Taken long term, there are numerous side affects that a COVID patient or doctor would not be concerned with.
We will see if additional studies confirm these results. This drug has been around forever with very widespread use(my wife has taken it numerous times for things like severe poison ivy, and bronchitis).
The results of a trial that found dexamethasone reduced the risk of death in extremely ill coronavirus patients have yet to be published, but some doctors are already embracing them
What's interesting is that if the anti inflammatory affects of this steroid drug are what treats COVID, why wouldn't hydroxychloroquine work?
It's also taken by people like me with autoimmune disorders because it treats inflammation.
I'm not saying that hydroxychloroquine works, just that if it doesn't(which seems to be the case based on some earlier, possibly unreliable studies), there is more going on here than what the main affect of both drugs is.