Trump 7-26-24
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Started by metmike - July 26, 2024, 11:34 p.m.

Talk of divine intervention as Trump speaks at Florida summit for the religious right

Trump goes on and on and on!


Mania is a condition in which you display an over-the-top level of activity or energy, mood or behavior. This elevation must be a change from your usual self and be noticeable by others. Symptoms include feelings of invincibility, lack of sleep, racing thoughts and ideas, rapid talking and having false beliefs or perceptions.

What are the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder?


Use the acronym “SPECIAL ME” to remember the nine signs of NPD.


  1. Sense of self-importance
  2. Preoccupation with power, beauty, or success
  3. Entitled
  4. Can only be around people who are important or special
  5. Interpersonally exploitative for their own gain
  6. Arrogant
  7. Lack empathy
  8. Must be admired
  9. Envious of others or believe that others are envious of them
    How is NPD diagnosed?    (if you're Donald Trump, by looking in the mirror)                            

Trained mental health professionals conduct a structured interview to learn more about an individual’s typical behavior patterns. If someone consistently displays at least five of the SPECIAL ME traits, they meet the diagnostic criteria for the condition.



In psychology, grandiosity is a nonnormative sense of superiority, uniqueness, or invulnerability. It may be expressed by exaggerated beliefs regarding one's abilities, the belief that few other people have anything in common with oneself, and that one can only be understood by a few, very special people.[1] The personality trait of grandiosity is principally associated with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), but also is a feature in the occurrence and expression of antisocial personality disorder, and the manic and hypomanic episodes of bipolar disorder


In most realms, his friends and family would seek psychiatric treatment to help him with this serious disorder. 

In the current environment, because of his charisma and power, his disorder has elevated him to a cult leader with 10's of millions of brain captured republicans wanting him to be president...........instead of wanting him to get mental health treatment. 

The OTHER side is so bad with ruinous policies and corruption that, for me Trump is actually the better choice(right now).

By metmike - July 29, 2024, 10:59 a.m.
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Some House Republicans slam Vance as Trump’s VP pick: ‘The worst choice’


Donald Trump Has 'About 10 Days' To Replace JD Vance—Chuck Schumer


Complete nonsense/propaganda and the MSM is on board with being the main source for spreading it  around.

By metmike - July 29, 2024, 9:57 p.m.
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‘Terrifying’: Democrats react to Trump saying people won’t have to vote again

Former president told Christian supporters on Friday ‘it’ll be fixed’ in four years if he wins 2024 election

Democrats have expressed outrage after Donald Trump told a group of Christian supporters on Friday that if he wins the presidency in November, they would never need to vote again.

“Christians, get out and vote, just this time,” the former president and current presidential nominee told the crowd at at Turning Point Action’s Believers’ Summit on Friday. “You won’t have to do it any more. Four more years, you know what? It’ll be fixed, it’ll be fine, you won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians.”

“You got to get out and vote,” Trump continued. “In four years, you don’t have to vote again. We’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote.”

A spokesperson for Trump’s campaign told the Washington Post that Trump “was talking about uniting this country and bringing prosperity to every American, as opposed to the divisive political environment that has sowed so much division and even resulted in an assassination attempt”.

But Trump’s comments spread quickly across media, causing outrage and alarm among many Democrats and others, who called the remarks “terrifying”, authoritarian and anti-democratic.


Ds do another retarded twisting of what Trump meant......with Trump always expressing himself with unconventional verbiage to make crazy promises.

Trump absolutely DID NOT mean he was going to make himself a dictator. He was addressing a group that often does not vote, so he was giving them a reason to make an exception this 1 time so that he could fix the country in his 4 years and then they wouldn't need to worry about voting next time because the country would be fixed.

It was a crazy thing to say because Trump will not fix the country forever in 4 years,  but it DID NOT mean what the Ds want to mischaracterize it to mean AND THEY KNOW IT!

