More examples continue to spew out from the MSM propaganda sewer using their bogus interpretation of what the president said/meant.........spinning up lies/fake news and their control over the information on the internet to control peoples brains.
Since one side's hatred makes them so blind, I will help out even more in dissecting what President Trump actually stated using facts, then show how they are being blatantly distorted and lied about:
Exact quote of President Trump being used for all the false narratives below:
"And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with. But it sounds—it sounds interesting to me."
1. "you're going to have to use medical doctors with" That by itself, makes it CRYSTAL CLEAR that he does NOT consider himself as the authority and that people should NOT do anything on their own at home or any other place without "medical doctors"
2. "it sounds interesting to me" This is the opposite of telling people to do something or even recommending it. It means that additional research is appropriate at the most.
3. There is not 1 mention of bleach or Clorox in there as we are being bombarded with from the fake news narratives. You'll be surprised to find out at the bottom of page 2, his administration has been taking legal actions to shut down businesses selling bleach as a coronavirus cure. Yeah, you read that right.
4. "And I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute" This is in reference to an actual fact based on the study that the scientific team had just showed. He never says anything about using the exact same product(or Clorox/bleach)............never, in fact he says the complete opposite.
5. "And is there a way that we can do something LIKE THAT". Like that means something DIFFERENT but similar which means NOT bleach and NOT Clorox but something that's designed to be put into the human body.
6. "By injection inside or almost a cleaning" As I showed previously with examples and will copy down below on page 3, we have dozens of products on the market right now being sold for this purpose to cleanse the blood and lungs by being put inside the body. He never says bleach or Clorox and "disinfectant" earlier, was again siting the study.
7. "Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs" This is exactly what the coronavirus does.
Now to apply these facts, specifically identifying what the lies or misleading information is that others are using in mischaracterizing what President Trump stated............ then showing the truth. Everybody that hates Trump will see these truths as me being a Trump apologist(hate is blind) vs the actual points. Those that support Trump will see the opposite. I neither hate Trump nor support him personally. I only see his actions and objectives and what they mean for the United States...........and the truth based on objective, authentic facts.
Mark Grenon wrote to Trump saying chlorine dioxide ‘can rid the body of Covid-19’ days before the president promoted disinfectant as treatment
1. Trump never promoted disinfectant as a treatment. See page 1.
2. Trump never mentioned bleach or Clorox
3. Trump didn't promote the use of anything. He promoted studying the potential of a cleaning agent inside the human body, designed for the human body......... similar to what we use now in the human body as cleaning agents for many things...... but one that would kill the coronavirus. Again, these were his exact words: So it would be interesting to check that. So, that, you're going to have to use medical doctors with.
From the article:
"Trump did not specify where the idea of using disinfectant as a possible remedy for Covid-19 came from, and the source for his notion remains obscure. But the Guardian has learned that peddlers of chlorine dioxide – industrial bleach – have been making direct approaches to the White House in recent days."
4. Again, Trumps words: "And then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in a minute." are about the study and the affects OUTSIDE of the body. The source of his notion was the study that his scientist had just presented to us. He was referring to the results of the study.
"the Guardian has learned that peddlers of chlorine dioxide – industrial bleach – have been making direct approaches to the White House in recent days."
5. This is taking it to another level..............a diabolical level by this sorry excuse for journalism. They are trying to convince readers that President Trump was in cahoots with a company that sells industrial bleach and his objective on Thursday was to sell this/bleach to Americans. Total , 100% FAKE NEWS! Again, read what he actually said above.
"Grenon styles himself as “archbishop” of Genesis II – a Florida-based outfit that claims to be a church but which in fact is the largest producer and distributor of chlorine dioxide bleach as a “miracle cure” in the US."
"Since the start of the pandemic, Genesis II has been marketing MMS as a cure to coronavirus. It advises users, including children, to mix three to six drops of bleach in water and drink it."
6. Now, they are trying to stretch the FAKE NEWS to establish the non existent connection, to an entity that is corrupt(which is irrelevant because there is ZERO connection to anything that Trump has said or done-other than the one that they are making up)
"Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US."
7. They just busted themselves. This company sells a product designed for DRINKING bleach not injecting it. If Trump was in cahoots with them, he just sabotaged them because their product is NOT DESIGNED FOR INJECTING.
"Last week the US Food and Drug Administration obtained a federal court order barring Genesis II from selling what was described as “an unproven and potentially harmful treatment for Covid-19”. The FDA also ordered a disciple of Genesis II, Kerri Rivera, to remove claims that MMS cured coronavirus from her website.
