An outfit called the Data Integrity Group made an "after-the-vote" data analysis that showed evidence that some 432,000 votes were switched from Trump to Biden. No claims were made about fraud, or computer algorithms, etc… only pointing out that votes were subtracted from Trump.
Now wait a minute!! I was under the impression that all this nonsense had already been “debunked”.
Yet, this article caught my attention, because I myself had seen a replay of the CNN election day coverage, where quite suddenly some 20,000 votes were subtracted from Trump and the identical number of votes added to Biden. Many people saw it… a video was posted on youtube. Youtube then quickly removed this video, and when youtube removes a video, this means (in today’s PC language), the content of this video was “debunked”.
So, now, the same subject is suddenly reappearing.
Taking a closer look at this linked article, I see zerohedge got it from Epoch Times….. oh boy, that’s a far right news site… we are not supposed to look at that…. we are supposed to stick with CNN, MSNBC, WaPo, etc
I tried to find out where Epoch Times got this info… but… unfortunately, they didn’t let me look at their site… I am not a subscriber, and I don't care to give them my emai address and other info..
After more digging, I found this Jan 2 article…
“….AMHERST, Va., Jan. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Got Freedom?, a 501(c)4 nonprofit election integrity watchdog group, conducted an exclusive national briefing today at the request of state legislators from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin to review the extensive evidence of irregularities and lawlessness in the 2020 presidential election. A similar briefing is being scheduled in Washington, D.C. at the request of Members of Congress….”
Well.. I don’t know what to say…. as so many people say "Biden won, forget it!"
In my own view of the world, dead people voting is not a big deal… 125% voter participation is fraud but doesn’t prove anything…
However, these incidents of votes being subtracted from Trump and added to Biden stinks to heaven. Isn’t it interesting that all the "computer glitches"and other "irregularities" were done to hurt Trump, and never to Biden?
Georgia election data indicate that more than 30,000 votes were removed from President Donald Trump and another 12,173 votes were switched to Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, data scientists testified on Dec. 30 during a state Senate hearing.
Lynda McLaughlin from the Data Integrity Group, along with data scientists Justin Mealey and Dave Lobue, presented the results before the Georgia Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Elections.
Mealey worked as an electronic warfare technician in the U.S. Navy for 9 1/2 years and was a former CIA contractor as a data analyst and programmer for the National Counterterrorism Center. He currently works for one of the “big four” accounting firms as a programmer.
Lobue is a data scientist with over a decade of experience in a number of industries.
“What we have here is we actually have fraud that we can prove in this election, there was fraud in Georgia’s election, we can prove it with data,” Mealey said. “The voting will of the people of Georgia is not reflected in what was certified by the Secretary of State.”
According to their analysis, which was published online as early as Dec. 24, time-series election data show Trump’s votes were decrementing in various counties instead of increasing as they do normally.
At least 30,593 votes were allegedly removed from Trump as result, including 17,650 votes in Dougherty County, 7,008 votes in Dodge County, and 5,935 votes in Putnam County.
The removals happened at the county level and were hard to observe at the state level because the decrements were offset by accurate data uploaded by other counties.
“I want to make that very, very clear that at no point in an incremental process, should you decrement it,” Mealey said.
Data Scientists say time series data show 17,650 of President Donald Trump’s votes were removed in Dougherty County, Ga. (Screenshot)
The group said a huge number of Trump’s votes were also observed being switched to Biden in a separate event.
A “clear example of vote switching” happened in Bibb county, they said.
At 9:11 p.m. local time, Trump received 29,391 votes as Biden simultaneously received 17,218. However, in the next reported time update, Trump’s votes became 17,218, while Biden’s changed to 29,391.
In this single event, 12,173 votes were switched, according to the data scientists.
State-certified election results show Trump lost Georgia by 12,670 votes. The Trump campaign is still challenging the results in various courts.
The Data Integrity Group didn’t name any state official, county official, or related voting machine manufacturers for wrongdoing. They emphasized that the analysis is not partisan.
“The analysis we’re going to be reviewing is purely scientific, not based on any political affiliation, red, blue, left, or right. The objective really focuses on numbers, data, and machine network systems,” Lobue stated.
The Georgia secretary of state’s office didn’t respond to a request for comment from The Epoch Times. Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and his office have denied vehemently that systemic election fraud occurred during the November election.
Ballot Tallying Process Under Question
The experts said during the Dec. 30 hearing that they believed the removals and switching could have happened during the Results Tally & Reporting (RTR) process.
The Epoch Times was unable to verify the allegation independently.
Based on information published on Dominion Voting Systems’ website, Georgia used Dominion products during the November election.
Poll workers can reject or validate ballots during the RTR process. In a widely circulated video, an elections supervisor in Coffee County demonstrated how Dominion voting software allows votes to be changed through an “adjudication” process. The process allows the operator to add vote marks to a scanned ballot as well as invalidate vote marks already on the ballot.