By metmike - July 31, 2024, 8:37 p.m.
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Trump did it to himself again last night:

                Re: Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala                                                   

                By metmike - July 31, 2024, 5:25 p.m.            


Donald Trump's Black Journalist Event Implodes as Kamala Harris Wins Voters

"As a person of color, as a Black woman, who is in this position, that is standing before you at this podium, what he just said, what you just read out to me is repulsive," she said. "It's insulting, and no one has any right to tell someone who they are, how they identify. That is no one's right. That is someone's own decision.


Now that this is settled...........since we have 2 Jewish men that post here and the rest are pretty far right, as of today, I'm now identifying with being for Israel staying in Gaza until the job is done to justifiably remove Hamas, while collectively punishing the 2 million innocent people, mostly children and women (whoops, I mean the worthless Jew haters).


                Re: Re: Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala            

                                                       By metmike - July 31, 2024, 5:39 p.m.            


Business InsiderTrump lies to NABJ crowd, says Kamala Harris 'happened to turn Black'


Regardless of my previous post, fact is that Trump just created another self inflicted disaster on himself because of how he communicates to people.

He went into this venue to get black votes but said something extremely dumb to ATTACK HIS OPPONENT IN AN EXTREMELY PERSONAL WAY ABOUT HER RACE and it blew up his face/backfired........ because that's who he is and thats a huge part of the NOT Donald Trump vote.

This is from a Trump friendly source:

Trump Claims Kamala Harris Only Recently Identified As Black — Here’s Why That’s Not True


Many dozens of news outlets slammed Trump for this off the charts racially insensitive comment. Personally, I hope that society can one day stop being overly sensitive about stuff like this but know THAT IT WILL NEVER HAPPEN because ratings seeking, sensationalizing  media and politicians can use it for self serving this case to severely punish the man they hate for saying something really dumb because of his pervasive mentality to attack opponents. 

Trump questions whether Harris is ‘Indian or Black’ in heated interview


                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala                       

                                                      By metmike - July 31, 2024, 5:59 p.m.                        


I really don't think Trump is racist. He is just a vocal hater of everybody that opposes him and uses cringe worthy verbiage to express it. 

We all remember when he attacked John McCain for being a prisoner of war and know that Trump is the exact opposite of  because he greatly honors our veterans but his offensive, very personal attacks on opponents ALWAYS gets him in trouble.

Trump's McCain attack(s)comment:

Trump mocks John McCain's war injury while on campaign trail


We should note that John McCain, though a war hero that I greatly respect for what he sacrificed for our country, also got personal as he used his hatred for Trump caused him to betray his years of promises to his constituents because of it! 

Trump brings out the worst in many people!

The MSN HATED McCain............until the personal feud erupted with Trump......suddenly, he was elevated to a great hero!

For McCain, a life of courage, politics came down to 1 vote

Trump did not deserve an assassination attempt on his life but it's not like he's another MLK that has rallies that teach love and forgiveness, trying to make the world a better place.

Many of us have been surprised it didn't happen earlier.

What did Trump learn from the event?

A new strategy to describe it as:

"I took a bullet for democracy" and

"Divine intervention saved me because God has a purpose for me"

Pure marketing scheme's that don't translate to 1 iota of humility or a change that would line up with the event actually having an authentic meaning on his persona/thinking.                                    

                              Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Immaculate Kamala                                                  

                By metmike - July 31, 2024, 7:02 p.m.           


I watch the evening news on ABC on many nights. A ton of headline news today for them to cover.

Tonight, can you guess where ABC news put Trumps comments last night?

The first 8 minutes of the news.

In other words, more important than anything else in the world and more than double the time covering anything else.

Trump shoots himself in the foot ...AGAIN but the media turns mole hills into Mt. Everest.

By metmike - July 31, 2024, 8:42 p.m.
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What white person would push themselves on to a large group of black journalists who already are, at the very least skeptical of him and more likely to hate them already...........then make a galactically retarded comment in front of them to bash his black opponent...........ON THE LEGITIMACY OF HER BLACKNESS???????????

