AND, NOW ~ YOU'RE TELLING ME: "Based on beach-gate and the budget, Christie should be "your man". UMMMMMMMM ~ I DON'T NEED YOU, NOR ANYONE ELSE FOR THAT MATTER. TO CHOOSE MY MEN FOR ME.
Thanks, Jean!
Suit yourself. Block out things you don't want to be true and don't want to know and repeat things you want to be true. Like I stated last evening:
I extremely welcome posts like this here because, otherwise Trump supporters will all go to their favorite far right sites to get news which gives them what they want to read and hear about President Trump and never have the opportunity to see the objective truths.
Most people can't get past their cognitive biases(I fight mine every day by applying the scientific method) and will squander that opportunity.
All I can do is provide the opportunities with sincere enlightening objectives and love for everybody here, especially those that disagree with me(which teach me stuff too).
Jim Jordan and FOX news lie their butts off about the egregious violations by Trump to keep the captured brains watching just them to get the news they want to hear.
It's no wonder people like Jean and mcfarm, that WANT TO believe this can't tell the truth from lies!
There are several ways to prove that Trump caused this intentionally to himself to make the FBI treat him different than Biden and Pence in order to create a false victim-hood narrative as discussed previously.
Here's another one.
1. Biden after documents were found: "I should not have had them" and he immediately gave all of them up.
2. Pence after the documents were found: "I should not have had them" and he immediately gave them up.
3. Trump after the documents were found: "The documents belong to me. I have the (totally make believe) power to declassify all documents that I want by just thinking about it(seriously, he made that delusional statement numerous times).
They had to get a search warrant and TAKE the documents from him because he refused to give them up and he tried to hide other boxes of classified documents that also belong to the government and not Trump. He did everything possible to keep the government of the United States from getting the records of these unlawfully held sensitive, classified records back.
Why would Trump do that and not act like the first 2 people above?
you kipped right over a couple problems there MM. Trump was President, he had the absolute right to be involved with Presidential papers. Biden was not. Hil was not. If you are going after Trump better go after all who erred. Period. Next problem is the access Hunter had and what he did with that access....big problem that has never been explained and bigger problem because the way our FBI and DOJ operate now days it was most likely {like a 100%} not even investigated. Also I have watched very closely and never ever seen anything printed about when, how or why, as you state Biden and Pence immediately returned all documents. We will never know the answer to that, be honest and admit that. You know why too, as the FBI and DOJ were operateding with the 2 tired justice system, Would it really surprise anyone if tomorrow it was announced that suddenly they found tons more in another Biden office, home, garage, boat or car?
Jean/mcfarm and other Trump supporters of faith:
I've read the entire bible, most passages more than once. Went to Catholic school for 12 years and taught religious education for 15+ years.
Also hosted bible studies at our house for a decade.
Let me speak to you in those terms as I know your faith is extremely important.
Good Life Journal – 2 Corinthians 11
[13] For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. [14] And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. [15] So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.
"We need to all be very aware of what is going on around us. False apostles will have smooth speech and apparent wisdom but be motivated by power, greed or some other ungodly motivation. They will add or remove from the God breathed Word as thy see fit to meet their need."
As an adult, Trump rarely speaks of his religion. When pressed, he stumbles when asked about tenets of the Christian faith. This is, perhaps, because of his distaste for it. Trump biographer and author of The Big Cheat, David Cay Johnston told me, "In his book Think Big, Trump goes on for six pages denouncing Christians as 'fools,' 'idiots,' and 'schmucks.'"
During the 2016 campaign, Trump wasn't truthful about continuing to attend Marble Collegiate Church—forcing Marble to refute that assertion in a statement. Although he claims to be a devout follower of Christ, he typically declined to share a favorite verse or testament of the Bible. For instance, when trying to appease a reporter on the topic, Trump cited "an eye for an eye" as a favorite verse—retribution explicitly condemned by Jesus (Matthew 5:38-48). Moreover, his reverence for revenge is apparently so central to his modus operandi, he devoted a chapter in his book—Think Big—to the importance of retribution and the necessity to "screw them back in spades."
metmike: One only has to have open eyes and ears and a brain to see that Trump practices ANTI Christianity principles across the board in his personal and professional life.
Sadly, worshiping Trump is the new political religion for half the Rs who don't have open eyes. ears or objective minds. They only have blind faith in Trump religion.
