My Fellow Republicans Part 2
28 responses | 0 likes
Started by joj - Sept. 19, 2023, 11:31 a.m.
By metmike - Sept. 19, 2023, 11:56 a.m.
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Thanks much, joj!

I mentioned this as a huge loss for the Rs:

The change in  D view is always interesting on some of the Rs that get in tiffs with Trump.

John McCain for instance. The Ds detested McCain greatly........until he and Trump became enemies.

Then, it became the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

When McCain died, people/D groups that were vehemently against him and his policies BEFORE Trump, were complimentary of him for things that other Rs don't get compliments for but those others don't/didn't have a feud with Trump. 

Same thing with Liz Cheney.  Suddenly a  much different person, with all the same conservative views,  entirely because of her position on Donald Trump. 

The same thing is also going on here as I've noted numerous programs on CNN reporting Romney retiring and most of them, very complimentary of Romney(much more than in 2012, for instance).

I've not been watching FOX enough since then to know what they are saying. 

I totally get giving these Rs enormous credit for standing up to Trump and wish the rest of the R party would have the same integrity.

 But I didn't completely change my entire view about everything else they stood for the past several decades so it aligns with the enemy of my enemy is my friend mentality. 

Regardless of all that. Romney is a great man with unquestioned ethics and integrity. He would have been one of our best presidents in history. 

I grew up when his dad, George was governor of our state, Michigan. 

By joj - Sept. 19, 2023, 3:29 p.m.
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I liked McCain before the Trump feud.  He refused to go racist vs Obama in 2008, not to mention his service record.  I was considering him in the 2000 election but the Rs put up George Bush jr.

I did vote for Obama over Romney in 2012 but in hindsight, had he won, we probably would have never had the rise of Trump.   And I certainly liked him more than the rest of the 2012 field of Rs.

By metmike - Sept. 19, 2023, 4:26 p.m.
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I liked McCain before the Trump feud.  He refused to go racist vs Obama in 2008,

I completely believe your sincerity about that joj.

However, many in your party considered him a blatant racist in 2008.............and with plenty of legit evidence that I recognize as suggesting he was racist as revealed in the fact based book below and other places.

Gook: John McCain's Racism and Why It Matters     Perfect Paperback – July 4, 2008

"I hate the gooks, said John McCain, I will hate them as long as I live. Senator McCain said these words when asked about his continued use of the racial slur, "gook.".

John McCain has told us who he is.

John McCain supported the rescinding of Martin Luther King Day.

 John McCain keeps on his payroll white supremacists, race-baiting swiftboaters and lobbyists for dictators and terrorists.

John McCain endorsed George Wallace, Jr., a favorite speaker among white supremacists.

He fought to keep the Confederate battle flag flying over South Carolina.

He seems to subscribe to a brand of religion-inspired bellicosity that calls for the U.S. to wage war for the sake of imparting our values upon humanity. McCain promised to immediately start wars in North Korea, Libya, and Iraq during his first presidential campaign, and in 2008 he has promised new wars to come. He sent his own money to the contra guerillas, and even visited their illegal war camp.

War is the way of John McCain, and racial bias makes it easy to execute those wars. Long before George W. Bush became president, McCain planned an invasion of Iraq. He lobbied for an Iraq invasion just days after 9/11, and when it came time to convince the American people, he insisted that the Iraq War would be easily won.

The combination of racism and warmongering are perfectly encapsulated in gook, a racist term formed during numerous U.S. wars, from the invasion of the Philippines (1898-1902) to the occupation of Haiti in 1920, to the Korean and Vietnam Wars.

John McCain used this anti-Asian slur freely with the media until he was forced to stop for fear of sabotaging his own presidential ambitions. The portrait of John McCain painted in Gook is far more disturbing than any racial epithet. A central thesis of Gook: war fertilizes racism, and racism justifies wars and the killing of civilians. This dynamic thrives within the most dangerous leaders of the world."

"Is John McCain one of them?"


I also voted Obama in 2008 but was NEVER  McCain because of the above. Voted Romney in 2012 as a no brainer and was always pro Romney from the time that I knew anything about him.

Voted Trump in 2016 and ended up not voting in 2020 because I waited until the last minute, trying to decide who to vote for and got to the polling place 1 minute after they closed. Honestly, in the parking lot arriving, I still wasn't sure who would get my vote for president.

