Click a Canadian region to zoom in

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Wildfires in Canada
29 responses |
Started by metmike - May 19, 2023, 4:53 p.m.
To use this forecast model product below, go to the link, scroll down and play the 72 hour animation. The 12z runs are updated around noon, I suspect. The 0z runs are updated around midnight. The frozen frame below is Wednesday eve at 4pm CDT.
Click a Canadian region to zoom in
This is smoke coming from the wildfires in E.Canada. The rain and cooler temperatures have helped put out some of the wildfires in W.Canada.
The number of wildfires this year has already broken the all time record in Canada and that will be obliterated by the of the year. This is a clear example of natural variation, as proven below.
Here's an example of the BS, using words and junk science:
Scientists have long warned that global warming will increase the chance of severe wildfires like those burning across Canada and heat waves like the one smothering Puerto Rico.
Heat in Canada and changing climate contribute to fires and air pollution.
Here's the authentic science using the data which defines the science:
We should note that the 6 worst fire seasons in the last 4 decades were during the 1980's/90's BEFORE the fake climate crisis. Also note that the extremes are often defined by large spikes higher than the average.
Regardless, if you want to use this data HONESTLY, it says the exact opposite of what the media is trying to sell about this current outbreak of wildfires caused almost entirely by natural variation(and humans setting the fires).
This can’t be repeated enough times:
It really boils down to this (Cliff Mass can be counted on as an elite source for using objective, authentic science)
The GoldenRule
Considering the substantial confusion in the media about this critical issue, let me provide the GOLDENRULE OF CLIMATE EXTREMES ...
Here it is:
"The more extreme a climate or weather record is, the greater the contribution of natural variability.
Or to put it a different way, the larger or more unusual an extreme, the higher proportion of the extreme is due to natural variability."
By an extremely wide margin, the main impact of increasing CO2, along with warming of the planet by 1 deg. C so far is this:
More authentic science on wildfires:
Congressional Democrats have called on President Joe Biden to declare a “climate emergency,” citing wildfires in Canada that caused smoke to drift into the eastern United States, Bloomberg News reported Thursday.
“Millions of Americans are being exposed to toxic air due to climate change,” Democratic Rep. Ro Khanna of California tweeted. “@POTUS should declare a climate emergency.”
This is a blatant lie, easy to prove as such with the data and authentic science below!
Natural Resources Canada
Finally a real expert telling us the truth about Covid19: Greta on CNN. Scaring and converting children into the climate crisis cult. Eco-anxiety in children. Greta controlled as the United Nation's climate activist puppet. Failed predictions of the UN and past climate crisis religion high priests, like Al Gore. Showing the truth with actual data/observations vs telling people to listen to the fake science. May 2020.
The global area of land burned each year declined by 24 percent between 1998 and 2015, according to analysis of satellite data by NASA scientists and their colleagues. The largest decline was seen across savannas in Africa, and due to changing livelihoods.
Real Manmade Wildfires
Started by metmike - Nov. 21, 2021, 10:44 p.m.
West Coast/Oregon fires
Started by metmike - Sept. 12, 2020, 2:48 a.m.
California governor blames wildfires on climate 'emergency'
33 responses |
Started by metmike - Sept. 14, 2020, 12:08 a.m.
As we have come to expect from Roger, this is another thorough, well researched and objective analysis. He makes the following points:
You can read the full analysis here.
There are over a dozen additional links in the story at the first link below.
The Collapse of Climate-Related Deaths: Deaths have ‘fallen over 90% since 1920’
Note what happened in the 1930's during the Dust Bowl years in the Plains/Midwest when the drought extended across much of the country for much of the time.......all the way to the West Coast:
Most of the wildfires in W.Canada are under control or have been put out.
Red on the map below denotes an out of control wildfire. Yellow means under control/not expected to spread. Green means completely under control.
When dealing with critical issues such as the appropriate response to our nation’s forest fire issue we need to be totally pragmatic about the thought process that goes into formulating a rational response. We can continue to put the blame on the global warming issue, but the harsh reality is that the U.S. has already done a great deal to reduce our carbon emissions. However, China, India and many lesser developed countries are going in the opposite direction. Both China and India are continuing to build new coal-fired power plants and have no plans to stop this expansion until mid-century at the earliest. CO2 levels in the atmosphere will continue to rise at current rates for the foreseeable future. However, our nation can take immediate action to reduce the fuel load problem, but we need to get started. It will take a multi-pronged approach to work involving:
Between 1953 and 2017 (volume at the last USFS inventory) the total growing stock on all ownerships has increased by 369,354 million cubic feet. Now, let’s examine the fuel load issue going forward. Since 1953 our timber base has been growing at 1.56% per year, adding 5,771 million cubic feet each year. If our forests were to simply keep growing at that rate in another 64 years our total net growing stock would reach 1,354,592 million cubic feet. At these levels, we would be potentially facing the average burned area shown on the left side of Figure 1, and 5 times greater than anything seen recently.
However, we are living in a much different climatic situation today, one that could make the fire situation even more dire. Yes, we do get modestly higher temperatures with increased greenhouse gases, but with higher CO2 levels there comes an effect termed CO2 fertilization. From your high school botany or biology class we have the formula for photosynthesis:
At 430 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere currently most terrestrial plants are just starting to get in their happy zone. As mentioned above, the optimum CO2 levels for most plant species is between 800 and 1000 ppm.
Yields Per Acre: Comparison of Decade of 1950s to Most Recent Decade.
Conclusion: The CO2 fertilization effect is both real and substantial in both beneficial and harmful ways. The United States can do very little to reduce CO2 emissions in the short term. However, if we move promptly we can do a great deal to contain the future impact that CFE will have on our forest’s fuel load, and if done properly can also create jobs and provide needed forest products and greatly reduce the negative effects of rampant forest fires.
#CliateScam cultists create a fake correlation between burn area and CO2, by hiding all the data before 1983
And that’s just the United States. After all, isn’t this a global issue? The global trend in wildfire is well documented in the data and literature.
Oregon Department of Forestry: