metmike: Based purely on how much money was bilked out of victims, guess who just made the top 10?
Most of the scams above took place over many years to accumulate their big numbers.
This new addition happened in a record amount of time... just 2 months.
Is anybody here brave/honest enough to admit how much they were bilked out of by Trump?
That's the oddest thing that completely separates the victims here from victims in most financial/money swindles.
Victims of Trump have ferociously defended him for victimizing them...........after Trump was busted red handed.
They believe that Donald Trump is actually the victim here.
I can't think of other similar situations outside of cults. The high priests of this cult include Fox News.
Maybe others can site similar cases.
I donated exactly $0, even though he tried to get my money dozens of times via email.
Not sure where he got my email address from? I must have given it out at some point in the past to get a free news article or something like that.
I've never donated to anything political in my life!!
Monetarily that is. I've spent thousands of hours of TIME and detective work/fact checking here on politics to try to provide authentic discernment.
"Trump is a con man and a grifter," said one watchdog group. "He wasn't just selling the Big Lie, he was making sure to fundraise off of it."
Amanda Wick, senior investigative counsel for the committee, said in a video presented on the second day of hearings that the campaign sent millions of fundraising emails to supporters in the weeks after the election, "sometimes as many as 25 a day."
Those emails, imploring voters to "step up" and help protect election integrity and to "fight back" against the "left wing mob," garnered $250 million before the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol, including nearly $100 million in the first week after the election.
"The Trump campaign knew these claims of voter fraud were false," said Wick, "yet they continued to barrage small-dollar donors with emails encouraging them to donate to something called the Official Election Defense Fund."
The committee played testimony from Trump campaign officials including Gary Coby, former digital campaign director, admitting that there was no fund devoted to defending Trump's claim that he had won the election.
"Is it fair to say the Official Election Defense Fund was a marketing tactic?" Coby was asked by an investigator, to which he replied, "Yes."
Instead of funding the former president's legal battle, Wick explained, millions of dollars went to benefit Trump's allies and associates, including:
The money was funneled to those organizations through the Save America PAC, a political action committee that Trump established on November 9, 2020—two days after President Joe Biden was announced the winner of the election.
"Most of the money raised went to this newly created PAC, not to election litigation," said Wick.
The hearing showed, said Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington, that "Trump is a con man and a grifter."
Here's some emails sent to me after the election, trying to scam me out of money.
One of the tactics of this scam, is to pretend that for every dollar you donate, there will be XX matching dollars that trick you into thinking that your donations are many more times powerful than they are. Makes you think you can donate $20 and your donation will really count as $220, as the blatantly false examples demonstrate below.
As if there are many thousands of rich people out there with unlimited funds just waiting for donations that they will match, 1000%, each and every one of them.
This is 1000% bullcrap!
Using this math, if people donated 250,000,000 and all got 1000% matching donations, then Trump got closer to 250+ BILLION not 250 million in donations (-:
Wed 11/11/2020 1:14 AM
We can’t let our democracy be destroyed.
Donate to the OfficialElectionDefenseFund <>
Tue 11/10/2020 1:14 PM
Will you step up when your Country needed you most?
Join the ElectionDefense Task Force <>
Georgia Recount Fund <>
Another thing that these hundreds of millions of personal emails did(maybe a billion) is act as promotion adds for Trump, convincing people to think that he was using their money to fight for them against the evil left and to fix the corruption that Biden used to steal the election.
This especially gave them a sense of empowerment when they were told that all of their donations would be matched 1000%.
His scheme to bilk people out of 250 million made the corruption "Hall of Fame" list....... IN ADDITION to all the other things that he did.
The tactics that he used should be on display everywhere as an example of what a professional con artist can do to steal your money.............and get you to adore/worship them even more at the same time.
Elite, con artist now being exposed on MarketForum with first hand overwhelming evidence.
The strategy below was an attempt to GUILT TRIP targets of the scam.
Trump Donor Record
Mon 11/23/2020 10:32 PM
We can’t believe it.
We’re watching Michigan
Trump Election Defense Fund
Tue 11/17/2020 12:05 AM
The Democrats are up to no good
Fri 11/20/2020 4:36 AM
A message from your President
This Election isn’t over
Tue 11/17/2020 10:34 AM
Votes are still being counted.
Newt Gingrich <>>
Thu 11/12/2020 4:26 AM
Step up to the front lines
Election Defense Task Force
Donald J. Trump <>
We deserve fair Elections
Sun 11/22/2020 12:02 PM
Ronna McDaniel <>
Thu 11/12/2020 12:08 PM
This is the fight of our lives.
