The spike higher I was telling you would come since early this year from the El Nino(and additional Marine heat waves) that is going to cause new record warm global temps(only since we've been measuring them-not the "hottest in 125,000 years" bs) continued to impact the lower troposphere, where this data comes from.
You will note that we were just around the 0 line earlier this year. Global warming from the increase in CO2, resulting from burning fossil fuels has been extremely slow........1 deg. C over 100 years. It doesn't suddenly come out of the oceans all at once in a couple of months. This is mostly natural variation, with the same rate of global warming that we've had all along.
Most of the extreme junk science explanations and cherry picking is coming from people that can't apply objective, authentic science.
The GoldenRule
Considering the substantial confusion in the media about this critical issue, let me provide the GOLDENRULE OF CLIMATE EXTREMES. Here it is:
The more extreme a climate or weather record is, the greater the contribution of natural variability.
Or to put it a different way, the larger or more unusual an extreme, the higher proportion of the extreme is due to natural variability.
Temperatures at the North Pole have dropped to the freezing mark about two weeks early, after the shortest summer on record at the North Pole. Ice extends 1,300 miles from the pole, yet promoters of the #ClimateScam say Earth is boiling
OK, we need only one statistic to prove the Earth is not too hot for humans. Globally 10X as many people die from cold than heat. Even in Africa and Asia more die from cold than heat. Therefore the planet is not “too hot”. Case closed. QED (quod erat demonstrandum) “i.e. PROVEN.
That image was based on available information years ago. Since then, we now know why we are still thawing out from the Little Ice Age ... the sun ...
Ice age cycles come from the unique combination of three separate sun-earth relationships that make up the famous Milankovitch cycles which drive the last 2.5 million years of warm and cold climates, called Interglacial Warm Periods and Glaciations, respectively.
Related Links:
No, the Earth Did Not have an ‘Unprecedented and Terrifying … All-Time High Temperature’ on July 4th – Not the hottest in 100,000 years – NOAA & AP back away from claim– Meteorologist Anthony Watts: On July 3rd and 4th and the following days, multiple mainstream media outlets ran stories claiming that the Earth had experienced an unprecedented hot day(s). This is false. The data they cited was not official data, but from a private website and investigation shows the claim was a gross error.
Forbes: July 4 Was Earth’s Hottest Day In Over 100000 Years
‘Supposed’ Record Temperature In China Not All It Seems– Paul Homewood
Dr. Roger Pielke: ‘Neither the UN IPCC nor the US National Climate Assessment have high confidence in detection or attribution of trends in heat waves is the US’–Pielke Jr.: “Neither the IPCC nor the US National Climate Assessment have high confidence in detection or attribution of trends in heat waves is the US So either the IPCC is wrong or the media/activist scientists are wrong. Pick one.”
Posted 1:33 PM by Marc Morano | Tags: avg, heatwvave, media, ocean warming
Fox News Channel – Jesse Watters Primetime – Broadcast – Are arsonists responsible for global wildfires? ‘The Green Fraud’ author Marc Morano says there are ‘other forces at work’ as wildfires rage across the planet on ‘Jesse Watters Primetime.’
Bjorn Lomborg: ‘Warming saves 166,000 lives each year:Heat deaths make up about 1% of global fatalities a year—almost 600,000 deaths—but cold kills eight times as many people, totaling 4.5 million deaths annually. As temperatures have risen since 2000, heat deaths have increased 0.21%, while cold deaths have dropped 0.51%. Today about 116,000 more people die from heat each year, but 283,000 fewer die from cold. Global warming now prevents more than 166,000 temperature-related fatalities annually.
Watch: Fox host Stuart Varney challenges Morano over heatwave-climate link
Fox Business – Varney & Co. – Broadcast July 19, 2023
Stuart Varney: Marc Morano from the Climate Depot joins me now. We just heard in Phoenix, they had 19 straight days above 110 degrees. Now, wait, you’re a climate skeptic, is this not the result of climate change?
Marc Morano: “This is not outside the normal bounds of hot summer weather. Yes, it’s a record year. It could be one of the hottest, but here’s the thing. Joe Biden’s EPA has a chart of the heatwave index going back to the 1930s. The 1930s are probably 8 to 10 or 12 times hotter in the United States than anything we’re currently seeing.
Morano:75% of all state temperature records were broken before the 1950s — these records still stand. Now. This is a way that statistics — when you heard things like CNN or New York Times or others have said this is the ‘hottest’ in Earth’s history. Those claims were based on climate models, which even the NOAA –National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration — backed away from. They are weaponizing hot summers, heat waves to turn it into some kind of call for climate action. This is not outside the bounds of normal weather, I’m sorry.
