the top/above was VERY intentional to manipulate readers but extremely dishonest. Source 1 only showed us the time frame BEFORE the peak in violent crime. Source 2 only showed us the time fram AFTER the peak in violent crime.

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2025, 11:56 a.m.
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At least source 2 on the previous page has the most recent 3 decades of data but that still can be used to be extremely deceptive.

I'm  so, SO familiar with this intentional cherry picking  tactic by sources  to mislead people. It's done all the time with the fake climate crisis!

Wildfires, for instance. Below is the data going back 100 years.

Can you guess when the media and message gatekeepers start their graphs?

metmike: You guessed right below:

Graph: Large Wildfires Increasing Across the West

by Climate Central (metmike: a climate alarmist information site)

According to this graph, data before 1970 didn't exist...because data before that time frame CONTRADICTS the false narrative they want portrayed.

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2025, 12:12 p.m.
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Same thing with heat waves and droughts that start with data AFTER the Dust Bowl 1930's.

As if planet earth or meteorological instrumentation began in the 1950's.

                Re: Re: Re: 600 dm-500 mb heights 8-23-23-Wow!            

                          By metmike - Aug. 24, 2023, 12:24 a.m.            

From the EPA, which they hide on a back page, while showcasing graphs that start in 1960 on their opening page, using blatantly dishonest science.

Figure 3. U.S. Annual Heat Wave Index, 1895–2021

WA, OR and CO have broken their all time highs since this map was created. But it still doesn't change what happened in the 1930s BEFORE CO2 increased and before climate science was hijacked for political agenda and crony capitalism. 

It's like, teaching about the benefits of  photosynthesis was banned as CO2 was corruptly identified (legally by the EPA) as carbon pollution.  CO2 is a beneficial gas that has an atom of carbon in it. Carbon is a solid and a completely different substance.

                Death by GREENING!            


They also completely censored information about all the REAL and CATASTROPHIC droughts of the 1800s BECAUSE OF  GLOBAL COOLING, much worse than anything we've had since climate change has been protecting the United States from drought. 

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Death by GREENING!           

                            By metmike - Feb. 2, 2025, 7:54 a.m.            

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2025, 12:19 p.m.
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Sorry to hijack your thread on religion to make an important point. The fake climate crisis crazies really do act like a religion, though. 

Worshipping greatly flawed, climate models based on a speculative theory that has been busting for over 3 decades (with regards to the impacts of warming on this greening planet having a climate OPTIMUM)  that predict runaway, positive feedback warming  and a catastrophic future. Ignoring the law of photosynthesis and observations the past 30+ years, including this:

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Death by GREENING!                        

                By metmike - Nov. 14, 2023, 7:42 p.m.            

By metmike - Feb. 27, 2025, 12:38 p.m.
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OK, back to the original topic.

Please don't be misled by my response, exposing the deceptive graphing from this source at the top. 

I would very strongly agree that people that pray on a regular basis have the lowest rates for committing violent crimes. 

That people who follow the AUTHENTIC  principles of their religion have the lowest rates for committing violent crimes. 

I'm excluding religious hypocrites and those that decide to apply THEIR own interpretations to Scripture, for instance. 

Not to ignore religions that I'm not an expert on,  that also impart positive belief systems to human behavior in followers  but the one that I was raised in, the Catholic Faith follows things like Jesus parables, the Beatitudes and  the 10 Commandments.

Teachings of Jesus: 10 Messages Jesus Really Taught

Since I went to Catholic School for 12 years and taught religious education at our church for 15 years, I was raised with a huge bias in how I viewed faith in God thru much of my life.

However, today I like to say that I know what the true religion is!

It's the one that you were raised to believe in or were converted to as an adult!!!

There are 2 billion Muslims in this world too. This religion is just as authentic to their followers as the Christian faith and Jewish faith to their followers. To think otherwise is to be closed minded, judgmental and anti humanitarian.

Sadly, strict followers of religions are often the sources for wars against people of a different religion than theirs. Hate and distrust being indoctrinated into them at a young age.

We all know what's been going on in the Middle East forever.  

And Trump has the magical mystery solution for it. Kicking out the Muslims in Gaza, fixing the place up and replacing them with other people that he and Netanyahu want to live there.

Yeah, that will work.

