2 glaring take a ways . First republicans should be embarrassed for letting this huge opportunity get away. Second single women should be totally embarrassed to walk into a poll with the complete mess the libs have brought first on the ballot and then go ahead and pull the lever for some of the most radical, leftist, idiots that ever have run for election. And not once or twice, this has happened all over the country. Single women in today's world we are told are intelligent, hard working, can go into any environment and do a man's work we are told and told. Well they best bring their brains with them next time because this country is a wreck with many predicting the real bad part is coming next. So sad to see these so called adults behave just like AOC and all the rest....like little children.
So sad to see these so called adults behave just like AOC and all the rest....like little children.
Thanks mcfarm,
Good point on some of our politicians behaving like children!
AOC believes in universal healthcare, which somehow makes her a radical.
Marjorie Taylor Greene believes powerful Jews are shooting lasers from outer space to start forrest fires in California last summer.
Mcfarm, you are absolutely right. But where do you think all these young people men and woman get these ideas? There are being indoctrinated in high school and colleges with our tax money. We have to take back our education system. Starting with the local level, let them know what you want your kids to be taught. In other words reading,writing and arithmetic. Its really sad that some adults pay $40,000 to send the kid to college for a degree in gender studys etc.
"AOC believes in universal healthcare, which somehow makes her a radical."
And Charles Manson believed in gravity but that didn't offset the serious problems with the guy, joj.
by John Bowden - 01/22/19 8:27 AM ET
hit the national stage & was just a fairly unknown House candidate frm NYC,she took time awy frm her campaign & came dwn to #Tornillo to protest the #tentcity housing migrant children.I made these previously unpublished fotos a yr ago today. #elpaso
And Bernie Sanders believes in universal healthcare too..........and he also believes this:
Bernie Sanders: ‘Major Cities Going Under Water’ in ‘8 or 9 Years’ Due to Climate Change
Craig Bannister | November 20, 2019
I'm an environmentalist and I also believe in universal heath care too like Bernie and AOC but, c'mon man the far left is in the Twilight Zone on energy, climate change, the border and a few other issues.
mcfarm's statement relating to how extreme and dishonest the far left is on several issues is exactly on the money.
Bernie and AOC are called socialists/communists because of safety net issues like healthcare, not climate. I know how important the issue is to you but it matters less to the general voting public in my opinion.
What I see is mostly rural America is mostly republican, urban America is mostly democrat except Dade County.
Having lived my whole life in rural areas I understand their position. But never having lived in a urban areas I cannot comprehend their position.
I agree completely that climate is not a big deal for most people, even though THEY want it to be a much bigger deal. So they flat out lie to try to scare people with blatant, verifiable fraud in order to accomplish that for their political agenda.
That's how it is for them. Say whatever you need to in order to push that political ideology.
You're right that the fake climate crisis is huge for me as an atmospheric scientist but you may be overlooking the biggest reason.
Like most people, you probably recognize the lies of the opposite party (Rs in this case) from a mile away...........and that causes that source to have less credibility for you.
How is it, joj that you know when AOC and Bernie(or other democrats) are lying about something and when they are telling the truth? When there is a blatant lie like these on the fake climate change, then it's ok for THEM to lie because they are Ds and you still believe other things they say...........because those are things you believe or want to believe in. As a result, you don't do as much vetting of their other stuff. When we already believe something........our brains allow all the new information that confirms it to get a free pass into the knowledge storage section.
When we affiliate strongly with one party, it's human nature to overlook bs from our party and still feel the bs-ing sources are very credible because they also state things that we want to believe in and solidly believe in for justified reasons. However, I'm not tethered to that mind set. When people like AOC and Bernie tell massive climate lies in an area of my expertise, their credibility falls off of a cliff because I know how extreme the difference is between their statements and the truth. Not exaggerations but astronomical, anti science lies. People that lie THAT BIG on one issue, lose most of their credibility on everything for me.
So my biggest reason to be so outspoken about the fake climate crisis is because I am an elite authority on the atmosphere. There's a ton of things I don't know and still much more to learn about climate but I recognize blatant, convincing sounding bs on the fake climate crisis that completely contradicts authentic science and the evidence/data..........because I HAVE THE DATA.
I feel its my responsibility to enlighten as many people as possible about the truth because of my understanding in this 1 realm. When good people are complacent and don't speak out, lies and evil are allowed to advance.
OK, this turned into another dissertation but the main point is echoed below.
Neither political party has a franchise on the truth.
If you believe one party all the time......................you will believe in lies some of the time.
"The trick is being able to tell the difference between the truth and the lies, then picking the truth from BOTH parties and rejecting their lies.