Dr. Ryan Maue writes on Twitter:
Everything was going fine until mid-March 2023, and then a dramatic 1°C warming spike in a matter of 2-weeks raised global temperatures to the record levels we are at today.
La Nina –> El Nino is certainly important for the Equatorial Pacific temperature increase. But, how is Hunga-Tonga affecting the Southern Hemisphere polar vortex? Not so good with the Antarctic sea ice down there.
And, the Northern Hemisphere is much warmer than normal especially in the Atlantic. How are all those trillions of gallons of water vapor in the stratosphere doing? How much is left, and how many more years of impacts?
Maue provided this graph:
From a recent publication, “Global perturbation of stratospheric water and aerosol burden by Hunga eruption” bold mine:
The eruption of the submarine Hunga volcano in January 2022 was associated with a powerful blast that injected volcanic material to altitudes up to 58 km. From a combination of various types of satellite and ground-based observations supported by transport modeling, we show evidence for an unprecedented increase in the global stratospheric water mass by 13% as compared to climatological levels, and a 5-fold increase of stratospheric aerosol load, the highest in the last three decades.
Here is a video worth watching on the issue.
‘Never been so worried about Florida’s Reefs’: Experts fear dangerous marine heatwave
by: Jeff Berardelli
As a result of this developing strong El Niño, on top of global warming, global surface temperatures reached record heights not seen in 120,000 years last week.
No Jeff!
Warmest in 1,000 years, yes.
An authentic climate optimum for life on this planet.
Was the Medieval WARM Period real?
See for yourself below.
For the Medieval Warm Period compared to today below:
Red balloons showed it was warmer.
Blue was colder than today(in that study)
Green was wetter/more precip
Yellow was drier
If you go to the link below, you can hit those individual balloons and get each individual study:
Over 100 studies from the Medieval Warm Period, most of which show the planet was this warm or warmer 1,000 years ago. It was also this warm 2,000 years ago during the Roman Warm Period and also just over 3,000 years ago, during the Minoan Warm period. Medieval Warm Period Project:
![]() Where did the data from the bar graphs above come from so that we know that this is the authentic science vs the one that the MSM and dems describe with the fake climate crisis(where they can't show the data to prove)? List of Scientists Whose Work We Cite: List of Research Institutions Associated With the Work We Cite |
They've been wrong every year about the absurd, dire predictions and it's extremely annoying to authentic atmospheric scientists, like metmike to witness our field corrupted so badly.
Ask yourself how the Vikings were living in Greenland and growing some cold season crops for several hundred years in regions under ice right now if it wasn't warmer than this during the Medieval Warm Period?
For about 400 years centered around 1200 AD, Viking farmers lived in two colonies in Greenland, growing a few crops and raising herds of cattle and sheep. As many as 2500 Vikings may have inhabited the two colonies before they disappeared.
Conventional wisdom says that they died out as the climate got colder after the end of the Medieval Warm Period, capped by a huge eruption in Indonesia on Lombok Island in 1257 AD that is ranked the most powerful in the last 7000 years by geologists, according to a recent article in Smithsonian magazine. Large volcanic eruptions are known to cause significant cooling of climate over several years due to reflection of sunlight back to space from small sulfuric acid drops lofted high into the atmosphere during the eruption. You can read more about this fascinating history at
They discovered Greenland during a time known as the Medieval Warm Period, which lasted from about 900 to 1300. Sea ice decreased during those centuries, so sailing from Scandinavia to Greenland became less hazardous. Longer growing seasons made it feasible to graze cattle, sheep and goats in the meadows along sheltered fjords on Greenland’s southwest coast.
Published June 4 in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study included contributions from collaborators at Dartmouth College.
People might be surprised to see how today's frigid Greenland looked during the last two interglacial periods. Today, northwest Greenland hovers in the 30s and low 40s Fahrenheit and weathers snowstorms in summer. But average summer temperatures in the early Holocene (8,000 to 11,000 years ago) and Last Interglacial (116,000 to 130,000 years ago) climbed well into the 50s.
During the Last Interglacial, global sea levels increased by 15 to 30 feet, largely due to thinning of Greenland and Antarctica's ice sheets. But now Northwestern's team believes northern Greenland's ice sheet experienced stronger warming than previously thought, which could mean that Greenland is more responsible for that sea-level rise.
In recent years, climate change has caused mountain glaciers to melt away, revealing well-preserved markers from different periods in history beneath. This is what happened in Lendbreen, Norway.