You'll love this thread, before the election when I was contemplating switching my vote to Biden ON 1 CONDITION.  And look what happened!  But you can see what my priority was and is and why Trumps behavior is so incredibly offensive to people like us(including you).

                I will vote for Biden            

                            5 responses |                                        

                Started by metmike - Nov. 1, 2020, 12:26 p.m.    

By WxFollower - Sept. 19, 2023, 4:56 p.m.
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By metmike - Sept. 19, 2023, 6:54 p.m.
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Great story on personal forgiveness, Larry!

I think we should all espouse to a mentality like this.

I agree with the guy too on forgiving individual people but not the "media".

The media are not damaged individuals.

A damaged individual may have suffered tremendous hardships or deprived of good mentors growing up. Or lacking  experiences growing up that allows others to grow in a way that comes from those experiences. 

Or they might have mental illness.

Or, like many they could  just be following a political ideology that captures their brains with subjective thinking because the messages are very appealing and believe it or not, THEY ARE VICTIMS in my opinion.

Charismatic charlatans speaking with fork tongues can sell a lot of snake oil when they repeat things that people want to hear and read.

So are the believers too gullible? Too trusting? Too dumb? Too subjective/closed minded?  Evil? 

I would content that they might be too HUMAN in a sense because cognitive bias, judging/reacting to experiences(or lack of them) and wanting to believe things is part of the innate human psyche. People that are able to stay detached from that are the exceptions.

Good thing too for advertisements/commercials (-: 

Think of all the crazy commercials on tv that advertisers spend billions of dollars every year for. It's worth the money because........THEY WORK!

Why Good Advertising Works (Even When You Think It Doesn't)

This may seem like I'm going on a tangent but the point is that the media is more like advertisers. The media is selling a product.......their stories. Unlike an individual that succumbs to the unique pressures that influenced who they became because of  their individual experiences (like McCain and his Gooks) which can lead to flawed perspectives, the media is INTENTIONALLY creating the stories and narratives to sell their products because that's how they make money.

Ratings and having an impact on peoples opinion is their motivation. They might also suffer from  the same issues that other human beings suffer which cause flawed, biased opinions but they ARE PROFESSIONAL JOURNALISTS that must be held to a higher ethical standard.

Their jobs require them to fact check information before publishing information.  If it's biased or misleading, even UNintentionally it means they failed to do their jobs. They have tremendous power to influence the opinions of millions of people and the direction of thousands of realms. 

Many of today's journalists abuse that tremendous power for self serving interests and it defines their way of life. I can learn not to let that upset me and understand why they do it but will never forgive them for being that way.

If somebody feels bad about harm they did, like McCain might have done later in life based on this's easier to forgive them.

If that person is not remorseful but instead,  vows to continue to intentionally do the same harm  as much as possible with impunity, which is like  the media today, there's no forgiving. 

They collude with each other to push political views based on violating the principles of good journalism. 

The elements of journalism

1. Journalism’s first obligation is to the truth

2. Its first loyalty is to citizens

3. Its essence is a discipline of verification

4. Its practitioners must maintain an independence from those they cover

5. It must serve as an independent monitor of power

The earliest journalists firmly established as a core principle their responsibility to examine unseen corners of society.


6. It must provide a forum for public criticism and compromise

7. It must strive to keep the significant interesting and relevant

8. It must keep the news comprehensive and proportional

9. Its practitioners must be allowed to exercise their personal conscience

10. Citizens, too, have rights and responsibilities when it comes to the news

Thus, write Kovach and Rosenstiel, “The first task of the new journalist/sense maker is to verify what information is reliable and then order it so people can grasp it efficiently.” A part of this new journalistic responsibility is “to provide citizens with the tools they need to extract knowledge for themselves from the undifferentiated flood or rumor, propaganda, gossip, fact, assertion, and allegation the communications system now produces.

By cutworm - Sept. 19, 2023, 10:58 p.m.
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McCain was very similar to Mr. Getz in that he could not vote to get some of what he wanted. Compromise to get at least something, nope.

"From the beginning, I have believed that Obamacare should be repealed and replaced with a solution that increases competition, lowers costs, and improves care for the American people. The so-called 'skinny repeal' amendment the Senate voted on today would not accomplish those goals. While the amendment would have repealed some of Obamacare's most burdensome regulations, it offered no replacement to actually reform our health care system and deliver affordable, quality health care to our citizens. The Speaker's statement that the House would be 'willing' to go to conference does not ease my concern that this shell of a bill could be taken up and passed at any time."

