I can't remember the last time that there were this many stories from an event like this the previous day, when I did a Google search. I copied 1 of many hundreds above and below.
Every news organization around the world carried this as their top headline. This means hundreds of thousands of positive headlines around the globe related to this 1 short speech from Biden telling us how he averted the crisis, how America is great and how ALL HIS policies are making it greater, including a big lie about the true cost of his disastrous solar and wind energy agenda. https://heartland.org/opinion/wind-power-and-solar-power-arent-cheaper-than-coal-or-natural-gas/
But make no mistake, on face value this was a wonderful, uplifting speech, the kind of which would have resulted in President Biden having a favorable rating, instead of unfavorable rating..........even by millions in his own D party.....if only this were the REAL JOE BIDEN during his 2+ years as president.
More about this public relations/marketing scheme on the next page(s).
Heard on All Things Considered
SUMMERS: President Biden did something tonight that he has never done before. He delivered a formal Oval Office address to the nation, capping a week where Congress passed legislation to raise the debt limit. He plans to sign it into law tomorrow.
SUMMERS: So this was, as we mentioned, Biden's first Oval Office address. Why are they so rare?
KEITH: You know, they haven't always been. But in recent years, TV networks have been reluctant to give up airtime, especially for speeches that could veer into overly political territory. Still, some of the most iconic recent presidential speeches have been delivered from the Oval - think George W. Bush on 9/11 or even former President Trump on March 12, 2020, shutting down air travel as the coronavirus pandemic took hold. And in fact, that was the last Oval Office address until tonight. Now, this speech from President Biden, will it stand the test of time? Will we be talking about it later as iconic? I'm not so sure about that.
Here's the political speech yesterday, June 2, 2023 given by a person that took over Biden's body/brain last night (-:
Compare that to a very recent speech given by the REAL Joe Biden, spewing racial division and hatred to black graduates at Howard University.
By metmike - May 14, 2023, 9:18 p.m.
And now, a copy of the worst commencement speech that I've read/heard in my life:
Biden blatantly using the race of his audience and main topic of his speech as a political weapon.
Mainly a pontificating, disingenuous old man bragging about his accomplishments to convince the crowd that he's a great minority rights crusader. Struggling to read from a teleprompter some of the time as he focused on race. Telling the all black graduation class about how they are facing an extremely racist America today and how White Supremacy is the biggest threat to their lives.
Violating numerous principles from the previous pages on what makes a successful commencement speech:
And we expect this person to lead our country?
Just another example(of hundreds) of him demonstrating his loss of communication skills and ability to communicate positive ideas effectively(that he was once gifted at) makes him unqualified to be president.
As everybody knows, President Biden is getting swallowed up with negative things hitting him hard from different directions.
1. The Biden family corruption scandal with him the king pin as "the big guy". The walls are closing in!
2. Joe's competence mentally and physically.
3. We all understand the aging process and have compassion for the elderly and physically/mentally handicapped who, thru no fault of their own are compromised and can't do the same things we can do or the same things they were once skilled at. But we don't have compassion for people that blatantly lie and cover up facts of any kind based on taking us for ignorant fools that don't have eyes/ears and a brain.
4. The flawed agenda and incompetence of this administration to manage things like the Southern Border........telling us for months that its not a crisis and is no worse then previous administration. The fake climate crisis and economy/environmental wrecking fake green energy fraud for crony capitalism and government corruption and US vs Russia war using Ukraine as the battle field and Ukrainians to fight it are what bother me the most, personally but most people would disagree with me. I think most would agree that VP Harris has been a massive disappointment.
5. This has led to continually lower and lower ratings. Part of that is the fact that Biden has taken on a very combative, negative not likeable persona. He used to be a very likeable guy as VP. His personality has morphed into being much less likeable. If we were to insert President Obama into the exact same situation or Reagan or Clinton or anybody with their natural likeability and gift to charm people every time they speak..... everything else the exact same, Biden's ratings would be 20+ points higher. Biden 10 years younger as VP would have ratings 10+ points higher.
Those 5 items on the last page are plenty more than needed to completely sink any reasonable chance for being elected for a 2nd term as president............at any other point in our counties history.
However, in 2023, we live in the age of manufactured realities.
For instance, the best weather and climate for life on this planet in over 1,000 years and best beneficial CO2 levels since humans have existed, an authentic climate optimum for most life by almost every objective scientific standard has been twisted into a climate crisis that's killing the planet (which is massively greening up).
The gatekeepers that control the messages have just manufactured decades worth of junk science spins about the 1 deg. C of warming and its impacts, ignoring that most life has always done BETTER with temperatures up to 2 deg. C WARMER than this.