They also found evidence of a permanent shelter on the pass. The pass was used for 700 years.“The start around AD 300 was a time when local settlement activity was picking up,” said James H. Barrett, study co-author and program partner, in a statement. “When the use of the pass intensified around AD 1000, during the Viking Age, it was a time of increased mobility, political centralisation and growing trade and urbanisation in Northern Europe.”
It's doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that evidence of people living for hundreds of years underneath recently melting ice proves that it had to BE WARMER.
Actually, it doesn't take a mainstream climate scientist to apply common sense in order to understand this because mainstream climate science hijacked climate science and REWROTE climate history to wipe out the inconvenient Medieval Warm Period, so guys like Jeff Beradelli can state junk science, like "this is the warmest in 100,000 years.
Here's what they(the IPCC) actually did:
The IPCC writes the fake climate crisis bible with its regular reports and the followers of the climate crisis religion believe every bit of the junk science.
The Medieval Warm Period WAS global not the absurd defense/claim that it was just one region of northern Europe and somehow lasted for hundreds of years and didn't impact the rest of the planet.
This was another very inconvenient Warm Period in the last 10,000 years that was appropriately called the Holocene Climate OPTIMUM because it was warmer than this in the places that are warming the most on our planet.
"The Medieval Warm Period WAS global not the absurd defense/claim that it was just one region of northern Europe and somehow lasted for hundreds of years and didn't impact the rest of the planet."
The percent of the US to have reached 95F (35C) this year remains tied with 2014 as the lowest on record.#ClimateScam #GlobalBoiling
The surface mass balance of Greenland is above the 1981-2020 average for the fifth year out of the last seven. Greenland is not melting down #ClimateScam
We finally have something that makes sense to me to explain part of the sudden, extreme warming in so many places.
Since the opposite has been hammered into brains from junk science reporting, let me repeat this:
It really boils down to this, once again(Cliff Mass can be counted on as an elite source for using objective, authentic science)
The GoldenRule
Considering the substantial confusion in the media about this critical issue, let me provide the GOLDENRULE OF CLIMATE EXTREMES. Here it is:
The more extreme a climate or weather record is, the greater the contribution of natural variability.
Or to put it a different way, the larger or more unusual an extreme, the higher proportion of the extreme is due to natural variability.
Extremely slow global warming (1 deg. C over 100 years) doesn't hide for 99 years and suddenly come out in 2023. That's complete scientific nonsense repeated by people that want to believe or are intentionally deceiving.
Keep in mind that 95% of the greenhouse gas warming impact on this planet comes from water vapor.
When the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted on Jan. 15, it sent a tsunami racing around the world and set off a sonic boom that circled the globe twice. The underwater eruption in the South Pacific Ocean also blasted an enormous plume of water vapor into Earth’s stratosphere – enough to fill more than 58,000 Olympic-size swimming pools. The sheer amount of water vapor could be enough to temporarily affect Earth’s global average temperature.
“We’ve never seen anything like it,” said Luis Millán, an atmospheric scientist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. He led a new study examining the amount of water vapor that the Tonga volcano injected into the stratosphere, the layer of the atmosphere between about 8 and 33 miles (12 and 53 kilometers) above Earth’s surface.
The atmospheric water vapor could also contribute to global warming.
The phreato-Plinian HT eruption of 15th January 2022 produced the largest global perturbation of stratospheric aerosols since the Pinatubo eruption in 1991 and the largest perturbation of stratospheric water vapour observed in the satellite era
The large stratospheric water vapour perturbation associated with the HT eruption had also a fundamental role in the plume’s radiative impacts during the first weeks after the eruption, causing a fast radiatively-driven plume descent and a warming effect on the climate system. These very peculiar radiative impacts, as well as the long-term impacts of the HT eruption on the stratospheric composition, must be followed and confirmed during the next months with further studies.
16 March 2023
The underwater eruption of Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha‘apai sent megatons of water vapor into the stratosphere, contributing to an increase in global warming over the next 5 years
January 25, 2023
Long-term surface impact of Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai-like stratospheric water vapor
August 2023
SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Volcanic eruptions typically cool the Earth’s surface by releasing aerosols which reflect sunlight. However, a recent eruption released a significant amount of water vapor — a strong greenhouse gas — into the stratosphere with unknown consequences. This study examines the aftermath of the eruption and re- veals that surface temperatures across large regions of the world increase by over 1.5°C for several years,
Big News! The 2022 Nobel Prize winner in Physics, John F. Clauser, has signed the Clintel World Climate Declaration, with its central message "there is no climate emergency (or crisis)". We welcome Dr Clauser in the growing Clintel community!
clintel.orgNobel Prize winner Dr. John F. Clauser signs the Clintel World Climate DeclarationJohn F. Clauser, winner of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on quantum mechanics, has decided to sign the World Climate Declaration of Clintel with its central message “there is no...
