One of the tricks in being able to sell this fake climate crisis/emergency/apocalypse has been to market it with fake altruistic motives.
We must save the planet...........for our children............for all the creatures. It's an existential threat............and a dozen more fake narratives:
This works because people hear a message that is coming from sources that appear to be wanting something that can only be interpreted as a good thing.
Who could possibly be against saving the planet?
Yeah, the evil climate deniers like me.
See how it works? They portray people like me as the villains (ironically for telling the truth about the climate and their motives) accusing us of being big oil shills and anti environmentalists.
Actually, besides being an atmospheric scientist for 38 years, I have also been a PRACTICING environmentalist.........that conserves natural resources and minimizes real pollution.
One of the most frequently asked questions that I get is:
Mike, why would they be doing this and how can the entire world be in on it?
Here is why..............a post of mine from another thread:
In 50 years....... probably much sooner than that, the world will look back at this time frame and the topic of the fake climate crisis and get the same impression we do today at the medical procedure called “blood letting” by physicians hundreds of years ago.
Medical ignorance/a lack of understanding about what causes illness’s as well as appreciating the profound value/benefits of what blood supplies to our bodies were a couple of reasons for this.
In this age, we have understood the benefits of increasing CO2 and global warming for over a century. We are measuring a massively greening planet with most life doing well from the best weather/climate in the last 1,000 years(the last time that it was this warm).
The coldest places, at the coldest times of year are warming the most………..similar to the Holocene Climate OPTIMUM from 9,000 to 5,000 years ago.
Temperatures in the Arctic during that time frame were several degrees warmer than they are now and there was less ice than what is there currently.
If we went back to 60 years ago, when all of science knew those warmer conditions were optimal for life and asked scientists then, if our planet’s ideal temperature should be warmer or colder than the temperature in 1960, probably 97% would have said with confidence WARMER!
That’s why they called it the “Holocene Climate OPTIMUM” not the Holocene Climate CRISIS” or the “Holocene Climate EMERGENCY”.
So climate science had already advanced enough, many decades ago to know that we are currently on the cusp of enjoying another climate OPTIMUM for life on this greening planet.
So, in 50 years when they look back at this age, people will not think “oh, climate science had not advanced far enough for them to understand important things, which caused them to call a climate optimum a climate emergency.
Authentic climate science had already advanced far enough to know this more than 60 years ago and in fact, for hundreds of years prior to that!
What they will be amazed at is how climate science was hijacked for a political agenda………on a global scale. With world governments, many scientists, the media and others playing a key role as gatekeepers of information to sell a model manufactured global climate projection based on a speculative theory but sold as “settled science” as in, almost as sure as gravity.
A time when empirical data/observations and anything that contradicted model projections was rejected for policy making.
A time when top scientists who questioned the theory were condemned and labelled as deniers.
When the MSM made an intentional effort to use many extreme weather events(most that have always happened in the past) as examples of the fake climate crisis.
When we were told that the increase in beneficial CO2 and warming was going to destroy the greening planet in 12 years.
When they used an anti science spewing 16 year old high priestess, saying insane, easy to verify as false statements to recruit young people into the climate crisis religious cult……………by using very scary words, expressed convincingly with her unique charismatic style.
Education about authentic climate science went backwards. Climate change and human caused climate change were synonymous. Used and even taught interchangeably because the natural cycles of authentic climate science got in the way of the agenda.
This is what they will attribute it to:
1. A push for Global socialism.
2. Huge funding for scientists.
3. Massive funding for green projects.
4. Massive revenue for governments via carbon tax schemes and
5. Via lobby money to politicians for green projects.
6. Increased ratings by sensationalizing the weather for the media as well as imposing the progressive activists (dominating journalism) belief system on to millions that watch/read the stories.
7. Reigning in the over consumption of natural resources of developed countries-especially the USA (not China or India because they are categorized as poor) with the “sustainable consumption” model for our future world based on the United Nations goals.
All that, counted much more than telling the world the truth about the weather/climate/science/biology/agronomy and widespread benefits of CO2 to life.