Eric Trump <>
Now others that were not victims or on the receiving end of the swindle emails can better understand the brainwashing method employed by Donald Trump immediately after he lost the election in November 2020.....what is likely at least half a billion emails!!!!
Possibly more than 1 billion individual emails.
This is actually one of the first emails that kicked off the barrage of the many dozens of emails that I got the month after Trump lost.
Within hours of the results. I received this email. below.
This tells us that he had this plan already waiting, well in advance!
Then,every day for a month, an average of 1 or 2 emails/day, each one different than the previous one using a different person/sponsor or different verbiage or different creative tactic as part of the historic scam.
Election Update
Wed 11/4/2020 10:45 PM
This has actually been fascinating to analyze and be part of one of the biggest financial scams in US history............ and the biggest scam and corruption in political history by several orders or magnitude over Watergate for instance.
Nixon was a saint compared to Trump.
Pathway to Victory is Clear...
Rudy Giuliani Alerts
Sun 11/22/2020 6:06 AM
With your Contribution.
Rudy Giuliani Alerts <>
wow turn on the computer and see a post by MM less than a day old with 19 responses. That is unusual for this site and I think wow, he must of really stirred the pot this time. Many people have replied and this must be big news so I cannot resist an start to read, And what do I find, 19 posts by MM on Trump. Not 1 or 2 or 5 but 19. !9 freakin posts. I think we get it MM. I think all us have gotten it for months and yet you persist, Day after day, month after month, Trump, trump trump, fox, fox fox. But even a lib might venture a guess and decide that 19 straight posts a bit excessive and might be a signal you are in need of help. But this used to be a free country and still is for most everyone on the left so who am I to advise less, go ahead and make every single one of your post about Trump or Fox.
Biggest political fraud and crime in US history, already and IN ADDITION to that, we just uncovered the biggest political financial fraud in US history........ that and I have the actual evidence of on my computer.
And you think that 19 posts with that actual evidence that came directly to my computer at home (Tim keeps saying I don't have enough evidence-so which is it?) is too many?
You will note that each email was using a different variation of the same scheme but each one was noteworthy on its own...............and I included less than half of them.
Actually, mcfarm you aren't going to tell me that I can't expose fraud, corruption and law breaking evidence here.....especially when there were 40+ separate attempts targeting me personally!
Surely mcfarm, you got at least this number of emails.
Did you make contributions? That 250 million had to come from somewhere.
It's actually pretty simple.
Tens of millions of Trump worshipers that believed every word that he said with the faith of a religion and him having cult leader status....were completely hoodwinked by the most corrupt political con man in history and not only don't want to acknowledge it.......they actually think that Trump is the one getting the raw deal here.
The politician that did the most damage to our countries politics, democracy and election integrity in history is somehow thought to be getting the raw deal for being held accountable on a level that is miniscule compared to the profound damage he's still causing to this country and tens of millions of deceived minds to this day.
Every non Trump captured brain knew with absolute certainty that the Biden win was authentic and results extremely reliable a month after the election.
Even the legit skeptics.......with non Trump captured brains knew it with certainty.
Fox news (and a few others) gets the assist in perpetrating his fraud, even today.
mcfarm....and others,
So that you don't jump to the wrong conclusion.
You are always welcome to post your thoughts about anything here, as many times as you want (not hundreds of times a month on 1 topic with propaganda/DISinformation and lies like Gunter was doing), in fact I strongly encourage this if they disagree with me.
This thread is wide open to others to make comments. Nobody is censoring anything and never have here.
This thread is about as evidence driven as you can get, with specific analysis of the evidence by me.
You will note that the vast, VAST majority of all those posts above..........were just the exact words and emails FROM DONALD TRUMP.
You don't like it? Take it up with the author of all those emails that he sent to my mailbox.
All I did was copy some of the stuff he sent to me!
If it seems excessive and annoying, just multiply it by tens of millions and imagine it.
Even a better way to look at it.
When YOU were getting these emails fresh in your mailbox's in November 2020(just like I got them-so I know that others did too), annoying is not the emotion/word that came to mind to describe how most people that donated towards the 250 million felt.
More like.....
You know it's true.
There's a profound lesson to be learned here for anybody that cares to learn....which is one of the biggest reasons to spend so much time on it.