What makes that incredibly difficult to do is that the stronger your affiliation to a party is, the more blindly you embrace all the tenets of their belief system!
I can tell that you are somebody that greatly values the truth and honestly.
Do you believe that Bernie and AOC and Obama and all the other lefties are lying about the climate? Or do you believe they are misguided?
I can never be sure how much is embellishment, how much is lying and how much they sincerely believe.
That's completely impossible for me to say but I can evaluate the thinking for you.
In giving them the benefit of the doubt and assuming they really believe most of it (that I used to lean towards a decade+ ago when we didn't have as much data showing the climate optimum and planet greening up), today I have to also assume that they are either science idiots to say some of the alarmist stuff that they state or state it because lying for the cause has become the norm today.
But then, almost all the mainstream climate crisis stuff is complete hogwash. Maybe they are just lazy or don't have the time to fact check using authentic science, along with believing what they want to believe? Or, more likely, it fits with the agenda of their party, so like everybody else they believe everything that tells them what they want to hear and reject anything that contradicts it.
Being the leaders of their party, of course they will repeat things to reinforce the party line without questioning it. In fact, being very creative, they will make up their own versions and verbiage to get more attention and push it.
They clearly know that they are doing that part but how much is lying and how much is what they really believe?
Al Gore and Bill Nye(the science lie) are considered elite experts and spokesman on the climate crisis. Nye, falsely sells himself as a scientist and a person that understands climate science.
It's the same mindset trying to understand how much they really believe, how much is showmanship/alarmism to scare people to believe, how much is political agenda or self serving agenda(Gore may be the worlds first climate crisis spokesperson billionaire) and so on.
However, Gore and Nye gave us absolute proof that they will blatantly lie and defraud people for their climate crisis cause. Faking a CO2 experiment and using it to push junk science. This is as low as you can get in representing science.
Bill Nye the science Lie
Bill Nye-the Green New Deal
Then, there's the issue of blatant hypocrisy. Some of these people have several houses, Obama's is right on the ocean and they use 100 times more fossil fuels than the average person........while an honest environmentalist like me conserves natural resources/energy and is active in local environmentalism. I don't expect everything or them to be like me but they have alot of gall to preach things that hurt those who they pretend to care the most about.
Trust me on this one. The optimal level of CO2 for life on this planet based on authentic science is just over double the current level. Humans cutting back on fossil fuels will only keep life from fully enjoying the maximum benefits. And most life prefers it slightly warmer than this.
You can make the case for the oceans going up an inch/decade or Summers 1 deg. C hotter and heavier, extreme rain events and even some hurricanes being a bit stronger but the vast majority of life on this planet wants more CO2 not less.
But they tell US we need to cut out fossil fuels and the poor people are hurt the most by the higher energy bills. People they pretend to care about.........while they shist on the earth with their over consumption patterns.
Again, I can't tell you how much of their bs that they know is bs but ignorance and/or party affiliation is no excuse.
One of the worst things about their fake climate crisis that's supposedly killing the planet from CO2 emissions(that are greening up the planet) is that their solution is greatly helping to wreck/kill the planet.
Wind turbines, the source of energy from environmental hell.
The real environmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean-landfills/trash-over consumption of natural resources-REAL pollution in the air/soil/water-WIND TURBINES (metmike is a PRACTICING environmentalist): April 2019
joj, this is much more than about climate. It's about our energy production and delivery system, the lifeblood of every developed country's economy. The cost of everything is tethered to the cost of energy.
You want to control inflation? The best way to do that is with mass production of fossil fuels to lower the cost of energy.
AOC and Bernie's insanely fraudulent position on climate and fake environmentalism is the recipe to obliterate the future economic prospects of the US and continue upward pressure on inflation.
Do they really believe it?
Then we need to get rid of them or marginalize them ASAP before they cause more damage.
Do they know they're not representing authentic science/energy?
Then we need to get rid of them or marginalize them ASAP before they cause more damage.
As you know, I have no affiliation with either party. Am just an independent, objective scientist that bases every point on verifiable facts(empirical data), evidence and the principles of authentic science.
Everything in the threads below is based on that and you will rarely read or hear any of it on mainstream sources trying to sell the climate crisis.
Please read some or all of it and question anything that you think isn't the rock solid truth. If you have a good point(s), I will seriously consider it/them and dial it into my thinking, even making an adjustment if its valid.
