Long-time GOP election official says he's receiving death threats over Trump criticism (msn.com)
"Gabriel Sterling told the Los Angeles Times
he has police protection for his home and has received a text with his address advising him to sleep with his eyes open. "
Long-time GOP election official says he's receiving death threats over Trump cricitism (msn.com)
'I never expected to be in this situation. I mean, my title is statewide voting system implementation manager, right?' he told the newspaper."
The president has increasingly gone on the attack against Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) after they refused to join his efforts to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's victory in the Peach State.
In response, Sterling outlined the threats to state officials in a Dec. 1 press conference and addressed Trump directly.
'You need to step up and say this, is stop inspiring people to commit potential acts of violence,' he said at the time. 'Someone's going to get hurt. Someone's going to get shot. Someone's going to get killed.'
Sterling, who has identified as a Republican since he was a child, told the Times, 'I remember being very cognizant of right and wrong growing up.'"
Thanks Larry!
As I stated repeatedly, he's embarrassing himself and leaving a pathetic ending for his legacy that will overshadow his many accomplishments while president as far as history is concerned.
We are seeing the worst of President Trump right now and I'm so sorry that he's dragging along many of those who have stayed loyal to him for the past 4 years.
Good people, proud and patriotic Americans that have always wanted whats best for our country who were able to overlook President Trumps off the charts character flaws because thats what he stood for...........and did things to cause to happen.
But in his devastating loss, Trump is allowing his character flaws to act very counterproductively for whats best for our country.
It's one thing to challenge the election results legally..........which should be encouraged but his behavior has gone well beyond that and he uses his words as weapons.
Weapons to invigorate the support of those that believe in him. Weapons to take down those that oppose him. Weapons to turn the invigorated supporters against those that oppose him.
Words Matter!
Started by metmike - Dec. 12, 2020, 11:40 a.m.
1. During the Mueller Witch hunt that unfairly targeted him and he was fighting for his political life, I could understand it.
2. During the absurd impeachment proceedings(where he was impeached for trying to investigate REAL corruption of a protected person, that we are now just finding out about) that was trying to obliterate him again, I could understand it.
3. But the war is over now. The other side won by every acceptable standard. There is no point in fighting anymore because it just produces unnecessary causalities of your people.
This is not defending him but he is actually just trying to play the same game that the other side played against him 4 years ago, that continued during his entire presidency. The Dems and DOJ had a plan before he won on how to get rid of him if he did win.
But here's the impossible to overcome problem for Trump. The other side had/has all the big players on their side who were all enemies of Trump. The DOJ, the Washington bureaucrats, the MSM besides all the Dems.
This is what enabled them to use unethical/illegal tactics in order to try to take Trump down with no accountability on their part. NONE!
They saw Trump as a threat and he had to be eliminated..............and he was. And it's over now.
But this is the thing. Trump won't admit it and is still using his extreme tactics to fight back like he did to survive when the war was still on. The war is OVER. Fighting now is completely counterproductive.
It's good for us to continue to try to expose voter fraud...............every time, every place and every election......including this one.
But the attempts to find enough of it to show that Biden stole the election have failed astronomically.
Let's use some common sense here too. Trump was not ahead in the polls by double digits and we all got shocked by the results in favor of Biden. Some were expecting the same magic of 2016, where he came from behind suddenly, so they didn't believe the polls, some with him behind double digits.
President Trump was the most hated president in history with the most enemies in high/powerful places in history. He had the most Americans that hated him...........more than any person in history outside of Hitler.
Even if you personally did not share that opinion and voted for him.............you know that's very true.
Those are not the dynamics or the recipe for winning LEGAL presidential elections.
Let your critical thinking take over and realize, that although his enemies used many unethical tactics during the past 4 years to obliterate him, you know how much, so many people hated him. It defies logic to think that such a person would be so popular as to beat a much less hated opponent in a popularity contest.
Because it came down to several states that were fairly close and flipped to Biden late in the counting (because the mail in votes were mostly Biden people-Trump told his people not to vote by mail-it makes sense!) it makes it harder to believe but the big picture explains why it makes sense.............and we should accept it.