There are many dozen more examples using this principle but that one is the biggest in history.
Yesterday's speech by President Biden was another example.
Taking a guy getting obliterated for being who he is and his positions as already noted.........and make up a new guy and hope people don't notice the difference.
The speech by Biden was written by somebody else (nothing new for him) but if you watched, almost everybody must have been thinking "something is different about Joe tonight"
Most probably agreed that it was a great speech. Dems even agreed on him using this venue to campaign for re election(ok, since most don't want him-maybe not but they liked his messaging).
All have to agree that the combative Joe Biden with his constant fear mongering, anger and attacking MAGA and the far right with resentment politics (the failing strategy) suddenly was reinvented and overnight became..........
The newly invented President Biden, Mr. Nice and friendly and positive guy, fake laughing and talking about uniting the country instead of vilifying the political enemies.
His entire written speech, practiced numerous times was specifically choreographed with completely fake smiles and laughs along the way that were obviously NOT sincere.
You can teach and practice a choreographed speech and where to smile and laugh but YOU CAN'T TEACH charisma. Joe once had much more of it. He can take all the dementia meds he wants in order to do his best for a speech like this but it also takes away some personality and charisma. That was President Biden last night.
Joe's sudden conversion to uniting the country after attacking the other side relentlessly for 2+ years and was fake out the wazoo.
His handlers deserve tremendous credit to come up with this brilliant damage control scheme. There are likely millions of gullible Americans that will buy this........hook-line and sinker.
The reason is that elite charlatan Joe Biden was telling them things they wanted to hear!
The greatest charlatans in the world are the best at doing this:
This article is more than 8 months old
In a primetime address, the president further said the Republican party was ‘dominated, driven and intimidated’ by Trump
I actually agree with many of his points above. I've made them a zillion times here. However, I'm not the president representing the entire country and I don't turn from Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde with my speeches like he suddenly did last night.
My job isn't to try to try to unite everybody that comes here and I try to make it clear when vehemently attacking Trump that its nothing personal against posters/readers here.
Biden dedicating an entire fiery speech to personally attacking many tens of millions of Americans that disagree with his politics was one of the most polarizing speeches in presidential history.
Which one is the real Biden?
42% of the opposite party is a huge number!
That previous anti MAGA speech was discussed at some length here withwonderful comments from all sides:
Biden tonight at 7pm
17 responses |
Started by metmike - Sept. 1, 2022, 1:13 p.m.
Let me clarify my position here 9 months later with additional insight.
Biden was using an extremely divisive political tactic often called "resentment politics" Last September before the elections to generate votes for his side.
You get people to support you/your side by getting them to hate/resent the other side.
Negative political ads on tv use this strategy and have been around for a long time but in recent years, dominate(sadly).
But there's a huge difference between an ad attacking a candidate that viewers know came from the opposition compared to an individual person attacking their opposing candidate.
And making it 20 times worse was Biden personally attacking the tens of millions of individuals who support the opposition.
Can you imagine, if it comes down to Trump vs Biden in 2024, seeing political adds on tv to generate votes for Trump coming in the form of personally attacking people that support Biden or vice versa?
Or Trump himself making the personal attacks in the ads, on not just Biden but everybody that supports Biden and for the reasons that they support Biden.
But making it so much worse of all here is that Biden was speaking as the president of the United States and stating his personal opinion to attack personally, tens of millions of citizens that pay taxes and fund his programs as well as pay his salary.
We get that he disagrees with much of the politics of what they stand for but he was using personal, resentment politics while working for the American people to vilify tens of millions of people that disagree with him and knowing it would cause some of those being attacked to hate him (more) and not one of them to join his side.
At the same time, it exploited the situation to intentionally generate more hate towards MAGA people so that this would generate more NOT the MAGA person votes on election day.
A president of the United States participating in this dishonorable strategy is abusing their power and commitment to serve our country.
How did we get so far off track, with this anti MAGA speech?
The point is to show that Biden is just a fake political chameleon that will say anything (including incredible lies about his own corruption) and put on a big act, like that one yesterday to bamboozle people into buying his snake oil.
This was Joe Biden lying his arse off in 1988 about his credentials and showing how confrontational (arrogant) he can be. Fact checking and this type of response caused his demise when running for president the first time.
I love Joe Biden in this video. I would have voted for him back then, listening to this:
Compare that Joe Biden with last night's Joe Biden. The one in 2023 is just a shell compared to Joe Biden in his prime and should have retired many years ago .......before he destroyed his own legacy.
Again, an issue with people from his own party that would love to support him but want him to NOT run is that they don't like being lied to about the reality of this over the hill Joe Biden.