Only 1 person would make such a catastrophic blunder. Just 1!

I'm already NEVER BIden and NEVER Harris but apprehensively voting for Trump..........maybe.

Incidents like this have me more likely to not vote for anybody ever again in my life because I'm completely fed up with politics on both sides.

The viciousness, hate,  lies and self serving agendas that kill people in other countries and destroy our future so that politicians and government can be enriched at the expense of Americans and the truth. 

By metmike - July 31, 2024, 9:18 p.m.
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Another unforced error by Trump's mouth:

As mentioned after the failed assassination......... this election is Trump's to lose.

And that's where he's headed right now:

By metmike - Aug. 4, 2024, 10:48 p.m.
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Georgia activist steals the show after being introduced by Trump at Atlanta rally: 'Incredible'


To repeat, I don't think Trump is a racist.

He attacks everybody/enemies  from all races and genders with equal offensive zest.

By metmike - Aug. 4, 2024, 11:01 p.m.
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JD Vance tears into Kamala Harris: 'Sounds like a third grader'

By metmike - Aug. 4, 2024, 11:17 p.m.
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Even this great charlatan, that I greatly dislike..........can sometimes make a good point(s).

I actually can't stand this guy so much that I could only stomach part of the video.

Life, Liberty & Levin 8/4/24 [Sunday] | FOX BREAKING NEWS August 4, 2024

By metmike - Aug. 8, 2024, 4:44 p.m.
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Evangelical Leaders Call Out Danger as 'Prophets' Tie God to Donald Trump


I can tell you with 1,000% certainty that if God was picking presidents, Jimmy Carter would NOT have lost to Ronald Reagan in 1980!!!!

The ONLY honest, sincerely ethical president that used his faith the most to guide his decisions.....during my life time.

   Greatest FORMER President in history/J. Carter                                             

                Started by metmike - Feb. 18, 2023, 7:49 p.m.


Carter proved himself by his actions for decades after being the president. His life was  extended, which allowed him to exploit his name, connections and resources as a past president to do many great thing in order to make the world a MUCH better place.

Having a discussion, tying Trump to God is offensive. 

By metmike - Aug. 9, 2024, 2:35 a.m.
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The democrats most powerful weapon ahead of the election is Donald Trumps mouth.

Trump had a news conference to try to get the attention back on his campaign and his rambling nonsense actually does him much more harm than good.

he was bragging about his crowds being even bigger that MLK, especially his Insurrection crowd.

Wthat the heck.

as I just Mentioned On another thread. If trump would have just told the truth about the most secure  election in history and conceded his defeat, he would have many millions more supporting him right now.

The fake election steal and how he acted after the election loss and still today is a massive, massive weak point for Trump.

Only somebody delusional would think that rambling On to remind some people of exactly why he shouldn’t be president, when he is convinced that’s why he should be president.

By mcfarm - Aug. 9, 2024, 6:17 a.m.
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I do not remember anyone "tying Trump to God". Assuming someone's real personal beliefs should not be done, That is for Trump to decide his own, Now when it was mentioned it had to with the shooting. And I do not think divine intervention had a twit to do with him turning his head or the complete and utter mess the SS created before during and after the fiasco but lets just say we do not know either.

By metmike - Aug. 9, 2024, 7:41 a.m.
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Outside of a shock in the debates, the election res are extremely likely to go for the dems.

Fox in the evening this week has become completely detached from reality and off the rails with their  nonsense, manufactured fairy tale descriptions of the aharris team and aTrump.

they are doing it to reassure and tell viewers what they want to hear to strenthen their brainwashing grip and maintain blockbuster ratings,

Fox viewers are being told that Harris is not capable of doing a news conference or interview.

Fox viewers are being told that Harris is a horrible debater and is afraid to debate Trump because she knows that he will crush her.

Wanna bet?

trump is actually the horrible debater because of an inability to focus his thoughts and messaging. He communicates with rambling screeds and mixes in personal attacks against his opponent and tries to bully them.