Believing President's Trump's tweets and claims that the election was stolen are only going to cause uneccesary anxiety in those that believe it.
Seeing him act this way...........gives me reason to not miss him when he's gone.
Sad that the Climate Accord and Green New Deal agenda will now accelerate as this is one of Biden's top priorities and people's intelligence about climate science will continue to be stolen with propaganda but that war was already lost and Trump was just delaying the inevitable.
So we should enjoy our wonderful lives, living in the best country at the best time in human history and not feel too sorry for President Trump because...............words do matter and he failed miserably at using them appropriately/acceptably.
The price for that is being unpopular and losing elections.
In order for things to not get too discombobulated here, I copied this post of yours below in this thread.
We welcome every post here but each comment on the same topic should not generate a new thread.
It would be like having 4 different natural gas threads going at the same time..........one about ng weather, another about ng storage, one about ng prices and another about ng demand. We use just one ng thread. With the grains, its a bit different because a once monthly USDA report deserves its own thread as does export news and SA weather.
On the election, its fine to have different threads but not 3 different ones at the same time just about GA without it presenting difficulties in managing and responses. If somebody has a GA comment, they have do decide which thread to make it in, then another person may use another GA thread for their comment related to the same thing..........and they never have a conversation because they are on different threads.
I applied this to one of Wayne's posts over the weekend for the same reason https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/62596/#62617
and am only doing this with 1 of your 4 election posts this afternoon, while keeping 2 of the 3 new threads..........and very, very much appreciate your great comments. Please keep them coming!
Nasty’ feud between Trump and GA GOP gov Kemp
Started by WxFollower - Dec. 14, 2020, 4:45 p.m.
"In phone calls and conversations with allies and advisers, Trump has griped that Kemp was not pushing Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to do more to reverse President-elect Joe Biden’s victory; that Kemp was not defending the president on television; and, perhaps most indefensible in Trump’s mind, that Kemp moved forward with certifying the results of the election."
Trump is way more than just a meanie. He's a dangerous menace. His strong followers are even more dangerous.
ps: This has nothing to do with whether your topic agrees with me(it does in this case) or others or who the poster is............whether its you or conservative Wayne. I'm just trying to organize and maximize the conversation, instead of breaking it up/spreading it out.
I doubt if the country will have a moment of peace, given the present divisions, the policy decisions etc.. It's almost as if some body wanted the country to tear itself apart, financially and every other way, and I think that somebody is doing a very good job
I wonder if our turn will come
somebody?? seems more and more everyday China news everywhere. And where was all this news last year or the year before.....well on the real threat of Trump being a Russian spy of course
President-elect Joe Biden has crossed the threshold of 270 votes and officially clinched an Electoral College victory.
With electors in California handing the former vice president their 55 votes, Biden reached a crucial milestone that amounted to another rebuke of President Trump's efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 election.
Members of Congress are expected to certify the Electoral College vote on Jan. 6. Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president on Jan. 20.
The Electoral College voting process commenced Monday morning in Indiana, New Hampshire, Tennessee and Vermont, with electors in other states meeting throughout the day.
For Democrats, the Electoral College vote was a triumphant milestone in a year marked by an ongoing pandemic, a divisive presidential election and concerns about the future of American democracy.
In Georgia, a longtime Republican stronghold that flipped to Biden, electors celebrated the president-elect’s victory as the culmination of years of work by state Democrats.
“We stand not for ourselves and not for our party but for the people of Georgia,” Stacey Abrams, a former Democratic gubernatorial candidate and one of her state’s 16 electors, said.
The traditionally pro forma process received top billing this year as Trump and his allies sought to sow doubt in and overturn the results of the Nov. 3 election.
For more than a month after Election Day, the president and other Republicans launched legal challenges in key battleground states, arguing without evidence that voter fraud and systemic irregularities had marred the election results and that legally cast ballots should be tossed out.
Trump and some of his most influential allies also sought to put pressure on state officials and lawmakers to ignore the vote tallies in their states and appoint separate slates of pro-Trump electors in a long-shot effort to swing the outcome of the presidential race.
Those efforts overwhelmingly failed, however, as federal and state judges across the country dismissed the legal challenges and state elected officials refused to intervene in Electoral College proceedings. On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court rejected a sweeping lawsuit filed by the Texas attorney general that sought to contest the election results in four states.