About  as well as a farmer trying to rescue his 200 acres of withering, pollinating corn in July, during a major drought..... by  using a garden hose hooked up to the house  

By mcfarm - Feb. 27, 2025, 6:17 p.m.
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absolutely no problem with your hijack. I have to re-read all that you posted. Very informative as usual right up to the unnecessary pot shot Trump. No matter what any of us thinks his religion is his religion, no matter if he came thru life it or it has hit him between the eyes recently....not for man to judge that. It is his journey alone. 

By cutworm - Feb. 28, 2025, 1:39 p.m.
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As for Trump and Gaza

As I have said before his outlandish remarks are a negotiating tool to get other countries in that area to the table. Those countries don't necessarily want us there and should do more. 

By metmike - Feb. 28, 2025, 2:02 p.m.
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Thanks, cutworm!

I strongly disagree with this being a good negotiating tactic for THIS PARTICULAR REGION.

More than anything, it gave most people the understanding that Trump is delusional by proposing something so preposterous and offensive!

If you and me are negotiating on the price of something that I'm selling, I don't ask a trillion dollars for it and you don't offer 1c for it as a negotiating tactic. 

That is the recipe for both sides to NOT TRUST the other side to give honest bids/offers.

Trump lost a ton of trust from one side with such a ludicrous proposal, especially the part about the United States just deciding to take over a foreign country which is extremely against international law. Then kicking all the people out, which is extremely offensive to the Arabs/Muslims living there....who will NEVER trust him now. 

Then suggesting OTHER people will move in to replace them which is  VERY OFFENSIVE ETHNIC CLEANSING and a violation of human rights.

That's really, really bad negotiating, in my opinion.

Ethnic cleansing

Ethnic cleansing is the systematic forced removal of ethnic, racial, or religious groups from a given area, with the intent of making the society ethnically homogeneous. Along with direct removal such as deportation or population transfer, it also includes indirect methods aimed at forced migration by coercing the victim group to flee and preventing its return

By WxFollower - March 14, 2025, 1:33 a.m.
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Jewish, Muslim groups condemn Trump’s use of ‘Palestinian’ as slur to put down Schumer

WASHINGTON — US Muslim and Jewish advocacy groups criticized US President Donald Trump on Wednesday for referring to the top Senate Democrat, Senator Chuck Schumer, as a “Palestinian,” with the organizations saying the president used the term as a slur.

Schumer is a Palestinian as far as I’m concerned. He’s become a Palestinian. He used to be Jewish. He’s not Jewish anymore. He’s a Palestinian,” Trump said apparently suggesting the veteran New York lawmaker has become too critical of Israel. 

From Wednesday

Not a single Republican complained about this poison coming out of the foul mouth of Trump!

 Can anyone imagine any other Pres. saying something like this? If any other Pres. had said something like this , he would have been taken away immediately for an exam for dementia or insanity. He says so many crazy and hateful things that just about anything he says has been normalized.

By metmike - March 14, 2025, 2:05 a.m.
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Thanks, Larry!

I've been saying for several years that President Trump is mentally ill.

Medically, clinically mentally ill as in most people in his condition should seek professional help from a psychiatrist.

Instead, he's getting the maximum positive reinforcement possible which is increasing the severity of his mental illness.

By metmike - March 15, 2025, 8:31 a.m.
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Trump is also Islamophobic which is why he used this, clearly as a racial slur. 

By cutworm - March 18, 2025, 9:53 p.m.
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If you and me are negotiating on the price of something that I'm selling, I don't ask a trillion dollars for it and you don't offer 1c for it as a negotiating tactic. 

But this is not the situation. There is no bid. He makes outlandish remarks to get something started. He always asks for more than he would settle for. In a way it's a little like being a used car salesperson, making exaggerated claims both about how good his car is and how bad yours is, even if you are not interested at first.

By metmike - March 18, 2025, 10:35 p.m.
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Thanks, cutworm!

Maybe if you were claiming the car can fly and doesn't need gas, which is how outlandish Trumps position is.

Using an IMPOSSIBLE claim takes you completely out of the picture as a serious negotiator. That's why I gave you such an extreme example.  It MUST be something that is possible for the other person to consider. This completely takes Trump  out of the picture as a serious negotiator in Gaza, while demonstrating his Islamophobia to us.

