Interesting fact about our awesome planet June 5, 2019
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Started by metmike - June 5, 2019, 12:18 a.m.

There's uneven gravity


Because our globe isn't a perfect sphere, its mass is distributed unevenly. And uneven mass means slightly uneven gravity.


                                                                                      There's uneven gravity

One mysterious gravitational anomaly is in the Hudson Bay of Canada (shown above). This area has lower gravity than other regions, and a 2007 study finds that now-melted glaciers are to blame.

 The ice that once cloaked the area during the last ice age has long since melted, but the Earth hasn't entirely snapped back from the burden. Since gravity over an area is proportional to the mass atop that region, and the glacier's imprint pushed aside some of the Earth's mass, gravity is a bit less strong in the ice sheet's imprint. The slight deformation of the crust explains 25 percent to 45 percent of the unusually low gravity; the rest may be explained by a downward drag caused the motion of magma in Earth's mantle (the layer just beneath the crust), researchers reported in the journal Science.

By silverspiker - June 5, 2019, 12:24 a.m.
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In introductory physics laboratories, a typical Cavendish balance for measuring the gravitational constant G uses lead spheres with masses of 2.10 kg and 21.0 g whose centers are separated by about 3.90 cm. Calculate the gravitational force between these spheres, treating each as a particle located at the center of the sphere...

The free-fall acceleration on Miranda’s surface can be derived by equating the gravitational force F = G mM r 2 and the free-fall force mg : mg = G mM r 2 g = G M r 2 = 6.67 × 10−11 × 6.68 × 1019 (242 × 103) 2 = 0.0761 m/s 2 3

By metmike - June 5, 2019, 3:11 p.m.
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Everybody knows that SS.........we all learned it in grade school in the same year that our science teachers taught photosynthesis(-:

Sunshine +H20 + Minerals +CO2 = Food(sugars) + O2

What's that? CO2 isn't a beneficial gas anymore in the new universe?

OK, but let's see Al Gore figure out a way to make money convincing us that the force of gravity is up(-:

By carlberky - June 5, 2019, 3:29 p.m.
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Global Warming deniers fail to realize the gravity of the situation.

 Ignat Fojoe

By cutworm - June 5, 2019, 9:32 p.m.
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LMAO Carl but;

Mr. spiker just explained it to you. Could it be he is a denier, and understands gravity!

By carlberky - June 5, 2019, 9:55 p.m.
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Gravity changes with altitude. The gravitational force above the Earth's surface is proportional to 1/R2, where R is your distance from the center of the Earth. The radius of the Earth at the equator is 6,378 kilometers, so let's say you were on a mountain at the equator that was 5 kilometers high (around 16,400 feet). You would then be 6,383 kilometers from the Earth's center, and the gravitational force would have decreased by a factor of (6,378 / 6,383)2 = 0.9984. So the difference is less than 0.2%.