"On Friday, hours after Trump talked about disinfectant on live TV, Grenon went further in a post on his Facebook page. He claimed that MMS had actually been sent to the White House. He wrote: “Trump has got the MMS and all the info!!! Things are happening folks! Lord help others to see the Truth!”
8. Again, Trump never even said anything about drinking something(which is what they sell) as he talked about cleansing of the lungs, which is something completely different than anything that this company sells and is a reasonable thing to study, which is what he suggested.
"The Guardian contacted the White House asking whether Grenon’s letter had influenced Trump’s comments on disinfectant, but did not immediately receive a response."
9. This is supposed to imply that the White House is covering something up. Right, covering up something that has no connection whatsoever to anything the president said or has done. Zero connection but they just came up with a fake news scheme to make it appear as if something that never happened, did happen. Truly diabolical!
"Paradoxically, Trump’s outburst about the possible value of an “injection” of disinfectant into the lungs of Covid-19 sufferers came just days after a leading agency within the president’s own administration took action to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure around the US."
10. This is proof that the Trump administration is FIGHTING AGAINST the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure. They just provided the evidence to bust themselves again.
How ironic that in the end, we find out that the actions of this administration to shut down the peddling of bleach as a coronavirus cure show the complete opposite of what they want us to believe. The fact is that he has never promoted bleach and never said it at any time, despite the FAKE NEWS being passed around to the entire country by the gate keepers of information telling us the complete opposite.........because they hate Donald Trump more than they love the truth.
Detox is a major buzzword of the 21st century. From diet detoxes to cleanses to blood detoxes, there are many different programs and techniques that promise to help you cleanse and detoxify your body.
This, like many of its kind is a real product.
The Clorox chewables meme that has been circulating through the internet and that I shared is playing on what Trump said about considering using disinfectants internally to fight the virus. Trump actually said nothing about using Clorox/bleach. Busting fake news about him saying to consider internal use of bleach is a red herring.
“A red herring is a fallacy argument that distracts from the original topic“
The topic for this thread is "Busting Fake News on Bleach". But he didn't say anything about bleach. So, having "bleach" in the title of this thread is a red herring.
Neither did he actually use the words “swallow” or "chew".
But, what he did ramble on about is the doctors looking into the potential help from injecting “disinfectant”. Disinfectants used internally are very dangerous and can be fatal. Trump should never have gone there, especially with it being in front of tens of millions on TV.
Here’s the exact quote:
“And I then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks it out in one minute, and is there a way you can do something like that by injection inside, or almost a cleaning. Because you see it gets in the lungs, and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it'd be interesting to check that. So you're going to have to use medical doctors, but it sounds interesting to me, so we'll see.”
And Trump now realizes he shouldn’t have said this. How do we know this? Instead of defending what he said, he’s chosen to lie about what he did by saying he was sarcastically answering a press question. So, if he realizes he shouldn’t have said it, why is what he said about injecting a disinfectant being defended here?
"The topic for this thread is "Busting Fake News on Bleach". But he didn't say anything about bleach."
Yeah! Now you are finally seeing my points Larry, way to go!
Exactly right. Trump never said anything about bleach but the MSM's fake news sure accused him of it, which is why I am busting them(the disinfectant he was talking about are from the results of the study, not the human body as he connected that statement directly to the 1 minute time in the study as I showed earlier-I read your stuff-would appreciate you reading mine)
A few examples of the MSM using FAKE NEWS headlines with bleach in them:
Washington Post:
The most incredible thing about this is that on Thursday, the results of a profound, breaking study on the affects of weather (sunshine-heat-humidity) were released as well as other important information about what kills the coronavirus...............and nobody covers it!!!!!
Maybe the most significant news item of the year related to our battle with COVID-19 and instead of covering it, the MSM has decided to look for ways to bash things that Trump said after it and turn that into the breaking headline news instead............and it worked to generate the ratings they intended, while serving to pile on more hatred on the person they hate more than any other.
Basically, making people less informed/dumber about what's really important in fighting this crisis in order to use to generate hate and make the world a more hostile, divisive place for everyone but especially their enemy that must be obliterated at any cost.
Those are just my words, see page 2 for the absolute proof!
Ironically, President Trumps message on Thursday was for us to keep investigating new medical treatments and follow the medical doctors not him(and excitement about the results of the new study on weather and COVID-19-that I totally share!)
