China has a food problem
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Started by wglassfo - Aug. 30, 2019, 1:10 p.m.

If you are at the top of the heap, the number of your fellow comrades/rulers are small and the slaves [1.4 bln]  become unruly,  you might fear riots could happen,

You and your small group of rulers would have a big problem

The problem is higher prices on a daily basis for one of chinese favourite food. That food is pork and the price is now going up on a daily basis due to shortage of supply.

China has admitted they have a disease sweeping through chinese hog farms, which has already reduced the numbers by 1/3

 If they say 1/3 I would bet it is even higher and so far they can't stop it from spreading. That is a lot of food that will not reach the family table.

The chinese are not happy campers. They eat more pork/capita than the USA. This surprised me and with 1.4 bln that is a lot of pork. Take 1/3 away and no wonder the price keeps going up as supply becomes less.

So they have to eat chicken, ducks or other fowl.

The part that galls the average consumer is the 50% tarriff china has on USA pork, making USA pork very expensive, or too expensive, for many

China will not buy any pork from Canada

So where are they going to find the kind of food their people want and will demand

This is something to watch and I would think Trump needs to use food as his leverage

Somebody once said the way to beat china is to mess with their food supply

Maybe Trump listened to this little tid bit

Maybe China will implode as the people become a bit unhappy. High prices for food would likely make anybody unhappy 

1.4 bln unhappy slaves is a big problem

By metmike - Aug. 30, 2019, 8:01 p.m.
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I think that much of the information that we get from China is's always been that way.

Dial in the fact that our own media and politicians now spin information that it wants to use in order to convince us of what it wants us to think.............if it's related to Trump, you can assume it's not objective.

Like Biden and Sanders suddenly saying positive things about China in recent months for the obvious reason of taking the opposite side of Trump(as well as the MSM and others overlooking their horrible humans rights violations)

And we have no good idea of what's really going on there.

This tariff war is probably having way more damage to them than we know about.

If it is, who is going to report it?

For sure not China.

The article below is not what I think but just an article from somebody with an opinion on something that we really don;t know that much about.

China food crisis “may be more serious than we imagined”

By metmike - Aug. 30, 2019, 8:05 p.m.
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    China has an alarming food problem

 While the Western diet typically demands about one acre per person, China has only 0.2 acres to devote to feeding each citizen. Meanwhile,  the country consumes 50% of the world's total pork supply. 

 "The rapid rate of industrialization in China is really chewing up crop land at an alarming rate," Lester Brown, founder and president of the Earth Institute,  told Reuters. "China is now losing cropland." 

 In an effort to meet the growing appetite for new foods, the country has turned its attention outward. But the solution isn't as simple as importing more food from abroad — unless the world begins accommodating food production for 9 billion people. Instead, the Chinese government has started leasing farms in North and South America, Australia, and Africa. In some cases, it has bought the land outright. 

By wglassfo - Aug. 30, 2019, 10:30 p.m.
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The article I read was a bit far out but when in a trade war and the Chinese are not willing to be a part of the world where contracts. or any piece of paper or promise given is never honoured, then some thing different might be tried. In other words, try more than one mode of attack

When I said one might think about messing with their food supply, the insinuation was what I would call a bit far out but was it???

Remember when they had an out break of army worm That was something they had never seen so devastating as this past yr. Chance or was it given some help??

The hog disease was old news at that time let alone my post, but is still spreading and nothing to stop it.

Chance or did it get a helping hand to get started???

 The article went on to say that disease, infestations of plant disease, bugs etc would be possible to get started and then let things run the natural course of events

How hard would it be to attack their food supply with a number of problems

Just a crazy article but it would be possible and the one thing china can not afford is an angry population

I know tin foil but trade war is war.

By metmike - Aug. 30, 2019, 11:19 p.m.
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This would be extremely unethical.

We sprayed agent orange during the Vietnam War to destroy their food crops, which was a horrific crime, especially because of the harm that chemical had on people's bodies and in the soils still today.

This would be a different method without the other awful consequences but with the same diabolical starve people.

There is no justification to starve people for political gain.

And we did it for a decade and our government justified it and hid the truth about what was going on.

Agent Orange