Border Zsar Harris finally addresses the border problem
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Started by GunterK - April 25, 2021, 12:46 a.m.

some 30 days ago, Pres Biden gave Kamala Harris the job to handle the border crisis. After 30 days of doing nothing about the crisis, she will finally contact the president of Mexico.

So far, VP Harris has not yet even visited the border. However, the welcome packages given to the illegal immigrants include a children book she has written

(something doesn't sound right in the sentence above... "welcome packages"... for people who were arrested while crossing the border illegally???)

Her proposal...

To stop migrants from rushing the US border, the US will pay prospective migrants to plant trees in Mexico.

I assume, Mexico will accept this generous proposal.. Harris also wants to extend this program to other Central 

American countries.

It seems to me, this program is mostly aimed at farmers. It will do absolutely nothing to stop everybody else from making the trek to the US

By metmike - April 25, 2021, 2:18 a.m.
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Thanks Gunter!

If she went down there to the border and saw the dynamics of the crisis first hand......that they happening.......they couldn’t keep pretending that there is no crisis....on the border.

Ironically, if there was no crisis, she could go down there and tell the press they can start taking video and pictures again......with her telling everyone.....”see all you right wing conspiracy people....look how great everything is on the border”

As soon as the problem is fixed....if ever, that’s exactly what she will do.

By mcfarm - April 25, 2021, 7:57 a.m.
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Gunter, remember the way the previous administration ran most things, Efficient, with competence, timely. Vice Pres Pence ran the vaccination development with all that and more. Now we just have to  get used to people appointed because they are a certain gender, color , class, religion and not being qualified to run a rest stop along the highway.  Good luck with that America.

By TimNew - April 25, 2021, 8:39 a.m.
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Remember when the press was meant to be the governments opposition party? Now, for the most part, they are the democrat's propaganda division.  A lot of conservative justices are starting to take note, but of course, any criticism of the press is treated as a "Direct Assault On The First Amendment"  by the press and most dems. Oddly, these are the same folks who generally view the constitution as an antiquated relic, but that's mainly because the constitution terribly constricts their intended agenda.  But I digress.

There is starting to be some serious rumbles about revisiting the decision rendered in New York Times vs Sullivan back in 1964.  It made Liable and slander law suits against the press almost impossible.  Essentially,  the press can print untrue articles that are damaging as long as there is no proof of Malice.You just about have to be a mind reader, which of course would be inadmissable anyway, to prove actual malice. You may remember the movie "Absence of Malice" with Paul Neuman and Sally Fields, which showed just how ridiculous that ruling could be. And this was back when the press was far less biased than it is today. Hollywood would NEVER make a movie like that today, but could you imagine the material they'd have?  They would not have to make anything up at all.  

I think most objective people, even some from the left,  would agree that the press has more than abused this ruling.  I would welcome it's modification.  I think it's important to the future of this country.

By WxFollower - April 25, 2021, 9:29 a.m.
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Tim said:

“Oddly, these are the same folks who generally view the constitution as an antiquated relic, but that's mainly because the constitution terribly constricts their intended agenda.”



  Ironically enough, you can put Trump in this group as he insisted Pence violate the Constitution on 1/6/21 since Pence properly following that document on that day terribly constricted the ability of Trump to stay in power.

By TimNew - April 25, 2021, 11:01 a.m.
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LOL,  when your only tool is a hammer,  everything looks like a nail.  Everything is Trump to you.  

Yes, I agree, Trump tried to stomp on the constitution.  

I am far more concerned with comments like Biden's "Amendments are not absolute". He appears to be operating under the misconception that our rights are granted by the government, which is the exact opposite of the reality. We are born with inalieanble rights and the constitution charges the government with protecting those rights. An elected official who beieves different is a real danger to those rights.

Back to the subject at hand.  The press is constantly abusing their rights and is failing terribly at their job.  An ability to hold them accountable is long overdue, IMO.

By WxFollower - April 25, 2021, 12:16 p.m.
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Tim said: “
Back to the subject at hand.  The press is constantly abusing their rights and is failing terribly at their job.  An ability to hold them accountable is long overdue, IMO.”



 I do think you have a point if you’re referring to MSM bias toward the lib side. As much as I hate Trump for how he acted, especially since the election, and although I’ve laid a lot of the blame on Trump, himself (due to absurd behavior as well as near constant lying), for the very strong anti-Trump MSM (CNN is a good example), I have repeatedly acknowledged here that I think the anti-Trump bias is very real. Furthermore, the MSM is generally somewhat pro-lib and somewhat anti-con, which is due to their inherent individual biases, which tend to be libish.

 You want to see a very even handed and excellent TV journalist? Check out Shepard Smith (formerly of Fox News and now on CNBC, which I’ve found to be a pretty fair and balanced station unlike the strongly left MSNBC.)

By metmike - April 25, 2021, 12:36 p.m.
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"LOL,  when your only tool is a hammer,  everything looks like a nail.  Everything is Trump to you. "

Not to defend it but just to note that, maybe I should add up all the Biden bashing posts since the new lib took office and see if they are more, less or the same as Trump bashing posts for, lets say an equivalent time period in 2020.

What do you think that we would find(using a ratio of bashing posts to total posts not from me)?

By TimNew - April 25, 2021, 1:36 p.m.
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I think we are a fairly conservative group here so Biden bashing is likely to take the lead. But,  he's earning it, IMO, and as his policies take effect,  we'll have lots of company.

By metmike - April 26, 2021, 2:17 a.m.
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                I really don't want to bash Biden...............but the facts are the facts!

Biden And Kerry Get Humiliated by China            

                            Started by metmike - April 25, 2021, 3:54 p.m.