Mike Maguire
September 15, 2021 9:07 am
Here is some good science about the SSW’s(Sudden Stratospheric Warming’s) that often trigger this pattern.
Some things to keep in mind:
Has global warming influenced sudden stratospheric warmings in either hemisphere or is it projected to? "Butler: For the Northern Hemisphere, the short answer is that there’s been no robust trend in SSWs observed, though there is significant variation from decade to decade, with some periods like the 1990s showing almost no SSWs and others, like the 2000s, showing one almost every year. In the future, climate models do not agree about what will happen in a warmer climate. Some show significant strengthening of the polar vortex while others show weakening."
Mike Maguire
September 14, 2021 10:56 pm
Global warming causes everything/TEXAS
Texas energy messed up again