There are some charismatic/gifted people in this world that use their gifts to defraud other people. The ones most likely to do it, almost always say things that you want to hear. Offer you too good to be true deals or services. More often than not, they come to you with their deals and promises and not you finding them.
They come to you because they are the ones looking for personal gains to enrich themselves, whether it's money, votes, ratings or something else.
You probably know what I'm typing about but are the minds of 10's of millions of republicans still captured by Donald Trump on June 14, 2022 that think that Trump is the victim here.
More coming up.
If you think that I've suddenly decided to pick this topic and thread and am using it because I have something personal against must be using a convenient memory(or forgetfulness).
This is always how I've been for decades and here too when it comes to exposing fraud and showing the truth with evidence:
Here's one example(of a small fraction of the threads) that involved 100 times more posting on a topic based on authentic truths which need to be told by somebody that has the proof of the truth in a world of people that believe in the lies.
Climate Reality discussions
Those that don't want the truth based on authentic evidence are the ones most in need of being enlightened and the ones with the most to gain.
That reminds me, I haven't added any of the many threads about climate/fossil fuels this year to the list above.
This is NOT about metmike. It's about YOU and how YOU can become a better person, including embracing the truths in our world.
Use this to makeyourselfabetterperson-guaranteed
So I asked that you go ahead and make every one of your posts about Trump or Fox and you did, 4 more, It just in not healthy is what I am telling you. But go ahead. As for the e-mails I honestly have not seen a one, If they were sent like any other trash e-mails either my wife or I do what rational people do, delete them. Why on earth would you not only read them but save them and post 19 in row here? Delete them like any rational human would do. If Trump and Fox get in your herd that deep you need to remove yourself. This fix you got is just like someone with a porn fix or a drug fix and its just not healthy.
Great mcfarm (-:
Totally manufacture an imaginary world where anybody that uses too much evidence against Trump has an unhealthy addiction like people on drugs or using porn.
While people blindly following the most corrupt politician in history, who used them to pilfer 250 million of their hard earned money for self serving interests in just 2 months....... defines your normality and that person is actually the victim of the evil left unfairly attacking him.
Here's some more irrational, unhealthy, addictive thinking and posting for you, mcfarm:
November 25, 2020
One thing you can never accuse Donald Trump of is suffering from a lack of gall. No one in the history of American politics at the national level has ever possessed, much less maintained for decades, such a complete and unshakable willingness to stare straight into the eyes of his most loyal supporters and lie like a cheap rug.
Sometimes the substance and potential consequences of these lies have been horrific — as when he has compromised national security by telling falsehood after falsehood about his relationship with his buddy Vladimir Putin or, more recently, when he threatened to undermine our democracy by challenging the legitimacy of a national election.
More, often, however, Trump’s scam is to spew B.S. like a two-bit carnival barker in hopes of lining his own pockets. Like a 21st Century P.T. Barnum, Trump knows that his target audience is utterly hoodwinked and he is willing to debase just about anyone or anything in order to keep playing the con.
For the latest ridiculous head slapper of an example, check out the following excerpts from an email solicitation sent last evening by the man who will remain, for 56 more long and frightening days, President of the United States:
You’ve always been there for me no matter what. Despite everything the Fake News media and Democrats have thrown at us, your loyalty has never wavered.
To show you how much I appreciate your support, I want to do something special for YOU:
For a short time, when you make a contribution of $30, my team will send you our ICONIC “COUNT ALL LEGAL VOTES” shirt FOR FREE.
This offer is available to you for ONE HOUR, Rob. After that, you may never get another chance to receive a FREE “COUNT ALL LEGAL VOTES” shirt.
I REALLY want you to have this LIMITED EDITION shirt, Rob.
There isn’t much time left, so don’t wait.
Just contribute $30 NOW and claim your FREE “COUNT ALL LEGAL VOTES” SHIRT
Thank you,
Donald J. Trump
President of the United StatesP.S. As always, everything is made in America.
As is always the case with Trump, it’s hard to know whether to laugh or cry at the preposterous gibberish that appears above and under his name. But given the almost certain fact that hundreds of poor souls of modest means across our great country raced last night to beat the one-hour “deadline” by sending some of their hard-earned cash to this shameless charlatan, both responses would be fully in order.
metmike: This was nothing compared to the 40+ messages Trump sent to my email address!
And the author of this article miscalculated by several orders of magnitude when he said "hundreds of poor souls"
How about MILLIONS of poor souls and 250 million bucks!!