The cut microphone debate format was exclusively designed to get around Donald Trumps refusal to follow debate rules/decor.

A person like this is their own worst enemy.

By metmike - Aug. 9, 2024, 10:52 a.m.
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Trump caused himself to lose in 2020 and looks destined to do the same in 2024, as long as he insists the election was stolen from him in 2020….and insanely, is actually making that part of his platform speeches.

This scares the crap out of millions of people that will not vote for him for just that reason.

this transcends elections because it’s a profoundly important ethical principle that honorable humans everywhere adhere too with little room for exceptions.

Its one of the first things I’ve  taught 5,000 kids about chess playing.

in defeat, especially tough defeats, we fully recognize our opponent as superior in that game.

use it to learn from mistakes and become better because of that.

not only is trump violating good sportsmanship ethical codes, but he’s learned a new, really bad tactic from it that is sabotaging his growth as a human being and wrecking  his chances to be elected again.

Even those who insist we should still vote for his policies, know that this is true.

its  impossible to separate the man, Donald Trump from his good for America policies.

By WxFollower - Aug. 11, 2024, 2:08 p.m.
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On 7/15 (2 days after being shot, Trump peaked at 69 on PredictIt. Today, he’s at a 90+ day low of only 45. On the day when she entered the race (7/21), Harris was only at 40 to Trump’s 60. Now Harris is up to 59, up 14 over Trump’s 45. This is all fwiw since this data is based on a betting market. Regardless, the 3.5 week trend is quite notable:

By mcfarm - Aug. 11, 2024, 6:31 p.m.
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seems many so called experts are now saying she has peaked and the honey moon is over. Then this on going problem of no hard interviews mixed with the awful vp pick

By metmike - Aug. 11, 2024, 7:46 p.m.
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Red = Kennedy

Orange= Biden

Light Blue = Harris

Purple = Trump

Has Harris peaked?

Before the D convention?

What will cause Trump to make a come back?


The Ds thought that Biden could make a comeback by him getting out there more to energize the Ds...........but him getting out there was the worst thing possible because it exposed his severe cognitive issues.

The Rs think the same thing with the same fatally flawed logic. Trump had a news conference to try to regain the attention!!!

Just like Bidens mouth revealed his impossibe to overcome compromised cognitive condition, Trumps mouth reveals his impossible to overcome, increasingly delusional, divisive, disrespectfull and offensive demeaner.

 Trumps news conference was a counter productive disaster featuring a manic, rambling, delusional screed!


This could actually be a surge of positive relief by the Ds, thats an OVER reaction to the enthusiasm of finally getting rid of the Biden and the knowledge of him running = loss for sure.

Rs will hang their hats on the debates as the events that will turn things around. If you listen to Fox tell it, Harris is a box of rocks with can't speak or debate. 

In his last debate,  zombie Biden beat himself. 

I predict Harris will win ALL the debates and the main thing that will save Trump from being more embarrassed is THE MUTE BUTTON.


This basically makes it impossible for Trump to come back. 

If I could control the Rs and Trump and give them a winning strategy, it would be for Trump to be the opposite of himself.

Let me be more specific.

To Donald Trump: Stop using your rally's to boost your Mt. Everest sized ego. Stop saying ultra divisive things, making personal attacks, telling lies, bragging  and saying things that get your far right, MAGA base at the rallies to do insane cheering which your ego feeds on BUT TURNS EVERYBODY ELSE OFF!

Stick with a teleprompter to stay disciplined with a message that focuses on agenda and how yours is better than theirs based on authentic facts.

That would be like asking a fish to fly or bird to swim and if almost getting assassinated didn't inspire him to be a better person, NOT EVEN 1 IOTA BETTER..........NOTHING WILL!

Added: Stop talking about the 2020 election. Stop telling people that there was widespread fraud by the Ds and it was stolen from you.