The defeat ends — for now — the health care debate in Congress.

McCain Votes No, Dealing Potential Death Blow To Republican Health Care Efforts : NPR

By metmike - Sept. 19, 2023, 11:39 p.m.
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Thanks much, cutworm!

I totally  forgot about that incident and glad you brought it up. 

I'm convinced that McCain did this out of vindictiveness to hurt President Trump.

The rationale that the bill didn't go far enough makes absolutely no sense because the options were THAT bill or nothing.

In the real world, when the choices are  to pick getting 50% of what you want or pick getting nothing, if you really care about trying to have an impact, you at least salvage 50%.

In fact, that's the way it SHOULD work much of the time when 2 opposite sides are negotiating. Instead of 1 side getting everything and the other getting nothing, you negotiate so both sides get something and  both sides don't get something too. 

But here's the thing.

John McCains party was counting on him to follow thru with his promises for years and everybody's expectations of him to vote with them.

He let everybody down in his party because his hatred of Trump controlled his actions and he seized the opportunity to be a TRAITER to his party so he would be the person to deliver a major blow to Trump's hard fought for agenda.  

I'm  for socialized medicine in our country so I'm actually FOR what he did, so I'm not condemning him for taking a position that I have, which was to vote to KEEP Obamacare. Let's not mislead. McCain was vehemtly AGAINST Obamacare from its inception, right up to his vote TO KEEP Obamacare after bashing it for many years. He did this in order to steal the victory of the change away from Obamacare from being Trumps because he hated President Trump. 

I'm condemning him for being a very petty man that held a permanent, personal grudge that control;ed his emotions and actions, which included hurting  a person that he hated at the expense of millions in his party that were counting on him to follow thru with a promise.

His doing this, won praise from some of the same  Ds that criticized McCain for many years BEFORE his feud with President Trump. 

The enemy of my enemy is my friend!

John McCain picked and chose the times when he displayed integrity and honor.  There were many of those in his career.  He was a very patriotic man that risked his life for his country and did some good things while serving his country.

No denying him that.

However, that vote, in my opinion was a very pathetic example of the other, double crossing side to John McCain. 

Well before that, I was always a NEVER McCain guy because of his being the most vocal of anybody in Congress, supporting American Interventionism and Imperialism.

His arrogant warmonger on steroids  mentality, combined with other US elected officials has killed 10s of millions of people in the world, including US soldiers since WW2.

By metmike - Sept. 21, 2023, 11:47 p.m.
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By metmike - Sept. 24, 2023, 8:10 p.m.
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Republicans turn the screw on Joe Biden impeachment inquiry and Hunter Biden investigation


Ds seem convinced that this will be like Trump's first impeachment, where the Ds  made stuff up and used a D operative for a whistle blower.

Schiff slammed for chalking up ‘disturbing’ fictional account of Trump-Ukraine call to ‘parody’

However, Schiff’s improvised version of the call was exaggerated, apparently for dramatic effect.

“I have a favor I want from you,” Schiff said while appearing to read from a paper. “And I’m going to say this only seven times, so you better listen good. I want you to make up dirt on my political opponent, understand? Lots of it, on this and on that.”

"Schiff later chalked his fictional summary of the controversial phone call to a joke."

"Conservative commentator Matt Walsh wrote that Schiff “knows that a lot of people watching will think that's actually what the transcript said” when it was pure fiction."

Elise Stefanik@EliseStefanik

"It is disturbing and outrageous that Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Adam Schiff opens up a hearing of this importance with improvised fake dialogue between President Trump and President Zelenskyy. We should focus on the facts."


That's what make this impeachment hearing into Biden's REAL crimes so fascinating.

Trump actually got impeached for trying to tie US aid to his own investigation of Biden's REAL crimes because our own DOJ was giving all the Biden's a free pass. He didn't ask Zelensky to make stuff up. He wanted to expose the truth to use it against Biden. Not for Zelensky to make stuff up and the conversation was totally different than Schiff's completely fictional version. THE TRUTH.

And here we are. Back to where Trump was in 2019, when he made the 1 phone call to try to get to the truth. Only now,  we have a legit investigation that has uncovered all the things Trump wished  that he could have uncovered.

Yes, of course he was doing it to hurt his opponent. When do people uncover legit corruption by elected officials of their own party???

