Zelensky in the US 9-23-24
20 responses | 0 likes
Started by commodityman - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:51 a.m.

Previous thread on this same topic, which the moderator was blocked from:

                Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit             

                            81 responses |             

                Started by metmike - July 24, 2024, 11:29 a.m.            



Last 2 posts at that thread:

                  Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit           


                By metmike - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:31 a.m.            


Ukraine’s Zelensky arrives in US to present ‘victory plan’ to defeat Russia    


Zelensky arrives in U.S. ahead of presenting Biden with "victory plan"



Get ready for a week of complete Horse Manure/Nonsense. Staged and planned out propaganda that the MSM will use for hundreds of top stories about Zelensky the Great and his suddenly  realized,  magical plan to defeat Russia, after 31 straight months of really bad plans that got his country decimated badly and lost the war by every legit standard over a year ago.



                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit                      

                By metmike - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:32 a.m.            




                Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:  Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit         

                By commodityman - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:44 a.m.                        

The moderator is being blocked again from accessing another long opinionated thread that contradicts the propaganda with the TRUTH!

It's time to start a new thread anyways!                

Re: Who wants peace in Ukraine?                    

                By commodityman - March 22, 2024, noon                        

The moderator/metmike is being blocked from any more comments at this thread and tech support will not respond.

It was time to start a new thread anyway:

                Who speaks the truth? NOT NATO!            

                            Started by commodityman - March 22, 2024, 11:31 a.m.            



By metmike - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:53 a.m.
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Testing to see if the moderator is blocked from this NEW thread too.

Nope, we're good...........for now!

If commodity man was also blocked, then I might guess that it was related to the thread being so long or it being intended for EVERYBODY here.

 But only metmike is unable to view and post at that thread anymore.

And it’s only that thread and a couple of others in the past, one of which was another recent , very long thread on Ukraine.

There's definitely something I can't explain going on which makes it impossible to pinpoint, I can only make educated guesses.

By commodityman - Sept. 23, 2024, 3:34 p.m.
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The Heavy Toll of Desertion From the Russian Army

The New York Timeshttps://www.nytimes.com › 2024/09/22 › magazine › de...

1 day ago — Desertion is dangerous, and deserters are afraid to speak out. Very few deserters from the Russian military have spoken to the news media.


Most of the MSM tells us about the massive desertion of the Russian Army..........while the other side tells us this:


      80,000 Ukraine Soldiers 'Refuse' To Fight Russia; 'Mass Desertions' Hit Ukrainian Army - Report    



Who is telling the truth or are they both telling the truth or are they both lying?

Here's what we know with 100% certainty(in a moment of honesty by the MSM)

             Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit           


                By metmike - Sept. 8, 2024, 6:19 p.m.                      


Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine’s military is struggling with low morale and desertion                                                    

By Ivana Kottasová and Kostya Gak, CNN         

  Published     Sun September 8, 2024    


            As a battalion commander, Dima was in charge of around 800 men who fought in some of the fiercest, bloodiest battles of the war – most recently near Pokrovsk, the strategic eastern town that is now on the brink of falling to Russia.    

But with most of his troops now dead or severely injured, Dima decided he’d had enough.

Two and half years of Russia’s grinding offensive have decimated many Ukrainian units. Reinforcements are few and far between, leaving some soldiers exhausted and demoralized. The situation is particularly dire among infantry units near Pokrovsk and elsewhere on the eastern front line, where Ukraine is struggling to stop Russia’s creeping advances.

CNN spoke to six commanders and officers who are or were until recently fighting or supervising units in the area. All six said desertion and insubordination are becoming a widespread problem, especially among newly recruited soldiers.

            Ukrainian soldiers in the area paint a grim picture of the situation. Kyiv’s forces are clearly outnumbered and outgunned, with some commanders estimating there are 10 Russian soldiers to each Ukrainian.   


Based on this, the 2nd article is absolutely true and its only a matter of how HUGE the numbers are.

The 1st article MUST have SOME truth to it(based on common sense) but  the source only provides us with information about some Russian desertions, that it sensationalizes and covers up the CONFIRMED desertions about Ukraine desertions. This is what we call PROPAGANDA!

By metmike - Sept. 23, 2024, 8:20 p.m.
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Exclusive: Zelenskyy says Ukraine's war with Russia is 'closer to the end'


"The plan of victory is strengthening of Ukraine," Zelenskyy told "GMA."

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he believes the war with Russia is "close to an end" than many believe and called on allies to strengthen Ukraine's army.

"The plan of victory is strengthening of Ukraine," Zelenskyy said during a sit-down interview with "Good Morning America" co-anchor Robin Roberts. "That's why we're asking our friends, our allies, to strengthen us. It's very important."


He wants NATO to send in troops to replace the army that he killed off by sending them on suicide missions and that have been permanently disabled and that have deserted him because of the WORST military leadership in history making nothing but really, really bad decisions(for NATO-NOT Ukraine) and ZERO smart decisions in 31 months.

He absurdly wants us to think the war is close to the end because Ukraine is about to win. .......if only we just send more weapons and soldiers that have resulted in catastrophic losses so far for Ukraine.

But yes, they have weakened Russia, which is NATO's objective and Zelensky's boss.

By metmike - Sept. 23, 2024, 10:59 p.m.
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Zelensky calls Vance ‘too radical,’ suggests he study WWII


In the interview, Zelensky said Vance’s “message seems to be that Ukraine must make a sacrifice.”

“The idea that the world should end this war at Ukraine’s expense is unacceptable,” the Ukrainian president continued.


This is like.........another dimension hypocrisy. Zelensky just sacrificed most of his army and got his country decimated for NATO as the worst military leader in the history of the world and condemns a person with an idea that would stop his country and people from the enormous clobbering. Zelensky canceled elections  to keep from being voted out and is now a dictator in a country thats no longer a democracy. He is a NATO salesman, here in our country this week to criticize people in our democracy that won't support his NATO war. The entity that he stands for in every really bad policy and every really bad decision. The one that INTENTIONALLY  USED HIS PEOPLE that he's supposed to represent  and got them Decimated.


“Let Mr. Vance read up on the history of the Second World War, when a country was forced to give part of its territory to one particular person,” Zelensky said"

Zelensky had the opportunity BEFORE the war to give up exactly ZERO territory and just agree to not let NATO expand into Ukraine. Zelensky's decision to abandon that option and betray his people (who elected him in 2019 on his platform of promising  to negotiate for peace  with Russia) for NATO and fight a war with Russia over NATO expansion into Ukraine is the reason Ukraine lost this land.

Zelenskys really bad decisions  are the reason that Ukraine is going to lose land!!!


The audacity of this person, who has made himself a dictator of one of the most corrupt countries in the world coming here to the United States and telling us who we shouldn't vote for in our democratic elections!!!!!!!!!

By commodityman - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:08 p.m.
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This is how the giving up the land after you lose a war badly thing works in the REAL WORLD: 




By metmike - Sept. 23, 2024, 11:15 p.m.
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Thanks much, commodityman!

It's nice to have you around in order to defeat the block placed on metmike that won't allow him to access anything from the 2 longest threads on Ukraine at MarketForum!!!

By metmike - Sept. 24, 2024, 4:41 a.m.
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What the heck is the matter with people in our government and media???

We  actually elevated  and invited the  leader of one of the most corrupt country’s in the world  to come here,  that has already  fleeced  US tax  payers for $200,000,000,000  that he used to get his army, people and country decimated  with and that, millions were skimmed off by his corrupt government.

Now he’s here…AGAIN, demanding  even more money and criticizing  us for not  coughing up enough  support and weapons and  criticizing our politicians who have smart ideas to end his long war. to help the people that HES SUPPOSED TO HELP and stop the massive bleeding from every war torn oraface. 

And his  touted great plan to end the war  that he already lost, with this staged theatre  by the corrupt gatekeepers pulling his puppet strings is just another retarded plan to escalate even more  using our money and our resources!!!

Is this the Twilight zone??

Please , stop letting them do this to us!!

If this is a true democracy  that serves the people  WE MUST  STOP THEM FROM DOING THIS TO US!  

We can use this money to help less fortunate people in our country or the world. Or for 100 different positive, productive endeavers here or abroad.

Using it for this, comes in dead last on every sane list of priorities.

In fact, burning it in a fire or burying it 10 feet in the ground is a much better choice than using it  to hurt people and make the world a much WORSE PLACE.

By commodityman - Sept. 24, 2024, 5:23 a.m.
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There are 100+ countries in the world that could use our assistance. Many of them with people in poverty and in dire need of humanitarian aid.

But look at where we send our money. To an endeavor to kill people and decimate a country to make the world a much worse place........to benefit the self enriching agenda of the  corrupt Millitary-Industrial-Political-Media complex in the United States.

How Much U.S. Aid Is Going to Ukraine?


 At this very minute, the key snake from the corrupt foreign country pilfering us blind is actually  IN OUR COUNTRY. When he should be on the most wanted list for his crimes to his people, humanity and Americans, he's actually friggin in our country telling us we haven't given him enough money and resources for his diabolical objective. 