Stop talking about YOUR failed Insurrection. Stop calling it a beautiful day with MAGA people being hero's, rioting for you. Stop promising to pardon some of them that have been convicted of REAL crimes using legit evidence. Stop talking about January 6th and the 2020 election results until asked about it at the debates. Then, give the 100% opposite response as the one that you have been giving since it happened.

This situation and how you've retold your fairy tale version, with you as the hero/victim instead of  the diabolical schemer that  you were.......IS KILLING YOUR CHANCES TO BE PRESIDENT IN 2024.

By metmike - Aug. 13, 2024, 10:15 a.m.
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Here's Why Young Black Men Like Me Are Voting for Trump | Opinion

By metmike - Aug. 13, 2024, 10:29 p.m.
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Trump and Musk host friendly conversation on X after delay from technical difficulties


Trumps only chance is to pretend to be somebody that he isn't as much as possible, which he has mainly been able to do for very brief periods, while reading from a teleprompter.

I didn't hear last nights exchange but clearly Elon Musk knows what Trump needs to do and is providing the format, as well as steering him in the right direction with the right questions.

It does help to have Musk and Twitter but it still boils down to Trump being able to do something he's never done yet. Stay on messages that people want to hear(other than MAGA worshippers) and discard the crap that turns them off.........which defines who Trump is.

I really think now, that Trump's comfortable lead over Biden was not a reflection of people wanting him for president as much as Biden being the worst candidate by such a large margin that EVERYBODY could have beaten Biden and Trump was just 1 of them.

Most Rs probably could best Harris too but Trump is probably not one of the Rs that can beat Harris.

Personally, I didn't like Haley but she would mop the floor with Harris.

Its likely that DeSantis and a host of other qualified Rs would beat Harris. But the Rs chose their WEAKEST person when facing Ds.

Let's make this clear:

Donald Trump is strong against fellow Rs because the brainwashed MAGA majority in the R party see him as their cult leader.  

Donald Trump is very weak against Ds because there are ZERO, MAGA people to add to his side and in fact, he causes some moderate Rs to NOT vote or switch when the exact opposite is needed in a GENERAL ELECTION.

Let use some hypothetical math to demonstrate that principle:

If, theoretically each party has 50% of the vote in the general election.

Let's say Trump has 80% of the Rs, many are Trump forever, locked in votes..... which is 40% of ALL the voters.

 One might think that all he needs is a few % more from outside his base and he will win. Almost any other person, besides Trump in the R party could apply/use that logic and come out winners in the general elections.

However, Trump has a completely different dynamic that CLEARLY DEFINES HIS SUPPORTERS compared to every R candidate in history.  His base of extreme right with a few moderate Rs make up his 80%(which is only 40% of the TOTAL electorate population). He also has at least 20% of Rs that are NEVER Trump........even in a general election!!!! The exact numbers might be slightly different.

The Donald Trump that crushes every other R in head to head competition has to get some additional votes in order to win in a general election.

Where will they come from?

The verbiage in all of  Donald Trump's speeches and his bombastic delivery, with mean personal attacks is totally geared up to get his base of MAGA people fired up. Trump delivers these inflammatory speeches in person, to feed his ego from a severe, disabling medial/clinical case of narcissism. 

This gives him POSITIVE REINFORCEMENT,  which prevents him from wanting to change anything. He's in denial because he sees the MAGA crowds adoring him and deludes himself into thinking people that are not MAGA will recognize the same things.

So, bottom line is that there is a remaining 60% of the people left in the country that are not in the 80% of Rs that strongly support him. HE MUST GET AT LEAST 5% or so from that group. 

But he can't get that by doing what he does to get far right Rs excited. In fact, he LOSES some NON MEGA Rs  by doing that instead of gaining independants or Ds. 

So the D candidate will get their locked in XX% of votes that will vote D no matter what and additionally, the X% of people that Trump can't get.....enough for them to win.


