Bidens performance
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Started by metmike - March 8, 2024, 7:24 a.m.

Been reading about Joe Bidens State of the Union campaign performance last night.

Time magazine is calling it his “top career performance”.

I would agree with that if you want to base it on how fast he can read from a teleprompter without making mistakes after practicing the same speech  a zillion times.

From a person who was in the broadcasting television profession for 11 years, this is what I observed.

Before this “performance” Biden was getting massive criticism  because his crystal clear Alzheimers  based on our eyes and ears  has obviously taken away his fire and energy.

So they decided to prove our eyes and ears wrong by showing  us, that given enough practicing and meds, Biden can still read  from a teleprompter ……something that he did for 50 years, as fast as anybody in the business today And almost flawlessly.

The problems for me were several. The biggest one is that Biden’s practiced “fire” came off strongly as anger and shouting.  Because it was rehearsed so many times, It was stilted and very  unnatural.

His warp speed  reading pace  was intended to display  an ability to communicate ideas, very quickly, one after the  other without getting confused or making mistakes……but it was a fake demonstration of that ability because he was just reading, with tremendous skill and speed from a practiced script.

And he was extremely programmed and robotic while putting on that part of his very impressive but unnatural  performance.

But Biden had numerous breaks from this practiced performance when really angry Joe, instantly flipped a switch and became very friendly, personable  and interacting  and more natural Joe with his brain no longer in autopilot reading from the teleprompter. I actually liked him MUCH more at those times.

Then, the switch would get flipped  again and he would revert back to  what he practiced. Reading really  fast from the teleprompter. ….sometimes so fast that it was a bit hard to follow with his loss in enunciating some words. But incredibly impressive for anybody.

Keep in mind  that Alzheimer’s  impacts memory related brain functions more than how fast a person can read.

Like driving a car. A person that should drive no more as a result  of age compromising their ability to make good decisions on the road when faced with traffic ….can still step on the gas and go 100 mph  down a straightaway with no problems. They haven’t forgotten where the gas pedal is or how to use it.

Joe Biden‘s speech was stepping on the gas pedal and showing the world that He can still go 100mph,  going down a straight away without having an accident because of near flawlessly keeping the steering wheel pointed in the same direction.  Still able to do something he’s done for 50 years  with skill if given enough time to rehearse it .

I will strongly point out that Joe Biden’s ability to read from a teleprompter recently WHEN NOT rehearsed  can be a very painful experience to watch.

At those times, he’s  like the old man in a car  NOT GOING FAST, but it’s an unfamiliar road and not a straightaway, so he struggles!

But that was the good news about his performance last night. …..he’s still gifted at reading fast from a teleprompter.

The bad news is that he still  is a blatantly lying politician. …..based on the contents of his speech.

Lying about Ukraine and Russia's threat to invade Europe. Lying about what Israel is doing to Gaza, Lying about cutting the deficit and balancing the budget. lying about how he intentionally let 7 million illegal aliens into this country , really lying about the fake climate crisis and fake green,  anti environmental energy schemes for crony capitalism and governmental agendas. Lying again about the Rs planning to take away Medicare coverage.

He did make some excellent points about the US economy, fighting for lower drug prices, education, civil rights and did a wonderful job pointing out numerous positives about America. 

But his lies were delivered with offensive anger.
Obama and Bill Clinton could lie and even when you knew they were lying, their charisma, likability and  natural manner in communicating the lies often resulted in people having a positive, credible impression. I actually liked those guys some of the time even when they were  blatantly lying.

Joe Biden is well past relying on his once very likable personality  the way he once could.

He has to resort to  a long practiced reading fast from a teleprompter  with fake energy coming out as anger  and shouting. NOT  displaying charisma or likability, from a personality damaged by early stage but progressing rapidly Alzheimer's.

By metmike - March 8, 2024, 7:57 a.m.
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So now, instead of “Joe Biden did nothing wrong, the Rs are just being political” repeated over and over with regards to the mountain of evidence of his corrupt FOR CERTaIN involvement in HUNTERS BUSINESSES….

