searching for Authentic Data
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Started by GunterK - Aug. 8, 2021, 1:27 p.m.

A dangerous virus arrived. Fortunately, we had the country’s top Corona expert to guide us.

He made several predictions about the course this virus would take. Fortunately, they turned out to be wrong.

He gave us advice on how to eliminate this virus… mask on, masks off, double masks…One very important thing he seems to have forgotten: cloth masks don’t work.

Today, the term “against science” is used almost daily, especially when it comes to debating opposing views.  Dr. Fauci himself recently stated that anyone who opposes him is against science.   Is this not a mockery of science?

I have worked for many years in the space-travel business, which is all about science… nothing but science.  I am no stranger to science.

True science has two very important components

One is open debate.

When scientists have different views of an issue, there should be open debate….civil discussion of differing opinions.

Unless you have been hiding out on Antarctica for the last few months, you must admit that there is none of this in this Covid environment.

There is an enormous effort under way to keep the People uninformed. Everything that opposes the official party-line… every report of factual incidents that would cast a shadow on the vaxx, is deleted from social media and totally ignored by MSM news outlets.

Even the POTUS has recently requested censorship.

There are some sites that are beyond the reach of this censorship.They are being ridiculed, in an attempt to make anyone visiting such sites an idiot.

The second important component of science is reliable data.

Please let me remind you of that healthcare agency’s document, early 2020, that ordered their hospital doctors to count every death as a Covid death.. This is not “science’… this is data manipulation, if not “fraud”.


Let me further remind you of the day when Elon Musk took 4 PCR tests, all from the same source, all on the same day.  2 of them came out as positive, and 2 of them were negative.

Think about these things, when you look at a graph showing covid infections.  Are those graphs real?


In May, the CDC changed it’s PCR test procedures. The procedure was changed so that vaccinated people would less likely test “positive” , while testing unvaccinated people as before   (Ref b)

“authentic science”????

Or “data manipulation”???


With these comments I don’t want to call all data “manipulated data”.  However, I hope you all understand that it’s frustrating when I make a post that doesn’t fit the party-line, and I am faced with the comment that it is cr*p, because it ignores “authentic science”

And I ask myself ‘what authentic science”?

I am being told that I was conned into accepting trash…

I, on the other hand, believe that the vast majority of the population was “conned” into believing manipulative efforts of the ruling class to frighten us, to silence us, to hide the truth from us, to control us, to subdue us

This is not “science”…. this is not even the USA, as it is supposed to be.

I have no agenda… I was only interested in showing our forum friends facts and expert opinions that are intentionally being hidden from us

This pandemic is a complex subject. There are many factors that feed into the decision making process. It’s about weighing odds… and about relying on the data available to you.

One question is “what are the odds of the virus hurting me”

The other question is “does the vaxx really protect me? What are the odds of being hurt by the vaxx right now? What are the odds of the vaxx hurting me in a few years?

It is difficult to make this decision, when many of the recent factual incidents are hidden from you, when possible long-term effects are not disclosed to you.

Don’t forget… the Delta is here… many of the old wisdoms, much of the old “science”, etc.,  does not apply to the Delta


In passing,  one more ironic item…

The link of Ref c) comes from an “authentic’ government source in the UK.  It is basically pro-vaccine. However page 14 is a peculiar data set.

This data set tells people of age 50 or more the following:  if you find yourself in the hospital, with a severe case of Delta, what are the odds of you losing your life?

Unvaccinated: 0.07%... partially vaxxed: 0.26%... fully vaxxed:  0.70%

What to make of this???  Shall we call it B.S., because it is against everything old folks are being told?… B.S., because it gives a horrible testimony for the vaxx?

No, we can’t call it B.S., because it’s from an “authentic’ source.  What to do?

Well, if you are under 50, don’t worry about it.


I like this forum, and I like all of you who participate. However, It seems, I have become enemy #1 on this forum with these discussions.

I believe, it is best that I disengage from these discussions. This will keep the peace, and it will cut down the workload for metmike, who has spent huge amounts of time debating me (he deserves credit for his efforts, and I thank him for having allowed me to post). 

I hope everyone makes the decision he believes to be right, and I hope that all of you stay well.

One more for the road... (about how the establishment fixes the numbers)

And  I am out.

