Let's start out by making it clear, that there are many major environmental problems on this planet:
The real environmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean-landfills/trash-over consumption of natural resources-REAL pollution in the air/soil/water-WIND TURBINES (metmike is a PRACTICING environmentalist): April 2019
This celebration that originated over legit environmental causes, has been hijacked by a bs, fake climate crisis movement which is siphoning off most of the funding that was previously used to fight real pollution and real environmental problems.
Today, we have similar concerns, and unfortunately they are even messier than that original oil spill. Increasing natural disasters, extreme weather, and rising global temperatures may seem impossible for one human, let alone millions or even billions of humans, to slow down, or stop. It has been reported that coral reefs are dying,
Their so called climate crisis is greening up the planet during the best weather/climate for life in the last 1,000+ years.......an authentic scientific climate OPTIMUM for life.
Figure 2. Average annual climate-related (blue line) and non-climate-related (red line) deaths in natural disasters. Data from OFDA/CRED International Disaster Database
Death by Greening:
The Holocene climate OPTIMUM based on authentic science that featured temperatures 2 deg. C WARMER THAN THIS in the higher latitudes and LESS ARCTIC SEA ICE, just 9,000-5,000 years ago:
Of 140 sites across the western Arctic, there is clear evidence for conditions that were warmer than now at 120 sites. At 16 sites for which quantitative estimates have been obtained, local temperatures were on average 1.6±0.8 °C higher during the optimum than now. Northwestern North America reached peak warmth first, from 11,000 to 9,000 years ago, but the Laurentide Ice Sheet still chilled eastern Canada. Northeastern North America experienced peak warming 4,000 years later. Along the Arctic Coastal Plain in Alaska, there are indications of summer temperatures 2–3 °C warmer than now.[9] Research indicates that the Arctic had less sea ice than now.[10]
UN warns of food shortage
11 responses |
Started by metmike - Aug. 24, 2022, 10:34 a.m.
Release date: 08/07/2022
FAO’s forecast for global cereal production in 2022 has been raised by 7 million tonnes in July from the previous month and is now pegged at 2 792 million tonnes, however, still 0.6 percent short of the world output in 2021.
The month-on-month increase predominantly rests on a 6.4-million-tonne upward revision made to the coarse grain production forecast, with the world output seen reaching 1 501 million tonnes in 2022, only 0.5 percent below the 2021 outturn. Prospects were bolstered this month by reports indicating large maize plantings in China (mainland) and India.
This is what the science being covered up by the gatekeepers of the fake climate crisis information actually shows:
Here are most of the studies(hundreds on the map below), that by a wide margin, show that the Medieval Warm Period was this warm or warmer than this. Most of them done before climate science was hijacked.
Over 100 studies from the Medieval Warm Period, most of which show the planet was this warm or warmer 1,000 years ago. It was also this warm 2,000 years ago during the Roman Warm Period and also just over 3,000 years ago, during the Minoan Warm period.
Medieval Warm Period Project:
MWP-CWP Qualitative Temperature Differentials - CO2 Science Figure Description: The distribution of Level 2 Studies that allow one to determine whether peak Medieval Warm Period temperatures were warmer than (red), equivalent ... |
Where did the data from the bar graphs above come from so that we know that this is the authentic science vs the one that the MSM and dems describe with the fake climate crisis(where they can't show the data to prove)?
List of Scientists Whose Work We Cite:
List of Research Institutions Associated With the Work We Cite
For the Medieval Warm Period compared to today below:
Red balloons showed it was warmer.
Blue was colder than today(in that study)
Green was wetter/more precip
Yellow was drier
If you go to the link below, you can hit those individual balloons and get each individual study:
I listened to NPR programming yesterday on an 8 hour drive to Detroit. They were doing an early celebration of Earth day. They might as well have called it "Propaganda Day"
They had an "expert' on to talk about climate justice. Telling us that minorities are suffering the most from food insecurity caused by humans burning fossil fuels with CO2 emissions and crop shortfalls because of the extreme weather caused by climate change.
This would be like people insisting that Babe Ruth was ruining major league baseball by hitting so many home runs (-:
Fact is that the CO2, by itself as an effective, global fertilizer to all plants/crops has increased global food production by double digits. Climate change has featured the best weather to grow crops in over 1,000 years.
Then there's the synthetic fertilizer made with fossil fuels feeding billions of people.
Fossil fuels have more than doubled food production.
Anothersecret about fossil fuels: Haber Bosch process-fertilizers feeding the planet using natural gas-doubling food production/crop yields.
food production/crop yields. September 2019
Dutch farmers and nitrogen
24 responses |
Started by metmike - July 7, 2022, 8:49 p.m.
Below: Look what happened to corn crop yields when we started adding synthetic nitrogen fertilizers to the soils that is made with natural gas.
Adding CO2 to the air is also having a huge fertilization affect on plants.
Nitrogen in the corn plant:
Science corruption
Coral reefs are NOT dying as they claim. Here's the authentic science:
The title of this thread should really be SAD Earth Day.
A wonderful cause that got hijacked by the fake climate crisis crowd for crony capitalism, political/government agenda, media sensationalizing for ratings/profits and corrupted science funding.
