Trump's reelection nightmare
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Started by metmike - Aug. 15, 2019, 3:18 p.m.

A good economy is not enough to guarantee the President reelection, given that voters are registering concern about other issues, such as his conduct in office and gun control -- but a very bad  economy is more than he could withstand.

By TimNew - Aug. 16, 2019, 7:02 p.m.
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The thing is, how many people will willingly vote for a candidate who,among other things, strongly support health care for illegal aliens? New York and California will certainly support that. But the Electoral college  insures the rest of us against that sort of thing. 

The media is largely against him, we know.  I still hear people decry his "Nazi's are fine people" statement even after being exposed to the actual quote. And the list of false attribution goes on. But these are people who would vote against any republican for the same reasons no matter what. Always have, always will."Pubs is EVIL!!"

It remains that he is his own worst enemy.  But the economy remains pretty solid as assorted measures indicate. 

The stock market reflects noise, and when the noise subsides,  we'll see another rally much like we saw in the 1st quarter of this year.

China is seriously starting to hurt. They may not be able to hold out for another year..  

A "Slam Dunk" Trump loss is not quite on the books yet. I'll bet,with the current stigma, a large block of Trump voters will deny that they'll vote for him  when asked by pollsters.   But their choice in the voting booth?

Fact remains,  Trumps agenda and goals are head and shoulders above any of his opposition.

By mcfarm - Aug. 16, 2019, 8:24 p.m.
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trump's words are true..."love me or hate me, you still have to vote for me" the dem field offers nothing unless you want to be a victim and Biden the one who they think would walk over trump cannot even get Obama's support. Now that is sad.

By TimNew - Aug. 16, 2019, 8:51 p.m.
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Victims love dems .  If they are in charge,  we as a nation are toast.