College/university sleep time
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Started by wglassfo - Dec. 14, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

Do you think all students are entitled to 8 hrs of sleep/night

Many students have signed letters acussing certain professors of assigning high work loads in their classroom

Students also want to do away with the bell curve arguing this pits student against student, and does not recognise that perhaps students at the bottom of the bell curve actually understand and have completed the work/tests successfully but will not get a passing grade or as good as they deserve

IMHO I have argued that working grad students in hospitals for 24 hrs/shift and sleeping on a cot and then being woken, aand being expected to make informed decisions at the emergency {EMT] puts patients at risk due to a doctors brain that is exhausted and could easily miss something that would endanger a persons life

On the other hand some students will abuse the 8 hr sleep time while others need the rest to fully absorb the class room lecture

I can remember falling asleep, many times [once actually became sick, for a couple of days while I slept almost non stop, due to exhaustion] in class due to sleep deprivation and missing whole chunks of class room lectures

Some was due to all niters, cramming for a class room tests at end of semester that involved 2 tests/day for 3 1/2 - 4 days and other times due to party time during the week

I can see obvious problems on both sides of this issue.

I passed my college [got that piece of paper that nobody really examined] but it was on my resume. I was also inclined to party most every nite, so who can I blame. I did not mention party time when applying for a job, thus my middle of the road marks, but who actually cared other than the piece of paper.

Party time contacts have stayed with me a lot more than that piece of paper. People know me that I don't even remember.

By TimNew - Dec. 14, 2018, 7:56 p.m.
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I recall training where they made us stay awake for a few days while performing all sorts of rigorous tasks... getting power naps where possible.  I can still fall asleep on demand, anywhere, anytime.  

The thinking was,  if you could not do it,  it was better to find out during training than when lives depended on it.

By carlberky - Dec. 15, 2018, 7:18 a.m.
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IMHO, it's all in the genes. Some of us are throw-backs to the caveman era, where there was constant danger and sleeping was catch-as-catch-can. I've been posting since 1am, with about five hours of sleep ... pretty normal for me. 

By TimNew - Dec. 15, 2018, 7:27 a.m.
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We all have a sleep cycle that runs about 1.5 hours.  Our ancestors who did not come close to consciousness every 1.5 hours or so to check their surroundings became dinner, so that trait evolved out via natural selection.