In this country, we haven't even been able to get the DOJ to uncover corruption from 1 political party, the Democrats. The media gives them a free pass too.

So if the Rs don't investigate all the REAL corruption of the Biden's, what entity is going to hold them accountable???

Answer: Nobody.

Is that the kind of justice Americans deserve?



What Trump did would have clearly been extortion if he got something or refused to give Ukraine their foreign aid until he got what he was asking for. Trump got nothing and Ukraine got their foreign aid before the deadline, so that makes the case much weaker. In REAL court, the Ds would have had a snowball's chance in hell.  But they all voted for impeachment because it was Trump.

However, there is no denying that Trump was likely TRYING TO extort Zelensky. 1 phone call like this would have been laughed out of REAL court with no other evidence.  If this were the real world, they should have let it play out longer to have legit evidence..........but the risk would have been if Zelensky actually started giving Trump the BIden corruption evidence. That was the biggest reason that had to take immediate actions with this farcical impeachment. TO PROTECT JOE BIDEN!

With the Biden's, they got 20 million dollars for doing exactly nothing, except for Joe controlling the US financial aid purse in these corrupt countries (where graft is a way of life and in fact, Joe was supposed to be using our money to STOP the graft, not to enrich his family by exploiting it and making it even worse).

What the Biden's did was crystal clear extortion and they used the same strategy numerous times in several countries.

An isolated incident of extortion?

One can chalk that up to making a bad decision and possibly unique circumstances that led to that which can be negated by evidence of them doing the exact opposite most of the time.

But in the Biden's case, THIS FRIGGIN DEFINES THEM!

This was very well designed, with Joe the VP having our money (billions)  to bribe them and having the inside information about the corruption in these countries(he was the US point man investigating the corruption), so he knew who the corrupt entities were that would take the bribes.

So Hunter,  the professional  United States lobbyist for 10 years, suddenly moved to Ukraine while Joe was controlling the flow of our money there and started working for one of the corrupt companies in that county.

This started the Biden's NEW business.  Well designed schemes to repeatedly extort money from corrupt entities/countries but only those where Joe could use US taxpayer money to execute the bribes.

The mindset of the Biden's here couldn't be more obvious. This was extremely well planned and designed. They used the same corrupt schemes to extort money over and over for years.

You don't give people like that the benefit of the doubt or cut them breaks.

Criminals in crimes like this, know EXACTLY what they are doing is wrong. In fact, there are clear laws against what they did because its so wrong and harmful, not only to the countries being extorted/taking bribes(enabling/encouraging more of it) but also to the country of the perpetrators. Everybody should have a serious problem with Joe (and the smartest man he knows) using our taxpayers money and Biden schemes to make corruption WORSE in countries he could extort from in order to enrich the Bidens.


And what did Trump do to be impeached?

1 phone call to try to encourage (potentially bribe)  Zelensky to give him information about the truth, outlined above.

The truth IS coming out finally!

By metmike - Sept. 24, 2023, 8:15 p.m.
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Similar ongoing threads:

                My Fellow Republicans            

                            15 responses |               

                Started by joj - Sept. 17, 2023, 8:48 a.m.    

                Hunter indicted on            

                9 responses |       

                Started by metmike - Sept. 15, 2023, 1:19 a.m.            


By metmike - Sept. 27, 2023, 1:22 a.m.
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James Comer reveals Beijing bank wires to Hunter Biden at Joe Biden's home address

                                                                      September 26, 2023 06:32 PM


"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"

"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"

By joj - Sept. 27, 2023, 6:06 a.m.
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I thought wires were sent to banks with the bank's address.

Also, I'll take the Wall Street Journal as a source.  Washington Examiner is as biased as Fox "News".

By mcfarm - Sept. 27, 2023, 6:28 a.m.
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they used the word wire, it was the beneficiary address.....kind of a big deal when the beneficiary address is in the case is Joe Biden's.

By metmike - Sept. 27, 2023, 9:11 a.m.
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Thanks, joj!

I agree strongly, the Washington Examiner is VERY biased and the Wall Street Journal is an excellent source.


We have a profoundly serious problem with the MSM. Most of them are no longer doing their jobs as journalists and that includes ALL sources from what I've observed.

This includes ALL newspapers. They are ALL for profit organizations, fighting to survive based on the dynamics of the market. They survive by having a target audience, then maximize the effort to appeal to that audience. This is the key to determining the content of their news reporting.

