A group of 30 respected scientists argue that the Chinese government has stonewalled a thorough investigation into the origin of COVID-19. There should be consequences, they suggest.
"What began as a theory that dare not speak its name lest one be labeled a conspiracy crank, has become what might be the major news story of the century. And what could possibly eclipse COVID-19 as the major news story? Well, finding a definitive answer to the question: Exactly where did the spikey little ball that upended our world and killed millions of people and disabled millions more (the damage will be tallied for decades) come from?
As Infection Control Today® (ICT®) reported in May, what helped to drag the possibility that COVID-19 was caused by a lab leak in Wuhan, China, into the mainstream media was an open letter in The Lancet by a group of respected scientists who argued that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), which runs China, prevented a delegation from the World Health Organization (WHO) from fully considering a lab leak as a plausible scenario. (Amnesty International ranks China as one of the more repressive regimes in the world and says that it became even more repressive in 2020 as the COVID-19 pandemic spread.)
Now, another open letter—called the Paris Letter—dated this Wednesday goes even further with a demand for an investigation into a possible lab leak that should be conducted either with or without China’s cooperation. It was written by another group of 30 respected and highly credential scientists, and this time the scientists take direct aim at the CCP."
What was once debunked, is no longer debunked
21 responses |
Started by GunterK - May 24, 2021, 8:29 p.m.
Interesting how so many things that really happened are covered up that I stumble upon from time to time.
Authentic meteorology/climate and accurate data recording that goes back over 100 years shows that the 1930's Dust Bowl Decade was the hottest decade in the US and had the most extreme heat waves by a very, very wide margin over any decade since then.
It's either ignorance or corruption to say otherwise.
However, just over 2 months ago, the EPA decided to rewrite US climate heat wave history by finding a new source that uses a way to statistically dampen out/weaken all the heat waves of the 1930's and amplify the heat waves in recent decades to make climate change from humans look much worse than the climate of the 1930's was in the United States.
This is not just a matter of opinion............it's just blatant outright fraud which is now a totally acceptable practice in mainstream climate science today.............that has been completely hijacked for a political agenda.
Here's the indisputable truth:
And they did it again this last week using the intense heat wave in the Northwest.
There they go again, doctoring data to make it less hot in the past in order to present data that shows it much hotter in the present!
This time its Wikepedia.
They just changed the all time record high in Oregon to this:
![]() | 118 °F (48 °C) | June 29, 2021 § | Hermiston |
Busted em because this was the previous hottest ever in Oregon and had been listed on the same page by Wikepedia for the last 2 decades but was just replaced with the 118 Deg F above from this recent heat wave.
Last time that I checked, 119 deg. F is hotter than 118 deg. F.
In 1898 there was no air conditioning and it was also before atmospheric CO2 went up by over 100 parts per million.
Earlier, I discovered yet another recent data manipulation trick by the EPA to make it appear as if recent heat waves were worse than the 1930's which is off the charts laughable for anybody with the actual data:
They actually rewrote climate history to wipe out the Medieval Warm Period/Optimum that really happened 1,000 years ago.
They did this over 2 decades ago. Here's the proof.
Climate change, pollution, and the great civilizations of the past
11 responses |
Started by GunterK - Sept. 28, 2019, 9:34 p.m.