‘It’s people in authority like Bill Barr that allow the crazed Radical Left to succeed,’ Donald Trump says
metmike: This was the most secure election in at least decades as demonstrated by the results standing up to all the false allegations, investigations/recounts etc.
For anybody that refuses to believe that, despite the overwhelming/powerful evidence that proves it........and even, absurdly think there Biden's side somehow stole the election.............welcome to a world that steals your intelligence by telling you what you want to believe.
Think for yourself instead of being patsy's for those that others by creating false narratives/fake news to convince you of crap that supports their cause.
Both sides do it...........including the side convincing you that only the other side does it.
This is part of the well understood and constantly used game plan to hijack minds of people that no longer do critical thinking/fact checks.
Using your favorite sources to do it for you...........will result in how many instances of your source telling you that they are the ones doing it to you?
Those are NOT your friends.
Captured brains
Started by metmike - April 10, 2021, 12:32 a.m.
It's good to have ethical principles and to not let others or pressure from society cause you to violate those principles. But don't let those principles cause you to be unable to see deal breaking deceit in your political alignment/relationships with agents/ sources of deceit.