1. Right biased sources are free to publish all the bad news (legit and not legit) about the left because it INCREASES interest for their target audience, that are people on the right and they don't need to be concerned about turning off the left. Those people don't come there.

2. Left biased sources are free to publish all the bad news (legit and not legit) about the right because it INCREASES interest for their target audience which are people on the left. They don't need to worry about articles that turn off people on the right......those people don't come there.

3. Center based sources, including the WSJ(the paper itself is actually leaning left-in my opinion but a person on the left skews that) in order to appeal to both sides, MUST try to avoid opinions/stories/positions that appeal to one side because it strongly turns off readers from the other side.   

With the WSJ, clearly in #3, they will NOT carry breaking news on political issues with the same tenacity that #1 or #2 do, even though this is supposed to be the definition of solid objective journalism. 


They will handle very politically charged issues, like the impeachment of Joe Biden with "kid gloves" because of the extreme risk of alienating one side if they come out with a story that favors  the other side. 

So their key boards are tied up because of the FOR PROFIT business model.

The bottom line is that the best sources for legit breaking political news that hurts the right.........are the left biased ones. The best sources for breaking legit news that hurts the left,.......are the right biased ones.

The sources in the center, are not the best for this, as their business model posturing prevents them from doing it.  

Unfortunately, many of the ones with a  left and right biased business model (to attract their target audience from one political side) are the same ones that  "sometimes" publish  DISinformation or unverified stories which appeal to their audience because that's also in the business model.

This would  really define the NY Post but rarely the Washington Examiner.

Regardless of that indisputable fact, you will NOT get the best journalism ALL the time from sources in the center because they are applying their business model and NOT professional journalism most of the time.

What you get is the best AND WORST journalism from the left and right biased sources.

Of course readers of those sources, absolutely can't tell the difference between when their favorite biased source is hitting a home run or striking out. 

Sources like the Wall Street journal, on topics like this prefer to not play in the game because they are trying to appeal to the home team and the visitors as part of their business model.  

Hitting a home run for the visitors (or home team) even if it's a legit home run will always be a blow (in this politically charged environment) to the other side and damage the objective of the business model. 


Even the sources rating bias are biased but here's one of them:

Wall Street Journal Rated Lean Left in Aug. 2023 Blind Bias Survey; AllSides Keeps Center Rating Following Sept. 2023 Editorial Review

The Wall Street Journal was rated Lean Left (-2.76). A total of 792 people rated WSJ. AllSides conducted an Editorial Review and opted to keep WSJ's bias rating as Center (-0.2).

Respondents who rated their own bias as Left, Lean Left, Center, and Right rated WSJ as Lean Left; respondents with a Lean Right bias rated it Left. Republicans rated WSJ as Left; Democrats and Indpendents rated it Lean Left.

During the Editorial Review, a multipartisan AllSides panel of reviewers on the left, center, and right determined WSJ has a Center bias. While the team noted very slight instances of Lean Left bias, they were minor, and most pieces did not show bias. The panel theorized that the Blind Bias Survey results were due to the inclusion of content that did appear to Lean Left. Headlines from WSJ included in the blind survey included but were not limited to: Earth Just Had Its Hottest Month Ever. How Six Cities Are Coping, The Legal Assault on Corporate Diversity Efforts Has Begun, Senate Passes Defense Bill, Setting Up Fight Over Abortion, Transgender Care, and The Most Notable Passages in the DOJ’s Indictment of Trump. Blind Bias Surveys show respondents a small snapshot of content from an outlet in time; AllSides often couples surveys with Editorial Reviews, which allow a panel to see a wider swath of content and taken over a longer timeline.

By metmike - Sept. 27, 2023, 9:21 a.m.
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Also, the Washington Examiner is absolutely NOT as biased on Fox. 

They are clearly biased but in almost every case, they base their reporting on solid evidence and authentic facts. They often practice the best journalism (but slanted right every time) because their business model  calls for that. 

CNN is the same thing but slanted left almost every time. CNN has wonderful, breaking news journalism......but its almost always bad for the right. 

Fox is the worst source by far of all the main ones that I watch/read. 

However, even they have hit grand slams, while also leading the league in strike outs and having the lowest batting average.