According to a statement from Richard Barron, director of Fulton County Board of Election and Registration, ballot adjudications happened substantially in the county, which has the largest population in the Peach State.
“So far we scanned 113,130 ballots, we’ve adjudicated 106,000 plus [93.7 percent] of those,” he can be seen saying in a video clip. “The only ballots that are adjudicated are if we have a ballot with a contest on it in which there’s some question as to what, how the computer reads it. So the vote review panel then determines voter intent.”
However, the unofficial results that were used in the analysis by the group should be published after the adjudication process, according to a Dominion tally and reporting user guide (pdf), which is available on the website of the Colorado secretary of state’s office.
It is unlikely that the adjudication process would cause Trump’s votes to decrease.
However, there is a step called “auditing” in the RTR process after the ballots are adjudicated and data are published and sent to the secretary of state and media data port. It appears that adjustments can still be made during the “auditing” step if needed after the unofficial results are made public.
The user manual doesn’t provide detailed information about what specific changes, if any, can be made during the auditing process, including whether ballots can be added or subtracted during that process.
The article was updated to include data from more counties.
Correction: The vote switching happened in Bibb County, not DeKalb County. Removals of Trump’s votes and switching of Trump’s votes to Biden happened in separate events. The Epoch Times regrets the error.
metmike: 2 things about this.
1. "The Epoch Times was unable to verify the allegation independently." So we have another wild/speculative allegation with no evidence that can be verified by other sources.
2. Much more importantly. They did 3 different hand counts of the votes in GA. You can make up or speculate all you want about the machines being rigged or using algorithms or making mistakes but if all 3 hand counts confirmed the machine counts, it means the machines did their job. The speculative allegations that state otherwise have no substantive evidence to support them. It's pretty cut and dry. We must believe the actual evidence. I'm actually shocked that these sources keep coming up with speculative stories/scenarios that have no evidence after the vote count was confirmed so many times. Obviously they are hoping that you will be confused about what to believe and will decide to believe the bogus allegations because, if you repeat them often enough, they will stick in peoples heads and replace the truth/evidence.
In 2019, Dominion was awarded the contract to provide voting systems in Georgia after our systems were independently tested and certified to meet the states high standard for election equipment. We remain grateful to be Georgia's election technology provider and commend the hard work and integrity of the Georgia Secretary of State's office and county election officials across the Peach State.
Georgia officials recertified election results on Monday, December 7, after another recount reaffirmed an accurate count of the state's ballots. Georgia has now counted ballots three times, and results remain unchanged. Our tabulators accurately counted votes in 2020, which has been verified by two audits, both on security and counting methods, as well as a recount, and affirmed by Georgia's Voting System Implementation Manager Gabriel Sterling, Republican Governor Brian Kemp, and Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.
"So why doesn't Joe put all this fake voter fraud news to bed with a full investigation???"
They have been doing investigations for 60 days Wayne.
Look at the page above. They did 3 recounts in the state of GA and they all confirmed the machines did their jobs. All the serious allegations and investigations have been proven wrong or frivolous.
The side doing all the investigating that turns out wrong, keeps saying there is fraud but its being hidden because it wasn't investigated properly. What were they doing then during the last 60 days and what were all their investigations for up to this point?
Were they saving the investigations into the REAL fraud until after 60 days and the first 60 days was just practice/getting warmed up by making up allegations of fraud, getting busted, then telling us the REAL fraud is being hidden still and if only they could just investigate more it would come out.
If they couldn't find fraud after all this time..............and you better believe they looked then how much longer do they need to find it?
If there was real major, legit fraud, then why waste everybody's time with all the completely bogus stuff?
You only use bogus stuff..............if that's all you've got.
The latest article is more fake stuff, like Larry stated.
so far, nobody has debunked what I saw with my own eyes on a replay of the CNN election day coverage. If I remember correctly, it was the state of PA. The exact number of votes subracted from Trump and added to Biden.
Unfortunately, I failed to download it. it was quickly removed.
So... since I can't provide the evidence, I must be a provider of "fake news". In my own mind though, I will never forget what I saw.
and if cnn had 1 ounce of credibility they would of done a full investigation themselves. Found out exactly what happened when and reported it to the public, but what did they do instead? Same thing as the Biden camp, not a damn thing.
Nobody will ever be able to debunk something(or change your mind) thats impossible to debunk Gunter because I wasn't there at your house recording what you watched on tv.
I do have the actual graphing of those results from that station, CNN for that time period that you saw this though...which is the next best thing because your source disagrees with you but again, you will believe this is the fake/rigged data and you briefly saw the real data on your tv at home.
