25 Largest Animals on Earth
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Started by metmike - May 3, 2019, 11:54 p.m.

After finishing our top ten deadliest animals/creatures on the planet list,  let's start a new list............this one will take us past Memorial Day!

When it comes to physical size, humans are nowhere near being the largest creatures on the planet. While you may think to yourself that of course there are fishes, primates, and other animals that are a lot bigger than humans, in this list we’re going to see some creatures that are larger than trees, boats, and even houses. So get ready because these are the 25 largest animals on Earth.

Ocean Sunfish

Spanning up to 4 meters the Ocean Sunfish is not only famous for being huge and heavy but also for its interesting shape. Its prey consists mainly of jellyfish…lots and lots of jellyfish.



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Oceanic sun fish swimming near the surface, east coast South Africa.
By carlberky - May 4, 2019, 8:52 a.m.
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It's dorsal and ventral fins and that odd, massive tail section makes it quite aquadynamic.

Something bigger than a house? That's gotta be a whale of a tale !

By metmike - May 4, 2019, 1 p.m.
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"That's gotta be a whale of a tale !"

Your getting way ahead of the rest of us Carl................but that's ok, you got started a couple of decades before many of us to begin with and you just keep going and going and going.

6 Energizer "Bunny" Commercials - from 1993!