People watching Fox to get their news absolutely cannot tell the difference between a Fox, conspiracy theory strike out on 3 pitches and a Fox, grand slam to win the game in the bottom of the 9th. 

To them, every at bat is a home run.

By metmike - Sept. 27, 2023, 1:45 p.m.
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Joe Biden Lied At Least 16 Times About His Family’s Business Schemes


People don't lie this big unless they are covering up something. But we know clearly what that something is, regardless of the Ds falling for THIS big lie because its what they and the MSM want to believe.

So they just manufacture their own Biden world and claim this is political, extremely similar to how the far right Trump people have perpetuated their big lie about the election and that Trump did nothing wrong related to January 6th.

Big lies only work on people that affiliate strongly with the party of the big lie. The other party can always see thru the big lies of the OTHER party because their minds aren't the targets.

The targets of big lies have an underlying, fundamental cognitive bias that predisposes them to believing. Their political affiliation is, in many cases the pre existing condition which makes them profoundly vulnerable/easy targets for big lies.

The same principle of believing the good immediately and not believing the bad with the same acceptance  is true in non political realms.

Our favorite sports team.

Our close family members.

Our business investments.

Products that we use.

The huge difference between those examples and politics is the profound enormity and complete acceptance of political lies.

How many people still think that Trump won the 2020 election and the Ds stole it from him?

How many people think that's he's innocent of trying to overturn the results of the 2020 election and this is entirely political?

What is the party affiliation of almost all of them?

How many people think that Joe Biden is innocent of his crimes with Hunter while serving as our Vice President?

What is the party affiliation of almost all of them?


A MUCH bigger "Save the planet"  scam goes well beyond political party and well beyond the United States. How many people believe our greening planet, with the best weather/climate in the last 1,000 years (the last time that it was this warm-Medieval WARM period) for most life,  is a climate crisis because of a beneficial gas that is only half the optimal level for most life?

Climate science was hijacked for political/government agenda, crony capitalism, corrupt science, dishonest, ratings seeking media and very misled environmentalism.

 I've shown the indisputable proof that we are having a climate optimum, not a crisis for MOST life,  a thousand+ times here.

However, the authentic facts don't make a difference because people's predisposed, underlying condition in this realm,  is that "THEY WANT TO SAVE THE PLANET" and they have to trust the supposedly altruistic gatekeepers telling them how to do it.

Ironically, by cutting man's greatest positive contribution to our planet's booming biosphere.......CO2. We rescued the planet from dangerously low levels of this beneficial gas.

If that sounds nuts, it's because you've heard that CO2 is pollution many thousands of times. The most effective way to impact minds with a lie is REPETITION. 

                The Big Lie            

                            Started by joj - Sept. 9, 2023, 10:06 a.m.

           The life of a big lie requires repetition.


The exact same principles of brainwashing 101 are being applied in all these realms, Trumpism, Bidenism(ALL of politics), fake climate crisis, COVID vaccine DISinformation and hundreds more.

By metmike - Sept. 29, 2023, 7:45 a.m.
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Hunter Biden investigation: Top takeaways from the first impeachment inquiry hearing

“Obviously the strongest case is if you have a direct payment,” Turley said during the hearing. “But this idea that you can have millions going to a politician’s family and that’s not a benefit, I think, is pretty fallacious.”


It's completely absurd repetition by the Ds, that Joe did nothing wrong because all the checks, using illegal money laundering and corrupt extortion schemes went to numerous Biden members and not him. This has already been indisputably proven beyond all reasonable doubt standards!

Using that rationale, If I rob 4 banks and give all the money to my son, brother and grand children........I'M INNOCENT!

By metmike - Oct. 1, 2023, 8:58 p.m.
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White House mocks GOP's impeachment hearing as 'flop': 'Womp Womp'

The first impeachment inquiry hearing into Biden was six hours. Here's what happened


Completely close your eyes and ears and repeat after me:

"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"

"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"

And call for the impeachment investigation to end right now, for Pete's sake!


Because a guilty man leaves evidence that can only be uncovered by an investigation like this(after the DOJ covered up the evidence  for years) !

An innocent man will be proven innocent!

By WxFollower - Oct. 1, 2023, 11:54 p.m.
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Mike said:

Completely close your eyes and ears and repeat after me:

"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"

"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"


Hey Mike,

 What about the chance that Joe did something AND the Rs are just being political? Do you believe that’s possible? I don’t trust either side as being objective.

By metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 12:47 a.m.
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Absolutely the Rs are being political.

100% that they are. And that’s the only way for him or others like him from either party to be held accountable .

Would we expect the dems to hold him or others from their own party responsible?

Would the  DOJ that has covered up the Biden crimes do it?

Would the Rs lead an investigation into Trump?

By metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 7:28 a.m.
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In today's extraordinarily divided political world, group think and tribalism rules to the point of completely trumping critical thinking and objectivity. 

Media sources base their business models on it.

Journalists have abandoned their previous commitment  to authentic journalism because of it.

The quintessential example is how insanely brainwashed 10s of millions of Rs, not all far right have been completely convinced that Trump did nothing wrong and the Ds and DOJ are just being political. Even that he won the presidential election in 2020!

The EXACT SAME principle applies with Joe Biden.

Those that don't see it.......are unable to see it for the EXACT SAME reason that the 10s of millions or Rs think the EXACT SAME thing about Donald Trump:

"joe Biden Donald Trump did nothing wrong, the Rs  D's/DOJ are just being political"

They just keep repeating it.


But the most important element to this is related to the fact that both sides do actually go after the other side for purely political reasons not based on authentic facts.

The Mueller investigation or 1st impeachment of Trump. People against Trump,  bought every iota of that bogus stuff because THEY WANTED TO BELIEVE IT!  And they also bought into the LEGIT facts related to his diabolical attempts to overturn the results of the most secure presidential election in history.  

And most people can't tell the difference because they based everything on their political affiliation OR feelings about Donald Trump.

Exact same thing going on right now with Joe Biden. Ds are just using the same strategy the Rs use to make Trump out to be a victim EVERY time........even when he commits crimes. The Rs believe this because they know the Ds and DOJ attacked Trump in the past for things he was completely innocent its easy to convince them that they are just doing it once again.

It's impossible to break free from the cognitive bias based on party affiliation and information sources that tell us what we want to hear/read.

Even extraordinarily bright and educated people are having their minds hijacked! People that think Trump is innocent aren't just a bunch of high school drop outs or unusually gullible people. Those that know Trump did these horrible things might want to think that people who can't see his crimes are this way.............even as they fall for the same tactics from their own party!!!

The stronger your political affiliation or belief in something, the more likely that you are to believe in narratives that support what you already think that you know and especially use sources that tell you what you want to believe(think that you know) to reinforce that!

By metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 9:16 a.m.
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There are many things that I think that I know with certainty that I'm wrong about. This place causes me to be more objective/honest and apply the scientific method, when I wouldn't otherwise do it.

Because I'm projecting my opinions on readers and I sincerely care about making the world a better, more honest place based on authentic truths, I fact check my own work and you would be surprised at how many times I bust my original thoughts before posting an opinion.

First impressions are the most powerful. They often cause us(including me) to immediately start processing new information on the topic a certain way. If it confirms what we now think that we gets stored in our heads as knowledge. It it contradicts what we think that we gets rejected.

The scientific method is to do the opposite.

Seek out information that contradicts what we think we know and assume that information is right. Then look for reasons for that information to be right. If we can't find that............ONLY THEN do  we know it's wrong which solidly confirms what we previously thought that we knew.  

ADDED: During those times when we do find contradicting information to be right/authentic......if that never happens, then either you are a God or you ain't lookin hard enough with an open mind (-: , THEN WE USE IT TO ADJUST OUR ORIGINAL VIEW in the direction that the new evidence tells us to!

By metmike - Oct. 2, 2023, 1:11 p.m.
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Pat Fallon Details 'Direct Evidence Of Naked Corruption And Bribery' For President Biden

This is a republican of course. Does this mean his indisputable facts are not true because they are about a democrat and this is political?


Would he also submit the same solid evidence if Biden had a R in front of his name?


Would any democrat submit the same solid evidence about anybody in the D party?


True accountability in today's  polarized, political world only comes from the OTHER party.

In addition to this, the 2 parties ALSO target their opposition with bogus/false narratives.

How to tell the difference?

It's actually not very hard, as long as you don't belong to 1 of the political parties that own your thinking based on tribalism.

That seems like a very harsh way to phrase it......but it's true.

They've managed to strip away people's ability to think objectively and critically and replace it with party loyalty that trump's all else.

Please don't be offended by that 100% truth FOR BOTH SIDES!

Instead, use it to break free from their power over you!


