Whose a brown noser ?
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Started by carlberky - Feb. 19, 2019, 12:50 p.m.


Mike, in the comment section of the above thread, I found these  which I know you will find refreshing.

HL Mencken

You and your other colleagues in the Drive-by media by now should be aware that there is nothing abnormal about the "Polar Vortex.."  It was recognized in meteorological literature as early as 1853, and can be attributed as cause of all the severe cold waves invading southern Canada and the US ever since. The Preacher (Ecclesiastes) is aptly quoted as saying "there is nothing new under the Sun.) Or under the Northern Lights either, for that matter (see Robert Service). Don't ever let the climate alarmists deceive you into believing otherwise.


The Climate alarmists certainly can't explain how the "Greenhouse effect" of accumulating CO2 and other biochemical oxidants in the atmosphere can now be cooling major areas of the globe, after two decades of their hysterical warnings of the opposite. They've become a comic show, except that they've duped much of the Earth population into believing them. Much work to be done by the objective scientists, to get the credibility ship back up on legitimate keel.

By metmike - Feb. 19, 2019, 2:10 p.m.
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I'm waiting for people to wake up to the reality of the best weather/climate in the last 1,000 years and a greening planet with life flourishing.

Eventually, the disparity between this and being told the exact opposite has got to end up with reality winning, right?

Alex was a strong believer in catastrophic human caused climate change and very liberal.

My posts here completely changed his mind. He even created a section in the library for all my climate threads "climate talk"

I think I got you last year when the out of control, alarmist government report came out, stating things like "Chicago will have weather like Phoenix, with consecutive 100 degree days much of the Summer" 

I showed you, with the data how bogus that was, showing you all the 100 degree days in Chicago history and there was no increase, in fact, the  decade with the most of them was, I think the 1930's.

I was able to bust every single statement in that junk science report(based on busted simulations of the atmosphere going out for 100 years that have all been wrong) and you were able to look it over objectively and learn.

That is a measure of open mindedness and willingness to look at all the facts when evaluatating something...........which is one of the toughest things for people to do, even scientists who are supposed to be practicing the scientific method.........being skeptical of their own work and testing it to try to see if THEY are wrong.