How a post-election crisis was manufactured in Pennsylvania
The rest of the story from your source, with that graph again. This explains how the scenario evolved and why Trumps big lead turned into a loss..which I had previously explained a couple of times 2 months ago but it bears repeating:
How a post-election crisis was manufactured in Pennsylvania
Washington (CNN)It was the nightmare scenario everyone saw coming: a nail-biter presidential election that was too close to call on election night, with the entire world forced to patiently wait on slow results from Pennsylvania as it sifted through millions of mail-in ballots.
President Donald Trump held Florida and Ohio, which quickly reported their mail-in results on election night. By the next afternoon, Democratic nominee Joe Biden had flipped Michigan and Wisconsin. But for four arduous days, the outcome of the 2020 election lingered in purgatory.All eyes fell on Pennsylvania, with millions of still-uncounted votes. The delay was largely caused by Republican state lawmakers who defied local officials and nonpartisan experts, and refused to let counties process mail ballots before Election Day, as is allowed in other states.So the election went into overtime. As the days crept by, Trump's massive election night lead of 700,000 votes slowly disappeared as Pennsylvania's 67 counties churned through their mail-in ballots, revealing a narrow win for Biden. This predictable shiftgave rise to a bevy of conspiracy theories, disinformation and baseless accusations of voter fraud, stoked chiefly by the President.Biden's victory in Pennsylvaniahas now eclipsed Trump's winning margin from 2016. If mail ballots had been counted first -- not last -- the trajectory of the entire election would've looked different."If they would've just given us 48 hours to open envelopes and stack absentee ballots, we would've delivered a result on election night -- easy," Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, a Democrat, told CNN. "Why wouldn't they agree to something so perfunctory and bureaucratic? Because every Republican in that food chain wanted chaos, and that's exactly what they got."
Zero-sum politics
The editorial board of the Bucks County Courier-Times, based in the liberal-leaning Philadelphia suburbs, saw the writing on the wall and issued a desperate pleaback in September. "We're staring into the teeth of what could be an Election Day fiasco in Pennsylvania and the people we sent to Harrisburg appear to be too busy playing politics to do much about it," the paper wrote.The editorial urged the GOP-controlled Legislature and the Democratic governor to compromise on an election bill that would allow counties to start processing absentee ballots three days before Election Day. Gov. Tom Wolf asked for three weeks, but Republicans offered three days.MAP: See 2020 election resultsThis is not supposed to be controversial. Indeed, Republican-run states like Ohio and Florida allow weeks of pre-canvassing, which made it possible for them to quickly report large batches of votes after the polls closed. The networks projected both states for Trump on election night.Pennsylvania Republicans crafted a bill but added "poison pill" provisions that would have essentially banned ballot drop boxes and repealed an old law that said poll watchers must live in the counties where they are observing the voting. (Democrats say this requirement is a bulwark against GOP intimidation efforts against voters of color in Philadelphia and other urban areas.)Wolf said he was willing to negotiate on the poll watchers, but drew a hard line on drop boxes. GOP leaders said they were put off by Wolf's veto threats and had lost confidencein Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar, a Democrat who secured some election changes through the courts.Democratic officials, election experts and voting rights activists urged the Legislature to pass a "clean" bill that simply allowed counties to start processing ballots before Election Day. But the state House passed the GOP-backed billin September on a 112-90 vote. Only four Democrats voted for it and one Republican opposed it. The state Senate let it languish -- and that was that.A spokesman for the House GOP caucus, Jason Gottesman, told CNN that the chamber "took the issue of election security and pre-canvassing seriously and did our job by passing a bill to address these issues, a bill that passed with Democrat support." He blamed Wolf for the bill's demise, saying, "It was the governor who walked away from getting this across the finish line."Wolf said he offered "real concessions," but blamed Republicans for refusing to compromise.
Projecting a winner
Nearly 57 million Americans watched the results pouring in on election night, according to Nielsen ratings, and there was record-breaking engagementon many news websites.But what people saw that night didn't tell the full story. Predictions of a "red mirage"came true: When people went to bed on election night, Trump had a 15-point lead in Pennsylvania, buoyed by strong Election Day turnout, while millions of Biden-friendly mail ballots hadn't been counted.Journalists tried to explain what was going on and urged patience. But Trump declared victory and started pushing debunked lies about widespread fraud, and falsely claimed that votes for Biden had been "magically" manufactured in the middle of the night. The truth was that many of those Biden votes were among the earliest to have been cast, yet were among the last to get counted.Biden transition
"The data you have, and the order you have it, enables you to make a projection," said Drew McCoy, president of the nonpartisan election-calling website Decision Desk HQ. "In the end, the numbers would've been the same in Pennsylvania, but we would've known them in a different order. Once the votes have been cast, the election is there. It's just a matter of discovering it."Biden took the leadin Pennsylvania on the morning of November 6. Later that day, Decision Desk HQ called the race for him, one day before major news outlets like CNN issued their projections.Indeed, before the networks called the presidency for Biden on November 7, political data analysts like FiveThirtyEight's Nate Silverand Dave Wassermanof The Cook Political Report openly mused about the fact that Biden was assured to win Pennsylvania, and thus, the election."All the fomented chaos couldn't overcome the math," said Fetterman, the lieutenant governor.