Charles Payne on the economy and in particular, inflation: Biden's intentional war on fossil fuels energy disaster started by Obama. Why anti environmental and bird/bat killing wind and solar can NEVER come close to replacing fossil fuels. The cost = 433 Trillion!. Government forcing anti environmental wind/solar on the market. Stifling new investments in crude and natural gas. 2022
Life without petroleum based products: 6,000 products made with petroleum. Killing Coal. Fossil fuels and fertilizer. Biden praises high gasoline prices.
https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/84689/ 2022
NEW: Kerry wants to push back hard on energy infrastructure. Biden uses Defense Production Act for his solar agenda. Jaw dropping ignorance and hypocrisy on energy by leaders of the climate fraud. 2022
NEW: Biden causes natural gas prices to soar higher: Europe's self inflicted energy crisis. Killing US coal. E15 gas this Summer...increasing pollution and food inflation for political marketing. Fossil fuels are the life blood of civilization. 2022
Another secret about fossil fuels: Haber Bosch process-fertilizers feeding the planet using natural gas-doubling food production/crop yields. September 2019
Dutch farmers and nitrogen : Summer 2022
I believe the majority, nay, the overwhelming majority of the MAGA faithful truly believe that Trump won the 2020 election. I don't call them liars. Just misguided.
I don't think that the 100s of scientists from countries all over the world are liars. And I certainly don't think Obama, AOC and Bernie are liars, even if they are all wrong.
But if it pleases you then continue to call them liars as you have been doing these past years.
Choose to believe what you want and ignore all of my points and as a result completely MIScharacterize me the way that you want, joj.
There's nothing for me to add. I was crystal clear on everything in the previous post.
"How is it, joj that you know when AOC and Bernie(or other democrats) are lying about something and when they are telling the truth? When there is a blatant lie like these on the fake climate change, then it's ok for THEM to lie because they are Ds and you still believe other things they say."
Sorry if I mischaracterized your above quote. I thought I understood you to call them liars. My apologies.
thanks, joj,
Fine if you want to pick out 1 paragraph that represents a small portion of what I stated and ignore the rest.
Do you believe that Bernie and AOC and Obama and all the other lefties are lying about the climate? Or do you believe they are misguided?
This was my more complete answer
I can never be sure how much is embellishment, how much is lying and how much they sincerely believe.
That's completely impossible for me to say but I can evaluate the thinking for you.
AOC and Bernie's insanely fraudulent position on climate and fake environmentalism is the recipe to obliterate the future economic prospects of the US and continue upward pressure on inflation.
Do they really believe it?
Then we need to get rid of them or marginalize them ASAP before they cause more damage.
Do they know they're not representing authentic science/energy?
Then we need to get rid of them or marginalize them ASAP before they cause more damage.
As you know, I have no affiliation with either party. Am just an independent, objective scientist that bases every point on verifiable facts(empirical data), evidence and the principles of authentic science.
Again, I can't tell you how much of their bs that they know is bs but ignorance and/or party affiliation is no excuse.
As you know, I have no affiliation with either party. Am just an independent, objective scientist that bases every point on verifiable facts(empirical data), evidence and the principles of authentic science.
Everything in the threads below is based on that and you will rarely read or hear any of it on mainstream sources trying to sell the climate crisis.
Please read some or all of it and question anything that you think isn't the rock solid truth. If you have a good point(s), I will seriously consider it/them and dial it into my thinking, even making an adjustment if its valid.
Out of the 100+ threads and 1,000+ posts, that I've made on this topic, maybe you can point out some things that I have wrong about the fake climate crisis, since this completely disagrees with everything that your sources state. So there MUST be some things that you think that I have wrong.
However I still provided clear examples of blatant/PROVEN lying from an intentionally faked CO2 science experiment done by
1. Gore and
2. Nye.
3. Sanders was lying about major cities being under water in 7 or 8 years.
4. AOC was lying about the world ending in 12 years.
5. The WaPo just awarded Biden the bottomless Pinnochio award for his lies and I hardly know where to start on his climate and energy lies https://www.marketforum.com/forum/topic/89811/
6. You want Obama to be in here too. There are many examples that seem hard to imagine he believes. For instance, his very dishonest depiction of the deal he made to get China on board with the Climate Accord was obviously knowingly deceptive.
7. John Kerry is another one:
What would cause you to think that's these are the only times that they lied about the climate crisis?
Again, I have no idea where the lies end and sincerely believing in something that's wrong begins for these 7 people and many more.
Is that what's important to you about this topic?
That metmike is unfairly accusing all these people who are DEMOCRATS of lying?
I call that tribalism.
Again, tell me what I have wrong about the science, please.
Claiming that XXXX number of scientists believe in the climate crisis is a convincing sounding rhetorical weapon used by democrats to assert proof of something without actually having to prove….or even discuss the proof of it.