In a highly unusual move, Stephen Miller, a senior White House adviser, said on Monday that the Trump campaign would send an “alternate” slate of pro-Trump electors from key battleground states to Congress, an effort that has no basis in the U.S. Constitution or state electoral processes.
Trump’s repeated claims that the election was “rigged” against him have raised concerns of potential violence against state officials and presidential electors. Heading into Monday, states put into place a series of safety measures to protect against potential threats.
Officials in Michigan and Wisconsin closed off their state Capitols to the public ahead of the Electoral College meeting due to security concerns. In Arizona, the state’s 11 electors met at an undisclosed location.
“I’m always harassed. We get the same trolls and those types of things,” said Van Johnson, the mayor of Savannah, Ga., and one of the state’s 16 electors who cast their votes for Biden on Monday. “Nothing as specific as a threat, but we are taking the context of the time that we’re in very seriously, and therefore we’ve enhanced safety protocols.”
In Michigan, one Republican state representative was removed from his committee assignments on Monday after he hinted in a radio interview at plans to disrupt the Electoral College vote and warned of potential violence. The lawmaker, state Rep. Gary Eisen, later said that while he planned to support a group of alternate electors on Monday, he did not intend to suggest the effort would be violent.
Several top Republican senators said Monday that they now consider Joe Biden to be the president-elect after the Electoral College formally certified his White House win.
Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) became the highest-ranking senator to acknowledge Biden’s victory, saying that he was president-elect “as soon as he crosses the 270 vote threshold.”
"In my view that's how in this country we decide presidential elections. That's our Constitution, and I believe in following the Constitution," Thune told reporters shortly before Biden formally clinched 270 Electoral College votes.
Sen. Roy Blunt (Mo.), a member of GOP leadership and the No. 4 Senate Republican, added, "We've now gone through the constitutional process, and the electors have voted, so there's a president-elect."
Blunt, who heads the committee responsible for planning the inauguration, added in a separate statement that he would "work with president-elect Biden and his presidential inaugural committee to plan for the swearing-in ceremony."
Contact with Biden's team is already underway after the committee announced last month it would start coordinating planning.
Asked if Biden was the president elect, Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), a member of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-Ky.) leadership team, said that "it certainly looks that way."
"I think it’s time to turn the page and begin a new administration," Capito said.
Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio), another member of McConnell's leadership team, said that the "Electoral College vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now President-Elect."
The acknowledgment from several members of GOP leadership comes after McConnell didn't respond to reporters' questions about Biden in the Capitol earlier Monday and hasn't weighed in on the Electoral College vote since Biden formally crossed the 270 mark.
Republican lawmakers have faced near daily questions in recent weeks about if they acknowledge Biden as the president-elect after most refused to do so after last month's election.
Only a handful of GOP senators had publicly acknowledged Biden's White House victory, and several were supportive of President Trump's legal challenges.
Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.), a close McConnell ally who had previously called Biden the "apparent" president-elect, added on Monday night that "the presidential election is over."
"I hope that President Trump will put the country first, take pride in his considerable accomplishments, and help president-elect Biden get off to a good start. Especially during this pandemic, an orderly transition of power is crucially important," he said in a statement.
But even as many senators acknowledged Biden's win on Monday, Trump's allies in the House are poised to drag out the fight for weeks as they plan a long-shot effort to challenge the results next month in Congress.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said he now accepted Biden as the president-elect and disclosed on Monday that the two have already talked.
"There's things we can do together, some things that we can't do together. It was a very pleasant conversation," Graham said of the conversation.
Other GOP senators were less direct when asked in the Capitol if they consider Biden to be the president-elect, pointing to the Constitution.
"I don’t have to. The Constitution does," said Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa).
Asked if he acknowledged him as such, Grassley reiterated, "I follow the Constitution."
Sen. John Barrasso (Wyo.), the No. 3 Republican senator, called a query about Biden's status as president-elect a "gotcha question."
“It’s what every senator is being asked. Three weeks ago the transition occurred in terms of the president said access to the briefings and access to the money. That all occurred three weeks ago. So nothing changed,” he said. “This is the Constitution, and I believe in the Constitution.”
