Kurds.... Assad...random thoughts
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Started by GunterK - Oct. 23, 2019, 9:22 p.m.

Driving my car today, the radio was full of negative commentaries about the US departure of Syria and Trump’s “betrayal” of the Kurds.

Being aware of the never ending propaganda coming from our news stations, I am trying to get an unbiased grip on the situation over there.

No doubt, when a US soldier lies in the trenches, next to a Kurdish soldier, they form a bond… they are “brothers in arms”.

On the other hand, we really don’t know much about the Kurds. Our MSM always describes them as innocent victims and heroes. Turkey considers them to be “terrorists”. Assad considers them to be the same, or at least “rebels”

It is my understanding that the Kurds want part of Syria’s territory to form their own nation. Coming to think of it, isn’t this what the South wanted during the Civil War in the US?... and for that they got killed. So, Assad has been fighting the Kurds for a few years…. Is this so unusual?

On TV I heard a Congressman saying that "Assad is our enemy". Well, excuse me! Did Assad declare war on the US? Did he shoot down US aircraft? Why is he our enemy?

Oh, I forgot….that infamous meeting by the Deep State in 2001… take down 7 regimes in 5 years… that’s it!!!!!!

So, GWD took down Iraq, Obama/Hillary took down Libya, and the next president was supposed to take down Assad. “Assad must go!Assad must go!” was the frequently heard battle cry under Obama/Hillary.

And Hillary was ready to use nukes!!!!

So, now, this unbelievable current president wants our soldiers to come home. No wonder, the war mongers are all up in arms.

Leaving the Kurds, our fighting buddies on their own… how terrible. It shows no honor. Well, coming to think about it…. on 9/11, AlQaeda killed 3000 innocent Americans….. but under Obama/Clinton, the US trained and armed AlQaeda affiliated terrorists to fight Assad. Is this honorable?

Coming to think of it….a quite a few decades ago, rebels in Afghanistan fought the Russians. The CIA went over there, trained them, armed them, and fought with them. (Even Hollywood got involved…James Bond and Rambo joined the “rebels” to fight the Russians). At that time, the rebels called themselves “mujahedeen”. Today they call themselves Taliban. We are no longer fighting with them, side by side… we are now engaged in war with them…the longest war on record in US history. What happened to them being “war buddies”?

Well, it’s a complex picture. I don’t have the answers. I am a bit confused… and I may be quite wrong in my assessment of this scenario. But I am sick and tired of the b.s. and propaganda heaped upon us by the MSM. I personally believe that letting Assad dealing with this situation and having the Russians help him, is a lot better than US getting involved in another major never-ending war in the M.E.

By wglassfo - Oct. 24, 2019, 12:48 a.m.
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You might notice that Canada does not get involved in any ME wars

We refused to join the Iraq war

We did provide logistic help to help the Kawatii [sp] regain their country

We did help in Africa during WW 11 [I think]

We see no reason to fight in the ME

The USA military industrial complex is a huge money making machine

Supposedly 9/11 happened because the USA had military bases on foreign soil

Would 9/11 have happened if the USA had stayed home

I dunno but it makes you wonder

If things were reversed and the Saudis had military bases on our soil, and through out NA, with war planes screaming around our skies

Would we think kindly about that

By metmike - Oct. 24, 2019, 12:49 a.m.
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Outstanding thoughts Gunter, thanks!

By GunterK - Oct. 24, 2019, 1:06 p.m.
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I forgot to mention....

In my neighborhood are several convenience stores owned or managed by Syrians. Some are Christians, some are Muslims. They all say the same thing.... "don't believe the US media" when it comes to Assad. They all seem to support the man.

Of course, that's a small data sample. 

By metmike - Oct. 24, 2019, 4:09 p.m.
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The only person that I mostly trusted to tell us what is really going on there has been Rand Paul. I have never known him to be wrong.

However, there is an even a better source that has been right on the money for 2 decades and would have made our best president in history had he been nominated and elected in 2008.

Instead, republicans went deep into the swamp/military industrial complex and came up with their worst candidate in history. King of the Warmonger's McCain. He was a big reason for me to vote Obama. 

Who was that candidate that didn't have a chance because he has always been against military interventions and ALWAYS been right?

Ron Paul. Rand Paul's father.

By metmike - Oct. 24, 2019, 4:11 p.m.
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From the Ron Paul institute for peace and prosperity.

Up In Smoke: The Neocon Assault On Syria Is Finally Over

Wednesday October 23, 2019


From the article: "By a vote of 354-60 last week the US House of Representative proved that Imperial Washington is addicted to war, and that the level of ignorance, bellicosity and mendacity among the people's representative has reach appalling heights.