Pretending that we didn't flush the previous 200 billion down the toilet.......and that it just wasn't enough because his latest ruinous plan  just needs even more money/weapons. 

And if anybody speaks out like this with the truth about Zelensky and the war...........our government tries to  censor it and tells people that its nothing but Russian disinformation, propaganda and disinformation.

                DOJ-more Russia election interference             

                            Started by metmike - Sept. 5, 2024, 9:20 p.m.     


Look at the graph above, man. And that's just a part of it!

Regardless of your party, the numbers above are the same. The authentic truths about the Ukraine war are the same. Our role in perpetuating it for self enriching benefits of the elites in this country.......is the same with BOTH parties benefiting from the legal bribing with lobby and other money from powerful special interest groups/coalitions. 

By metmike - Sept. 24, 2024, 7:01 a.m.
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West must boost aid to stop Russia plunging Ukraine into the dark, Borrell says


"Ukraine has to improve the military situation in order to go to the peace negotiations in a good way, in a position of strength," Borrell said.

"The Victory Plan is about how to conduct a war. The Peace Plan is about how to get peace," he said.


Really bad decisions for Ukraine, 31 months in a row. Now they're going for 32 months in a row, with the exact same war prolonging schemes. Ukraine lost the war by every legit standard, now.

Their bargaining position has gone from losing ZERO land if done before they cut off negotiations with Putin BEFORE the war over NATO getting Ukraine.

Ukraine losing more and more land, almost every month. More and more damage EVERY DAY. More and more deaths, permanent disabilities and desertions EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Same plan as always. Keep fighting and claim that:

1. Ukraine is winning or

2. Ukraine can still win if they fight long enough to defeat Russia or

3. Ukraine can't win but they can end with a position of strength to negotiate better terms with.

Meanwhile in the real world it gets worse and worse and at the point where Ukraine's best option is to just surrender to stop the punishment their poor army, people and country are suffering from because Putin is NOT going to lose and the side supporting Ukraine has totally ignored what's best for Ukraine for 31 straight months of catastrophically bad decisions. ..............that have led directly to where this war is right now.

By commodityman - Sept. 24, 2024, 7:12 a.m.
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                Re: Re: Re: Re: Ukraine anxious after Biden’s exit            

                            By metmike - July 30, 2024, 2:43 p.m.                        

                Re: Re: A 10 YEAR DEAL WITH UKRAINE????!!!!!!!            


                By metmike - May 26, 2024, 3:59 p.m.            

                            Re: Re:  War in Ukraine drags on 9-3-23                        

                By metmike - Oct. 26, 2023, 3:56 p.m.            

September 2021 Biden and Zelensky discussing the dynamics of  expected war with Russia. Provoke him by cutting off negotiations with Putin and telling him that Ukraine was joining NATO whether he liked it or not. Despite Putin's insistence that he would keep NATO from expanding into Ukraine, even if he had to invade Ukraine to do it.








9-24-24 update:

By metmike - Sept. 24, 2024, 4 p.m.
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Putin 'Is Very Much Afraid' After Russians 'Saw He Could Not Defend All His Territory'



This just shows the complete incompetence of NATO/Ukraine war strategies and leadership and lack of comprehension by the propaganda pushing MSM!

What exactly were/are the NATO led Ukraine troops going to do in Russia after they invaded???

Other than waste limited Ukraine resources to defend itself(and help Putin) and increase the battlefield for Ukrainian suicide missions.

And be used for more absurd propaganda about how Ukraine is winning or they just need to fight awhile longer to win..................as they get decimated worse and worse every month of the 31 months that have featured Zelensky making really bad decisions and 0 really smart ones.

By metmike - Sept. 24, 2024, 8:24 p.m.
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Excellent objective source but I'm not suggesting paying for it.

Why the West Will Stop Sending Weapons to Ukraine



An even a better source for free. The first half of the video is about Ukraine. He has tremendous insight and comprehension that our government and media cover up. As a result, he is extremely controversial.  His current assessment about Ukraine and Zelensky is exactly right.

The 2nd half of the video is about Israel.                                   

Douglas Macgregor: Israel Takes A Step Into The Hell Of Destruction! Iran Will End The IDF 


Additional video:                

      Douglas Macgregor Warns: Nato Vs Russia, US Vs Iran! BIG WARS Are About To Break Out In NEAR Future    



We almost died this weekend!

Scott Ritter: Russia Launched DEVASTATING Attack As Ukrainian Army DESPAIRED! Zelensky's SCARED




      John Mearsheimer: Zelensky's Strategic MISTAKE Costs Ukraine HUGE Losses! Hezbollah' REVENGE Coming    



My analysis and interpretations are based almost entirely on authentic facts and critical thinking and are totally independent of these sources which come to similar interpretations for similar reasons.

