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Started by 12345 - April 25, 2024, 7:19 p.m.

Athletic director used AI to frame principal with racist remarks in fake audio clip, police say

Authorities said the case appears to be among the first of its kind in the country and called for new laws to guard against the technology. Experts also warned that artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly powerful, while the ability to detect it may lag behind without more resources.

Dazhon Darien faked the voice of Pikesville High School's principal in response to conversations the men had about Darien's poor work performance and whether his contract would be renewed, Baltimore County police said.

Concerns included allegations that Darien paid his roommate $1,900 in school funds under the false pretense of coaching the girls soccer team, police said.

Darien forged an audio clip in which it sounded as if the principal was frustrated with Black students and their test-taking abilities, police wrote in charging documents. They said the recording also purported to capture the principal disparaging Jewish individuals and two teachers.

By metmike - April 26, 2024, 3:19 p.m.
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Thanks, Jean!

 We live in an increasingly divisive world where people no longer want peace and harmony or to negotiate for peace or adjust their positions.

The strategy is to destroy anybody that disagrees with you using the most powerful tools and tactics of modern technology. 

All the negative ads for political candidates have been doing this for years, for instance............and its working.

A couple of decades ago, negative, vilify the opponent political ads were the exception. Especially because  people didn't like them even though they had some success.

In today's world it's accepted as a normal part of societies evolution.

Propaganda on Ukraine and Gaza massively dominates, as the main source for what people THINK they know, without any AI being used. 

You would think that the information highway(internet) would be enlightening and educating us so that we're smarter and better informed.

It CAN BE used as a tool to do that but sadly, nefarious entities use it to brainwash and control/manipulate us, as well as individuals using it like this person did in your article. 

It's often a matter of  the winner,  being the more creative and convincing  entity with their manufactured realities, like the fake climate crisis. 

The most effective at using the powerful technological tools to frame their false narrative with the right campaigns and methods.  The authentic truths are less important. 

AI is uncharted territory but with nefarious sources that already have this long, unethical track record one assumes this will just be incorporated into their bag of  dirty tricks.