Interesting Facts about Evolution May 18, 2019
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Started by metmike - May 17, 2019, 11:36 p.m.

An elephant’s trunk is an amazing example of evolutionary development. It is a combined nose and upper lip that lengthened as the elephant’s ancestors became taller and their tusks grew bigger. With its heavy head, it needed an easy way to reach the ground.

7 Facts You Didn't Know About Elephant Trunks

2. Elephants are the only animals that can snorkel without aid. By holding the tips of their trunks above the water's surface, elephants can traverse rivers totally submerged. They simply walk across the riverbed. 


elephant trunks2.jpg4. The elephant's trunk contains over 40,000 muscles, divided into as many as 150,000 individual units! Compare that to the human body, which contains a paltry 639 muscles, and you start to get an idea how intricate the appendage is.

5. Thanks to its trunk, an elephant sports a sense of smell up to four times as sensitive as a bloodhound's. It's been reported that an elephant can smell water several miles away! Key to this ability are millions of receptor cells housed in the animal's upper nasal cavity.

6. Humans have a body part similar to a trunk, and that's the tongue. (The nose, of course, is also analogous.) Both the tongue and the trunk are muscular hydrostats -- body parts composed almost exclusively of muscle tissue that utilize water pressure to move. These body parts have muscles oriented in many varied directions, which grant acrobatic maneuverability.

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