They contradict the complete nonsense we have been fed, using propaganda. The biggest reason for this is that they are not bought and paid for by the military-industrial complex, like our politicians are and don't profit from wars like the media does. 

The videos are all long and take up too much time for most people to watch. 

By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 2:30 p.m.
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Comer Probes Biden-Harris Administration’s Use Of Taxpayer Funded Resources to Fly Zelensky to Pennsylvania to Campaign for Harris



That's exactly what "Saint" Zelensky has been doing!!!!!

House Republicans demand investigation on whether Zelensky visit was ‘politically motivated’ to boost Harris



In history, what other leader of another country would come here to demand even more money to go towards their kill-fest black hole, while telling the citizens of the United States who they should vote for???

OK, Netanyahu pulled off a similar stunt,  just 2 months ago to get more funding for his genocide in Gaza and got 58 standing ovations from Congress!



Like minded, morally bankrupt politicians, devaluing the lives of human beings for their self serving interests!

The Outer Limits (1995) Intro


By metmike - Sept. 25, 2024, 6:59 p.m.
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Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s (Last?) American Campaign

The Ukrainian president is pitching his plan for victory against Russia ahead of a U.S. presidential election that could shape his country's fate.


It’ll be Harris’ seventh meeting with Zelenskyy. This year, they have met in June and February. In 2023, they met in December and September. In 2022, they met in December and February, five days before Russian President Vladimir Putin dramatically expanded Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which began in 2014


How many times has Harris been to the our own southern border???

0 times..........but now she's hiding a 3.5 year southern border crisis causing record and her playing a key role to manage it because she wants votes by pretending that she's strong on the border!

By metmike - Sept. 26, 2024, 9:58 a.m.
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Trump says Ukraine is 'demolished' and dismisses its defense against Russia's invasion

Former President Donald Trump says Ukraine should have made concessions to Russian President Vladimir Putin instead of going to war with its invading neighbor


Trump argued Ukraine should have made concessions to Russian President Vladimir Putin in the months before Russia's February 2022 attack, declaring that even “the worst deal would’ve been better than what we have now."

Trump, who has long been critical of U.S. aid to Ukraine, frequently claims that Russia never would have invaded if he was president and that he would put an end to the war if he returned to the White House. But rarely has he discussed the conflict in such detail


This is 100% true. If Ukraine had agreed to not let NATO expand into its country THERE WOULD HAVE NEVER BEEN AN INVASION OR WAR.

1. Why did Trump take so long to tell us this? I've been posting it relentlessly here for over 2 years with numerous sources of evidence of indisputable truth!

2. Trump says so many crazy things that people can't tell the difference between the truth and a crazy thing and the dishonest  MSN is insisting this is a crazy thing.......so the sheeple are believing the MSM instead of the truth.

By metmike - Sept. 26, 2024, 1:33 p.m.
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  Zelensky to make urgent in-person plea to Biden and Harris as Ukraine braces for possibility of a Trump presidency


     In her remarks at the Democratic National Convention last month, Harris was deliberate in taking credit for the US’s response.                    “Five days before Russia attacked Ukraine, I met with President Zelensky to warn him about Russia’s plan to invade. I helped mobilize a global response – over 50 countries – to defend against Putin’s aggression,” she said. “And as president, I will stand strong with Ukraine and our NATO allies.”    



Almost 1 million casualties from both sides. Americans out 200 billion. Costs to rebuild Ukraine 1 trillion. Global inflation and elevated risk of nuclear war and to our security as our adversaries unite. Crushing losses to Ukraine the entire 2.5 years which will result in them surrendering and giving up significant land. When all they had to do was agree to not join NATO. That was it! NO NATO IN UKRAINE........NO INVASION IN FEB 2022. 


By metmike - Sept. 26, 2024, 7:01 p.m.
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Zelensky’s VICTORY PLAN, that the MSN has been trying to generate blind support for this month with story after story advertising it as if SUDDENLY after 31 straight months of nothing but catastrophically bad decisions, one after the other, getting Ukraine decimated in a long ago lost war…..Zelensky, the worst military leader in history, has a secret plan that FINALLY will bring victory to Ukraine.

The propaganda and lies to this point must be some sort of world record already but this staged nonsense trying to build enthusiasm for what will be more of the same in order to generate additional support TO PILFER MORE MONEY FROM THE UNITED STATES TO SUSTAIN THE KILL-FEST AND IN FACT ESCALATE IT TO START A NUCLEAR WAR TAKES THE IDIOCY TO A NEW LEVEL!

