Is a 25th Amendment removal in Joe Biden’s future?
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Started by metmike - Nov. 2, 2022, 8:23 p.m.

All those efforts went nowhere. Yes, Trump can be unpredictable, moody, temperamental, undisciplined and occasionally downright crude, according to those who served under him. But I know several people who claim similar characteristics for their bosses.

Biden’s issues are substantively different. We frequently see him, after he has delivered a speech, wander off as if he doesn’t know where he is or where he’s supposed to go. Someone hurries over and takes his arm and points him in the right direction.

At times he’s lucid and in control, but at other times he seems baffled and confused. It’s not unusual to see this behavior in older people, and Biden turns 80 this month.

While many 80-plus seniors are still intellectually vigorous – famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz, for example, is 84 and still an intellectual powerhouse – Biden isn’t your average senior. He’s the president of the United States with two more years in office, and he’s hinting he wants four more years after that. If that is indeed mental decline we’re seeing, it will likely get worse.


It'll never happen. The House will impeach and no democrats will vote for it in the Senate which needs 2/3rd majority.

"he’s hinting he wants four more years after that"

Nobody can possibly believe that. Can they? He's pretending like politicians pretend and bs all the time.  The only person that Biden could beat in 2024 is Trump.

And the republicans are acting dumb enough to nominate Trump. 

There are hundreds of more qualified people to be president than these 2 men(even Hillary......seriously and I'm pretty negative on her). How did we get here?

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