AOC and the rule of law
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Started by mcfarm - Aug. 5, 2019, 1:47 p.m.

Wonder what the libs who bought the idea that AOC was the new super star who follow Obama's step right into the WH are thinking today? We know about her immigration mess and her problems following immigration law. Wonder if she thinks enough libs get elected it will all be forgiven?

This might not be forgiven however. Seems her chief of staff resigned Friday. I know, wonder why that was not reported anywhere in the news? Well, might be because her chief of staff had a 503b to gather money for libs. he gathered over 3 million. Turns out anybody who made over 125,000 had to by law report this as private funds. Why? Because magically over a million of these dollars turned up in the llc's he created. But yet, somehow his salary was less than 1/2 of all other chief's of staffs in DC. And guess what, at the low level he was not required to report these ill gotten funds. Quite a trade off.....40 thousand for over a million. Now what did AOC know and when did she know it? This story unlike the fake story of RUSSIA starts with a crime, not a person, and I demand a 3 year investigation. Fat chance. she is a lib.

By metmike - Aug. 5, 2019, 3:46 p.m.
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Her Green New Deal is completely unrealistic from a scientific and energy viability standpoint.

               "Could renewable energy completely replace fossil fuels?"            

            started by metmike - Aug. 1, 2019, 11:02 p.m.


Not to mention that it would kill our economy and do nothing for the climate:

I should start adding in at the end of these posts that I am a practicing environmentalist in contrast to most of these hypocritical, outspoken political types who use words and exaggerated, scary, unrealistic scenarios to try to get people to do what they want them to do.

The EPA-s endangerment finding which allows it to regulate CO2 as a pollutant is one of the biggest piles of dung in political history, masquerading as science.

I’m a passenger in a car right now ori would show it to you.

Keep in mind that I’m an environmentalist.

I conserve water and energy, I turn the ac completely off in the Summer when my wife is not home and the heat down to as low as50 in the winter when she’s gone.....seriously-I damaged her tropical plants a couple of times-I wear a sweat shirt, my winter jacket, a hat and gloves with finger holes to type on the computer. I often wear a pair of down pants over my jeans. 

I  minimize use of plastics and paper/ cardboard. We used to recycle but got out of that routine. My kids would collect aluminum cans, crush them then we would sell them. They made $100 doing this.

I also exercise vigorously and exhale massive amounts of beneficial CO2 to do my part in helping to green up the planet (-:

Unless you are very active or get dirty, there is no need to shower every day. I shower after exercise or working outside and getting dirty. Showering every day Is a waste of water if you just do it out of habit. Green lawns are aesthetically appealing but they waste billions of gallons of water.

The point of telling you this is that the hypocritical gatekeepers of the information that brainwash us about the fake climate crisis are maximizing their use of those fossil fuels to enjoy all the comforts they provide in their lives.......and calling people like me deniers for providing authentic science that contradicts their scary, speculative computer model simulations going out for the next 100 years.

And they have the gumption to tell us exactly what we have to do or we will lose the planet in 12 years, with solutions that will have zero effect on climate and don’t address any real environmental problems with our water, air or soils.

All the climate reality discussions can be found here:

metmike: It's 84 degrees in my office right now with the AC turned off as usual. No big deal. People didn't even have AC 80 years ago, during the Dust Bowl decade of the 1930's when it was much hotter than this but I'm saving some money on the electric bill and using less energy at the same time.

How much energy  and fossil fuel burning did AOC waste flying down to TX as part of her dishonest scheme to vilify our over worked border patrol agents with manufactured stories last month? 

How many of those running for the nomination of their party and for the Green New Deal actually practice what they preach? How many have environmental plans that deal with any pollution other that the one that is made up, the beneficial gas, CO2?

Charlatans selling snake oil for political agenda.