We will be hearing “there’s nothing wrong with Joe bidens cognitive skills because he can still read a practiced speech from a teleprompter really fast”

Make no mistake. He intentionally read as fast as possible  with  very impressive skill to demonstrate fake cognitive ability!

I haven’t changed my extremely negative view of Trump either.

The truth doesn’t favor either party.

its just that 1 party will wreck this country more than the other and anybody in office that gets strongly behind NATO will cause WW3!

Ukrainians MUST be given the peace they have been pleading for and an end to them being forced to fight NATOs war against Russia using weapons that US taxpayers funded!

The ethnic cleansing/genocide in Gaza, funded with US bombs being rushed in to keep the obliteration going relentlessly…. must stop!

The fake climate crisis?

That train left the station a long time ago, with no hope to stop the crony capitalism which is well entrenched.

By mcfarm - March 8, 2024, 11:04 a.m.
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"something that he did for 50 years, as fast as anybody in the business today And almost flawlessly."  by MM

Biden has been on the wrong side of every major policy, argument, debate or a plagiarized piece  he stole as long as it was good for America for 50 years. If it was harmful he was ready and willing to lie steal and cheat to back that policy. He in fact last nite was the most passionate, of any topic. was on sucking the life out of innocent babies thru abortion.

By metmike - March 8, 2024, 11:56 a.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm!

Whether the Rs like it or not, abortion is one of the few solidly winning positions that Biden and the Ds will have this Fall. He is only going to exploit that advantage BASED ON WHAT THE VOTERS WANT.

Regardless of what's right or wrong, the Rs would be wise to downplay the fight as an election topic because it causes them to LOSE votes. 

Don't give up fighting for something that's right but if you want your people  running for office to get the most votes, use things that people will vote them in over, not things they will vote them out over. 

This is completely independent of my personal views on abortion.

By metmike - March 8, 2024, 12:10 p.m.
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This is what I was stating earlier:

Biden Just Delivered a Top Career Performance. He Needed It.


From anger to charm: Analyzing Biden's State of the Union body language | Morning in America


There was 2 Joe Bidens up there as I stated earlier,. The angry, warp speed, practiced prompter reader in unnatural fashion,  shooting out scripted  political rhetoric like a machine gun.......and giving the illusion of cognitive skills .......then the personable Joe Biden that displayed a likeable human being in between that and towards the end.

By mcfarm - March 8, 2024, 2:20 p.m.
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likeable....never ever understood that in all Biden's years. And the voter who falls for that sham  does not follow Biden very close. I will never forget the day you called Biden "likeable" I was aghast. Even when young he was a mean spirited pol for sale. He even tried to run a couple of his most famous lies past us last nite and these were from his "likeable" youth, " I taught the 2nd Amendment for 12 years" said the lying cheat {how did he get his current wife I ask} And then he comes with "I know what its like to loose a child" only this time he mildly altered the usual "I lost a son in the war who came home in a casket" speech. Likeable, sure, some probably like rattle snakes and such too.

By metmike - March 9, 2024, 10:58 a.m.
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By mcfarm - March 9, 2024, 3:25 p.m.
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paranoid, neurotic, 0bsessed, not anywhere near reality, demented what else applies to this fool. Forgot to mention earlier that although most of his speech was a rant filled screech of untruths. One of the most outrageous things was his threat to the supreme court who had to sit thru it. Can you imagine a larger stunt than threatening a co-equal branch of out government during  state of the union? 

By the way saw several new pictures today that the  inclusive investigation used for Jan 6th. Guess what, not a single one was taken on Jan 6th and several were from Antifa riots years earlier What a shock.

By metmike - March 9, 2024, 6:22 p.m.
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Thanks, mcfarm!

I understand why this thread has been candy to your eyes.  

Reality check time again on the January 6th details.