Ref b)

Ref c)

By mcfarm - Aug. 8, 2021, 1:38 p.m.
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wished fauci and the other "scientists" we as brave and honest as you.

wished the libs had not used their go to "never waste a crisis"

wished the "journalists" in the country were really journalists

By mcfarm - Aug. 8, 2021, 2:06 p.m.
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By metmike - Aug. 8, 2021, 2:40 p.m.
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Thanks Gunter,

Not much more that I can say.

My favorite posts here are still those that disagree with me. Those are the ones that have the most potential for me to learn and also the opportunity for that person or others(with open minds)  to learn.

You've made your choice. You would rather cling to this guys views. Nothing I can do here except show science and facts and expose him.

Alex Jones: Sources Confirm Clinton and Obama Are Smelly Demons From Hell

metmike: People that hate Obama and Clinton eat that crap up......and he has them eating from his dishonest/fraudulent, anti science hand..........turning him into a very rich cult leader.

By metmike - Aug. 8, 2021, 5:45 p.m.
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I've mentioned several times here this Summer that I was very concerned about you and sent you a couple of private emails, one I think that suggested that you consider getting some professional help with your neurotic, obsessive compulsion to post junk science......VERY DANGEROUS  anti COVID vaccine science that's going to end up killing many tens of thousands of Americans having their intelligence stolen at places like INFOWARS.

People trapped in cult like thinking see only the data their high priests feed them as being authentic. It's been proven repeatedly through out  time, in hundreds of realms, well beyond that of leaders like Jim Jones or Adolf Hitler or you know who.

Hopefully, when your mind is no longer captured in that cult, you can come back here and be the old, objectively thinking Gunter again.

The door will always be open..............the scientific method will always be there for you, even after I'm no longer here.


By metmike - Aug. 9, 2021, 11:11 a.m.
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Thanks for the link.

There are some great points in there but here's the huge problem with everybody right now.

It's the US vs THEM mentality. You can't be for anything that THEY are for, you must be totally AGAINST everything THEY represent.

That is especially so with Fauci.

You've read my posts on the cloth mask farce.

You've read my posts on the origin of COVID........which HAD to come from the Wuhan lab.

Fauci was/is dead wrong in those areas and lied in some cases. So of course we can't trust him on anything. 

But one side applies that to EVERYTHING that Fauci (and Biden) says. When he and this administration come out for vaccines, because they lied/were wrong on other things, they MUST BE lying again.  All the  sources of information that are from the right, are using that political tactic to get people on the right to unite against THEM and the left.

It's very true that once somebody gets caught in lies, their credibility is shot and you can't believe anything they say. can verify what they are saying is true.

On the vaccines, we can verify  that most of what they are saying is true based on almost all the studies/empirical data and authentic science.

This is all we should care about........the data/authentic science. Not who is stating it. Either the facts/science are there...............and you use sources that are consistent with the facts/science or they aren't there and you expose sources that are going against the facts/science.

What Alex Jones is doing effectively is to work on a crowd of people that have already been totally convinced and decided on everything based on the source, not the authentic, objective facts/science. 

If Fauci/Biden are the source..............they will assume automatically that its a lie. If INFOWARS or ZeroHedge are the's assumed to be true.

 All you have to do to reinforce that, is to cherry pick some outlying anomalies and they will totally believe that its actually the science...............and totally not believe the massive authentic science/evidence supported with overwhelming facts about vaccinations or COVID...... because its coming from Fauci/Biden. 

So non Fauci/Biden source become infallible BECAUSE they say the opposite of Fauci/Biden. And these sources know it exactly and are playing their targets like a fiddle. 

By mcfarm - Aug. 9, 2021, 11:24 a.m.
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heard we never include those with natural immunity to covid in any stasitics.......think that is true?

seems most every bit of data from big gov comes at this problem with the idea of shutting down. Never, or very rarely do you see any data with positive side of staying open, or how we remain open.  Seems that big thumb is always right there, right over our heads and ready to land right on us.

By metmike - Aug. 9, 2021, 11:45 a.m.
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Agree strongly mcfarm, that there are some huge negatives/consequences to shutting down that MUST be considered to see the big picture objectively. 

Fauci as a health advisor is focused more on health vs the economy. 

This is definitely a great, 2 sided topic. Personally, I would be for staying open in almost all but the most dire situations and if they would be honest about N95 masks.........we could have ZERO shutdowns everywhere.

Just have people wear N95 masks and its almost as good as a total shut down...........with ZERO damage to the economy!

It would be that simple!

If cloth masks are so wonderful, why would you ever need a lockdown anywhere? Let the cloth masks protect everyone.

But they don't!!!