Almost nobody has the scientific data or atmospheric scientist/agronomist/oceanographer expertise to fact check all this complete manure.........so it was an easy brainwash for the charlatans to impose using propaganda, DISinformation and junk science.
Related recent threads:
Wind turbines killing whales too
16 responses |
Started by metmike - Jan. 13, 2023, 10:07 p.m.
Energy transition is a hoax
Started by metmike - April 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m.
A Simple Reason Why Net Zero Is Impossible
Started by metmike - March 19, 2023, 1:38 a.m.
Climate Crisis: short on proof, drowning in nonsense
10 responses |
Started by metmike - Feb. 28, 2023, 2:23 p.m.
Are Electric Vehicles About To Sweep The Country?
17 responses |
Started by metmike - Feb. 27, 2023, 1:50 a.m.
got to hear more earth day programming on NPR getting Subway from my Dads place.
they talked about the plight of the right whales in the North Atlantic.
this is a serious crisis for these whales with numbers down to the hundreds left.
but NPR wants to blame it all on the ocean warming up 1 deg from climate change.
no mention about the hundreds of whales turning up dead recently, likely from the wind turbine surveys and activity.
Wind turbines killing whales too
16 responses |
Started by metmike - Jan. 13, 2023, 10:07 p.m.
we are killing our planet with actions that are being sold as being designed to save it.
wind turbines are the most anti green, anti environmental energy of all….by a very wide margin.
it generates diffuse/weak, unreliable energy, tears up the earth to get millions of tons of raw materials(with solar and batteries) most of which are owned by China.
then, those monstrosities that destroy the landscape and kill birds, bats and whales only last for 25 years. After that, they fill up landfills and new ones need to be built to replace them.
a blatant display of crony capitalism based on government funding/subsidies and tax breaks along with government policy mandates forcing them on the markets.
they would not make it in free markets with a level playing field with the extremely superior fossil fuels.
"has been hijacked by a bs, fake climate crisis movement " THO' FAR FROM FUNNY! LOLOLOLOLOL
These people are for real! Not a comedy act.
On this Earth Day, it's still an open question to what degree our planet will remain habitable in the coming years.
To increase chances that it will, it's critical to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy internationally
Jaw dropping ignorance and lies/propaganda about the current climate OPTIMUM!
Does this graph below from the global authority on authentic energy information look anything like we are going to replace fossil fuels?
The EIA knows there's a 0% chance of it happening as does every person that doesn't have a brain captured by the laughable lies and science fiction about renewables that features impossible promises which defy the physical laws of science, energy and economics.
Energy transition is a hoax
Started by metmike - April 15, 2023, 5:50 p.m.
There Is No Energy Transition, Just Energy Addition
While wind and solar power are taking a larger piece out of a growing world primary energy pie, fossil fuels are expected to have more absolute growth through 2050.
As Liberty Energy CEO Chris Wright explained in his viral video a few weeks ago, dishonest terminology surrounds the climate debate. One of these terms is “Energy Transition”. The term’s use gives the impression that there exists a quick, easy and scalable alternative to eliminate fossil fuel use without serious impact on people.
Current primary energy distribution by source, and forecasts by organizations like the EIA in their International Energy Outlook 2021, show that this “energy transition” is non-existent. As you can see in the title graph above, and also in Liberty’s ESG report on Bettering Human Lives, no present quantity of primary energy generated by oil or gas is currently replaced by renewables. A couple of headlines from the report that you don’t hear a lot:
The reason for this growth is simple: fossil fuels are abundant, cheap and efficient to provide reliable and dense energy at scale. They have helped to generate a quality-of-life revolution for a portion of humanity, and people in poverty who have missed out on this blessing rightfully want what you and I already have.
Biden is turning it up a notch
"Environmental justice will be the mission of the entire government!"
Quote from President Biden.
If this was an honest endeavor, I would be celebrating it.
Which one of these environmental crisis's below will the government and Biden be addressing??
Answer: It will not be addressing any crisis, it is the cause of our biggest crisis!!
The real environmental crisis's/insects dying-dead zones-aquifers drying up-plastics in the ocean-landfills/trash-over consumption of natural resources-REAL pollution in the air/soil/water-WIND TURBINES (metmike is a PRACTICING environmentalist): April 2019
How about his climate bill WRECKING the planet. We are destroying the planet to supposedly save it.
Wind turbines for instance. Destroying landscapes, killing birds, bats and whales. Filling landfills, needing to be replaced after 25 years. Providing diffuse, intermittent, expensive energy.
Lithium Batteries, Cobalt and the Congo
Started by joj - Jan. 5, 2023, 7:53 p.m.
Wind turbines killing whales too
16 responses |
Started by metmike - Jan. 13, 2023, 10:07 p.m.
All of this to support crony capitalism, government/political agenda using corrupted United Nations defined science based on the annual IPCC climate bible reports.
Science corruption
19 responses |
Started by metmike - March 20, 2023, 5:50 p.m.
Biden has created an entirely new governmental department and has new legislation/spending programs that will cost trillions during this decade.........to wreck the planet and destroy our energy delivery system.
Fossil fuels are the life blood of every developed countries economy, so doing this will also cause a major toll on our economy.