Quote of the Day
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Started by joj - Oct. 26, 2021, 11:40 p.m.

Nationalism does nothing but teach you to hate people you never met, and to take pride in accomplishments you had no part in.

- Dough Stanhope (comedian)

By metmike - Oct. 27, 2021, 1:32 a.m.
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I love it joj!

I was part of an experience in a Walmart parking lot earlier this evening that featured a great act of kindness with one person being a Good Samaritan, similar to the original story. 

In the original parable(which, coincidentally has always been my FAVORITE parable), the hero of the story was from Samaria. 

Samaritans were half Jewish  and half Gentiles and the Jews at that time didn't want anything to do with Samaritans.......sort of outcasts.

This is why the hero in the parable was not only to teach, that we should help our neighbors but at the same time demonstrate to the Jews, that disliked Samaritans that they were just as capable, if not even more capable of doing the right thing in God's eyes as the most well respected Jews.

The Good Samaritin in my story from tonight comes from a country south of the United States.

Here's the original Good Samaritan.

Non Christian's......please consider the validity of the message not the faith of the story teller.


I'll have my story later on Tuesday.

By metmike - Oct. 28, 2021, 12:35 a.m.
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I was in the crowded parking lot at Walmart yesterday evening after dark. 

Sitting in my car getting weather maps and price quotes when a young lady knocked on the window asking for help.

She wanted to know if I had a tire iron or screw driver for the tire on her car.

Very odd request. When I was younger, I would have immediately got out and tried to help her but I've been the target of several attempts by a pretty young girl  to come to help her and surprise, there was a strong young man waiting over by where she wanted me to go and he wasn't there to make friends.

So I was suspicious and also, I'm having a bad flare up in my right shoulder because of a major auto immune disease/arthritis and have no use of my right arm right now.

So I told her that I was sorry and couldn't help at first and decided to watch where she went and follow at a bit of a distance,  if I felt comfortable, then try to step in.

She went back to her car and asked another young man, who was with his wife for the same help and he agreed to help her, so I went up to them at that point.

Turns out that she had a completely flat tire that needed changing which I couldn't have done with 1 arm anyways but I decided to make some friends.

I drive my wife nuts when I do this with complete strangers and she wants to be on our way.

While this guy is changing her flat tire, I introduced myself and asked everybody elses name. The lady with the flat tire also had a 9 year old daughter with her. My bad for initially suspecting that she might be setting me up to be robbed.   

I felt bad for profiling her that way.

Anyway, the guy changing the tire said his name was Andy but he has an extremely thick Hispanic accent. His wife does too and her name was Lady.

I asked them where they are from. Columbia(in South America)

I told Andy that I bet that's his American name but there aren't many Andy's in Columbia and asked what his name was at birth.

He says Andreas.

This sounds odd but that's the way that I can be with complete strangers and why it drives my wife nuts. 

Turns out that Andy and Lady have only been in this country for 4 years. I asked if they have any family here and Lady says, there's no family and  that they came to the United States because of a job for her. 

Regardless of WHY they came or the circumstances, I kept thanking Andy for helping and asked Lady if he's like this all the time. 

Yes, she says he likes helping people. 

Seems like somebody that almost everybody would want living in America. 

A person helping other Americans to address problems, like a flat tire for no reason other than he's a good human being.

I'm not saying that all immigrants that cross the southern border are like that but I met only 1 immigrant that got here by crossing the southern border(they might have flown-I don't know but Columbia is south of here) recently and his name is Andy.

I still think the southern border is a major crisis that is being totally mismanaged by this administration.

However, it lines up with my suspicion that most of these people are probably good people that just want a better way of life and will work for a living.

.........not lazy loafers that want to collect government checks and free stuff or criminals that want to hurt us or COVID infected dirt bags. 

You should be outraged at the horrible policies on the southern border that aren't controlling immigration.

But don't hate the people and don't believe what FOX tells you about who the people are.

They aren't us but if they are like Andy, many of them are good Samaritans and would make good neighbors.

Not 10 million of them every year, which is more than we can handle but we have room for people like Andy and Lady. 

edit: I forgot to mention that before I left, I gave Lady a $20 bill and told her to give it to Andy when he's done as an expression to show my gratitude to a good Samaritan.  She tried to give is back but I wouldn't let her and walked away. 

Here's more information that you might now have known.

Key findings about U.S. immigrants


Immigrant share of U.S. population nears historic high

Unauthorized immigrants are almost a quarter of U.S. foreign-born population

By metmike - Oct. 28, 2021, 12:39 a.m.
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