Trump wants to get more black voters. Smart strategy. So he goes to a big event with black journalists, who pretty much detest him. No way he was going to change any minds of the black journalists but he could have changed minds of black voters if he said the right things when being interviewed/attacked and black voters reading it, saw him differently.

Instead of doing that, he reverts to a Donald Trump 101, knee jerk response that caused his effort to BACKFIRE BIG!

He attacked his black opponent in front of black people that don't like him with bad Trump logic by questioning whether she identified with being black enough.

Think about this. An old white man, who some believe to be racist (not me, I think Trump acts this way towards every adversary) presents himself to an all black audience as an authority on how black people should identify a way that is a complete lie about how his opponent has been identifying herself. WOW! 

Not only is it unlikely that he gained black voters, he was more likely to turn some off even more. 

Again, Trumps mouth is the best thing that ever happened to Ds. Worst thing for Rs.

When he was competing against somebody even WORSE(Biden). He got away with it. This makes it even harder to fix something so incredibly broken.

But the Rs have nobody but themselves and Donald Trump to blame NOT the Ds.

They nominated Trump with a landslide based on all these things that appeal only to the far right and are a turn off to others.

If Harris had been the one from the start instead of Biden, would the Rs have nominated a different person to face Harris?


Accusing the Ds of being shady because Harris didn't get 1 vote in the primaries is wasting words on something that doesn't help and, in fact hurts the Rs.

When Biden was running, many millions of Ds were upset and wanted a younger person. It was a very discombobulated way to give them Harris but what I see, are the VAST majority of Ds really happy about Harris.....because she's the person THEY WANT!

This is what matters.

Ds really want Harris and didn't want Biden.

Rs really want Trump.

By joj - Aug. 13, 2024, 11:09 p.m.
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"When Biden was running, many millions of Ds were upset and wanted a younger person. It was a very discombobulated way to give them Harris but what I see, are the VAST majority of Ds really happy about Harris.....because she's the person THEY WANT!"

I agree.

I think by definition that makes Harris more than just a NOT Trump candidate.

Trump 7-26-24
By metmike - Aug. 16, 2024, 7:41 a.m.
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Thanks, joj!

Trump has the inklings of a plan to take on Harris, but he seems unable to implement it

Fact check: Trump makes more than 20 false claims at news conference

Hear Trump react to feedback he’s gotten about personal attacks against Harris


Trump’s fury over Harris’ switch with Biden is increasingly driving his campaign


Kamala Harris is an extraordinarily weak candidate that includes NOT standing out as a great leader as the VP and NOT deserving to be promoted to P and having some bad policies from this current administration (and the past) making her very vulnerable.

Almost any R would likely clean her clock on policy and leadership.

However, the only R that can't beat her, is the one that the far right, MAGA Rs have been hypnotized by and anointed via his appeal as a cult leader.

Trump has a fatally flawed, bombastic,  narcissistic personality, that dwells on hate and personal attacks over policy, truth and rational speeches which he needs to win.

He is extremely undeserving of being our president.  

Everybody that matters, knows that these personal attacks on Kamala are killing him.

But he can't stop doing them, despite the permanent damage they are doing to his chances of being president.

This is a clear sign of a severe mental illness.  When everybody around you is telling you to stop doing something because it's causing damage. When all the facts are proving indisputably that what you are doing is sabotaging yourself. 

AND YOU JUST KEEP DOING IT ANYWAY!                                         


By metmike - Aug. 16, 2024, 8:48 a.m.
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Even if Trump only spends 1 minute out of a 1 hour speech or press conference on personal attacks, the MSM will get all of its sound bites from that 1 minute.

We've been watching that exactly this week.

Trump has shifted to more policy and less attacks.......but it doesn't matter as long as there are ANY attacks.

By metmike - Aug. 21, 2024, 12:40 p.m.
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Donald Trump Says Polls Show Him at '93 Percent'


When Trump says something dumb or wrong, it becomes the headlines for the MSM (otherwise known as the "elect Harris coalition")

By metmike - Aug. 23, 2024, 1:45 p.m.
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