      BREAKING NEWS: House Oversight Committee Holds Impeachment Inquiry Hearing Into Biden | PART 1    


    Forbes Breaking News


      Jim Jordan lays out 'damning evidence' against Biden for potential bribery charges


The evidence is no brainer, crystal clear. What needs to happen is for them to continue to investigate to gather more EVERY legit investigation and for Congress doing their Constitution duty for oversight.

I have looked very hard for reasons of why Joe Biden is innocent of these corrupt schemes of influence peddling. 

Every single time, I came up empty. There is no alternative explanation that I could find. None!

If somebody has an alternate explanation, please let us know. So far, no democrat has offered an  alternative explanation other than repeating:

"joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political"

By metmike - Oct. 16, 2023, 12:58 a.m.
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Hunter Biden News


Have you noticed Hunter's new look?

For the first time in his life, he has a shaved head.

Can you guess why???

Maybe for the drug tests?

Hair Drug Testing


They can insist on body hair (which he probably has) but the sudden shaved head is odd.

Hair follicle test vs. urine test

Hair follicle tests can provide a much larger window of detection than urine tests.

According to a 2017 studyTrusted Source, urine tests have a detection window of up to 10 hours to about 1 week for most drugs except marijuana, which can remain present in a person’s urine for up to 30 days.

Hair follicle tests can detect drug use for up to 3 months before testing, using hair samples that come from a person’s scalp.

Urine tests can detect more recent drug use, while hair follicle tests can identify regular, long-term drug use.

It is also easier for a person to tamper with a urine sample than with a hair sample, which may give hair follicle tests an advantage over urine tests when a person takes the test in a laboratory setting.

Although most drug screening still involves testing urine samples, hair follicle tests can help identify individuals who participate in regular, long-term drug use.

By 12345 - Oct. 16, 2023, 1:10 a.m.
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By metmike - Nov. 10, 2023, 10:31 a.m.
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Still rambling about the 2020 election being stolen.

According to Donald Trump:

The  2020 election was rigged.

The cheating during the election of 2020.

They cheat like hell, that's the only way they can win.

I got the largest number of votes ever for a president.

We won by 12 million votes in 2020.

We got millions and millions and millions of more votes.

They stole the election.

I went home after having won the election. At 9pm it was over. At 10pm it was really over. Then we watched it get stolen overnight.

Kari Lake had lines a mile long to vote for her that they sent home so that she couldn't win.

A large percentage of the machines didn't work.

Whenever I become convinced, that if Biden runs that I will vote for whoever runs against him............all I need to do is watch a Trump rally!

Grandiose delusions

What are delusions of grandeur?

 Something Is Seriously WrongwithTrump

But Biden has organic brain deterioration which continues to impact his ability to function(as well as numerous major policy flaws and blatant corruption)

Biden and Trump   


By metmike - Nov. 10, 2023, 10:33 a.m.
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                Jan 6 indictment/Trump(8-1-2023)            

                Started by metmike - Aug. 1, 2023, 10:32 a.m.


By metmike - Nov. 10, 2023, 5:27 p.m.
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So I listened more to Trumps words in this rally to try to get an understanding of him and why people worship the ground he walks on.


The only way that I can relate to this personally, is by imagining going to the movie theater to watch a science fiction movie to be entertained.

This guy just goes on and on with completely delusional, completely made up things. Not a few or even dozens but MANY HUNDREDS of complete concoctions that would baffle a psychiatrist. Seriously many hundreds of huge, obvious lies 1 after the other.

There is much more fiction than there is truth.

However, my strongest negative impression by far is of him spending a massive amount of time poisoning the minds of everybody listening against our elections.

Telling lie after lie after lie about the reliability of our elections. Intentionally and relentlessly doing everything possible to destroy the confidence of people  in the confidence of the most important part of our democratic process. Elections.

After the most secure election in history. Because he lost of course.

He truly is very mentally ill. 

However,  instead of getting professional help/treatment from somebody that could bring him back into the real world, the 100%, polar opposite is happening.

These huge rallies with everybody wildly cheering his lies and treating him as an infallible human being is incredibly strong positive reinforcement for his mental illness.

Which causes him to spew even crazier things. 

It's the most dysfunctional political situation in the history of our country. 

10s of millions of Rs that are unable to tell the difference between the truth and hundreds of lies because Donald Trump has captured their minds in his cult.