I already indisputably proved EXACTLY why it happened, EXACTLY how it happened and who caused it (Trump)  100+ times here with around 1,000 posts about it. 

And why the far right Rs continues to WANT TO believe it was something else (conspiracy by FBI to frame Trump) like young children believing in Santa Clause. The clear thinking political adults(on that topic) know that Trump was the real life Grinch trying to steal the 2020 election based 100% on the authentic evidence/facts.

However, he was foiled like the fairly tale, Grinch and  this time it was no fairy tail.......its the stone cold truth.

Make that 1,001 posts now (-:


                Steven Sund Capitol police, Jan 6 was preventable            


                By metmike - Sept. 21, 2023, 1:09 a.m.                        

I actually could have provided hundreds of links with similar and additional AUTHENTIC information.

In fact, I've already done that as shown below!

This one, like the others will make no difference.


On Trump causing the insurrection. Thousands of authentic facts proving it.

Not one credible one showing otherwise but authentic facts DON'T matter in our world of manufactured realities by both parties.

Thomas Sowell Interview , "Social Justice Fallacies"            

                            Started by cutworm - Dec. 18, 2023, 6:19 p.m.  

“Some things are believed because they are demonstrably true. But many other things are believed simply because they have been asserted repeatedly—and repetition has been accepted as a substitute for evidence.”


The Grinch Trump that tried to steal an election. 

                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Trump off ballot in Colorado            

                            By metmike - Dec. 20, 2023, 6:26 p.m.            

By mcfarm - March 9, 2024, 7:59 p.m.
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I know how you love to state over and over how everything you print here is fact and only fact.....well I hardly think Trump caused the resurrection among many other thing he did not do.

By metmike - March 9, 2024, 8:47 p.m.
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Thanks much, mcfarm!

I don't actually think that you'll read the 1,000 posts that I copied which irrefutably proved beyond any shadow of a doubt that Trump absolutely caused the Insurrection. In fact, you won't read 1 and even if you did, you wouldn't believe 1 word and never have believed 1 word because it contradicts what you want to believe and it contradicts all the sources you go to because they tell you what you want to believe about the Insurrection and Trumps diabolical FAILED plots to overturn the 2020 election.

And you know darn well that when Trump is innocent, which has been the case NUMEROUS TIMES, that  I will post just as vigorously IN HIS DEFENSE!

                Trump civil fraud trial-nonsense         

                25 responses |                                        

                Started by metmike - Nov. 12, 2023, 2:43 a.m.    

Special Counsel Durham Testifies             

                            Started by metmike - June 21, 2023, 11:24 a.m.    

                Trump rape case            

                            20 responses |             

                Started by metmike - May 3, 2023, 9:33 p.m

Now we have another galactic-ally absurd, blatantly abusing the law case against him in NY:

N.Y. judge denies Trump request to delay hush money trial

So, he's charged Trump, Alvin Bragg has charged him with 34 counts of falsifying records. And he's basically arguing that Trump was trying to hide this fact from voters, and thus was — this is an election-related crime.


One of the most laughable false narratives the Ds keep repeating is that if Trump is elected, we will lose our democracy.

What has been happening in the biggest city in our country involving this blatant abuse of the law to target Trump with insane charges and even more insane penalties  shows the state of NY has already completely lost our democracy.

For the many legal entities there to collude together and  horrendously violate the principles of democracy which give we the people our basic rights...... to target somebody repeatedly like this with crimes and penalties that don't even make  an already  lost democracy in NY…..ironically and exclusively because of the same D party trying to scare us into thinking it’s Trump trying to steal our democracy!

The reason that this latest one is over the top is that Trump had a legal nondisclosure agreement with Stormy Daniel’s about consensual sex that SHE violated.

i vehemently disapprove of Trump violating his wedding vows, his personal conduct and lack of a moral compass in life or his  leadership. 

These traits absolutely matter in assessing a persons qualities to be president.