The 97% number that we‘ve often heard repeated is extremely dishonest/distorted.
probably Most people repeating it are completely convinced that it’s true, including the 7 people above.
"Again, tell me what I have wrong about the science, please."
I'm not even close to being qualified to debating you about the science of climate change. As I have previously stated, I am agnostic on this issue. What I would find interesting would be for you to invite an expert from the other side of this debate on this forum (or any forum).
I tend to doubt they are lying because asking people to sacrifice is a political loser. Just ask Walter Mondale who said taxes would have to be raised to put our fiscal house in order. He lost 49 states to Reagan in '84.
You still offer no proof that AOC or Bernie are lying when they say the world is coming to an end. You offer reams of proof that they are patently stating something that is false. But you continue to call them liars. Perhaps you have a little tribalism in you ? You are human. Are you not?
I guess one could make the same argument with me regarding Trump. Maybe he really believes he won the 2020 election.
"You still offer no proof that AOC or Bernie are lying when they say the world is coming to an end"
OK, I get it now. You're playing me (-:
I deserve it for getting carried away on such absurdity. With your definition, politicians could actually be one of the worlds most honest professions that features people that are all just mistaken about the world around them.
Time to move on.
On a lighter note:
World's Biggest Liar is an annual competition for telling lies, held in Cumbria, England. Competitors from around the world have five minutes to tell the biggest and most convincing lie they can.[1] Competition rules bar the use of props or scripts. Politicians and lawyers are not allowed to enter the competition, because "they are judged to be too skilled at telling porkies".
That's not the only place that is having some fun with this:
I keep forgetting to add this:
Voters chose to protect abortion rights in all five states with abortion-related measures on their ballots
The Supreme Court’s decision to reverse nearly fifty years of precedent and send the abortion issue back to the states sent shock waves throughout the country. During the summer months the implications of that decision were widely held to be helping the Democrats in what had been shaping up to be a dismal midterm election year. In some states voter registration of women surged. But by Labor Day the conventional wisdom had swung back. No, insisted most pundits, abortion wouldn’t drive many votes, but inflation would.
How wrong they were.
The first indication came early on election night in CNN’s exit polls. To the obvious surprise of the on-air talent, abortion came in a close second to inflation: 31% said inflation was their top issue but 27% said abortion was. Despite late pre-election polls showing abortion sinking to third or fourth place or disappearing, there are several reasons why the issue never really went away.
First, there are a lot of women in America, they are evenly distributed across the country, and they consistently vote more often than men—as the following table from our colleague Bill Frey here at Brookings illustrates.
The speaker said she has heard people saying they voted only because of the attack on her husband.
“We’ve been so comforted by the outpouring of so many prayers and good wishes, and even people saying, ‘I wasn’t going to vote, but now I’m going to vote, because this has gone too far,’” Pelosi told host George Stephanopoulos on ABC’s “This Week.”
A clever summary of the election I heard from conservative columnist David Brooks:
“Voters decided to vote for the party that was out of touch rather than the party that was out of their minds.”
Brooks was widely regarded as a moderate conservative. Although he agreed with neoconservatives that the United States should use its military might to advance its interests abroad, he supported limited government regulation of the economy and even championed some liberal causes, such as same-sex marriage.
I like that one a lot, joj!
In thinking about this more and more, it’s extraordinarily concerning about our country’s future and that of the western world.
peoples perceptions are no longer anchored to realities.
the scariest thing is that the country with the best grip on economic and energy realities and positioned to….actually, destined to become THE top global power is also a humanitarian backwards country….China.
it’s just a matter of time With the current trajectories.
our elections have become less about who can lead us to prosperity and progress and more about …choices between the lesser of 2 evils being played out, over and over.
and the choices, in many cases getting gradually worse with time And our country becoming more and more divisive and extreme on both ends.
in trading, the trend is your friend if you place Your bets in the same direction as the trend.
however, in some realms, like politics, the current trend is our enemy. it’ll be our demise on the current trajectory.
things seem pretty bad now but they can still get MUCH worst.
the most reliable indicator of the future path?
The current trend!
all seems true MM. May be why more and more are getting behind DeSantis. Seems he has the policy and not much ego. Straight shooter, not much arrogance or attitude. Positive leader without the Trump hype and by the way although a young 76 Trump is going to be 76 and that is just plain too old. Just look what our failing leader did in front of out biggest enemy this week for a reminder. He never misses an opportunity to leave all Americans red faced in shame. Yes weakness is a provocative and dangerous place to be for this country.