Others said Biden was president-elect pending litigation. Trump and his allies have faced dozens of setbacks, including the Supreme Court rejecting a case last week, as they've sought to overturn the election in key states.
"They go through the Electoral College — yes — subject to any pending lawsuits that could change it. But we’re going through the standard process, and at that point in time, but then again you’ve got a couple more court cases that I expect to be settled, so pending that, yes," said Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.).
Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) said that he believed Biden is president-elect "subject to whatever additional litigation is ongoing."
"I would say subject to any other litigation that could occur between now and Jan. 20, the answer is yes," he said.
This is a very normal thing for a POTUS to say: nothing unusual at all
Thanks Larry,
Trump has been tweeting crazy stuff like this for all 4 years. There are hundreds of examples. Actually, probably many thousands.
I just roll my eyes when he says these crazy things.
At least you only have another month to put up with him. You should actually be glad. Seriously. Trump will be most remembered from this departing behavior and the positives that he offered are being completely overshadowed by this.
He is self destructing his own legacy. His behavior does not surprise me and in fact, in anticipation of this potential before hand, I made a vow here to vote Biden if Biden, before the results were out, would tell his people the opposite of what Trump is telling his people now.
I will vote for Biden
3 responses |
Started by metmike - Nov. 1, 2020, 12:26 p.m.
Now we have a new guy in town.
Ruh roh, speaking of jailing people, us climate deniers may need to be concerned with the new regime )-:
"Former Vice President Joe Biden suggested last year that, if elected, his administration would seek to fight climate change by any possible measure, including jailing fossil fuel executives for excessive pollution."
Threats to public officials? Heavens to Betsy, what is this world coming to?
Tim said this: "Threats to public officials? Heavens to Betsy, what is this world coming to?"
This can very likely be attributed to Trump's nastiness. This is all you can say about this? smh
Baloney. Threats are part of being in public office. They are hyping it ONLY because they can somehow make Trump responsible.
I'll wager MM had issues with his "adoring public" when he was a TV Weatherman.
I had a male stalker that broke into my car twice. Vandalized it. Then broke into my apartment twice...stealing all my photo albums the first time, along with my underwear in my dirty laundry basket.
Then he burned it down and almost killed the couple living upstairs.....if I hadn’t come home to find the fire and wake them up.
I never owned a gun..........until I was in the middle of that.
I can tell you stories about that going on for a year that would spin your head.....several times.
I started as chief meteorologist at WEHT in 9-1982.
The stalking started on the phone shortly after that....I got an unlisted number but it escalated.
It ended in 1-1984 when he burned down my apartment and I moved from Henderson, KY to Evansville IN.
However, one night, 2+ years after the move, I was driving home and somebody was hiding in the bushes in Evansville on the road I took home to my new house and wife and took a shot at me that hit the car less than a foot, directly above my head.
I had no idea what it was but just heard the loud noise from the bullet hitting the top of my car.
A couple of days later, I noticed the mark left in my car from the bullet and went to the city police to have them look at it, since I suspected it was a bullet that made the mark.
The cop said, Mr. Maguire somebody was trying to kill you and you’re just lucky they missed by 6 inches.
I really think it was a different person than the stalker because it was across state lines from where he lived.
Well, thats what ya get for giving faulty weather data <G>.
Probably shouldn't make lite of it. That sort of thing can really change your outlook on life.
I don't think anyone would have blamed you for shooting the guy.
I added to the story above tim.
As far as shooting him, the cops in Henderson KY were all buffoons that thought it was a joke that a male stalker was doing these things to a local celebrity.
I think that some of them thought it was a spurned lover.
The night that my apartment was burned down, I was driving up at 3am and saw the lights on and it looked like some motion inside. The same back kitchen window was broken that he broke before to get in
I pulled out the gun with my hand on the trigger and thought here we go mfer I got cha now.
But I couldn’t get the kitchen back door open. I thought that he was on the other end trying to keep me out.
So I finally pushed real hard and the door opened. The resistance had come from him taking everything in my fridge and cupboards and smashing them against the walls. The floor was entirely covered with broken stuff and that included in front of the door.