Having never voted for Washington's pointless, illegal and destructive fomenting of Syria's calamitous civil war in the first place, as the constitution requires, the bipartisan congressional mob actually had the gall to vote to keep US forces in the middle of a centuries old Kurd/Turk conflict that has zero implications for the security and safety of the American homeland. And we mean that as in zero, nichts, nada and nugatory.

The pretext, of course, is that the ISIS caliphate will come roaring back to life absent the armed resistance of the Kurdish-SDF forces positioned in Syria's northeast quadrant; and that with these bombed-out, impoverished, no-count towns, villages, farms and dusty plains back under the black flag of ISIS, next up will be IEDs in the New York City subways.

That's just blatant claptrap. If Syria becomes whole again, the Islamic State doesn't have a snowball's chance in the hot place of reviving. And letting Syria become whole again was exactly the purpose and consequence of Trump's sensible decision to remove American forces from the Syria/Turkey border."

By metmike - Oct. 24, 2019, 4:21 p.m.
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undefinedAnd that got us to yesterday idiotic House resolution, most of which was ignorant hot air in the form of gravely worded whereas clauses run amuck. But here is the operative phrase and the meat of the matter,

Whereas an abrupt withdrawal of United States military personnel from certain parts of Northeast Syria is beneficial to adversaries of the United States government, including Syria, Iran, and Russia: Now, therefore, be it resolved.....that Congress opposes the decision to end certain United States efforts to prevent Turkish military operations against Syrian Kurdish forces in Northeast Syria...

There you have it. It's not really about the Kurds or ISIS at all. The crocodile tears for the former flowing out of Washington at the moment could fill a modest sized lake. 

"The truth is, Washington's attempted destruction of Syria as a functioning state was always about waging a proxy war against Iran and violating Syria's sovereign air space and territory in order to clear it of the Iranian, Russian and Hezbollah forces that Damascus had legally invited to participate in its governance and security arrangements.

Yet that's how the Empire rolls. Get the John McCain's and Lindsey Graham's of Imperial Washington looking at you cross-eyed and you are likely to have cancerous interlopers like ISIS planted in your midst and domestic ethnic and political factions armed by Washington and mobilized against you---and sometimes each other."

By metmike - Oct. 24, 2019, 4:48 p.m.
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Previous posts on this topic:

                So much for the troops pulled out of Syria coming home            

                            14 responses |           

                Started by pj - Oct. 20, 2019, 1:30 p.m.            



                The Gladiator vs Trump            


                Started by GunterK - Oct. 18, 2019, 7:40 p.m.            



                US and Turkey agree to ceasefire in Syria.                      

                Started by TimNew - Oct. 17, 



                why pulling out of Syria was the right thing            

                11 responses |                

              Started by GunterK - Oct. 15, 2019, 10:18 p.m.   



                Syria...looking through the propaganda narrative...            

                            Started by GunterK - Oct. 17, 



                ISIS Families Flee            

                           Started by joj - Oct. 13, 2019, 12:57 p.m.       https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/40925/


                bringing home the fallen            


                7 responses |           

                Started by GunterK - Oct. 12, 2019, 12:17 a.m.   https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/40850/


                Continuing Mayhem in Syria            

                            7 responses |          

                Started by joj - Oct. 12, 2019, 7:51 a.m.       https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/40854/



                Turkish Troops Cross Border            


                16 responses |         

                Started by joj - Oct. 9, 2019, 8:05 a.m.          



                Trump Betrays Kurdish Allies            


                13 responses |               

                Started by joj - Oct. 7, 2019, 11:20 a.m.     


By GunterK - Oct. 24, 2019, 9:59 p.m.
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thanks for that chart, metmike.

I didn't know that the Kurds occupied such a large area of Syria.... and they want to take all that land away from Assad and start their own country. No wonder, Assad is fighting them.

By metmike - Oct. 24, 2019, 10:26 p.m.
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None of us knew any of that did we?

Was Ron Paul's site just making it up?  That's always possible but they have always been on the level and have a wonderful track record for telling the truth about what's really going on in the Middle East. 

If this were Obama, the MSM and dems would not be bashing him over this decision. 

I would be strongly defending Obama......this is why I voted for him in 2008.

The republicans would really be blasting him even more than they are Trump.

And Trump knew with certainty that his own party would be very upset over this, so he couldn't have possibly done it for political reasons. 

Could it be that he is doing it because he said he would be doing it in 2016?

Anyway, it's not out of the question that something real serious  will flare up in the Middle East in the next year and Trump will decide to take military actions. My position is not that  our military should never be anywhere or never be involved in fighting overseas for any reason.

There are some situations that are justified and are legit but I just think they should be whittled down to a minimum.