Now that his crimes, including treason and fleecing people out of hundreds of millions of dollars are being blatantly exposed, the victims will feel vindicated..........right?
Exactly wrong!
The victims are actually defending Trump and attacking anybody that exposes Trump, including me.
If they were allowed to pick Trump's punishment it would be to receive a 2nd iterm as president!
In fact, since Trump blatantly violated the Constitution and gets ravenous support for it from those that adore him, why stop at only a 2nd term?
Appoint Trump as president for life and give him unlimited power (-:
"These kinds of statements and fundraising appeals are pretty well lawyered," he said, noting that the appeals appeared to contain fine print that left the Trump campaign the leeway to use the money as it saw fit.
Other groups focused on the ethical problems with Trump's approach.
"It was grift, pure and simple, but on a massive scale," said Karen Hobert Flynn, president of Common Cause, in a prepared statement. "Donald Trump was not content to just ignore the will of the American people and attempt to steal the 2020 election in a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy. He was determined to make a lot of money doing it."
"In recent years, political campaigns have increasingly begun using a dubious fundraising tactic: promising donors their contributions will be matched by two, three, or even five times. Donald Trump’s campaign—the most prolific user of this ploy—went so far as to pledge to multiply contributions by a factor of 10. These type of fundraising appeals are almost never true, because strict contribution limits make donor-matching nearly impossible"
metmike: believing. Rather than just reading an article like this and not appreciating the profound dishonesty and the actual tactics, I've copied a dozen+ of Trump's actual attempts sent to my personal email in order to try to pilfer my money.
So far, none of our strong Trump supporters here will admit to falling for this scam.
mcfarm got extremely defensive and actually attacked me for having the problem here for showing the emails, which were Trumps words and images.............hmmmm.
mcfarm did what? I remember wondering why number 1 you would open political e-mails and telling neither me or my wife does...we delete them. And then wondering why if you are so offended why you actually saved them after being offended. that is all I recall to my response. Look it up if you want I am not going to waste time.
"Look it up if you want I am not going to waste time."
If you insist mcfarm. No need to go far because it's in this thread.
that is not the response I was referring to and if you had read it you would know that
250 million is not all that unusual when you consider that trump raised 1.96 Billion and Biden raised 1.69 Billion for the election
2020 Presidential Election Fundraising: Biden Vs. Trump : NPR
Thanks cutworm!
Actually, it's REALLY huge when raised in less than 2 months and for this fake cause.
Running for president is a REAL cause.
Running for president is the biggest fund raiser in politics and it accumulates funding for over a year.
The amount of money that Trump raised for this fake cause was around the same amount of money that he raised in an entire year for the legit 2016 election.
From your link:
That 250 million raised by Trumps fake cause in just 2 months, immediately following the 2020 election, exceeded the total fund raising for any politician in the House or the Senate that they accumulated over a period 10 times longer than 2 months!!!!
Who Raised the Most? House Candidates, 2019 - 2020
Representative | Office Running For | Total Raised |
Steve Scalise (R)* | Louisiana District 01 | $37,262,827 |
Kevin McCarthy (R)* | California District 23 | $27,780,644 |
Nancy Pelosi (D)* | California District 12 | $27,359,508 |
Devin Nunes (R)* | California District 22 | $26,825,212 |
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D)* | New York District 14 | $20,664,795 |
Dan Crenshaw (R)* | Texas District 02 | $19,427,865 |
Adam Schiff (D)* | California District 28 | $19,382,855 |
Jim Jordan (R)* | Ohio District 04 | $18,313,823 |
Katie Porter (D)* | California District 45 | $16,627,706 |
Elise Stefanik (R)* | New York District 21 | $13,287,248 |
Representative | Office Running For | Total Raised |
Jon Ossoff (D) | Georgia Senate | $153,630,112 |
Jaime Harrison (D) | South Carolina Senate | $130,542,234 |
Lindsey Graham (R)* | South Carolina Senate | $104,992,895 |
Mark Kelly (D)* | Arizona Senate | $99,846,963 |
David Perdue (R)* | Georgia Senate | $99,027,482 |
Amy McGrath (D) | Kentucky Senate | $94,120,557 |
Kelly Loeffler (R)* | Georgia Senate | $92,135,745 |
Sara Gideon (D) | Maine Senate | $74,498,517 |
Martha McSally (R)* | Arizona Senate | $71,385,147 |
Mitch McConnell (R)* | Kentucky Senate | $65,917,686 |