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All trade estimates for USDA's Thursday reports, due at noon EDT. This will be USDA's first official outlook for 2022/23, but also watch for any updates to 2021/22.
Trade will be watching #Brazil's #corn crop estimate in USDA's Thursday report. Analysts see the crop about 2 mmt smaller than last month. Brazil #soybeans seen down slightly, #Argentina corn/soy crops pegged a bit lower too.
USDA reduces its outlook for 2021/22 #Argentina #soybeans, but Argy #corn and #Brazil corn & soy crops were unchanged from April.
Things are not lining up very well for grains. We better have really good weather this year. I saw your posts about La Niña Mike. Going to be an interesting summer.
Agree strongly Jim!
Would not be surprised at limit moves dozens of times.
Conab increased #Brazil's #corn crop based on a bump in second crop production, despite some recent dry conditions in key states. That increased export expectations. Exports were unch for #soybeans but the crop got bigger.