Idolatry is the worship of a cult image or "idol" as though it were God.[1][2][3] In Abrahamic religions (namely Judaism, Samaritanism, Christianity, the Baháʼí Faith, and Islam) idolatry connotes the worship of something or someone other than the Abrahamic god as if it were God.[4][5] In these monotheistic religions, idolatry has been considered as the "worship of false gods" and is forbidden by texts such as the Ten Commandments.[4] Other monotheistic religions may apply similar rules
Like the psychotic king of charlatans himself stated:
Trump: I could shoot somebody and not lose voters
I see everything with crystal clarity!
Even in the face of the most insanely wrong, illegal and anti Constitutional behavior by Trump..........your response is always to defend him.
There are none so blind as those who will not see
You're letting Trump divide and destroy your party for his diabolical self serving interests but are completely oblivious to it.
Just a reminder that my posts/messages are delivered with an open heart/love and sincerity to use for enlightenment using facts/evidence to discern authentic truths.
I would rather you answer my questions posted than preach to me. I notice you skipped right over that part. And no where in that post did I defend Trump. And you are correct beware of false prophets, Never in our countrys great history have the FBI and DOJ been caught so red handed, so many tines, with such critically callous law breaking andpreaching such falsehoods
"I would rather you answer my questions posted than preach to me. I notice you skipped right over that part" .....you kipped right over a couple problems there MM. Trump was President, he had the absolute right"
OK, mcfarm, since you want to press it, I'll be glad to engage again even though I covered this same ground numerous times in other threads.
Your bogus sources, including Trump have obviously convinced you to believe bs and you think you're right to the point of arguing over it.......again.
You've known me for many years here and I don't take positions unless there's conclusive evidence. I will change speculative theories but indisputable facts and evidence are............indisputable.
In this case, even with the most generous application to a presidents powers to de-classify documents, Trump blatantly disregarded what the iron clad protocol would have been.
That's in addition to having them all in unsecured locations and some types of documents never allowed.
That's in addition to continuing to ignore these rules after he got busted and refusing to return the US governments documents. He is very delusional.
Here's an authoritative very knowledgeable source. I know that you only believe sources, mostly far right that tell you what you want to hear but this puts it in objective context and is pretty definitive with regards to several infractions that Trump blatantly violated.
In the 37-count indictment unsealed Friday, federal officials say Trump stored classified documents in a bathroom and suggested his lawyers not cooperate with a subpoena.
What is it that you don't get here. This is insanely egregious!
Other than you're going to places that are bald faced lying to you, including Trump.
Somehow, it doesn't strike you as a problem or odd that an ex president needs hundreds of boxes of classified documents, some with top secrets related to our national defense at his residence? In his bathroom and so on and repeatedly refused to give them up, intentionally forcing the DOJ to obtain search warrants and TAKE THEM away from Trump.
It's the DOJ with the problem and not trump??????
If Trump sincerely believes in some impossible reason to have all these documents, then he's extremely psychotic.
The craziest thing about this situation is that a man thats crystal clearly by all objective psychological standards either severely psychotic or extremely diabolical based by what we know with certainty about him by his actions and words...... is controlling over half the R party.
The normal path that this would take is people would try to get him comprehensive psychological treatment, including strong meds, therapy and possibly at an in patient facility to help him recover and regain his ability to see realities that the rest of the human race(not in his cult) see.
Instead, over half the R party that he has converted into a cult, wants to make him the president of the United States.
This is the craziest political dynamic in US history by a wide margin!
Including wacko beliefs like Ray Epps, was a plant from the FBI who incited/caused the riot on Jan. 6th to frame Trump who did nothing wrong and in fact, Trump supposedly ordered the national guard to control the people but Pelosi called them off.
This is just loony tunes science fiction. These people are destroying your party mcfarm and using Rs to do it for their own self enriching objectives.
They are all afraid of Trump who is easily the most evil politician in American history.
I don't believe in the devil anymore but if I did, Trump would be controlled by him.
Trump has you so convinced that the DOJ is always the enemy that he's using it to completely control you.
The entire R party are the real victims. The majority, that are in the Trump cult that are controlling the party AND even worse, the Rs NOT in the cult with ethical standards and great agenda that don't have enough power to restore sanity to the party.
Again, Donald Trump is the best friend of the D party. He turns many of their candidates into NOT Donald Trump votes which results in millions of votes switching to the D candidates if they are running against a MAGA candidate.
Trump cost your party several R reps in the House and Senate last November by backing them.
This is all stuff I've mentioned dozens of time here and you will just go back to your sources to hear them tell you none of it is true and continue to embrace the lies but you asked for me to respond specifically to the reasoning for why you are dead wrong......again.