Climate researcher @curryja says climate scientists have a reason to exaggerate risk. What’s in it for them? “Fame and fortune,” Curry tells me. Curry has inside info about how “the science” has been hijacked.
Judith A. Curry (born c. 1953) is an American climatologist and former chair of the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Her research interests include hurricanes, remote sensing, atmospheric modeling, polar climates, air-sea interactions, climate models, and the use of unmanned aerial vehicles for atmospheric research. She was a member of the National Research Council's Climate Research Committee,[1] published over a hundred scientific papers, and co-edited several major works.[2] Curry retired from academia in 2017 at age 63, coinciding with her public climate change skepticism.
This is a heavyweight climate scientist with credentials that has the integrity to speak out, which has resulted in her being shunned and attacked by those following the fake climate crisis religion.
What are the costliest problems across past 120 years and next 30? Let's get a sense of proportion. Life is getting better. And climate isn't the end-of-the-world. Read my peer-reviewed article:
So far this year, the percentage of the US to have reached 95F (35C) sometime during the year is fourth lowest on record since 1895. #ClimateScam
It is obviously the wind that is packing the sea ice because -100°F temperatures over Antarctica aren't melting it.
The Honest Broker
Wind Anomalies Drive 2023 Antarctic Sea Ice Deficit via @RiskFrontiers
Clarification on copied post below: 8-15-23
Sometimes, alarmists have good points on extremes today, like this one below even though they cherry pick the extremes and ignore the massive benefits and always ignore past extremes in discussions that relate to natural variation…..Which is not objective science.
One of the most extraordinary graphs of 2023, and that’s saying a lot. Who ever designed this didn’t expect 17 heating degree weeks! The black line on the bottom shooting straight up is the # of weeks of heat stress on Keys coral. It’s about to invade the other plot! 1/
August 12, 1944 was an extremely hot day in the US, with every state over 90F, 25 states over 100F and Kansas was over 110F. There were 100 degree temperatures from California to Maine. Heat like that is incomprehensible to recent generations of Americans #ClimateScam
Here is a new never released perspective of the violent Canada Day EF4 tornado in Alberta. As I moved in close to get my coveted close range 360 shot (so you guys can really feel it like I did) power flashes began to rip across the road as a powerful inflow jet ripped into the tornado out of the east. This was the moment where I could actually feel the adrenaline dumping into my system. The hair stood up on my neck. I felt a sensational feeling of grit, charging toward this deadly, but beautiful, force of nature. And then I saw the roof of a home fly through the air, and a terrible sense of sorrow came over me. Surely someone was just hurt or killed. Despite being in awe of what I was seeing, my mind raced towards my next steps - getting to the destroyed homes to see if there was anything I could do. I will be working on a documentary style video of this chase in the coming months that takes you guys through my chase that day.
Based on 40 years of data,
has determined that the non-event in Antarctica is a "once every 7.5 million year event" The #ClimateScam cult is taking junk science and junk mathematics to new levels of ridiculous every day.
Forest fire burn acreage in the US this year is at an historic low, and there is large amounts of moisture flowing into the western US. This will not be reported by
or the
because reality doesn't support their #ClimateScam agenda… Show more
The media & climate alarmists are wrong. The frequency of climate disasters is slightly down 2000 - 2022. There will never come a time when there is no severe weather. The power of the Sun & the creation of powerful storms, lightning, floods & droughts.
The world has never been safer from climate disasters.
Published on
Written by Roger Pielke Jr
The IPCC has concluded that a signal of ‘climate change’ has not yet emerged beyond natural variability for the following phenomena:
Furthermore, the emergence of a ‘climate change’ signal is not expected under the extreme RCP8.5 scenario by 2100 for any of these phenomena, except heavy precipitation and pluvial floods, and that with only medium confidence.
Since we know that RCP8.5 is extreme and implausible, that means that there would be even less confidence in emergence under a more plausible upper bound, like RCP4.5.
The IPCC concludes that, to date, the signal of climate change has emerged in extreme heat and cold spells.
Noting that ocean temperatures near Miami topped 100 F (38 C), Biden said “that’s more like jumping in a hot tub than jumping into the ocean to ride a wave.’'
Bogus: Record warmest water temp......NOT!
Figure 1. Deaths Classified as “Heat-Related” in the United States, 1979–2018
I'm all for taking effective steps to help people prepare for and adapt to the heat.