Disinformation fills the void
Throughout the seven days after Election Day, there were more than 14 million mentions of "voter fraud" and other election-related conspiracy theories across social media, television and online outlets, according to Zignal Labs, a media insights company that tracks disinformation.Phrase like "stop the steal" and "rig the election" drove the online conversation, according to the data. Many of these inane conspiracies were promoted by Trumpand his campaign. Trump was repeatedly fact-checked and censored by Twitter for undermining the integrity of the election.Even while news networks streamed live footage from vote-counting centers in Philadelphia, Trump spread false claimsthat his poll watchers were being systematically sidelined in the city. In court, his lawyers were forced to admitthat their poll watchers were, in fact, in the room.Things were already tense in Philadelphia after the police killing of Walter Wallace Jr., a Black man. Now city officials were getting menacing voice mails and bomb threats over the election. But even as the disinformation was debunked, the false narrative was propelled forward."This was all very deliberate on the Republicans' part, and it should not be forgotten," said Philadelphia City Council member Helen Gym, a rising figurein the city's progressive politics. "This is municipal government at work, and these are normal government workers. But now we're worried about threats. It's appalling. Republicans and Democrats alike were threatened."
'A vicious cycle'
A growing chorus of election experts and constitutional scholars have concluded that to prevent a repeat of 2020, Congress needs to step in and set national standards for election procedures.In theory, the partisan squabbles that dominated the run-up to the election in Pennsylvania could've been prevented or minimized if there were federal laws governing deadlines for mail-in ballots, security around drop boxes, and what counties can do to process ballots ahead of time.Rick Pildes, a CNN contributor who's a law professor at New York University, recently wrotethat the federalism at the heart of American elections has become more of a liability than a strength. He said federal voting legislation is needed to "adapt to the reality of the political culture within which we now exist," which is a culture overrun by partisanship, distrust and disinformation.At least two Republicans, Sens. Pat Toomeyof Pennsylvania and Josh Hawleyof Missouri, now say states should be allowed to process absentee ballots much earlier. Experts are hoping that with a Biden presidency and a likely GOP-run Senate, there could be room for compromise."We face a vicious cycle," said Larry Diamond, a democracy expert at the conservative Hoover Institution. "We need to reform and improve our voting procedures precisely because distrust and disinformation are so rampant. But it's hard to get agreement on these reforms because of the partisan polarization that distrust, disinformation and irresponsible politics are fomenting."
Pennsylvania's lieutenant governor is claiming that Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) owes his state money after law enforcement officials in Pennsylvania uncovered isolated instances of voter fraud in recent weeks. "Recap: Texas sued PA claiming mass voter fraud to SCOTUS," Lt. Gov. John Fetterman (D) tweeted on Wednesday. "Sure, TX got demolished, but my dude LG Dan Patrick put out a handsome reward for voter fraud. We delivered. He owes us $3M, Pennsylvania. That’s *a lot* of Shmuffins + Sizlis, folks."
A week after the Nov. 3 election, Patrick offered up to $1 million to anyone who could provide proof of voter fraud anywhere around the country.
“I support President Trump’s efforts to identify voter fraud in the presidential election and his commitment to making sure that every legal vote is counted and every illegal vote is disqualified,” Patrick said in a statement at the time. “President Trump’s pursuit of voter fraud is not only essential to determine the outcome of this election, it is essential to maintain our democracy and restore faith in future elections.”
State officials in Pennsylvania have in recent weeks uncovered at least three instances of voter fraud, two of which involved cases of citizens casting multiple ballots for President Trump.
In a statement to the Houston Chronicle, a spokesperson for Patrick responded to Fetterman's tweets, saying: “It is not clear why Lt. Gov. Fetterman continues on this topic since Democrats don’t believe in voter fraud, unless it's Russia."
Trump and his allies have alleged that widespread voter fraud led to a "rigged" election against him. Judges have dismissed several lawsuits in key battleground states, including Pennsylvania, brought forth by the Trump campaign contesting the election's result.
Pennsylvania was also on a list of battleground states Texas sued earlier this month for what it alleged was a failure to abide by the Constitution as it relates to holding free and fair elections. The Supreme Court rejected that case on Dec. 11.
"Also, if I’m forced to sue my colleague to claim my handsome reward, my case is exponentially stronger than that pile of hot garbage lawsuit TX tried with SCOTUS," Fetterman said.