Zelensky had the chance to agree to not letting NATO expand into Ukraine for months and months before the invasion. AND LOSE NOTHING. LOSE 0 land. NO WAR. His fatal decision to fight Russia for NATO began his consecutive streak of non stop really bad decisions that has lasted for over 2.5 years.

For sure a gifted actor with enormous charisma getting support from the governments/politiians and MSM using propaganda, WITH THEM PRESENTING HIM AS A GREAT MILITARY LEADER AND HIM  PRETENDING TO BE A GREAT MILITARY LEADER.

100% of the authentic facts/evidence show this is to be just an extension of his ACTING CAREER!

In what world would people actually expect a person with this proven incompetence, from one of the most corrupt countries in the world  to suddenly come up with a viable victory plan?


The poor Ukrainian people want peace.  They deserve peace NOT THIS!

Stop dehumanizing the value of human beings, especially the brave soldiers being sent on suicide missions for Zelensky and NATO in order to use them for the self enriching agenda's of morally bankrupt people in the Military-Industrial-Political-Media complex and other powerful coalitions and interest groups that serve as gatekeepers of messages to us(including the US justice department/intel). 

By metmike - Sept. 26, 2024, 7:44 p.m.
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Continuing the fraud perpetrated on the American people


By metmike - Sept. 27, 2024, 2:52 a.m.
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The same guy that got his country and people decimated.

The same guy that already took 200 billion from the United States for his losing kill-fest.

The same guy that made himself dictator  by cancelling elections and that made one of the most corrupt countries in the world…..even more corrupt.

Is back here….again!

Asking for more money and weapons and telling us the same lies.

This time he  wants long range ballistic missiles  that will start a nuclear war. Then, he thinks that NATO  can beat Russia in a nuclear war.

Thats already galactically outrageous From this arrogant, demanding NATO puppet.

what takes the cake is that he’s in our country, by invitation of the Ds and is  also telling us who to vote for in our presidential election.

Clearly this is election interference with Ukraine and the Ds colluding  to get Harris elected.

And his touring of the ammunition plant earlier this week As a celebrity signing bombs.

What is wrong with us?

His killfest, using US tax payer money and  weapons is making the defense contractors and military industrial complex rich. The ones bribing politicians to subsidize his war. All using the war  for self enrichmemt. Pretending to be supporting Ukrainians by making them mass casualties of their war. Getting their country decimated to make the elites wealthier. Dehumanizing these human beings for their agenda.

So he goes there, like a serial killer would go to a gun  or knife factory to celebrate the tools he used to kill people  or a drug dealer going to his drug pusher to pay homage to the source that allows him to peddle his drugs killing people.

By metmike - Sept. 27, 2024, 4:43 p.m.
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So the Zelensky plan would be like treating a person in the Olympics that couldn't even finish their event.......like they won the Gold Metal.

What is Zelenskyy’s ‘Victory Plan’ against Russia?


Ukraine is decimated for 2.5 years and lost a long time ago but Zelensky claims that Ukraine gets all their land back, gets to join NATO (which Russia invaded to prevent) and Russia must pay to rebuild the country. 

Now, they'll claim that he and the West are presenting a reasonable plan and that Russia is refusing to agree.........so it's Russia that won't negotiate.

Well, now we're going into month 32 with Zelensky making nothing but really bad decisions that make no sense at all most of the time..........as Russia continues to punish Ukraine for his completely inept leadership(working for NATO not Ukraine).

The longer Zelensky acts like this, the greater the consequence TO EVERYBODY..............except the military-industrial-political-media complex that love him to pieces because he's their pay day.

Incredibly, thru all this suffering, THEY are being massively enriched. They control the messages, they are reaping massive benefits. 


They manufacture reasons to ignore the truth about this, when Trump or Vance or somebody else speaks it:

The real reason Trump hates Zelensky



This is like, an insane twisting of the truth........and look who this guy is:

supposedly an expert that people look to for answers and he uses(abuses) that expertise  and the  trust that people should have in him to sell political hogwash….propaganda….disinformation  whatever term is your favorite one.

Insisting that Trump hates Zelensky as he actually demonstrates a person with classic Trump DerangementSyndrome.w

Alexander J. Motyl is a professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark. A specialist on Ukraine, Russia and the USSR, and on nationalism, revolutions, empires and theory, he is the author of 10 books of nonfiction, as well as “Imperial Ends: The Decay, Collapse, and Revival of Empires” and “Why Empires Reemerge: Imperial Collapse and Imperial Revival in Comparative Perspective.”