As soon as I got the door open, I saw the huge fire.
He had stacked up all my clothes and other easy to burn stuff on top my bed and dumped gasoline on then lit it.
I immediately went to use the phone by he had destroyed it, so I woke up the guy across the hall to call the fire dept and woke up the couple upstairs to get out.
He got away with it too. The incredible incompetent cops had not even been investigating my 7 previous reports of the other incidents and had no evidence.
I hired an attorney to sue the Henderson cops but found out that you couldn’t sue the cops in the state of Ky for not protecting you. You could in the state of in but not ky.
When I typed out 7 pages of what had been happening for over a year and the lack of help I got from the cops for the attorney, she was totally stunned
Tim said:
"Baloney. Threats are part of being in public office. They are hyping it ONLY because they can somehow make Trump responsible.
I'll wager MM had issues with his "adoring public" when he was a TV Weatherman."
1. No, not baloney. Presidents don't normally scream voter fraud in GA with no proof and then blame their gov for the BASELESS claim of widespread fraud and say he should be jailed. That's sick! You don't see that? This is your very conservative GOP governor, who I'd think you'd like and wouldn't want to be put in extra danger because of this crap.
Trump isn't just mean, he's flat out selfish and dangerous. How you don't see this amazes me. I think you're so blinded by a tribalism like bias.
2. Any stalking of MM is a red herring because it has nothing to do with this. Please don't muddy this up by going on a tangent. Did someone of major influence openly accuse Mike of doing something bad and with no proof thereof? IRRELEVANT!!!
The crap Trump is pulling is like nothing I've ever seen. It isn't that his personality is nasty. It isn't just that he's mean.
Don’t worry about making jokes at all.
I made tons of them myself and loved telling people all about it. Hadn’t come up in years.
While it was happening, I have to admit that I was pretty scared at night sometimes, if I heard a noise for instance, I would walk around with my gun in the dark to make sure it wasn’t him. I took my gun everywhere.
When I moved, if there was a car following me home after the 10 pm news, I would take a few wrong turns until they were not there.
I was most worried about my wife alone with her/our 5 year old daughter, since the guy burned down the apartment and did a lot of those things from being enraged over me dating her...I believe.
I got her a shot gun for when I was at work and we got a German Shepard for her protection.
I am the type of person, when stuff like that happens actually loves to tell the story about it and laugh.
I never had any nightmares or unusual anxiety, other than when I was still in the Henderson apartment and knew the guy was an extreme psycho who was obsessed with getting me.
The only night that really shook me up was when the apartment burned down.
I don’t carry grudges but have often wished that I could have made it that night he set the apartment on fire before he left. That is the one confrontation in my life I wish badly to have had.
Not necessarily to kill the guy.....although I know I could have done it even wished I did it and felt totally justified to this day.
Mainly just that he did all that crap and totally got away with it.
But that’s life. Things are often not just. I could have born in poverty with no opportunities or been in 100 worse situations in the world.
I had a wonderful life as a tv celeb for 11 years.i can also tell you 100 great experiences that very few people get to have that happened.
Imagine too, how pathetic it must be to think the way that this stalker did to act that way. His life sucked big weenies and he was miserable.and wanted to destroy somebody else from his sickness and evil.
Having to live with himself is sort of a life sentence penalty.
I am glad in some ways that this happened.nobody got hurt and I think that adversity and crisis actually gives us opportunities to experience things that make us tougher and better prepared for the rest of the adversities that we all have in our lives.
My dad grew up in the inner city of a Detroit and never met his dad........where adversity was the rule, not the exception.
I never saw a person so calm and comfortable during every adverse situation.
He was already trained to manage it all growing up.
This is one of the problems that we have in society today in this country. Everything is so easy and given to us. We take it for granted.
When some little problem pops up or inconvienince or challenge, it’s OMG! What are we going to do!
Our expectations for everything to go picture perfect have been destroyed. Now my life is ruined(-:
Trumps behavior is despicable and not that surprising really, considering this is just an extreme variation of the character flaws that have defined him.
And killed his political career.stopped it cold. Done forever.
