Projections for #corn crops in #Brazil and #Argentina and #soybeans in Argentina are seen shrinking on Tuesday. Brazil's soybean harvest prediction is expected to be just as strong as last month, if not stronger.
No changes to U.S. ending stocks. Balance sheets are virtually identical to those from February.
No changes to 20/21 #corn crops in #Argentina or #Brazil. USDA reduced Argy's soybean crop by 0.5 mmt (about what trade expected), though they increased Brazil's #soybeans by 1 mmt. They also raised Brazil's 19/20 crop by 2.5 mmt.
#Australia's 20/21 #wheat crop rose 3 mmt from Feb. to 33 mmt, and they are seen exporting +2mmt from Feb. Total Aussie exports are seen at 22 mmt in 20/21, up from 9 mmt in 19/20 and 9 mmt in 18/19. They finally recovered from their string of nasty droughts and crop shortfalls.
Thanks Jim!
I don't how prices will continue to keep going higher much longer without increasingly bullish news.
The Buenos Aires Grains Exchange has cut #Argentina's 2020/21 crop forecasts due to dryness: #Soybeans 44 million tonnes (was 46 mmt)#Corn 45 million tonnes (was 46 mmt)