Nobody that actually respected the Palestinians living in Gaza would have this blatantly biased, extreme position........even if it was an outlandish negotiating tactic. He made it clear for eternity, by proposing ethnic cleansing. 

What if he actually could do this and we followed his plan exactly?

It's called ETHNIC CLEANSING. You don't negotiate by proposing ethnic cleansing. You just don't..........unless you are a racist against Muslims and mentally ill.

There is nothing that will convince you of that because this is the omnipotent Donald Trump, who can see things that mere mortals can't.

The more extreme he gets, the less that mere mortals of limited mental capacity are able to understand his brilliant plans. 

Actually, it's just proof of his mental illness as seen by people that are not in the cult that apply objective, critical thinking. He is delusional and unable to always  stay tethered to reality.

If he wants to completely CHANGE his position to something that actually makes sense, then rational people will treat it and him seriously. But we know now with even MORE certainty that he is Islamophobic. 

If Trump changes his position to something rational I will be the first one to support that. You know that's true because I actually voted for him based on his realistic objective of trying to get the war in  Ukraine to end. At least he's trying using a rational strategy.

Trumps problem is that he is unable to see the difference between solid, doable objectives and la la land. His always supporters assume that la la land is from Trump being smarter than everybody else as they back everything, no matter how absurd. 

No, its not because I don't understand him its because I do.

There were alot of people that were not sure that Trump is Islamophobic (some already knew, some are convinced he's not).

He just confirmed it.

Again, you just don't propose ethnic cleansing as a solution, whether its a negotiating tactic or not. You just don't. It blatantly violates basic human rights with an open display of racism and hatred for an entire group/nationality.

By metmike - March 19, 2025, 6:21 a.m.
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Let’s make a more apples to apples comparison instead of  selling middle eastern and peace politics compared to selling cars.

If trumps position was to kick out everybody in Ukraine permanently, fix it up, then invite back in only people that he and Putin decided would best suit Putin, and result in peace between the countries… well do you think that would go?

Would Europe and Ukraine suddenly decide to end the war and negotiate with Putin to avoid this? of course they would NOT!

That’s his  insane position for Gaza!

By metmike - March 19, 2025, 10:31 p.m.
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                Re: the mess in Gaza                        

                By metmike - March 19, 2025, 10:29 p.m.    

Why Israel broke its fragile truce in Gaza and is promising more strikes

More than 400 people were killed in the Israeli attacks and hundreds more were injured, according to health officials.

But this was not part of the original ceasefire agreement that went into effect Jan. 19. The first phase of that deal, which had Hamas release 25 living hostages and the bodies of eight in exchange for  around 1,800 of Palestinian prisoners, ended March 1.

The second phase was set to kick in 16 days later and would have included the exchange of all the remaining hostages and the establishment of a permanent ceasefire. In phase three, the bodies of all dead hostages were to be returned and a commitment made to rebuild Gaza.

But the second phase never began after Netanyahu said he had accepted a plan by Steve Witkoff, Trump's special envoy to the Middle East, to extend the ceasefire for 50 days to discuss phase two — a proposal that was immediately rejected by Hamas.

Following Hamas' rejection, Israel blocked the flow of aid and goods into Gaza in a move condemned by rights groups.

Israel's military called Tuesday’s strikes “pre-emptive” and suggested without providing any evidence that Hamas was attempting to rearm.


Trump help cause it!!!

Israel makes it up as they go along. Netanyahu is the All Powerful, Palestinian Exterminator, who has now teamed up with the Islamophobic, Omnipotent Bloviator(Trump).

They can now reinforce each other with justifications for perpetrating genocide against innocent people, mostly children and women!

At least Biden  spoke up against this because some in his party follow  basic humanitarian standards (even though his actions-sending more and more bombs-contradicted his disingenuous words).

With these 2 dictator type leaders at the helm and nobody anywhere in a position to stop them from their morally  bankrupt , Muslim hating objectives ….there  isn’t much hope for the innocent Human beings that need to be genocidal statistics in order for them to accomplish it.

Whether it’s Netanyahu's plan to eliminate them with bombs by genocide or Trumps ethnic cleansing plan to eliminate  them  by forceful  removal…….their future is looking bleak!