Funny thing is that 4 years ago, after a Clinton had lost so many on the right wanted to “lock her up”for all the email stuff/crimes she probably got away with.
We need justice! She needs to pay!
Yeah, they hated Clinton and were all overlooking the most important crushing penalty that she would be paying for the rest of her life. Worst than life in prison for her.
She had dreamed of being the first woman president for decades.had it stolen from her by Obama, 8 years earlier but now.....,here it was. For the couple years leading to the electionit looked more and more likely
For months before....almost every poll had her leading
Victory was hers!!!
It was a sure thing. She was going down in history as the first woman president of the greatest country in the world.
Out of billions of people, in history, there is only one one that would have that great title.
President Hillary Clinton.
In a flash, it was suddenly ripped away from her. Her legacy stolen away from a guy who was not even a politician.
That penalty was 100 times worse than anything else that could have happened. She had to live every day of the rest of her life with the consequences of that loss.
The narcissist Donald Trump is suffering from a similar devastating loss.
The similarity is that he wanted this more than anything else in his life. He thinks he deserved the win.....but so did Clinton if you listened to hr speeches later on.
And he is going out in a way that amplifies the damage to his legacy.
If somebody thinks he should not be able to get away with this.........he isn’t getting away with anything.
He is wrecking his reputation and legacy with this behavior, the most important things for a narcissist.
His behavior does not go unnoticed. Some of us, like a Tim just roll our eyes and think “this is the part of Trump that I never liked, so what’s new”
This is the most extreme yet, with this recent behavior as you’ve accurately pointed out is how he will be remembered most by many people because this is the last we will see and hear from him as president.
Let’s put it this way.if there was a presidential legacy rating system for every president based on everything related to them during their 4 years and it went from 1 to 100, how many points would you guess have come off the score/rating that this president will get based on his behavior since the election?...which is exactly how history will see it...... which exactly why he is shooting himself in the foot again and this is how he will be held accountable for this current despicable ending to his presidency.
This is justice in the real world.
WX, I agree that Trump's behavior is astounding, unprecedented. Makes it easy for me to not miss him much. If only I weren't faced with 4 years or Biden/Harris, it would be no problem at all.
But, that doesn't make trump responsible for every crackpot out there. Mater of fact, I'll bet there are all kinds of threats after every election. We just don't hear about them and/or no one takes the seriously.
But the press has NEVER missed an opportunity to hold Trump responsible for just about everything.. except his good accomplishments of course.
President Trump cares most about how people perceive him. The more despicable the stuff he says is...........the more damage he causes to his image and legacy.
Let's not get carried away here either.
Is he causing widespread rioting, destruction of property, injuries and deaths like we saw this Summer with the MSM encouraging that stuff and it massively spreading COVID?
I noted several COVID spreading rallies supporting Trump recently but no news about rioting and all the bad stuff that defined it all Summer in many US cities from the side that opposed him.
I'm not defending Trump at all but the actual physical threats to people and property that he is causing is a miniscule fraction of that which happened on a huge scale for supporters of the side that were in a great part, motivated to riot to send the complete opposite messages that they think define Trump.
