This month, my wife had a major infection from a tooth abscess. The infection got into the bone surrounding her tooth, then spread into her blood/body.
She got penicillin and for several days, it helped.
Then suddenly the penicillin resistant bacteria emerged and rapidly spread.
Fortunately, I quickly recognized it and called the doctor who prescribed amoxicillin-clavulanate and we got it filled just before CVS pharmacy closed.
I had her take almost a double dose because her symptoms suggested that she was getting close to going septic................which CAN BECOME fatal within hours if you don't reverse it in the very early stages.
It's a risk reward decision. Risk some minor side affects from a very high dose of antibiotic to get the reward...........NOT DYING from the raging bacterial infection.
It took exactly 52 hours before her fever broke and the last half day was spent deciding at what point to go to the was close.
The doctor was ready with another antibiotic too in case the bacteria was resistant to the 2nd one.
This sounds like an freak anomaly and unusual but the reality is that it's happening to hundreds of thousands of people every year in this country.
Deb's dad died from going septic like this...............while he was in the hospital as a patient and they still could not save him.
See the articles on the following pages.
For most of us, it’s scary to think about staying in the hospital. Certainly, no one goes to the hospital expecting to get sicker, but unfortunately it happens. And sepsis is a common cause of serious harm to hospitalized patients. Although over 40% of US adults have never heard of sepsis, it is the leading cause of death in US hospitals.
Unfortunately, sepsis is common, and deadly. According to the NIH, more than 1.7 million people Americans develop sepsis each year. Moreover, almost 270,000 people die every year from sepsis in the US. Shockingly, about 1/3 of patients who die in the hospital have sepsis.
A 2020 report from the World Health Organization estimates that sepsis causes 20% of deaths worldwide. Unsurprisingly, the report states sepsis disproportionately affects those living in low- and middle-income countries.
A 2020 report of an analysis of Medicare patients found that 10% of patients with non-severe forms of sepsis died while in the hospital or within a week of discharge. Moreover, 60% with non-severe forms of sepsis died within three years.
However, patients with septic shock fared significantly worse. In comparison, 40% of those with septic shock died while in the hospital or within a week of being discharged, and 75% died within three years.
Sepsis can develop from an infection in one part of the body, such as the lungs, urinary tract, skin, or abdomen (including the appendix). Additionally, invasive medical procedures, such as inserting a tube into a vein, can introduce bacteria into the bloodstream and lead to sepsis.
Time is the enemy. As every hour passes without treatment, the prognosis worsens significantly. In fact, research shows that death rates increase by as much as 8% for every hour that treatment is delayed.
Furthermore, studies show that rapid diagnosis and treatment could prevent as many as 80% of sepsis deaths.
Antibiotic resistance
Antibiotic resistance is one of the biggest public health challenges of our time. Each year in the U.S., at least 2.8 million people get an antibiotic-resistant infection, and more than 35,000 people die. Fighting this threat is a public health priority that requires a collaborative global approach across sectors. CDC is working to combat this threat. Find out how you can help.
From Europe below:
The study estimates that about 33000 people die each year as a direct consequence of an infection due to bacteria resistant to antibiotics and that the burden of these infections is comparable to that of influenza, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined. It also explains that 75% of the burden of disease is due to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and that reducing this through adequate infection prevention and control measures, as well as antibiotic stewardship, could be an achievable goal in healthcare settings.
Finally, the study shows that 39% of the burden is caused by infections with bacteria resistant to last-line antibiotics such as carbapenems and colistin. This is an increase from 2007 and is worrying because these antibiotics are the last treatment options available. When these are no longer effective, it is extremely difficult or, in many cases, impossible to treat infections.
My fave. The best choice for cat bites, always have plenty on hand. All Day Chemist India, cheap, quality.Good thinking Mike. How's that cat that you paid to mend its leg? Still kickin'? Bless you for that, Sir. Did the same few years back. Eventually, the dang dude got hit by a car. He was my Son, deep grief. Have 47 others, though. Bought industrial meat grinder, grinds chicken thighs, bones and all. The best nutrition, raw food diet. Saves crazy money. Grinder was over $700 though. It's a beast!
You care for 47 cats?
Sounds like your saving the feral community.
Andrographis against Infection
I use this as cornerstone to treat my esophageal cancer. It has wonderful synergy with propolis and especially melatonin. Nootropics Depot has standardized extract powder.
Yes, I cater to older cats, most mine are 15 to 20 something, with one around 30 years old. Raw food diet mostly, avoid junk food, Ranging from in your face friendly to ferocious feral. Farm has barns, but they climb in through the bathroom window to wreak havoc when given the opportunity. Hardboil 3 dozen eggs, peel, mash and mix with several cans mackerel. Feeds them all for under $15. 10 pound bag chicken quarters, 2 bags ground down fed straight, feeds them all for under $15 again. One 25 year old just loves some cheddar cheese, extra sharp. Oh my, the litter boxes galore, every floor.
Meow....meow.....meow hayman!
Great memory about our cat.
She has a severe limp from the raccoon attack a couple of years ago and is going on 15 years old but has had a wonderful life for a cat.
That’s a ton of cats that you have, man.
3 doors down from the house that we grew up at in Detroit, there was a lady that we called the cat lady.
No telling how many cats that she actually had but we would constantly hear them outside fighting in the middle of the night.
Caused us to not be such big cat fans growing up.
My wife’s parents have had some wonderful cats since we started dating 38 years ago and that helped change my tune.
My oldest son has 3 cats but your cat family is huuuuuge. Where dId they all come from?
You're obviously treating them well for them to have such long lives!