mail in ballots explained again
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Started by mcfarm - Dec. 13, 2020, 7:40 a.m.

this guy seems to of invented and has patents on most of the methods we used in the fraud mail in ballot process...and yes I know most people here could really care less about fraud in a our federal election system. Why they do not care is a mystery I cannot figure.

By wglassfo - Dec. 13, 2020, 9:16 a.m.
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I think MM has told us there was not enough fraud  to affect the election

My question:  Is a small amount of fraud acceptable and how much fraud would not affect the election

Is MM convinced the Dominion machines where not fraudulent

Do I see what I want to see and believe??

Is Biden legit

Is Kamala happy to see Joe;s legal problem. Maybe not a heartbeat away from the presidency but an investigation away

I see the left and right have started shooting and killing each other in the streets

I mention this because I don't want this mess in our country

By mcfarm - Dec. 13, 2020, 3:51 p.m.
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MM as I trust your judgment nearly 100% of the time would you give this guy a listen. Don't want to take up a bunch of your time so maybe just get the highlights and not every word. He seems really non biased science oriented and makes the case that he does not care who wins but wants a fair accounting of the votes. What do you and Tim also think about this guy? Heck anybody else for that matter, the more opinions the better.

By metmike - Dec. 13, 2020, 4:21 p.m.
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I started listening to the guy as a favor to you but real quickly he had me completely captivated.

Holy Cow!

I can't verify much of what he says but he clearly understands this better than anybody on the planet..........or else he's the worlds best bs-er and he completely disabled my bs meter. 

I am wondering where the heck he has been during the last month+???

What is the matter with these so called experts to this point, throwing everything but the kitchen sink and mostly just mud, hoping some will stick and most of it being counterproductive stuff because when it fails, time after time, it just makes them and their cause look worse and worse to objective people trying to give them the benefit of the doubt each time.

Instead of wasting their time and everybody else's time on all the dumb stuff, all they needed was this guy from the get go.

Also, because he has the fool proof method to check, does not mean that using it will show massive fraud.

I would like to see WxFollowers opinion about this. He might see something that I'm completely missing.

By mcfarm - Dec. 14, 2020, 8:26 a.m.
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MM, hard to believe Sidney Powell missed this guy......he seems to be the one she would of found. Maybe she did find him and more is coming? Why wait? They are now coming so late that many don't care much anymore.

By metmike - Dec. 14, 2020, 10:56 a.m.
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"I can't verify much of what he says but he clearly understands this better than anybody on the planet..........or else he's the worlds best bs-er and he completely disabled my bs meter. 

I am wondering where the heck he has been during the last month+???"


I will need to check more but it does appear as if this guy is the world's best bs-er. I am very impressed with his convincing presentation actually. 

This would also explain why Sidney Powell and the rest of the gang seem to have completely overlooked him and what he says would show the fraud. They know more than me about the intricacies and have searched the country (ok, 6 states) for reports of fraud and ways to detect fraud but somehow, are missing this smoking gun?

No, they must have seen him well before we did and when they checked him out, determined that he is a charlatan. 

By metmike - Dec. 14, 2020, 11:23 a.m.
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Jovan Hutton Pulitzer   

Birth NameJeffry Jovan Philyaw


Who is J Hutton Pulitzer?

For sure the guy is a genius but it appears as if he is applying his genius to fool people about some things in areas that they don't understand.