2020 United States racial unrest | ||||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Clockwise from top:
| ||||
Date | May 8, 2020 – ongoing (7 months and 4 days) | |||
Location | ![]() | |||
Caused by | Several deaths related to police activity, notably the killing of George Floyd while being arrested by the Minneapolis Police,[1]police brutality,[1]lack of police accountability,[1]inequality and racism[2] | |||
Methods | Protests, demonstrations, riots, looting, civil disobedience, civil resistance, strike action | |||
Status | Ongoing
| |||
Concessions given |
| |||
| ||||
Death(s) | at least 25[6] | |||
Injuries | 400+ law enforcement officials and an unknown number of civilians[7] | |||
Arrested | Over 14,000 (as of June 27, 2020)[5] | |||
Damage | $1–2 billion insured damages (as of September 17, 2020)[8] |
This bears repeating:
Casualties | |
Death(s) | at least 25[6] |
Injuries | 400+ law enforcement officials and an unknown number of civilians[7] |
Arrested | Over 14,000 (as of June 27, 2020)[5] |
Damage | $1–2 billion insured damages (as of September 17, 2020)[8] |
So Trump says the election was stolen
He may not express himself the way some would like
But: In Trumps defense;
Rand Paul has stated publicly the election was stolen with good examples of voter fraud, most of which have not been fully investigated. Rand Paul is not in the habit of making false statements. He is about as honest a politician as any and better than most
It is a plain and simple fact
Many people will never accept the court decisions and election commission rulings
Does anybody see a pattern here??? Law suits get tossed. Voter rules are broken. Forensic audits are not allowed
If I was Trump I would allege voter fraud also, until a full examination was conducted
And that my friends is what Rand Paul wants. A full and complete examination, by experts in all fields of expertise. Who would deny Rand Paul???[ and the people], and/or question his integrity. IMHO Paul is the most honest or one of the most honest politician today
I think his allegations and wishes should carry considerable weight in the court of public opinion
Is Rand Paul's wishes too much to ask,??? given the state of affairs re; Questions about the 2020 election
Yes we have our opinions of which we are convinced one way or another
So why not let real experts in forensic evidence,[of which we, at MF are not truly experts] be allowed to do a complete audit and let the chips fall where they may
So today I read that congress is investigating chinese election influence
Everybody agrees china interfered n the election although there is debate as to how much interference
So wouldn't you know it
Some want to bury the evidence as this will give Trump a talking point about a fair election, if it goes public
So it was okay to accuse Trump for almost 4 yrs about Russian influence, of which there was none
Today everybody agrees china influenced the election but this time people want to bury the story
Now if I know parts of the story, you can bet others know as much or more than I do. Can you honestly blame the people and Trump for making the claim the election was not fair
Just do a complete election investigation and get this election behind us
The GA fraud investigation centered on Cobb County absentee ballots found essentially no wrongdoing
What do the Trump supporters think about Trump making up a lie about the GA Sec of State's brother being associated with China?
"He then singled out Raffensperger, hitting him with a bizarre accusation: 'Now it turns out that Brad R’s brother works for China, and they definitely don’t want ‘Trump’. So disgusting!' (The quotation marks around his own name were the cherry on top.) "
Trump Claimed Georgia Secretary Of State Brother 'Works For China' (uproxx.com)
Three more weeks and this clown is out of office!
Wow Larry, I can't believe that you used this source:
I'm totally kidding based on you using the same thing here against sources from the right but i agree with your point om the last post.
This shows that right and left biased sources can make good points too.
I didn't even check it.
But this is from AP:
Brother of Georgia SOS is not a Chinese tech firm executive (apnews.com)
So, what do you think about what Trump said here?
"So, what do you think about what Trump said here?"
To be 100% honest, I had not even read it the first time you posted it because with most of the stuff that Trump says, I just don't even pay attention.
On other things, like the $2,000 vs $600 issue, I will spend lots of time on it.
I really was joking about the source as I know that you post things here that are based on solid facts, so I would almost never actually question your sources.
As far as my opinion on this latest despicable comment..........there he goes again. As mentioned repeatedly the last 2 months, I won't be missing him.
I'll just copy what I stated above again:
Re: GA GOP Sec of State receiving death threats due to Trump criticism
By metmike - Dec. 14, 2020, 5:35 p.m.
Thanks Larry!
As I stated repeatedly, he's embarrassing himself and leaving a pathetic ending for his legacy that will overshadow his many accomplishments while president as far as history is concerned.
We are seeing the worst of President Trump right now and I'm so sorry that he's dragging along many of those who have stayed loyal to him for the past 4 years.
Good people, proud and patriotic Americans that have always wanted whats best for our country who were able to overlook President Trumps off the charts character flaws because thats what he stood for...........and did things to cause to happen.
But in his devastating loss, Trump is allowing his character flaws to act very counter productively for whats best for our country.
It's one thing to challenge the election results legally..........which should be encouraged but his behavior has gone well beyond that and he uses his words as weapons.
Weapons to invigorate the support of those that believe in him. Weapons to take down those that oppose him. Weapons to turn the invigorated supporters against those that oppose him.
Words Matter!
Started by metmike - Dec. 12, 2020, 11:40 a.m.
I added this incident you are reporting at the link just above.