With that being the case, for Biden to be even worse than Trump is  like the mentality of trying to pick between  2 mass murderers ….but we are picking the president for Pete’s sake!!

By metmike - March 10, 2024, 7:39 a.m.
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3 years ago, I had already assumed a near 0 chance of ever voting for Trump again.

Then we had Biden as president.

I always tell our kids doing chess that the most important move of the game is ……..what the other player did last.

I’m blown away that, applying that strategy to politics means  my vote is  best served by voting NOT Joe Biden.

By mcfarm - March 10, 2024, 11:35 a.m.
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"my vote best served by voting not Biden"  by MM.

Well unless you want to go even further down the road to America becoming a communist hell hole then every citizens vote is best served by voting not Biden,,,,,of course there is one of our "top" FBI agents in the camp of Trump losing 250m to nothing....but its Trump that will take us to war and become a dictator...sure it is...and further where in the heck do you all think socialism leads? 

I also noticed you totally missed the attempt at humor and the word "resurrection" in my last post,,,,the word you used in your hast to vilify one more time in a list of a thousand

I think that same agent was responsible for this Thank God for Mississippi, the state motto of Alabama.....right some real class there and what was done about it?

By metmike - March 11, 2024, 5:49 p.m.
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Biden confirms he may refuse to debate Trump: ‘Depends on his behavior

By metmike - March 12, 2024, 12:14 a.m.
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On the Trump vs Biden debate:

What does the saying 'Be careful what you wish for' mean?


The Rs are totally confident that Biden's lost cognitive skills means that Trump would decimate him in a debate.

I would agree if it were Biden vs ANYBODY ELSE

But the Rs are totally oblivious to how flawed Trump is and seem to forget that in 2020, Biden didn't win the debates as much as Trump lost them by being Donald Trump. Especially in the first one where he was totally out of control like no other person that I've ever seen on a debate stage.

The first 2020 debate was a political horror show as Trump tried to bully Biden and the former vice president told him to 'shut up'

When I was in television, one of the things that we would often say is "It's not what you say, but how you say it"

Trump has so many people that hate his guts because of the way that he says things to other people. 

He makes constant personal attacks and bullies them. It's who he is. 

It won't matter how many times Biden has cognitive related issues, even if they are numerous. Objective people DO NOT LIKE somebody when they are making personal attacks and being a bully. 

Trump's personality has the potential to turn off millions real fast if he reminds them of the character and personality flaws that caused HIM to lose the election.

A record turn out by Ds who united in historical fashion because of Trump's personality.

The best thing Trump has going right now is that we don't see and hear from him as much as people did in 2020. 

Yes, they were hiden Biden in his basement to minimize his cognitive slips in 2020  but the best thing for the Rs right now would be to hide Trump because listening to his deranged, hate filled, rambling screeds only appeals to people that would vote for Trump stated himself "If I shot somebody on Main Street"

Biden is the most vulnerable president since Jimmy Carter in the 1980 election, won by Ronald Reagan.

Biden is several orders of magnitude worse than Carter.

However, when Reagan spoke, he won over skeptics/independents and even Ds with his wonderful likeability.

Trump's personality is the ANTI Reagan. When he speaks he turns people off that are not in his cult.

Somebody like that is NEVER going to do well in a debate. 

I'm still shocked that the Ds are continuing to force Biden on their party.

If Biden is still the guy in a few months and still behind Trump in the polls, look for a debate and we know that Biden can hold it together for several hours, given the right stimulants to help offset his Alzheimer's. 

He won't have 2 weeks to rehearse a teleprompter speech but he will know all the questions and be prepared with all the answers and unlikely to fall apart. And he will have a strategy to use Trump against himself.

Biden came off as the angry shouting president in his state of the union address and to me that was a turn off. 

With Trump on the stage, he's not going to out anger or outshout or outbully his opponent. Let Trump be his own worst enemy but not be intimidated.

Biden, actually doesn't get intimidated in public. Confused and problems with communicating? Yes but usually not intimadated.