Trump teams latest...and a dandy
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Started by mcfarm - March 11, 2025, 2:51 p.m.

So remember that app the Biden team put out for all the illegals, terrorist, rapist, drug dealers etc to easily and with out any verification cross over into our once proud nation. Ohh yes sometimes they were given a court date. Which was either years down the road with miles of other illegals already in front of them or the truth was outed in which nobody on either side really was going to cooperate and our county was flooded, our job market ruined, our post Covid economy suddenly was mostly hiring federal workers and the private went listless on and on etc etc. So today the Trump team, which has been on a roll and 1/2 for 51 days, announced the reverse Biden app whete illegals and all the others mentioned above can sign up to exit the country before they found and charged. This is beautiful, thoughtful, smart, quick and leaves more of the libs wondering in the past.

By metmike - March 11, 2025, 8:24 p.m.
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By mcfarm - March 17, 2025, 5:57 a.m.
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By WxFollower - March 17, 2025, 10:28 a.m.
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 Trump is a dictator wannabe along with cognitive issues that are only going to get worse. He needs to be stopped. The main hope is with the courts and to hope that court orders going against him are followed. Otherwise, we’ll have a full blown constitutional crisis.

By metmike - March 17, 2025, 10:36 a.m.
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Excellent one, Larry!

Trump’s official inaugural portrait is released — and it bears a striking resemblance to his mugshot

1. Official inaugural portrait.

2. Mugshot

Clearly, Trump's mugshot image wasn't taken in the same environment that everybody else is subjected to.

He was allowed to dress with a suit, get his hair perfect(he's wearing pancake make up).

I'm not sure if he didn't actually submit the photo vs going in for it.

Regardless, he clearly wants this to be the image that portrays his mentality and how we think of him.

Let's go back and compare it to all the previous presidents. For sure, none of them gave us this, bad dude look.

A psychiatrist would have a field day doing psychoanalysis combining this image with all his mentally ill behavior.

Me too, going back years:

 Something Is Seriously Wrong with Trump            

                            Started by metmike - May 10, 2023, 12:39 a.m.   

By mcfarm - March 17, 2025, 12:47 p.m.
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ya know you guys are most probably right. Only a real sicko would send rapists, druggies, murderers, thieves, unlawfuls of all kinds who broke into out country back to where they came from illegally. And only a truly mentally sharp 100% well person would be opening the country up these plus millions more including terrorists.....yes you guys are probably right, makes perfect sense.

By WxFollower - March 17, 2025, 1:05 p.m.
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Hey mc,

 My post was specifically in response to your 2nd post’s middle pic (from a Trump Truth Social post), which I thought was regarding Trump ridiculously claiming he could reverse Biden’s pardons. Is that what that is?

By mcfarm - March 17, 2025, 2:38 p.m.
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my post was about using the silly lib argument of an open boarder in reverse so I would assume someone would respond to that. Not go on a tear about some ones mental health when he {Trump} is the one winning every single 80/20 issue in American policy debate.

By WxFollower - March 17, 2025, 3:35 p.m.
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Hey mc,

 Did you read Trump is claiming Biden’s pardons of the Jan 6th committee aren’t valid because they weren’t signed using a regular pen?

By metmike - March 17, 2025, 6:27 p.m.
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I can appreciate some positives with Trump too.

As you know, I voted for him last November entirely based on a strong belief that he would live up to his promise to try to end the never ending war in Ukraine.

Nobody could have pulled off what he has in moving us in the RIGHT direction to end the war.

Biden was intentionally doing everything in his power to escalate and prolong the war…….to the very end of his disastrous term.

will Trump end the war?

I dont know but I won’t be like the MSM if he doesn’t and blame him for everything bad related to the war and everything else.

I strongly approve of how he’s going about trying to end the war.

ironically, it’s the same tactic he uses in every other realm.

when he’s right about something and takes it over…..there  are tremendous, authentic benefits from acting like a dictator.

when he’s wrong.

Ouch! There’s a price to major price to pay!

His MAGA supporters are convinced that he’s always right about everything. If me or others question it with critical thinking……it’s because we aren’t smart enough to understand his brilliant strategizing and negotiating tactics that are seeing the future like a grand master sees the chess board (don’t forget, I’ve been a chess coach for 3 decades)

The other side NEVER gives him credit for anything and spins facts so that he is always to blame for bad things and colludes  to manufacture fake crimes and all sorts of nonsense to try to destroy him.

2 extremes that are both wrong.

The truth is somewhere in between but based on his behavior is moving in the wrong direction on more stuff  than not.

one thing for sure, protesting will be greatly ramping up around the country between now and summer.

agitators and really upset loose cannon protestors will turn it into counterproductive rioting in some places. This will make all the protesters look bad, including the peaceful ones……..further dividing our country.

who wants to bet me on that one?

i hope to be wrong!

By WxFollower - March 17, 2025, 8:09 p.m.
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Mike said, 


I can appreciate some positives with Trump too.”


Hey MM/Mc,

 I can also. For example, I’ve always given him much deserved kudos for Operation Warp Speed’s amazingly rapid success beyond many people’s expectations. And choosing to have Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx on the Pence lead COVID team.

 But now things are bleak from my standpoint.

By metmike - March 18, 2025, 11:23 p.m.
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We should be cognizant of the fact that up until around 80 years ago, people did not smile in photographs.........including presidents.

Almost all the presidents, until around Truman wanted to display an extremely serious look. Kennedy was the first to have a huge smile. Since then, big smiles have dominated.......until this:

Now You Know: Why Do People Always Look So Serious in Old Photos?