Pretending that this is unprecedented is extremely dishonest or else ignorant of history, science and facts.......which I'm more than happy to provide below:
From the EPA, which they hide on a back page, while showcasing graphs that start in 1960 on their opening page, using blatantly dishonest science.
Figure 3. U.S. Annual Heat Wave Index, 1895–2021
NOAA, the NWS, NHC, Severe storm forecast center and similar organizations are the best in the world. Meteorologists like me would be worthless if not for their data and products.
Money invested in them, would seem well worth it but look where Biden is spending the money with the fake Inflation Reduction Act:
I read thru the list of the items this money will go towards and maybe this is going to help with some elements of weather predictions, not really sure.
However, look where most of the money in the fake IRA/climate bill targeted for NOAA is going towards:
I counted an additional $131 million just in these August announcements. This is a joke. It's not like our country isn't going broke!
And he got this bill passed by calling it the Inflation Reduction Act..........sheesh!
A recent Goldman Sachs report estimates that the IRA’s green energy subsidies will likely cost taxpayers $1.2 trillion over the next decade. That’s more than three times the Congressional Budget Office’s projected $391 billion.
Climate Hysteria Ramps Up in Antarctica but Recent Data Shows Sea Ice Levels Similar to 1966
This article reminds me of something that I'd forgotten about recently which is the impact of geothermal heat may not be getting enough weighting in 2023, with the unexplained, sudden marine heat waves that could not have been caused by global warming which slowly warms the oceans at the rate of 1deg. C over the course of a century.
The above map from Singh and Polvani shows that all the warming in Antarctica is to be found in the west. It is to this area that eco warriors return with tales of collapsing ice shelves and glaciers. But it has always been known that the west side is an area of considerable volcanic activity. The full extent of this has recently been shown by scientists working at the GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences. They provide scientific evidence that shows a “direct link” between recent western ice loss and geothermal heat flow. Furthermore, they state that it is common to attribute changes in ice dynamics and loss to atmospheric and oceanic influences. “However, recent studies suggest a direct link between the origin of ice streams and zones of increased heat flow,” it is noted.
Forest fire burn acreage in the US is at an historic low, and there is lots of moisture flowing into the western US. People pushing the #ClimateScam will be forced to ramp up their lies even further.
On August 13, 1936, seven states were over 110F, twenty-one states were over 100F and forty-five states were over 90F. Heat like that is far out of the experience of recent generations of Americans.#ClimateScam Kansas 119 California 118 Nebraska 117 Oklahoma 116 Arizona 115… Show more
On August 13, 1944, twenty-two states were over 100F and every state except Montana was over 90F. There were 100 degree temperatures from coast to coast including most of California. Recent generations of Americans have not experienced heat like that. #ClimateScam
·If you were serious about reducing CO2 emissions you would be protesting in Asia, not the US or Europe where CO2 emissions have been declining for decades.#ClimateScam
During the 17th century 100 million Bison roamed the Great Plains of the US and Canada. That was the coldest century of the last millennium.
has become a primary source of #ClimateScam junk science and superstition.
Sea surface temperatures in the North Atlantic are 5-10C cooler than they were a century ago, when the water around Svalbard was 15C.#ClimateScam
I pointed this out to #ClimateScam proponent
and responded to history by blocking me. He doesn't like people interfering with his misinformation campaign.
To put that in perspective, the August 1910 fire was more than a thousand times larger than the #MauiFire #ClimateScam
Blocking the sun and reducing CO2. I wonder what could go wrong. It's almost as though the "Green" movement don't understand science. #climatescam
Hey Mike,
I know there a lot of CC based alarmism out there and I still question, for example, how much CC really contributed to the Maui fires and the emphasis on those deceptive 100-101 SST in that near shore shallow bay. But I do feel that the following Jeff B. Tweet that you posted is not overdone as the 1.5 months+ of low 90s of legit SSTs just below the Keys is legit and like nothing seen before on record there:
One of the most extraordinary graphs of 2023, and that’s saying a lot. Who ever designed this didn’t expect 17 heating degree weeks! The black line on the bottom shooting straight up is the # of weeks of heat stress on Keys coral. It’s about to invade the other plot! 1/
Thanks, Larry!
I very much agree.
I was not posting that to suggest it was overdone.
I apologize for definitely being at fault for not being clear about that above and will clarify it with great appreciation to you for pointing it out.
This month, I started taking tons of posts from twitter, now called X and just copying them here without doing a good job at organizing them or elaborating on specific points every single time. Doing it like this is new for me, so thanks for the great comments to help me to use it better.
I confused you last week on the page with the smart dog post too, having other unrelated posts on that page.
Ill try to be more cognizant of that in the future!