That dispute was clearly settled as was the 2020 election.
I actually spend most of my time now, analyzing WHY such a dynfunctional, destructive dynamic exists with the Trump cult. Analyzing the reasons Trump does it, the methods that he uses, the pathological thinking that exists in him and those that follow him.
The consequences/damage that it does and so on.
you kipped right over a couple problems there MM. Trump was President, he had the absolute right to be involved with Presidential papers. Biden was not. Hil was not. If you are going after Trump better go after all who erred. Period. Next problem is the access Hunter had and what he did with that access....big problem that has never been explained and bigger problem because the way our FBI and DOJ operate now days it was most likely {like a 100%} not even investigated. Also I have watched very closely and never ever seen anything printed about when, how or why, as you state Biden and Pence immediately returned all documents. We will never know the answer to that, be honest and admit that. You know why too, as the FBI and DOJ were operateding with the 2 tired justice system, Would it really surprise anyone if tomorrow it was announced that suddenly they found tons more in another Biden office, home, garage, boat or
Ok. thanks for the answer to a question I never ask. I will try it this way, by posting the questions again. They are plainly here. The most plain one is, if you go after Trump fine, I do not care. Trump is a grown man and take care of himself. But if you go down that road you better meet Biden, ,Hil, Pence The jack ass who stuffed the documents down his socks, forget his name, and all the rest. Apparently you not prepared {along with every lib in this country} to fairly go down that road.
Sandy Berger.....a big time lib who walked right out in front of the capitol with stolen classified documents in front of security and our lying FBI and remind me, what were the consequences? I seem to forget just how he suffered what they have done others who just all happen to be in the wrong side of the aisle
Thanks, mcfarm!
I love you, man but conversations like this are the quintessential example of the total futility of having a discussion about Donald Trump with anybody who has a brain completely captured in his cult that are convinced by him that he's the victim BY DEFINITION.
So for me and others with uncaptured brains that can see by all objective standards, using all the facts and evidence that conclusively prove that Trump blatantly violated numerous laws beyond what anybody else did by an extremely wide margin and should be held accountable........ the point in conversations like this is analysis of what is going on here and in this country right now related to Trump and his cult of tens of millions.
This is just more crystal clear evidence that people, who by definition see every incident as being one where Trump is the victim THEN look for the facts to show it.
So this leads to additional tenets of the Trump cult. This is dead serious, folks.
Everybody NOT in the cult with uncaptured brains will be in agreement.
Tenets of the Donald J. Trump cult
1. Though shalt not criticize Donald Trump
2. Though shalt not disobey Donald Trump's orders
3. Donald Trump is ALWAYS a victim
4. Those that attack Donald Trump are evil and the enemy
5. The only way to defeat evil and "drain the swamp" is thru Donald Trump
6. The only way to salvation is thru Donald Trump
7. The 2020 presidential election was stolen from Donald Trump
8. When Republicans lose elections, the swamp was cheating
This is still just a partial list, more could be added.
Keep in mind that other than the fake climate crisis religion(which impacts more people in the world by far), this cult is impacting the most people in the US.
However, the Donald J. Trump cult, by an extremely wide margin is having the greatest impact on our politics. It's a legit threat to democracy, unlike the fake climate crisis which is based on crony capitalism and political agenda.
The fake climate crisis anti science/religious belief system threatens our economy, environment and energy delivery systems. The Trump cult threatens the core of our democracy because it has completely discarded the Constitution. It no longer recognizes the outcome of free and indisputably proven secure elections in which Rs lose. It elevates an extremely dangerous, delusional psychopath with implied powers of infallibility as seen by tens of millions of Americans in the cult.
To my MAGA friends here. I know it's hard to not take this thread personal but...........
Please note the new article above.
MAGA, several years ago was seen as a positive term that united and uplifted Rs. A message of making America great again based on clearly defined objectives.
Now the Ds use it because of what it really represents in 2023. It's the greatest R dividing force in my life time. MAGA and the Donald j trump cult tenets are synonymous.
NOT Donald Trump(anti-MAGA) is the most powerful politically unifying force in the country right now!
You see this as an attack on Donald Trump, who is always the victim. The rest of the country sees it as defending our democracy against the clear and REAL attacks of MAGA agenda coming from the Donald J. Trump cult led by the man himself.
What the MAGA crowd needs to do to become extraordinary powerful is simple.
Get rid of Trump ASAP.
Find anybody else but trump to communicate the party messages and tens of millions of Never Trump Americans will open their ears to hear them.