Previous thread on this topic:
Coronavirus and weather-Wonderful News!
29 responses |
Started by metmike - March 23, 2020, 10:58 p.m.
But hatred twisted it like a pretzel into something else. More discussions related to this below:
Pelosi: Ignore Trump, listen to scientists
13 responses |
Started by metmike - April 14, 2020, 9:43 p.m.
and how about the UV treatment of Corona?
Started by GunterK - April 26, 2020, 5 p.m.
A few days ago, Trump was ridiculed for asking if UV light or commercial disinfectants could be used to treat Covid19.
Marketforum discussed how the MSM twisted the disinfection story in a thread below.
How about that Trump comment about UV? Equally ridiculous?
As it turns out, Cedars Sinai Hospital is indeed working with a Biotech company to treat lung infections with UV light. OF course, it is still in the experimental stage, at this time.
Interesting, eh?
Even more astonishing is the fact that Youtube removed videos describing this process, and Twitter suspended the account of the biotech company. How deep does their hatred run?
Thanks very much for bringing this up!
metmike: Lest we forget that President Trump also suggested that WE STUDY the use of UV treatments on the body to kill the virus. Turns out that it was a wonderful idea and we did it safely and effectively with blood in the past, before antibiotics.. With the lungs, it sounds possible based on the far UV-C radiation that does no damage to skin or human tissues but kills COVID-19. Not saying it will work for sure in the lungs but its a brilliant idea and deserves studying.
Re: and how about the UV treatment of Corona?
By metmike - April 26, 2020, 5:50 p.m.
Columbia researcher David Brenner believes far-UVC light—safe for humans, but lethal for viruses—could be a ‘game changer.’
By Carla Cantor April 21, 2020+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Re: Re: and how about the UV treatment of Corona?
By metmike - April 26, 2020, 5:58 p.m.
Germicidal UV utilizes the wavelengths between 200 to 280 nm. Far-UVC also falls within germicidal UV, but uses a smaller segment of wavelengths. You can read more on far-UVC and its effectiveness below.
UV-A and UV-B light can also kill some bacteria and germs, but is ineffective against viruses like COVID-19.
metmike: Note that Far-UVC is SAFE FOR SKIN AND EYES!
Re: Re: and how about the UV treatment of Corona?
By metmike - April 26, 2020, 6:07 p.m.
Ultraviolet Irradiation of Blood: “The Cure That Time Forgot”?
"Ultraviolet blood irradiation (UBI) was extensively used in the 1940s and 1950s to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis. The early studies were carried out by several physicians in USA and published in the American Journal of Surgery. However with the development of antibiotics, UBI use declined and it has now been called “the cure that time forgot”. Later studies were mostly performed by Russian workers and in other Eastern countries and the modern view in Western countries is that UBI remains highly controversial.
This chapter discusses the potential of UBI as an alternative approach to current methods used to treat infections, as an immune-modulating therapy and as a method for normalizing blood parameters. No resistance of microorganisms to UV irradiation has been reported, and multi- antibiotic resistant strains are as susceptible as their wild-type counterparts. Low and mild doses of UV kill microorganisms by damaging the DNA, while any DNA damage in host cells can be rapidly repaired by DNA repair enzymes"
Re: Re: Re: and how about the UV treatment of Corona?
By metmike - April 26, 2020, 6:18 p.m.
Trump actually sounds like a frickin genius with his creative ideas after one does the actual research and these MSM know it alls that we trust to interpret our information ............. are actually closed minded, hateful know nothings that can't even do basic science checks before they bash President Trump for brilliant ideas.
Oh, don't mind me. I've only been a scientist for 38 years and couldn't possibly know nearly as much about science as the news reporters at CNN or the NYT or Washington Post(-:
1. Far UVC light does not damage skin/eyes and kills virus's. There might very well be a way to transport something down into the lungs that emits far UV light that would kill the virus there. This sounds possible. We should study this and try to use this knowledge to devise an effective treatment in the lungs if possible.
2. Irradiation of blood was used extensively and safely before antibiotics in the 1940's/50's to treat many diseases including septicemia, pneumonia, tuberculosis, arthritis, asthma and even poliomyelitis.
My question is........why aren't we looking at this now? Maybe we are but are just not hearing about it. It's possible that these will not be effective treatments for COVID-19. However, they are proven completely safe and make total sense based on the principles of science and their proven ability to effectively destroy pathogens, which would include the coronavirus, so they absolutely justify additional studies, with a decent potential for some use as a viable method of treatment.